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This might actually be the most retarded thing he's ever done.

SACRAMENTO, California — President Donald Trump declared victory on Friday in his long-running water war with California, boasting he sent billions of gallons south — but local officials say they narrowly prevented him from possibly flooding farms.

“Today, 1.6 billion gallons and, in 3 days, it will be 5.2 billion gallons. Everybody should be happy about this long fought Victory! I only wish they listened to me six years ago — There would have been no fire!” he said in a post on his social media site.

Local officials had to talk the Army Corps of Engineers down after it abruptly alerted them Thursday afternoon it was about to increase flows from two reservoirs to maximum capacity — a move the agency said was in response to Trump directing the federal government to “maximize” water supplies.

Before the Corps ratcheted down its plan, local authorities scrambled to move equipment and warn farms about possible flooding, said Victor Hernandez, who oversees water management on one of the rivers, the Kaweah in Tulare County. He said the Corps gave him one hour notice on Thursday.

“I’ve been here 25 years, and I’ve never been given notice that quick,” Hernandez said. “That was alarming and scary.”

>>1379435 (OP) (Cont)
The incident is the latest chapter in an ongoing feud between Trump and state authorities that has been turbo-charged by the Los Angeles fires, which the president has used to reignite long-running complaints about water management that had nothing to do with the response to the disaster.

An Army Corps spokesperson tied the releases to Trump’s executive order on Sunday directing all federal agencies to maximize water deliveries in order to respond to the fires that started in Los Angeles earlier this month.

“Consistent with the direction in the Executive Order on Emergency Measures to Provide Water Resources in California, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is releasing water from Terminus Dam at Lake Kaweah and Schafer Dam at Success Lake to ensure California has water available to respond to the wildfires,” Gene Pawlik said in a statement.

While releasing water from reservoirs before a big storm, like the one expected to hit Northern California this weekend, is standard flood-control procedure to avoid overflowing dams, Hernandez said the Army Corps’ Thursday plan would have released far more water than needed. He said releasing the water at the capacity the Corps had planned to would have flooded both the Kaweah and Tule rivers, where the Corps’ reservoirs are located.

“Channel capacity is very dangerous,” Hernandez said. “People don’t understand that [with] channel capacity, you’re going to have flood damage down below.”
>>1379436 (Cont)
Officials from his Department of Government Efficiency visited a federal water-pumping station in Northern California on Monday, after which Trump posted on Truth Social that “The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER.” California officials clarified Monday that the federal pumps had been down due to electrical maintenance.

But a former senior Bureau of Reclamation official said moves like the one in Tulare County could endanger property and lives. Reclamation is the primary federal agency with authority over delivering water in the West, while the Army Corps is largely responsible for flood control.

“Something really bad could happen because of their nonsensical approach,” the former official, who was granted anonymity because of the issue’s political sensitivity, said. “Floods are real. This isn’t playing around with a software company.”

Rick Brown, the public affairs officer for the Army Corps of Engineers in Sacramento, said Friday the two reservoirs had hit water levels high enough on Thursday to trigger standard flood control releases.

He referred further questions about the decision to maximize water releases to Army Corps headquarters.

Hernandez said he was told by Jenny Fromm, the Army Corp’s chief water manager in Sacramento, that the decision came from “somewhere above.” The White House did not respond to a request for comment on whether it ordered the releases.
>>1379437 (Cont)
Hernandez said that after he resisted the decision, Fromm told him the Corps would release the water at a third of the original planned speed, rather than at maximum capacity. Aaron Fukuda, the general manager of the Tulare Irrigation District, also confirmed the Army Corps reduced flood releases after local officials pushed back.

Firefighters had almost completely contained the Palisades and Eaton fires as of early Friday. The Army Corps did not respond to a question about how the water would reach Los Angeles, about 200 miles away. Hernandez said the water would go to Tulare Lake, a dry lakebed that last filled up during record-high rainfall in 2023.

Other water experts said it would have been nearly impossible to divert the water to Los Angeles at the speed the Corps originally planned to release it. There is a rarely used state valve that can redirect Tulare Lake floodwaters into the aqueduct that carries water further south into Los Angeles, but neither state nor federal officials responded to a question asking if they would turn it on.

Hernandez said he thinks the current releases are still too much because, he said, the reservoir has enough capacity to absorb any coming storm and would not overflow.
>>1379439 (Cont)
Dumping the water from Lake Kaweah and Success Lake poses a flood risk to downstream communities, he said, like the town of Porterville, which nearly flooded during rainstorms in 2023. It also reduces the amount of irrigation water available to farmers during the driest months of the year. The snowpack in the Southern Sierra Nevada that California depends on for water supplies in the summer has dipped to 47 percent of average for this time of year after a dry January, according to state estimates released Friday.

“We need to keep every bit that we have, because this potentially is irrigation water that we have up there,” Hernandez said.

He said he and board members at his water district had called on members of Congress to intervene, including Democratic Rep. Jim Costa and Republican Reps. David Valadao and Vince Fong. None responded to requests for comment.

Democratic Sen. Alex Padilla sent Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, whose Defense Department oversees the Army Corps, a letter on Friday night asking him who directed the releases, how the water would be transported to Los Angeles, how much notice was given and what the impact would be on local communities.

“Unscheduled water releases require close coordination with local officials and safety personnel, as well as downstream agricultural water users, in order to reduce flood risks to communities and farms,” wrote Padilla. “Based on the urgent concerns I have heard from my constituents, as well as recent reporting, it appears that gravely insufficient notification was given, recklessly endangering residents downstream.”

>>1379435 (OP)
>California leadership drains water
>the fire rises
>firefighters don't have water to put out fires
>even rich people lose homes
>we need water
>Trump gives water
Yeah you're right, Trump fucked up... because he didn't drown and kill everyone in that shithole.
>>1379435 (OP)
I need to stress real quick how absolutely retarded this is; the current round of wildfires is, effectively, dealt with. They have things under control and they aren't in need of extra water for it anymore. It isn't quite over, but they're not in emergency mode anymore.

So, Trump comes along, and he wants to live up to his promises to do something even though the crisis is effectively over. So he orders the feds to unleash water from reservoirs that are about to be partially emptied anyways to accommodate for incoming storms. But instead of sticking to protocol, he has them empty a shit-ton more than they normally would. So much, the actual people in charge of those had to immediately scramble to tell them to hold their fucking horses before they flood a ton of farmland with little to no warning, and barely managed to prevent them from fucking over every farmer downstream of those places. But it's not just crisis averted either; they store that water for a fucking reason. So now a bunch of it just got dumped out, right before a rainstorm that would've made the land less dry anyways, for effectively no fucking reason. So it isn't just "well, no harm done"; that's absolute best case scenario. However, the reality is there's a decent chance later in the season, they're going to hit a dry spell they would've ACTUALLY needed that fucking water for. So he effectively wasted water on a stunt now they need for much later, and there's a fair chance they're not going to get enough rainfall to hit the levels they were supposed to have later.

And the worst fucking part? The absolute most retarded thing about all this? That water isn't even going to LA. LA is 200 miles away. In all likelihood, it's going to flow right down into the fucking ocean. He sent the army in to dump water into the fucking ocean, to fight a wildfire that's already almost over... except it's more than likely not a drop of that water is going towards the still active fires. Fucking hell.
>Gives water
>That the farmers need later in the year
>In a way that doesn't even make it usable to fight the fires and instead is just going to flow down to the ocean
He did fuck up anon. None of that water is going to fight any of the fires or even help the environment be less dry (it's already due to rain). All he did was effectively dump it in the ocean.
>All he did was effectively dump it in the ocean.
Here's a crazy idea: stop dumping water in the ocean. Stop letting reservoirs go dry. Stop demanding federal funds to fix your dogshit state because you people are too fucking unbelievably beyond retarded to make sure your firefighters have water to fight fires in a state prone to fires.
Retard, Trump is the one dumping the water out. He went up to a bunch of random reservoirs and ordered them to make water flow with no regard as to if it would actually reach any areas that need water. If those reservoirs go dry, it'll be because Trump had to army go in and empty them out for the sake of being able to say he did so.

