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PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Multiple casualties have been reported after a small plane crashed in a residential neighborhood of Northeast Philadelphia.

It happened near Cottman Avenue and Roosevelt Boulevard just after 6 p.m. Friday.

According to the FAA, a Learjet 55 departed from Northeast Philadelphia Airport en route to Springfield-Branson National Airport in Missouri when it went down.

Police say the plane was on a medical assignment.

There were reportedly six people on board, according to Secretary of Transportation Sean Duffy.

The FAA had initially reported there were two people on board. The agency did not have any update on their condition.

"It was just horrific. I was just driving down the street, coming to Wendy's and I just saw a plane basically hit the building and it exploded. The sky light up and I pulled over and basically it was just real bad around here," said one witness, who described the incident as "Earthquakish.

"It lit up the whole sky," he added.

A large fire burned in the wake of the crash, prompting a significant response. Vehicles could also be seen on fire.

The Philadelphia Fire Department advised residents to avoid the area of Calvert and St. Vincent streets.

The FAA issued a ground stop at Northeast Philadelphia Airport due to "an aircraft incident."

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said his team is communicating with local officials and first responders and is "offering all Commonwealth resources as they respond to the small private plane crash in Northeast Philly."

The FAA and NTSB say it is investigating.
>>1379352 (OP)
>The FAA and NTSB say it is investigating.
Great time for one of those agencies to not have a fucking head to address the public.
This account predicted it this morning. How could they have known?

Thanks, Obama!
Looks like we have over 1,000 aviation incidents a year in the US: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1031941/us-general-aviation-accidents/
I guess the demoshills are in it for the long haul on this one
This would never have happened if aircraft used white boxes. Or something. I don't know, I'm not Republican.
They won't exist for much longer anyways. The firings and voluntary exits are continuing.
Forgot to mention: this is an excerpt from the directions given at a 2013 NBCFAE meeting

This is in addition to the NBCFAE's Washington Suburban chapter president giving applicants answers to the new "Biographical Questionnaire", which replaced the original skills-based assessments. He also "provided NBCFAE members with "buzz words" in January 2014 that would automatically push their resumes to the tops of HR files."

In response to the original "Brigida v. Buttigieg" case calling the FAA "racist" for their hiring practices.
Oh man. Ngl, I am so happy that were voted out of all positions of power and Trump is working to clean up their mess they left behind
tRump blows stuff up real good

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