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Donald Elon Incompetence

Email Empowerment
Turns out that putting underqualified kids in charge of the federal government's HR agency wasn't the smartest move. Last night, an exploit in the Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) new home-cooked email server seems to have made it possible for anyone with an email address to blast messages to vast numbers of federal employees.
As a result, over 13,000 employees with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration found their inboxes bombarded with spam and messages from vulgar trolls. Some users signed the NOAA up for newsletters from entities like the Church of Scientology, or the Perfect Jean — "Welcome to Jean Perfection," a screenshot reads. One particularly vulgar email offered pointers on Trump's alleged performance at a sexual act. An "Important Weather Alert" warned that the next four years have a 99 percent chance of fecal showers. "Aren't you tired of working for a complete c***?" asked one sender. A missive from a sender identified as "Craig" simply reads "yo."

Ken Klippenstein, the national security reporter who revealed the breach, once again took the opportunity to plug his infamous newsletter with the subject line: "urgent, time sensitive."
If you feel this paints a pretty grim picture of the state of our government agencies, you're not alone. "Goes to show you how fast this [new comms system] was cobbled together," one NOAA employee told Ken Klippenstein. "No security or screening on this address."
Spam of God
The whole thing apparently stems from an overhaul at the OPM led by oligarch-in-chief Elon Musk. On Tuesday, Wired reported that Musk had been given free reign to replace the agency's high-level staff with lackeys from his previous ventures.
Those included a 21-year-old who had previously worked for Peter Thiel, and a summer intern from Neuralink who just graduated high school. It also included Amanda Scales — a former xAI HR staffer who is reportedly in place as the OPM's new chief of staff.
Scales is allegedly implementing what some have called a hostile takeover of the OPM, axing the Chief Information Officer Melvin Brown II for refusing to implement the new regime's in-house email server. Brown evidently made the right call, as the new system — on top of all the aforementioned drama — was immediately hit with a class-action lawsuit for failing to pass Bush-era cyber security checks.
All this server drama is important, as it's reportedly key in DOGE's goal of gathering information on every government employee. Tuesday's much-reported "fork in the road" email memos came from this unsecured server, which unintentionally revealed the involvement of two non-government individuals, both heavily involved in Project 2025.
As Trump's acolytes look to gut the federal government and install their own yes men, the drama swirling around this email server will have a lot to reveal about the new administration's unprecedented strategy.
>>1379331 (OP)
And this chump managed to fuck up email? A technology that's been seemlessly deployed for decades?

It's a good thing he's not charged with anything that has significance. Oh. Wait.
>>1379331 (OP)
Was in the /pol/ threads when they were sending shits through emails at thr NOAA. Fuck the NOAA. We don’t need em. Bunch of bums.
>We don’t need to know about life threatening weather events before they happen
When the next hurricane threatens to bulldoze my house, I will be wishing you ill, fucking dumbass
Where in the constitution does it say that the government should be doing weather reports? Why are my tax dollars being wasted on this industry? If the weather is so important, let private enterprise handle it rather than unelected, overpaid, lazy DEI government bureaucrats.
you're not american
>NEXT hurricane
Don't live where hurricanes can get you idiot
I was born here I kinda like it. Your orange God lives here too.
>no bro I love eating shit I love it I've been doing it all my life
Good luck
>>1379331 (OP)
Not a valid news source
>still denying that God is acting through Trump
>still denying this despite his miracalous assassination attempt survival
>still denying this despite his miracalous landslide victory against the far left demons
>still denying this despite his victory bringing about a revitalization of churches throughout this land

Let me say a prayer now:

And on June 14 1946 God looked down on his planned paradise and said," I need a caretaker."

So God gave us Trump.

God said "I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, fix this country, work all day, fight the woke, eat supper, then go to the oval office and stay past midnight at the meeting of the heads of state."

So God gave us Trump.

"I need somebody with arms, strong enought to wrestle the deep state, and yet gentle enought to deliver his own grandchild. Somebody to ruffle the feathers, courageous enough to wield the Sword of Michael against the treacherous, come home hungry, have to wait until the first lady is done with lunch with friends, then tell the ladies to be sure to come back real soon, and mean it."

So God gave us Trump.
1945, not 1946. at least get the birthday right you fucking moron
Good post
Go back
undermining federal government is good for america
TDS much?
>We’re not a weird cult!
>Letting unelected, unreviewed, unconfirmed figures have full access to the US treasury is good for america
At this point leave a big sign outside your house saying "free $ inside" while leaving your door not just unlocked, but wide open.

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