The state officials you're complaining about are the only reason they didn't just ruin a ton of farmland by doing so, and it came very fucking close too.
You been misled if you believe the hydrants went dry because *the south half of the state ran out of water.* It's not what happened.
Shut the fuck up, retarded tranny. The only problem here is that he couldn't have done it sooner
>Here's a crazy idea:
Moron. Socialize all oil, and n. gas companies, and use profits to help California and other states hit my the fossil fuel ghouls. Oh, I forgot, you strike me as a baboon and " muh global warming" have a banana, ape, because they be growin' in yor back yard soon.
>the current round of wildfires is, effectively, dealt with
Here's a fun lesson on forest fires! (and why anon is retarded)
Did you know that forest fires don't only burn what's on top of the soil? They vaporize the first few inches of topsoil AND the roots of plants underneath the soil, too!
Imagine a palm tree: palm tree's roots can grow anywhere from a few inches, to five feet downwards!
But what happens when a palm tree catches on fire? That's right! The roots burn too!
Now imagine what might happen if an entire network of tree roots, spanning literal miles, suddenly went up in flames.
That's right! The soil becomes a fucking oven, and the roots upholding the ground suddenly disappear, making the ground a FLAMING DEATH TRAP.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj6DWmXrb3M [Embed]
Good. This is retribution. That’s why we voted for Mr Trump.
>southern California keeps running out of water to fight fires
>Trump brings them more water
>nothing bad happens
new cope just dropped. Fresh from the 'cord.
Lmao, 4 more years, libshits
Good post
You're going to burn baby burn.
If you were lit on fire and trump offered you a bottle of water you'd complain saying it wasn't bigger.
Caligula would be proud
>Deadly Eaton and Palisades fires 100% contained after 24 days

Reminder, they could be in full swing and this still would have done nothing. The water isn't going to LA.
Actually, this is like if I was lit on fire, I finally managed to put it out, and then Trump grabbed all the water bottles out of my fridge and dumped them on my potted plants. Because not only is the crisis contained, but you just wasted a bunch of my future water potentially killing my plants and not even putting it where it WOULD HAVE been needed.
>nothing bad happens
If the officials didn't rush in they would've wound up flooding farmland, destroying crops and ruining the upcoming season.

The water isn't going to LA at all, and now their supplies for later are depleted. You know farmers in a place that's often dry as fuck need water saved up for when it's dry as fuck, right?
Nigga if you did your job right in the first place there wouldn't of been a crisis to begin with! Trump wouldn't be running in to give you water if you weren't constantly setting yourself on fire like a retard.
>Ha, if you done your job right I wouldn't need to do this
>*Proceeds to do your job worse than your worst fuckup*
I'm sure the resulting lawsuit from those farmers for wasting their water in the season they're supposed to be building up their supply is gonna be real funny.
>*Proceeds to do your job worse than your worst fuckup*
You gotta be kidding me with this line. How many fucking houses burned down thanks to dickheads like you running Los Angeles? How many dead?

Who fucking died from this move that Trump made? Name a name.
Pretty much this
This as well. Accurate.
Anon, you're complaining about poor water management, and then applauding when Trump dumps a ton of water onto land that doesn't need it (not even for irrigation, it's literally about to rain), in a place where it can't even get to the wildfires if they still needed it. Now what happens in the dry ass summer, when they actually needed all that water, and now they don't have it?
>Anon, you're complaining about poor water management,
No no no no no you're not fucking walking out of this one. Who died? How many houses were lost because of this move Trump made?

Oh zero? Well then it seems like you're completely full of shit with this "worst than your worst fuckup" line.

And by the way, I'm not just complaining about the water management. I'm complaining about the MULTIPLE fuckups made by California leadership, that actually got people killed... Yet you still think Trump did worse because you're such a brain-rotted piece of shit that would hate on Trump if he cured cancer. Heaven forbid you hold Newsom or Bass accountable for anything (I bet you'll keep voting for them even after this).
>Who died
Wait for the famine.
>Now what happens in the dry ass summer, when they actually needed all that water, and now they don't have it?
This sounds familiar.
Jesus christ shut the fuck up and go back to reddlit if you want to upvote someone's posts. These posts you make contribute nothing and clog the thread.
>California is the only state with farmland in the US
>nothing happpened yet... BUT IT COULD!!!
Just stop Anon.
lol he's mad
That reservoir needed repairs. They can't control that. They also can't control when some retard sends the army in to dump water effectively into the ocean they need for farm season.
Yeah I remember when California policies resulted in them being a dry arid environment...

Oh wait, that's just the way the state is naturally.

Face it anon. In the history of california, no one has ever made such a singularly stupid decision. Have they fucked up? Yes, but in little ways that built up over time. Not this level of stupidity all at once though. It's like comparing someone letting the trash in their room build up to someone shitting all over the floor.
You know, I'm curious: what do you think Trump accomplished here?

The water physically can't go to the LA fires. It's headed in a different direction, so he didn't bring water to put it out.

The environment doesn't need it, they're about to have a rainstorm, so he's not helping the environment either. If anything he's hurting it via potentially flooding it.

What did he actually do?
>They can't control that.
>they literally get paid to control that
Can anyone explain why states like Arizona and Nevada, that also have to worry about fires, don't have these problems? How is it that they have their shit together, but the 'greatest state' can't figure this out?
Arizona is literally dealing with wildfires right now.

The only difference is they were fortunate enough for their fires to not be in residential districts like what happened in California. And you know why it's easier to contain them in Arizona and Nevada? They don't have to deal with this shit.
>They also can't control when some retard sends the army in to dump water effectively into the ocean they need for farm season.
Dumping rain into the ocean is SOP for California and you people have never complained about it before, but now trump brings the water somewhere it's needed and your script just tells you to complain nonstop about dumping water into the ocean.

You people are so 2 dimensional you'd make a great shounen comedic foil
It's much easier to destroy than to create. When you engage in willfully destructive behavior it invalidates any constructive criticism you have. Trump's making Newsom and Bass look good by comparison here. Was that the plan?
Hey anon, you you illiterate retard. If you read the actual article, you'll see they do this normally for the sake of having reservoirs not overflow during the rare times when it rains, because that too is bad.

Trump came along and decided that, instead of dumping out the normal amount of water to prevent overflow, they'd actually dump out millions of gallons more, effectively emptying their reserve for the sake of... nothing.
I'm going to reply to myself here, because the more I think about this the more I realize it's just amazing how much cognitively dissonant the left is at least on this board.

I have seen probably a dozen arguments over the last several years on this board where conservatives complain about California dumping most of its water into the ocean and not using it for other purposes. This argument is discounted by the left every time.

