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>Along with a new year comes a new political direction for the country and a warning to the city's Democratic old guard that "the times, they are changin'."
>Toy has lived in San Francisco's Chinatown for 45 years and she was happy to see so many people visiting her neighborhood. But she was also happy to see so many of her neighbors coming out to vote in the November presidential election.
>"They were in their 80's, 90's–old ladies, old men–they all came out to vote," she said. "Because the way it is happening in America, it is going downhill. For example, with the crime rate going up."
>Toy is a proud supporter of President Trump and it looks like she has a lot of company in the Asian community. The city's Republican Party is reporting a huge swell in GOP registrations of people from Asian countries since the pandemic.
>"What I see is that regular citizens, such as I, we are all fed up with the corruption here in San Francisco and also in California. We are all fed up," she said. "I'm not surprised that they're doing that," said Nancy Yu Law, about the voting shift. "All my friends have changed this year, so I'm not surprised."
>As progressives, Democrats like to see themselves as the party of change. This is one change they may not have seen coming.
>>1379147 (OP)
The rooftop Koreans will rise again
bob dylan is getting old so i'll cringe on his behalf
>>1379147 (OP)
>Guys cali is gonna turn red!
And texas was about to turn blue.
>>1379147 (OP)
Of course it does, Asians dislike drug abuse and are probably tired of seeing dead hobos overdosed on fentanyl all over their cities. They see trump being tough on illegal immigration, which fuels the drug trade, and so they are hopping on board
Of course it's not turning red, the states election process is probably rigged
do you try to lower the quality of this board? that's your purpose?
>>1379147 (OP)
The amount of non-whites eager to hitch up with a party that actively hate them is fucking staggering.
>As progressives
>actively hates them
Take off your tinfoil hat. Take your meds. Touch grass.
You drink too much koolaid and have an altered view of reality.
>The rooftop Koreans will rise again
Your old or on the internet too much anon. I had to search for the term. tRump would give any Asians a medal that did a Rittenhouse today
>Asians dislike drug abuse and are probably tired of seeing dead hobos overdosed on fentanyl all over their cities. They see trump being tough on illegal immigration, which fuels the drug trade, and so they are hopping on board
Koreans see themselves as white, and so does the GOP. Blacks were the ones attacking Asians, blaming then for covid.

This is why I hate them. They look at me like I'm a criminal when I go into their Asian le merchant shops. This is whybme and my bruthas always burn these shops first. We been Here 300 yrs and whitey treats these high sellers like dey was white?
>>1379147 (OP)
what did people expect democrats are literally racist pieces of shit that want blacks to kill us all
democrats actively stroked the black on asian race war, you retard. apparently working hard and struggling in school is considered intellectual privilage so they consider asians to be white adjacent. Meanwhile being a dropout and being a violent thief is somehow a disadvantaged class.
this is hilarious. Non-whites honestly believe that if they claim to be republicans they will not be deported. It's sad and desperate. LIke Jews in 1930s claiming to support Hitler (and this happened btw).
hitler even lied about creating a jewish state (under extortive terms of course)
Literally this
Or you're an underage newfag.
Oh those jews did support hitler... right up until they purges happened and then they were on the chopping block.

Seriously. The Association of German National Jews had the catchphrase of "Down with us!" which lasted right up until Hitler outlawed their existence. Most of them died in the holocaust with their families.
uhm its democrat voters that are responsible for the the majority of violent anti asian hate crimes.
reminds me of all the leftists traitors large scale importing islamists into europe for short term vote gain... in the UK its now so far that those same islamists now make their own political parties (and recently almost won a labour stronghold) which forces leftwing parties to increasingly pander to radikal islamists (extreme conservatives that are even too conservative for the right)

