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Trump made Colombian president fold like a lawn chair.
Gustavo Petro is ordering all Colombian illegal immigrants to return back to the country. He is offering to pay cash to illegal aliens if they return home immediately .
Colombian president asks undocumented Colombians in the United States to return
Colombian air force planes carrying deportees from the U.S. have arrived in Bogota this week.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Friday urged undocumented Colombians in the United States to quit their jobs “immediately” and return to Colombia.

He added in a post on X that the Department of Social Prosperity would offer credits to returnees who enroll in its programs

Colombian air force planes carrying deportees from the U.S. have arrived in Bogota this week.

Petro over the weekend averted an economic disaster after diplomats from his government and the U.S. reached a deal on deportation flights in a dispute that had led both countries to threaten tariffs and the U.S. to impose visa measures.
"Gustavo Petro" is Spanish for "lawn chair"
There are people unironically retarded enough to think an illegal migrant is going to return to their former country of origin just because the president of that country said to return immediately.
I agree. The Colombian lawn chair isn't going to entice anyone to return to that shit hole by offering them public assistance lmao
Please come home you bad boy, Estefan, or the BOO will get me( BOO =Big Orange Orangutan aka tRump)
Only because we don't shoot invaders on sight anymore compared to back in the old days
There is not a single Colombian who is going to trade American public assistance for Colombian public assistance
>There is not a single Colombian who is going to trade American public assistance for Colombian public assistance
Columbian government saying "Please come home(toColumbia)you bad boy, Estefan, or the BOO will get me (Columbian gov.) ( BOO =Big Orange Orangutan aka tRump) please excuse me for having to clarify my post, as I assume all the anons that read it are native English speakers with an iq over 90
Wow. Way to go and 60% yourself. What mental illnesses have you been diagnosed with? Im intrigued to know what makes someone act like this
you sure are forcing this meme, milhouse
It forces itself when people act like 1379342
>>1379203 (OP)
Good thread here: >>>/wsg/5800884
>yeah i'll totally tell all the columbian immigrants to come back to columbia
>and i'll totally end that deal with China that was already over
Do you also think that wrestling is real?

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