So now, Trump gets involved move some water from some reservoirs to help with a drought, and the left suddenly starts championing the the cause of wasted water going into the ocean, like they ever fucking cared about it to begin with
>It's going to flood!
>It's going to be empty!
>It's going to be ocean water!
Your arguments are all over the fucking place
>The only difference is they were fortunate enough for their fires to not be in residential districts like what happened in California.
That and their reservoirs aren't dry... And their fire hydrants work... and their fire engines aren't waiting on repairs... and our firefighters in Arizona aren't screaming for funding... And Phoenix's mayor isn't in Africa - y'know what? I'm just going to leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5S8rhNCBnc [Embed]
If you actually LOOK AT CONTEXT, they do that most of the year for practical reasons. Avoiding overflow during rainstorms and preventing damage to the environment. it's controversial, but it does accomplish SOMETHING.

Trump, meanwhile, just dumped millions of gallons of water that should've remained in those reservoirs for the dry season... for nothing. It's not going to the wildfires, it's not going to the environment, it's way more than they needed to dump to prevent overflow. It accomplished NOTHING. That's the fucking problem; he went into a situation he didn't understand and made it worse so that retards like you would say he did a good job.
Bro go implode somewhere else, California's failed repeatedly at water management and trumps fixing it.

Idk go find some rageheads in some discord that like reading the latest mother Jones articles and sperging out.
Ok anon, let me break it down really simple for you.

If you have a reservoir that overflows, that's bad. It means the environment is now getting more water than it should have at one time. Plants die, crops die, things get damaged.

If the reservoir is empty when it doesn't need to be, that's bad. They make these because they need water stored up for when it's dry. There are situations where they have to empty it, either because the reservoir is damaged, because they really need the water, or because the water is contaminated.

If the water from the reservoir is being dumped into the ocean, and it's not to prevent overflow and it's not because it's contaminated, because you had no fucking reason to do so and now water that could've been used later is being wasted on nothing.

Hope this helps.
How is he fixing it? What did he accomplish through this?

The water isn't going to the fires, it's not going to irrigation, and it's more than the amount they're supposed to dump at one time before a rainstorm. So what the fuck did he do?
The only context here being left out is it literally doesn't matter what Trump or California does, you will complain about the former and support the latter
>it's more than the amount they're supposed to dump at one time before a rainstorm
Who decides this amount? The people who have been mismanaging water in the state for decades? The people who failed to properly manage water in 2017 and nearly caused Oroville dam to flood half the state because it was in such disrepair? The people who ran out of water during wildfires?
Yeah I don't think they've been making the best decisions and I'm not sure taking their word on stuff has been working out lately
So should I just not care when Trump has his lackies go in and waste tons of water that's supposed to be save for irrigation system?

If an independent group did exactly what Trump had the army do here, it'd be (rightfully) called terrorism.
>it's only okay when WE do it!
>I know better than the people whose entire jobs are to do this! Watch me, I can fix every problem in 5 seconds!
I'm sure the solution is to dump most of the reservoir to the benefit of literally no one. That's proper management right there.

You know, until summer comes and the farmers start asking where their reserved water went.
So your way of stopping mismanagement is to go in and mismanage the water in new, even more retarded ways?
>I know better than the people whose entire jobs are to do this! Watch me, I can fix every problem in 5 seconds!
NTA... but yeah? Make sure firefighters are funded and equipped to fight fires in a state that has fires almost every year.
So how does dumping water that was supposed to be saved for farmers in the dry season do that? It's not like it went to those firefighters either.
>There is a rarely used state valve that can redirect Tulare Lake floodwaters into the aqueduct that carries water further south into Los Angeles, but neither state nor federal officials responded to a question asking if they would turn it on.
Maybe we should turn this on?
Maybe they should've figured out if they can do that BEFORE they dumped the water?
Is it broken?
Hold the fuck up. Wait a minute. I just asked "is it broken". I shouldn't have to ask that question! Why wouldn't it work? Isn't it their job to make sure these things work?
They can't answer that question. At best they can only attempt to gaslight and embrace an abuser mentality.
How is that going to help?
>>1379435 (OP)
>Commiefornia cunts pearl-clutching that Trump is doing something
>no bad consequences
Your tears make good lubricant.
Commiefornia cunts in shambles. The fire made my dick hard, I love seeing Hollywoke suffer. Hopefully AI art gets good enough, puts the parasites on the streets and erases their influence for eternity.
One, give more than an hour warning to turn on a major valve.

Two, they rarely use that valve for a fucking REASON. It risks flooding farmland and generally causing havoc if they don't consider circumstances. Something that's hard to do when you have a hour warning in advance.

Three, the two remaining fires are contained anyway and there's still so many extra diversions they need to make, if it can get there at all, by the time what little is left from the journey gets there, it won't even do anything.
Okay that doesn't answer my question, why wouldn't this work? Isn't it their job -

Okay if that state valve does not work, and we find out it's broken, who's fault is it? Trump or Newsom?
Well anon, if you look at the 200 miles between Sacramento and LA, the fact the remaining fires are completely contained, and the fact there's more than just one switch in the way of getting water to LA that they don't even need that all needs to be navigated and negotiated with (which is, again, hard to do with 1 hour notice the water is going anywhere to begin with), it's kinda retarded to do this.

It's also retarded to waste water you need for summer in the area to fight a fire 200 miles away.
Again, not answering my question.

So let's just assume that these valves work now. That there's no other problems and California managed to avoid fucking even that up. That means the water can get to Los Angeles. So I don't know why you've been going on this whole thread about water that's not going there. Now we're shifting from.
>It's not like it went to those firefighters either.
>The water physically can't go to the LA fires. It's headed in a different direction
>The water isn't going to LA at all
>It's also retarded to waste water you need for summer in the area to fight a fire 200 miles away.

So basically your argument switched from "it can't go there" to "by the time it gets there it will be too late." Which is it?
NTA, but it may surprise you that water doesn't magically teleport to a tap, it has to run through pipes and canals.
And the lack of water in Southern CA wasn't a capacity issue, but a flow rate issue.
But keep on shilling. Your ignorance drives America's degradation.
Because they didn't actually CHECK anything you fucking retard, so it's NOT going to LA. Theoretically, they can bring water from anywhere in the state to LA. That doesn't mean you should, or even can.

Like, they didn't make any fucking plan for how to get the water to LA. You know how many dams and valves need to be turned on to transport water 200 miles away? Hint: it's a lot more than can be coordinated with an hour notice. So none of them were turned on before Trump's retard brigade came in and dumped tons of water. So no, it's not going to LA, because they didn't do shit to actually make it go to LA. The water is already being dumped, you can't just command it to come back and go the right way. Right now, in this moment, not a drop of this water is going to LA because they couldn't be fucked to actually set things up so it would head there even if it is possible.

And even if they did do that, they would've realized that not only is this not water that can be used to fight those fires without fucking over a different part of the state, but the crisis is already dealt with and they don't even need to resort to such drastic measures to begin with. They wasted water the farmers need for later, almost flooded the farmlands, and even in the best case scenario where everything was arranged for it to get to LA as soon as possible, THEY DON'T EVEN NEED IT ANYMORE! This is like if states started plowing roads after the snow already stopped and half of it melted already. It's absolutely fucking retarded and I hope the state sues Trump for this stupid stunt.
Well first off your wrong. It clearly was a capacity issue if a major reservoir was empty when it was needed most. But lets set your faggotry aside for a moment and get back to the point:

Can this water get to Los Angeles? Yes or no. (I swear to God if you faggots don't start answering my questions I'm going to bitch-smack you)
Anon literally everyone on the ground said the issue was flow rate. That one reservoir was empty for entirely different reasons relating to it needing repairs, and happened before this fire even started.