good job, you played yourself you leftwing moron.. it will end like in iran in which leftists help muslims get to power and then those same leftwingers got publicly tortured to death and paraded around in the streets, serves the traitors right.
you remind me of a faggot
Remember when #stopasianhate was tried to be a thing, but then it became blatantly obvious 99% of said violence was done by blacks, and so the left just forgot about it the next day because the most holy negro sit at the top of the progressive stack.
see >>1379168
why are you pretending to be white
>you're not a fucking failure and a burden to the society you live in?
>you must be trying to be white!
we all know you're a paid shill anon
>u-u-ur a shill
okay nigger loving retard
i don't think it's okay to be a shill, i'd never take that kind of position personally
>>1379147 (OP)
oh wow, so now San Francisco has 4 Republicans instead of just 2? amazing
tRump can't set up cremation ovens at Guantanamo because the whole planet has eyes now. Hitler was squeamish and didn't want details of how jews died, just how many. He thought they were being humanely euthanized. tRump is very similar, but this gol darned internet keeps him from his true destiny. Hitler seemed like a great leader at the time but blundered his way into fighting 2 major military powers with unlimited oil. US & Russia, and then the UK & France haha .Hitler shoulda not invaded Poland, but bypassed it and invaded areas if USSR oil fields and the US would've looked the other way. No one cared about the jews at the time. Great Britain would've cried with envy. France would've sighed with relief. But Hitler, like tRump are megalomaniacs
>>1379147 (OP)
republicans for whites only
we ain't in the business of miscanating our image
see >>1379168
The entire 2020 election was stolen from Trump's hands in broad daylight and virtually everyone just shrugged their shoulders and proceeded to scream "safe and secure election" to the mountain tops. And yet you seriously don't believe statewide election is possible? Lol lmao even
Until we fix the election process, all future presidential elections should be postponed. The current administration will remain in power until a time where we can say it is safe again. That is the only way. With how popular dems are, any victory in any place is circumfrenced. The only logical outcome is only republicans up and down governmenmet.
stop talking to yourself faggot
>The world’s regnant Universalist democratic-egalitarian faith is a particular or peculiar cult that has broken out, along identifiable historical and geographical pathways, with an epidemic virulence that is disguised as progressive global enlightenment. The route that it has taken, through England and New England, Reformation and Revolution, is recorded by an accumulation of traits that provide abundant material for irony, and for lower varieties of comedy. The unmasking of the modern ‘liberal’ intellectual or ‘open-minded’ media ‘truth-teller’ as a pale, fervent, narrowly doctrinaire puritan, recognizably descended from the species of witch-burning zealots, is reliably — and irresistibly — entertaining.

Monarchies are proven to be superior to the most resilient, responsive, and greatest form of governance, yet the cult of democracy is strong, even among people who subconsciously desire Trump to be king.
>Monarchies are proven to be superior to the most resilient, responsive, and greatest form of governance
>Literally 0 world powers right now have an king that holds anything more than a ceremonial position
Ok retard.
>They stole the 2020 election and secured power for themselves
>2024 was perfectly secure and no problems at all
How did they rig the election when they weren't in power but then couldn't rig it when they were
>How did they rig the election when they weren't in power but then couldn't rig it when they were
Covid. When buildings and streets are empty turns out it was pretty easy for democrats to ballot stuff and pull ballots out of briefcases in back rooms and feed them into tabulators
Elon. Elon knew the voting computers better than anyone else and prevented the dems from taking the election. Like Trump said, without Elon, they would have repeated 2020. Now, they will never be able to vote again. Americans will not risk having another election so long as leftist can cheat themselves into power. If there's any resistance, Trump gets to try out the latest greatest military hardware in leftist cities.
Why civilization everywhere is in decline. Only Russia and China are on the rise and they're both basically monarchies.
>Russia on the rise
They literally bitched out to China and wasted half a generation of men on a 'two week operation' that's lasted 3 years and counting. Their economy is in a crater, their currency is somehow even lower to the point it's basically halfway to hell, and their people are starving while Putin throws everyone who voices any opposition out a window. If anything they're effectively dying.
So Elon used his secret agent hacker skillz to rig the vote in Trump's favor and the full weight of the government was unable to stop it? This is dumber than the dumbest flick Hollywood ever put out lmao
you should kill yourself retard
wanna know why trump always mentions mexico when he talks about illegals. Because illegal asian aliens isn't really a thing, most of them are smart enough to get green cards or setup some kind of marriage scheme to get residency.
This is false. The number one demographic illegally immigrating to the US right now is from Asia. Or maybe it's number two, and number one is South America I don't remember.