>Can this water get to Los Angeles? Yes or no
As it stands right now, no. Because your retarded president didn't actually arrange for any of the numerous steps required to redirect it there before he started dumping it out en-masse.
>It clearly was a capacity issue if a major reservoir was empty when it was needed most
>Trump since his first term and during his presidential campaigns has repeatedly vowed to send more water to Central Valley farmers in the state’s conservative heartland. He incorrectly blamed the temporary lack of water in Los Angeles hydrants during wildfires earlier this month on the state’s water management policies, though the state’s reservoirs are at or near historic levels right now and the hydrants went dry because of the high local demand. He’s also threatened to withhold disaster aid unless California goes along with his moves to deliver more water.
>Because they didn't actually CHECK anything you fucking retard, so it's NOT going to LA. Theoretically, they can bring water from anywhere in the state to LA. That doesn't mean you should, or even can.
You're contradicting yourself in just one line. You've been going on this whole fucking time how the water can't make it to LA. Now it turns out that you can.
>Theoretically, they can bring water from anywhere in the state to LA.
I'm glad we finally established that.

>You know how many dams and valves need to be turned on to transport water 200 miles away?
So turn them. Send the water to LA where it's needed. That's what they're paid to do.

>So no, it's not going to LA, because they didn't do shit to actually make it go to LA.
And how the fuck do you know? The fact that we have the capability, as you admitted, to send this water to LA, and we're not doing that even after Trump ordered it to get done, this is the fucking reason why Cali is in this mess in the first place: incompetent fucking management.

> they would've realized that not only is this not water that can be used to fight those fires without fucking over a different part of the state
That different part of the state isn't in crisis right now. You don't withhold resources for an emergency because it might be needed for another future emergency (well I guess you do).

Are fires still burning? Let me check... Yup.
>The Santa Ynez Reservoir, a 117-million-gallon water resource near the Pacific Palisades, was under renovation and EMPTY when fires tore through the Los Angeles neighborhood last week and firefighters quickly depleted available water resources, city officials said.
>though the state’s reservoirs are at or near historic levels right now and the hydrants went dry because of the high local demand
Evidently this particular homosexual is illiterate.
>As it stands right now, no.
Why not? They should be able to turn the valves and send it directly to Los Angeles. That's the whole point of why they were built. If you want to bitch about the timeline and how fast everything is getting done then go ahead. But the Army Corps of Engineers was ordered to get that water flowing to LA, so it should get done as fast as possible.
Its hard to make shills accept reality that they've been paid to deny
>There is a rarely used state valve that can redirect Tulare Lake floodwaters into the aqueduct that carries water further south into Los Angeles, but neither state nor federal officials responded to a question asking if they would turn it on.
So clearly it CAN get to LA you lying faggot.
Well, maybe, just maybe, they should've done that before they started dumping the fucking water. It's already gone you retard.
Which would still make it a capacity issue, dumb faggot. Capacity issue = not enough water to meet demand. Hence sending water from where it isn't needed to where it is.
Yes anon, just like your mother COULD have aborted you in the womb. But just like how she decided to waste our collective oxygen on you, they didn't do that. Now she can't abort you, just like how they can't redirect water that's already gone the other way back to LA.
Oh if only there was a valve that someone could turn on to send water from where it was dumped to Los Angeles. If only something like this existed!
>Hence sending water from where it isn't needed to where it is.
>where it isn't needed
Anon those farmers need it for the summer you fucking retard.
Or maybe if there was a huge source of water like right next to the fire.
Billions of Billions of gallons that arrived there for free.
Man, if only. Good thing there's a canal that can prove a few dozen gallons a second that would do nothing. Trump saved the day.
And you COULD have voted for competent leadership, but instead want to suck Newsom's cock as he lets your family burn to death - all so you can blame Trump who at least is making a fucking effort to try to fix things.
Maybe if they turned it, and then all the other ones needed to transport that shit over 200 miles, before they dumped the water out. Or, you know, checked to see they still actually needed additional water beforehand.
The same source of water they used last month to avoid this disaster? Oh wait, didn't I hear some bullshit about how they can't do that? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/why-ocean-water-not-used-to-put-out-fires/
Tulare lake hasn't existed in almost a century anon
>Should've voted for competent leadership. Now I have to come in and fuck things up even worse!
This is legitimately a more retarded decision than any individual choice Newstrom has made in the last 10 years.
It's not summer yet you fucking retard. They're not in a state of emergency. Los Angeles is. Stop being a fucking faggot that's okay with people dying so you can chant ORANGE MAN BAD.
Again with the "fuck things up even worse" line. So again I'll ask: who died? Who lost their homes when Trump did this? Nobody? None? Then shut the fuck up.
LA declared 100% fire containment. They're legitimately not in a state of emergency anymore.

Also, you fucking massive retard, what happens when summer comes around and now the farmers have no water because their supply got diverted to the middle of nowhere?
>Or, you know, checked to see they still actually needed additional water beforehand.
Which they clearly do since they're still fighting fires.
>rageposting this hard
Calm down tardo
You don't need to inhale the orange cock
They have water you fucking retard. The issue was they didn't have enough to simultaneously fight tons of fire at once. Now they have less fires to the point they DO have enough to handle it.
>They're legitimately not in a state of emergency anymore.
Did Newsom rescind his state of emergency?
>LA declared 100% fire containment. They're legitimately not in a state of emergency anymore.
Doesn't mean the fire is out anon.
>durr ur mad
Fuck off until you can answer simple questions like your boyfriend here >>1379550
>Also, you fucking massive retard, what happens when summer comes around and now the farmers have no water because their supply got diverted to the middle of nowhere?
Well it's a good thing summer isn't here and since those farmers aren't in a state of emergency we have time to figure out how to divert water at the snails pace you wish we were doing now for Los Angeles.
Yes anon, very good. However, you know there's a difference between "fire is out" and "fire is manageable"?
Lefties having melties after trump saves the day, oh my
You've gotten answers, you're just ignoring them because you're a shill.
Stay seething
No I didn't, from either of you faggots. So again, who died or lost their home thanks to Trump's move to send water to LA? Answer the fucking question.
Honestly Anon, the people who have been continually proven to be mismanaging water have literally no place to tell others who have taken over their failed policies that their mismanaging it
Good post.
How do you manage fires anon?
... *crickets*
It got real quiet in here.
>Bass fucks up in a million ways to the point where even lefties are calling her out
>29 dead
>12,000 buildings destroyed
>$275 billion in damage
You fucking homosexual.
>its still posting
Getting them shillbux
Its all in the thread faggot
You're arguing with a retard, I'm amazed his parents even let him use a computer
lmao trump isn't sending water to LA, the fires have been mostly contained and a non factor for 99% of angelinos since before the inauguration. Keep telling yourself that daddy trump saved the day though
Keep using the 'Trump is worse' line every time while Bass gets people killed through sheer incompetence. Just remember when you're watching your family burning alive in what used to be your house, you voted for this.
Idiocracy: Brawndo Has What Plants Crave!. tRump added some electrolytes to the water https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kAqIJZeeXEc [Embed]
Stop arguing.
They think its literally a 200 mile direct pipe transporting the water with an unlimited flow rate.
Logic is wasted on shills
So what's the flow rate then? How long will it take the water to get to LA if the valves were turned? (watch as this question doesn't get answered)

Because if it's not fast enough the only criticism you could give Trump is that the fire is (((contained))) and won't get there in time to make a difference. Basically that Trump didn't do what Newsom should've done almost a month ago.

Problem is you faggots gave the game away with your "Proceeds to do your job worse than your worst fuckup" nonsense, and when you got called out for it you abandoned the thread like the rats you are.
>>1379435 (OP)
Honestly I'm glad that Trump is making an effort to fix something that California horribly broke and has been unable to fix themselves
But Anon, what he's doing is WORSE than what they did! Yeah I mean people died, homes were lost and billions of dollars of damaged was caused - but we can't have a president doing shit! Trying to help people! Sending water to a fire in a state emergency! No he should be just like Biden and do fucking nothing, while molesting a 10 year old girl on national television.
Kek. You had me going there for a moment.
>dumps water in the middle of nowhere that was supposed to be saved for summer
>"We did it anon, we saved California!"
>Trump sends water to Los Angeles while they're still fighting a fire for a month now
>didn't actually set the water up to go to LA
>LA's own reservoirs are near capacity
>It's literally about to rain
Your retard wasted billions of gallons of water.
>a-actually it can be sent from anywhere it's at to Los Angeles at anytime... BUT TRUMP WON'T DO THAT DON'T ASK ME HOW I KNOW JUST TRUST ME
You already got caught lying earlier faggot. You don't need to pretend to give a fuck about water being wasted like it does all the fucking time because democrats are too retarded to manage it.
>a-actually it can be sent from anywhere it's at to Los Angeles at anytime...
No it can't you retard, he already dumped it.
>>There is a rarely used state valve that can redirect Tulare Lake floodwaters into the aqueduct that carries water further south into Los Angeles, but neither state nor federal officials responded to a question asking if they would turn it on.
Also this retarded sperg earlier:
>Theoretically, they can bring water from anywhere in the state to LA. That doesn't mean you should, or even can.

So now that we've gone over this AGAIN, I'm curious about something. You homosexual morons are claiming that the water isn't necessary to put out the fire (imagine that). So what do you need to put it out then? We know it's "contained" - whatever the fuck that means. What does California need to put out the fire for good right now?

Because obviously it isn't water. Who the fuck puts out fires with water in 2025?
I know reliable news is hard to find in your flyover state/3rd world country but LA is not burning to the ground, trump is releasing water as a show which will do nothing to stop the already contained fires but may impact summer reserves for farmers. My problem with Karen isn't her response to or preparation for the fires, it's the fact that she increased the LAPDs budget and like all Democrats is just a moderate Republican from 10 years ago.
>which will do nothing to stop the already contained fires
So what do you need to stop the (((contained))) fires? Besides water (which apparently sending water to the fires is the worst thing Trump has done since the Holocaust).
>I know reliable news is hard to find in your flyover state/3rd world country
>using the same sources
I guess nbcnews is only reliable when you post it.
You've got yourself whipped into a frenzy anon. Take some deep breaths and really think about what you're saying. Tulare Lake doesn't even exist any more, and it's not anywhere near the damed areas of Sacramento where the releases are. LA is not burning down, there's a few embers left in the fire zones and the crews are on cleanup duty now. You're just looking for a something to praise trump about and to shittalk California despite not being from here and being utterly clueless at the situation on the ground.
Do you know what that sentence means anon? It means that if Tulare Lake overflows, they can direct the water to LA. Tulare Lake is where all that water Trump just unleashed is going. It's also usually fucking dry, and close enough to housing that flooding it tends to fuck up everything in the area.

>What does California need to put out the fire for good right now?
TIME, YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING BRAINLET. They have water already, they just need time to actually put the fucking fire out. You think fire works like a fucking video game where you just spend X water resources to remove X fire?
>You think
People like that don't think anon, except to come up with bad faith arguments so that they can pretend they won online arguments
Where did the water get dumped?
Holy crap. Lefty having a melty alert.
>Tulare Lake is where all that water Trump just unleashed is going.
And there's a valve that can send it to LA. Like we covered already. I fucking love repeating myself in this thread so many times.

They've had a whole goddamn month.
>They have water already
And yet we see pictures of firefighters using soymilk to put out flames.
>You think fire works like a fucking video game where you just spend X water resources to remove X fire?
Yeah I think when you put water on a fire, the fire typically goes out. Yes. So if you have all this extra fucking water and you don't need any of that dirty Trump water, then this fire shouldn't be burning anymore.
Why can't libs just understand that Trump turned on the water tap?
Its how you get water, dummies.
Conservatives are smart enough to turn off the faucet before they flood their homes
If California turns the tap too high it isn't Trumps fault.
I see what you're doing, but unironically yeah this should've been done last month. If Newsom (and every democrat that voted for him) wasn't a complete fucking retarded hack, he would've moved that water from the very beginning so Trump wouldn't have to (another example of Republicans fixing what democrats fuck up).

You all can bitch about how you don't need that water now, but the fire still burning defeats your arguments.
burn baby burn you're going to be torched your home will burn and we will be celebrating. May a tsunami destroy whats left in the state of filth.
>Conservatives are smart enough to turn off the faucet before they flood their homes
I just realize something.
Most liberals probably don't know where the main water valve to their house is. If their house was flooding they would probably need to call someone to help them.
These are the retards arguing with us about proper water usage in Commiefornia.
Good post
Anon by that logic how do fires happen in places that don't have water shortages? Shouldn't the mere presence of water cancel out any fires?

This is retarded. None of the water Trump released will go to LA because he didn't set it up to go there when he dumped it. LA doesn't even need it as the last of the fires are now under control and in the process of being extinguished. And come summer, these farmers will be dealing with a drought because all their stored water got used up on a stupid stunt that benefitted no one but Trump's ego.
Actually beyond parody. You're retarded, and you'll probably only learn when Trump fucks up something in your state in his efforts to get points with his equally retarded followers.
>And come summer, these farmers will be dealing with a drought
Over the last 50 years California has had more years of drought than not drought. So I mean really what you're saying is a self-fulfilling prophecy, you're claiming that a normal year in California is going to be Trump's fault.
Just saying.
Hey, dumbfuck. Why do you think they had all that water saved up? What did you think it was for?
Judging from articles previously posted in this thread, 95% of it was saved for the ocean
Oh snap!
Nice joke samefag. Unfortunately, not the same reservoir. They were going to use that water for irrigation.
>Nice joke samefag.
lmao he's so pissed. Libshits on suicide watch.
>I understand the purpose of every reservoir in California and what all of its water is allocated for
I don't believe you!
They've been on suicide watch. They're really going all in on the whole "60% of liberals are mentally ill" thing, doubling down on it and making sure everyone knows
Hey I'll play ball though.
Exactly which reservoir is the one that California has designated that 95% of it should be sent to the ocean?
............ [crickets intensifies]
Every single time. As soon as they get backed into a corner they leave the thread.
Here's a hint: your article cites a different fucking reservoir than the ones Trump emptied.
No you idiot. It doesn't mention any single reservoir. It talks about the state overall and mentions the states water management, multiple canals and dumping most of Northern California's water into the San Joaquin Delta.

You can't even read can you? Or is it reading comprehension you lack? Or do you just make stuff up as you go?

I think it's the last one honestly
Hey retard.
>A bipartisan group of lawmakers from California's Central Valley is urging Gov. Gavin Newsom to relax pumping restrictions from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta as rivers and streams have been swollen by recent storms.

>Yet Lake Oroville, the State Water Project's chief reservoir, was at only 61% of capacity as of Jan. 21, according to the California Department of Water Resources.
Holy fucking shit, lmao.
You claim my article was talking about "the wrong reservoir" and I told you you were stupid and that it wasn't talking about any specific reservoir.