Point is, they're all illegally immigrating through Mexico but they aren't Mexican. I'm actually surprised you don't know this already.

Some people have been going to the southern border and recording the immigration lines, the first few videos in here they walk down the lines and ask people where they're from go ahead and check it out >>>/wsg/5800884
Elon Cuck is not American and should fuck off back to his own country
He's more American than you
where the fuck are you pulling this nonsensical garbage from 67% of illegals are from Mexico or central america.

Asia is 15% but that's entirely because of INDIANS. not asians, illegal asians are such an insignificant group they number at best 3%
Do you even bother to look this shit up,
region of birth, mexico and Central America 67%
That is the profile of all current immigrants, not the profile of those crossing the border you fucking retard.
I said "illegally immigrating to America right now" not "everyone who has ever illegally immigrated to America ever"

But I looked up the current profile of illegal crossings in 2022 it was the most recent figure I could find, and both you and I are incorrect.
Mexico is a plurality at 40% of the illegal crossings, with about 20% from South America and about 20% from Asia.
India alone is the 5th most common origin for illegal aliens, and China is 6th
so where'd you get the nonsensical idea that it's the first-second largest demographic from. people don't consider Indians to be asians even if india is in asia.
>Point is, they're all illegally immigrating through Mexico but they aren't Mexican.
which is why i sent you the link that shows COUNTRY/REGION OF BIRTH.

so you're agreeing with me that asian illegals are an insignifcant number compared to mexicans like i said in the first comment Glad you agree
No it looks like in 2024 South America was the largest demographic illegally immigrating here. 300k from Mexico, 390k from South/central America
Pretty easily googleable
>people don't consider Indians to be asians
What sort of retard thinks this? lol
people who say "indians" you fucking retard. you're literally arguing semantics because you can't read.
>No it looks like in 2024 South America was the largest demographic illegally immigrating here. 300k from Mexico, 390k from South/central America
Pretty easily googleable
yeah no shit go read my original comment you fucking retard, I said alien asians basically didn't exist because they're smart enough to get marriage schemes or a green card.
You're literally arguing against yourself now in >>1379465
you're the one who came in saying nooooo that's wrong they're the first or second biggest demographic
>You're literally arguing against yourself now in >>1379465 #
>you're the one who came in saying nooooo that's wrong they're the first or second biggest demographic
How about you reread my post and what I just posted. South America is the number one demographic, I'm right. You are wrong.
Second, Indians are asian. That is a fact, you are wrong again.
Third, illegal Asian immigration increased 20-fold under Biden, it is now a top demographic for illegal immigration. That is also fact, you are wrong yet again
>Indians are asian.
Stop that shit. Koreans, Japanese, Taiwanese, and Chinese, all fucking hate Indians and don't consider them asian. I only see jeets trying to pass them off as "asian"
Did you know?

Asians are named after the continent of Asia, where people who are considered Asian live. Countries in Asia include China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and India, among others.
India is a sub continent filled with filthy brown sex offenders.
A sub continent of WHAT anon?
He won't answer because he knows he's wrong and indians are Asians
Eurotrash believe this for some reason.
You aren't getting an H-1B visa no matter how hard you simp.
minorities care more about affordable food than racism; dipshit.
then why'd they side with Trump lol.
All the more reason to not vote for Trump.
Didn't work with Biden.
kekeke this idiot thinks asians are from south america
No he's not
I was born here
He's some nepo fuck from south Africa. He should go back to his own country
And now you understand it won't work with either and neither of those senile old fags cares about America or Americans
Which is why no one should vote for Republicans or Democrats

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