And then you go and dig up a brand new article that's never been posted, that's talking about the reservoir you want it to be talking about for the sake of this discussion, and act like it was the one I posted
Faggot, you are dumb af
>Report: 95% of Calif. rainwater runs to ocean
Okay then.
I guess your article actually proves my point.
California mismanages 95% of its water, thanks for that
>neither of you retards actually read the article
This was during flooding you retards.
Not those anons, the takeaway I'm getting from your article is that whoever is in charge of handling California's water supply is extremely inefficient. 95% of rainwater gets wasted yet each reservoir only gets filled between 50-75%. You don't see a problem with this?
>You don't see a problem with this?
Its a shame that zoomers are uneducated morons, but we can't really do anything about it at this point.
Maybe you can still learn to read, but probably not. We'll just all have to support you illiterate retards.
Okay be a dick then. Whatever.
This is like opening up a damn in Mississippi to get water to Maine. Water doesn't teleport just because you start emptying a reservoir into the fucking ocean. Not every god damn river system is connected.

And this is setting aside the fact that the reservoirs in LA aren't fucking empty in the first damn place.
Oh but anon, there's a valve that'll divert floodwater from a usually empty lake that might go vaguely towards LA!

...No, they didn't actually use it before they started dumping the water out, but if they do it now, maybe we could get like... a gallon there. In a week. if it actually works.
the truth is no longer important, gaslighting fascists are in charge and they will not be taking accountability for anything
>You don't see a problem with this?
Of course he doesn't, this is the person who's defending the state and local municipal government that mismanaged the situation so bad that a yearly occurrence which happens literally multiple times every year just resulted in something like a quarter of a trillion dollars economic loss, dozens of deaths and tens of thousands of structures being destroyed.

On the bright side of stuff, Hunter Biden's house was destroyed. I guess that's a reason to defend the California government
You seem very upset for no real reason.
I'm guessing Trump is president again.
>if it actually works.
I never did get an answer to my question earlier: if the valve doesn't work then who's fault is it? Trump or Newsom?
We don't even know if that valve will actually get the water to a place where LA can use it. None of rivers Trump just had them dump water into are connected to LA.
I'm not even going to bother quoting where you're wrong again. I'm just going to keep pointing out that YOU CAN'T ANSWER A SIMPLE QUESTION.

Trump or Newsom. Pick one. Quit being a faggot and give an answer.
>They should be able to turn the valves and send it directly to Los Angeles
This isn't some shitty pipe puzzle in a video game, dipshit. The water's just going to fucking flow downhill toward an ocean through the natural and man-made channels ahead of it. There isn't some magic series of tubes between completely unrelated river and water systems hundreds of miles apart that was kept under an invisibility spell until now.

Could you build one? Sure. If you had a few years and wanted to waste billions of fucking dollars and if anyone downstream where the water is supposed to go that has rights to that water would fucking let you.

Literal fucking fourth graders know how water systems work, so why the fuck don't you? You must be 18 years old to post here.
California water infrastructure, every local official in the state, google maps, take your fucking pick.
Magafags get angry when you can't reduce things to a choice between two things, huh?
It's okay Satan. You don't have to answer such a difficult question, I can do it for you... I mean not that it's really that difficult, it's just that giving the correct answer would mean you'd have to take a stand backing up Newsom's competence - which, given recent events, is kind of a hard sell.

Now to everyone else that isn't a retard, the correct answer is Newsom. He's in charge of the state and that includes the infrastructure in his state. So it's his job - not Trump's - to make sure the infrastructure in his state works. Trump has to worry about the entire planet everyday, he doesn't have the time to make sure California is doing something so simple as to check whether something works once a year. Imagine living in the bureaucratic nightmare that is California where you need a loisence just to breathe air. The administrative hoops you have to jump through just to build a shed (see Bill Maher for more details) makes China look like a libertarian paradise. And yet they can't spare one worker to check whether a fucking valve works - especially during a month of emergency. They just couldn't find the time.

tl;dr if the valve doesn't work it's Newsom's fault - and faggots like this can't admit it.
no one cares about your opinion faggot
>Literal fucking fourth graders know how water systems work, so why the fuck don't you?
Better question is why doesn't anyone in charge in California?
I accept your concession.
hello esl.
you're a faggot, not someone worth arguing with. enjoy nobody replying to you faggotry and lies with anything but contempt, you deserve it
So it's somehow Newsom's fault when Trump decides to go in and made radical decisions without actually checking circumstances?
Your question is inherently wrong. The valve can work fine and it still won't reach LA since there's no actual channel connecting them.
If the valve does not work, yes. And I know you can't admit it, just to painful I know, so I went ahead and answered the obvious for you because I'm tired of asking. You can abandon the thread again though, I won't stop you from doing that a third time today.
make sure to save your shill money, faggot
>>>There is a rarely used state valve that can redirect Tulare Lake floodwaters into the aqueduct that carries water further south into Los Angeles, but neither state nor federal officials responded to a question asking if they would turn it on.
The valve can work fine and it still won't get to LA you vegetable.
Likewise, you need all the help you can get with your neighborhood burning down. Thanks Newsom!
see how he just spews talking points and doesn't listen to facts? that's why you should call him a faggot shill and ignore his talking points
>>>>There is a rarely used state valve that can redirect Tulare Lake floodwaters into the aqueduct that carries water further south into Los Angeles, but neither state nor federal officials responded to a question asking if they would turn it on.
update your fact sheet, shill
>If I pretend parts of California STILL aren't on fire then I win the argument!
>Tulare Lake floodwaters

The Lake Kaweah and Lake Success, the two reservoirs he emptied, do not connect to Tulare Lake. Kaweah used to but was diverted for irrigation purposes decades back.
What a fucking tard. It's in the article.
You're such a piece of shit.
>Hernandez said the water would go to Tulare Lake
It's time to read the article, fuckwad.
Look like the article misquoted. No other sources identify the water as going to Tulare Lake, and the lakes he did drain from don't connect to it.
amazing, the right wing is lying? who saw this coming
It's time to look at a map, shitstick.
it's funny how you have no proof, just juvenile language
The proof is the two places the water was drained from don't connect to that lake. Evidently the article misquoted or was misinformed, because they physically can't go to that lake from where they were released.
>amazing, the right wing is lying?
>politico is right wing
Holy retardation Batman!

>Look like the article misquoted
I'm sure it did. And I'm sure YOU have the REAL information.
>just trust me bro!
oh my bad. friendly fire. my hatred is very hair trigger when i browse /news/
Bro you need to calm down. It's okay to be wrong sometimes.
The shill can both insult the article for being wrong and still claim the info is right in the same post.
Bet their boyfriend loves the flexibility
Indians don't know how to read maps.
you're not american so i'll let you off the hook for being a gullible faggot
Tell me more how Politico is right-wing nigger. Go ahead.
>On January 14, 2021, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro was featured as a guest writer for Politico's Playbook newsletter, where he defended Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives who opposed the second impeachment of Donald Trump.[101] The newsletter drew backlash from Politico staffers. Matthew Kaminski, editor in chief of Politico, declined to apologize and defended the decision to publish the article, stating: "We're not going to back away from having published something because some people think it was a mistake to do so." He added that the newspaper "stands by every word" in the article.
is ben shapiro left wing now, dumb faggot
Holy fuck anon, your saying an entire outlets political orientation of all their staff is dictated by a single guest writer!??

Holy fuck that's one of the most bad faith arguments I've ever seen one of you retards try and make lmao
you look pretty fucking stupid now, don't you. double post btw
which left wing paper will "stand by every word" of a right wing grifter? none of them. sorry, you're a gullible faggot, but like i said, you're not even american and you have to frantically google your alleged viewpoint so i can't get that mad at you
Anyone who isn't completely subservient to Trump is automatically a communist and possibly also a troon.
Oh shit you really sold it to me! A guest writer. With the Politico staff being outraged about it put out there. Wow! Look out Fox News, a new challenger appears!

No wonder your hatred is very hair trigger when you browse /news/. It must be exhausting having so many people tell you you're wrong all the time.
me being right is me being wrong now. you guys need better shill training, i swear. what a lazy spin
>what a lazy spin
>says the fag lazily spinning Politico = right-wing
lol stay mad
>In 2024, Politico were handed leaked confidential materials from the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Politico confirmed that the documents were authentic but refused to report on their contents. The Associated Press wrote that the decision by Politico to not report on the Trump campaign leaks stands "in marked contrast" to Politico's extensive reporting on the leaked email communications of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager, John Podesta.
can you imagine any leftwing publication that would actively protect trump. lie to us more anon
but but the mediafacts website says its lib
so it lib
thats all my maga shill brain can do
have fun playing damage control shill anon, it's saturday night in america so i'm leaving
Later fag.
It doesn't say that. You're lying again.
Man this whole thread has been lefties taking L after L after L all day long. It's glorious! They're so fucking ass-blasted right now they're trying to say that the OP article (Politico) is incorrect because it's right-wing. I gotta say, I didn't see that coming when I got on /news/ this morning.
were opened, freeing waters from the
and the
but neither goes to the
where the Kern River Intertie mentioned in the article could then divert water to the
where the water could then maybe reach LA.

It's also worth noting that
>The article doesn't fucking say that the water goes to the Kern River or to LA. It just mentions the Kern River Intertie in passing as something that could maybe get more water to LA if they needed it (they don't).
>The Army Corps of Engineers says they're just following orders.

I imagine the confusion comes from the fact that the
is where all 3 rivers flow INTO. But unless the plan is to flood a fat chunk of California to back water up the Kern River, that's not much help. I assume some idiot somewhere along the way thought the Kern River flows *OUT* of the Tulare Lake. That or they think Tulare Lake is close enough to LA to help (it's 200 miles away).

In summary, anyone defending this dipshittery needs to fuck off and die. All of this shit can be easily checked with public records. Boot licking should have a limit.
>In summary, anyone defending this dipshittery needs to fuck off and die.
Of course.
but you're ignoring
A) Trumptards gonna trumptard
B) they want Cali to die anyway
Finally someone fucking laid it all out.
Great, now post a reputable news source that says this. Not Politico though! We all know that place is alt-right as fuck and can't be trusted.
Anon these are the places he released the water from. Are you denying he did it at all now?
So then it shouldn't be hard to find a news article. I mean since we can't trust Politico anymore. Ever since Ben Shapiro wrote there once it's like browsing Stormfront.
Thank you for doing the leg work, as I'm lazy.
>>>That or they think Tulare Lake is close enough to LA to help (it's 200 miles away).

What the news forgot to state is that tRump ordered Brawndo(What Plants Crave!). tRump ordered that Brawndo electrolytes be added to the water where it flows into Tulare lake as electrolytes are known as a fire suppressant. You then get the water planes to pick up this water. Fly 200 miles to fire and dump . Small tactical nukes can stop a hurricane in its tracks b4b it forms. And UV fiber optic cables can be threaded down into a person dying of covfefe, and killing the virus, with minimal damage to the tissues from the ultra violet. tRump inherited them genes from his M.I.T. uncle.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kAqIJZeeXEc [Embed]
>Federal records show that water releases from Terminus Dam at Lake Kaweah and Schafer Dam at Lake Success jumped early Friday morning.
And does this article say where that water ended up? Is it Tulare Lake?
Read it you retard. The only mention of Tulare Lake was from a reporter question, presumably based off the initial error saying that's where it would wind up.
So where did it wind up? Your article doesn't say.
In the river you fucking retard.
Which empties into the Tulare Lake.
Read retard, read >>1379770
>is where all 3 rivers flow INTO.
they opened a tap, libtard
taps go both ways
don't be a faggot
>But unless the plan is to flood a fat chunk of California to back water up the Kern River, that's not much help
You're being intentionally obtuse so you can ignore how badly your orange retard fucked this up.
Can you at least admit that the river ends at lake Tulare? Or are you going to deflect from even that?
Lmao for fucks sake I have never seen leftists so angry at a republican fixing Californias water mismanagement
We know you're the same retard.
Anon, the two rivers that water are being emptied into dump into there. The river that would actually get to Los Angeles ALSO dumps into there.
Leftism (as in the entire ideology) is secular humanism.
Leftists constantly struggle with the reality that morality doesn't dictate nature and physical reality. They think that being a "good person" is enough, and that the world will magically fix itself downstream of that intent.
When a leftist does retarded shit e.g prohibit the burning of forest brush to protect the endangered kangaroo mouse, they think that they are being a good person, because humans have a moral obligation to protect weaker species at all costs. They believe that the greater the suffering, the greater the obligation to help.
They must deny the reality that the world is cruel and that protecting your existence necessarily requires infringing on the existence of lesser species like the delta smelt.
You can be the most beneficent creature in the world and still suffer the indignity and cruelty of nature through no fault of your own. That is the law of the world, which leftists deny.
Republicans understand harsh truths, so they understand that making hard decisions is necessary to ensure the safety and survival of our people.
The incongruity of what leftists believe, and what is necessary, causes them a tremendous amount of emotional stress. So they have no choice but to deny the consequences of their own failed philosophy.
What a r̶e̶t̶a̶r̶d̶ smart person
And the California Aqueduct runs right along the west side of the lake.
And requires the entire area to be flooded for it to even possibly get there.
So the channels used to drain other reservoirs in California all lead to a dead end in a dried up lake with no outlet, while the channel nearby is fed water by fairy dust and unicorn hope?
[X] Doubt
Ok, retard, since not even the post that laid out all the reasons this was retarded and won't reach LA didn't work, let's break out an actual full map.
Please, look at this and realize how fucking retarded this argument you've been pushing that's been disproven about 50 times in this thread is.
Channels aren't rivers though. You do realize that the state has a network of channels for transporting water, right?
Maybe it's not obvious to you if you've never lived in California. There's an entire network of artificial channels traversing the state north to south, including through the Tulare lake basin
>You do realize that the state has a network of channels for transporting water, right?
You do realize that water flows downhill so either the channels would have to be overtopped from the outside (the area is flooded) or the water reaches a pump connected to the fucking channels by moving uphill (the area is flooded)?

The water, at this very moment, is flowing into the fucking dried up lake. Or more probably into fucking irrigation ditches around farms near the fucking dried up lake that don't want or need that water right fucking now.

Nowhere in the article is it claimed that the fucking water would fucking reach LA by anyone with any fucking idea what they're talking about.

>The Army Corps did not respond to a question about how the water would reach Los Angeles, about 200 miles away.
Weird. 200 miles is suspiciously similar to the distance that fucking dried up lake all these rivers lead to is from fucking LA.
>trying to post pics on /news/
Has anyone else noticed this terrible crop of newfags since the election?
Hey idiot. California produces the most food in the US. Fuck up the farm land in California and you’ll suffer.
It's OK to click links, my guy. This isn't 2010.
>>1379435 (OP)
govts are overall incompetent, but they can be world class in what they are good at. Managing shit like water flows is something they do well. Maybe not the bureaucracy, not the decision making & big picture, but they know how to execute their specific job effectively.
Trump is a dumbass.
If I was on fire and Trump offered a bottle of water 200 miles away, you are right Id complain.
What board do you think you're on right now?
It's more like he's pouring out a bottle of water he stole from your house 200 miles away.
Yeah the US is going to go into famine because we ran out of avocados. Apparently there's zero farmland in the midwest. Nobody grows corn anymore!

Shut the fuck up.
>Yeah the US is going to go into famine because we ran out of avocados.
And almonds!
How will we ever survive without deez nuts?
hey, dumb and dumber.
>California's agricultural abundance includes more than 400 commodities. Over a third of the country's vegetables and over three-quarters of the country's fruits and nuts are grown in California.
>Wait for the famine.
>the US will go into famine if we don't eat nuts
Just shut the fuck up.
>third of our vegetables
>3/4ths of our fruits
Anon please use your brain.
Oh no! How will I survive without eating a fucking salad!?!

>REAL AMERICAN can survive on nothing but MEAT AND BREAD
>what do you mean I have a heart condition and malnutrition
Someone needs to go back to health class.
Someone needs to look up the definition of "famine".
No one said famine except you. But you'll definitely feel the increased grocery prices on top of all of Trump's other stupidity.
>No one said famine except you.
>Wait for the famine.
>lawsuit from those farmers
oh you mean the trillionaire couple that owns 70% of farms in California? The rich two people who lobbied for California's retarded water policies?
It's hilarious how people act like farmers in Cali are small town folk and not massive corporations co-owen by Bill Gates
but you love billionaires faggot
Man this guy is trying every angle he can. So desperate.
They're still gonna sue. Your tax dollars are going to either settling with or bailing out the state you hate so much.
You want to hear something funny?
One billionaire couple owns almost all of the water in California. Their names are Stewart and Lynda Resnick.
Reznik is a Yiddish word that means "ritual slaughterer".
>The Wonderful Company has undermined environmental protections while still maintaining a liberal image in the eye of the public through donations to presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren.
>Today, the Wonderful Company farm owned by the Resnicks soaks up more water than the entire city of Los Angeles. Their business was based on “a heist of epic proportions,” according to Levine, that “will put family farms out of business, and push life in the biggest river estuary on the west coast of America towards mass extinction.”
>The story eventually took Levine and Wernham far beyond the parched Central Valley, and into the heart of America’s Israel lobby. It turned out that the Resnicks had been pumping their money into some of the most militantly pro-Israel think tanks in Washington, including the American Jewish Committee and the Washington Institute on Near East Policy (WINEP). Both of these outfits have lobbied heavily for sanctions on Iran and against the Iran nuclear deal. One WINEP executive, Pat Clawson, has even called on the US to stage a false flag attack that could trigger a war with Iran.
>Levine and Wernham recognized that the Resnicks’ support for the Israel lobby was all about protecting their monopoly from a nation traditionally recognized as the producer of the world’s best pistachios. The billionaire nut barons were not only threatening the environment and livelihoods of their local competitors, they were bankrolling forces determined to take America to war against a rising Middle Eastern power. This is why the title of Levine and Wernham’s work in progress, “Pistachio Wars,” is so apt.
Every time.
>Democrat corruption
Every. Single. Time
If anything this shit Trump is pulling makes the Resnicks' water more valuable when the dry season comes around.
Prove me wrong.
>>Democrat corruption
They voted for Trump because he's going to slash corporate taxes again

shill faggots pretending that democrats are the pro-israel party when republicunts literally have israel as their #1 priority is hilarious
Lumpy Trumpies BTFO
lol we're btfo? Let's say hypothetically everyone hating Trump in this thread is correct and his decision fucks over farmers and does nothing to help put out the fires....

So what? A blue state full of leftist faggots that hate Trump get fucked a fraction as hard as Newsom/Bass fucked them already - and they'll still vote for them - while the price of carrots goes up .20 cents. I'll be over here laughing at their misery, not eating a salad, as they cry about it outside the charred remains of their homes.
Bro at this point you're just arguing with lefties in the middle of their melties as they literally implode watching trump fix illegal immigration and the fentanyl epidemic.
Just laugh at them.
Oh yeah. And fix California's water mismanagement. That too. Didn't look what thread I was in, there's been so many threads raging over shit trumps fixing here that all the threads are starting to look the same
trumpfags would thank him for a kick in the balls just because it was trump. it's like we've been transferred to a different dimension, i don't remember people being like this a decade ago
>i don't remember people being like this a decade ago
Not for nothing but you weren't calling us Nazis a decade ago. I wonder if that has something to do with it?
>You called me a nazi so I had no choice but to become one
So you justified that.
yeah, we were actually. because of the nazi regalia you love so much mostly
Thanks for making the case that trumpers are subhumans
You already said you'd settle for petty vengeance. And we established you can't point to how this fixes anything.
>You tried to help us put out a fire we were too incompetent to deal with. NAZI!
And you wonder why you lost.

>because of the nazi regalia you love so much mostly
Like the American flag.

Yeah go throw another molotov at a minority-owned business to get back at the police.
>accuse us of being nazis
>destroy our lives by calling us nazis
>treat us like we're actually nazis
If we're going to do the time, we may as well do the crime.
you're a faggot and you should follow your leader
Anon if your reaction to being called a nazi isn't to reflect on your decisions and realize you need to change, then they were absolutely fucking right.
>someone called me a nazi
>therefore I'm a horrible person and need to conform to their beliefs
you still haven't followed your leader?
My leader is winning. Also:
>wuh-why is everyone voting for a nazi??? I don't understand!
your leader did a nazi salute, miserable faggot. you're a shill being paid pennies to suck billionaire dick, you're losing
I don't even have a problem with "nazis" per se. It's this shit where
>I'm gonna teach you a lesson about wasting water
>by wasting water
>and I'm gonna lie and pretend it's going toward firefighting
That's psychotic. I don't think even Trump is all that deranged. He's probably just being bribed to fuck with the price of almonds, pistachios, or some shit. Just corruption. Banality of evil and all that.
Stay mad faggot.
no rebuttal to anything, interesting. guess i'm correct
Kek. They be like that tho
nigga stop talking to yourself
lol and now this dumb faggot here>>1380077 thinks I'm (you). It must be hard to admit that calling everyone a racist all the time isn't likely to get them to vote with you.
you're brown, you're being self-racist if we're being exact
>nooo, you must conform to meet the expectations of the people who lie about you and keep trying to destroy your life, why are you becoming the thing they fear the most, it makes no sense
You are actually stupid.
follow your leader faggot
Working on it.

Enjoy your stay at Guantanamo bay.
The state government of California allows bazillions of gallons of fresh water to pour into the ocean every day, yet claims the wildfires are due to "climate change".
anon do you know where rivers tend to naturally lead?

Jan. 20, 2023

Environmental rules stoke anger as California lets precious stormwater wash out to sea

Since the beginning of January, a series of atmospheric rivers has disgorged trillions of gallons of much-needed moisture across drought-stricken California, but only a small fraction of that water has so far made it into storage. In the delta — the heart of the state’s vast water system — nearly 95% of incoming water has flowed into the Pacific Ocean, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Important context.
>>1379435 (OP)
I knew it would be bad but its just worse than I thought he do,next is a plan to start fires to prevent the spread of fires but with oil
I bet you don't live in California. Meanwhile, there's so many Republican voters Trump's just alienated.
More Revenge Voters in the midterms. Just two years. Tick-tock, tick-tock, Trumpo.
That was me, not him.
He wants to be in the chain of replies without saying NTA then he can take your position. I don't have the time or patience to differentiate between so many retards without an ID. You all say the same stupid shit.
maybe 4chan isn't the best site for you
I mean yeah you'll hear no argument from me about that, but after... Holy shit it's been 18 years here... Fuck.

Don't forget: you're here forever.

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