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WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Aides to Elon Musk charged with running the U.S. government human resources agency have locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees, according to two agency officials.
Since taking office 11 days ago, President Donald Trump has embarked on a massive government makeover, firing and sidelining hundreds of civil servants in his first steps toward downsizing the bureaucracy and installing more loyalists.
Musk, the billionaire Tesla (TSLA.O), opens new tab CEO and X owner tasked by Trump to slash the size of the 2.2 million-strong civilian government workforce, has moved swiftly to install allies at the agency known as the Office of Personnel Management.
The two officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, said some senior career employees at OPM have had their access revoked to some of the department's data systems..
>>1379472 (OP)
I enjoy your suffering. I wish for you to slowly starve to death on the streets and watch your family get eaten alive by rats. You truly don’t know how despised you are, and how little sympathy the people have for you.
>I love an unelected billionaire having access to trillions of dollars meant for US citizens with no oversight

You know, in a few years, when Musk has fled to China with billions of taxpayer dollars in tow, will you admit you're retarded?
Musk is an illegal alien who has violated his student visa. Odd that MAGAs would follow him.
there is nothing that Trump or Musk can ever do that will force their followers to admit they were wrong. That will never happen.
>watch your family get eaten alive by rats.
My fam got eaten alive by rats. It was 2009, and my fam lost our house in 08, during the great corporate bank steal. Me & the missus was watchin' our 70'' tv and Obama was gibbin' a speech 'bout a new era in American prosperity, when I the baby started cryin', so I left our cardboard box to go to the local food desert to steal some baby formula, as I had sucked muh wife's teats dry. When I comes back......oh, muh, gods, muh baby was all gnawed down to the bone, and muh wife's teats was chewed off. Thank the lord that the fenny she was high on made her obleeveeus to pains. This is why I'm a person of color and I hates Obama and voted for tRump. But the rats just keeps on gettin' bigger.
This is a TRUE AMERICAN TRAGEDY, and I feel for you brother. All these fools here about dems, GOP, all fooled by the duopoly. I voted for tRump because he might accidently burn it all down. And the socialist Pheonix will arise from the ashes. Many musts die, that a TRUE SOCIALIST UTOPIA arises
>i have to make up a lie in my mind to hate maga while ignoring literal reality that this is in fact not happening

impressive mental illness
Sorry I have pattern recognition anon. Ask Jho Low how this kind of scheme usually goes.
>>1379472 (OP)
feds employees deserve nothing more than to be bullied into suicide
How is there such a disproportionate number of irrational government haters on this board?
they get paid to repeat whatever the topic of the day is
People like this are either retarded Americans who don't realize they're being divided and conquered by the ultra rich, trolls, or part of that clique. Know your enemy.
>Elon Derangement Syndrome
Looney the larper at work. Musk has a big problem with government bureaucrats, ss he is so use to yes men, he is not capable of hearing the word, "NO!"
Elon is //ourguy//. He even posts on /pol/.
Government should not provide services. There is no such thing as a public good. Government exists to employ violence and oppression towards enemies and degenerates. That is the only job of government. They don't gibe lunches or medicine, they only exist to kick in doors and jail sodomites.
>Elon Derangement Syndrome
International banker, and credit-taker" "idea thief"; Musk is the epitome of the Dunning -Kruger effect
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect. >>1379786
>Looney the larper at work.
This didn't really happen to me, but I am a waste management engineer (garbage person) and I found this poor man clutching his rat chewed baby, and teatless wife, and I hate Obama for letting the bankers off the hook with tax payers $
You're jealous of the man's success and intelligence. Bullying him because he's weird just outs you as an autistphobe.
Twitter had literal FBI agents employed with the sole purpose of censoring everyone. Stop lying, you fucking retard.
Truthful and accurate.
Willful ignorance and stupidity.
>want to do shit
>accuse your opponent of doing that shit because how could they not
>use the "they did it first" justification when you get power to do the shit you originally wanted to do
That's how it always works out in the end.
Good fucking god, you people could not possibly possibly project any harder. It's like a superpower.
In related news


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration has placed two top security chiefs at the U.S. Agency for International Development on leave after they refused to turn over classified material in restricted areas to Elon Musk’s government-inspection teams, a current and a former U.S. official told The Associated Press on Sunday.

Members of Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency, known as DOGE, eventually did gain access Saturday to the aid agency’s classified information, which includes intelligence reports, the former official said.

Musk’s DOGE crew lacked high-enough security clearance to access that information, so the two USAID security officials — John Vorhees and deputy Brian McGill — were legally obligated to deny access.

The current and former U.S. officials had knowledge of the incident and spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to share the information.

It comes a day after DOGE carried out a similar operation at the Treasury Department, gaining access to sensitive information including the Social Security and Medicare customer payment systems.

Musk formed DOGE in cooperation with the new Trump administration with the stated goal of finding ways to fire federal workers, cut programs and slash federal regulations.
>Elon gets control of government finances
Turbo based. All the boomer assholes, deep state bumcrats, and other useless eaters about to get fucked by the heavy hand of the market. You want gibes? Fuck you. You work for $11 per hour for your lunch like every other asshole. Can't get a job? Then die. That is the law of economics. You don't generate wealth or goods, you are useless. Have fun starving to death on the streets. Maybe all the corpses from the societal dregs will open up new corpse cleaning jobs.
you're not american. and i doubt shills even make 11 an hour
Awww, how dare he inconvenience those fat ass parasites!
Only when rent prices in DC are cut in half we will know that enough bureaucrats got their lazy asses fired.
enjoying your billionaire bukkake, faggot?
Billionaires the smartest, most intelligent, and most successful members of our species. They have to be to survive the rutheless world of bussiness. They represent the apex of humanity, and I'd trust them to run things over any unelected bureaucrat retard, and most elected bureaucrat retards (in other words, politicians). They are building a world that, although not all that comfortable for the failures of our society, is more rewarding and fair to those who succeed and actually matter. There will be no second place prizes and no free lunches in this world. It will be glorious.
i'll take that as a yes. try not to drown, not like we'd lose much
Based AF.
That's a pretty strange way of admitting you're incredibly retarded can't do anything without the help of the Glorious Leader.
Expected from a corpo fascist shill, really
>>1379472 (OP)
Hilarious how the people who always cry "defend the state! bureaucracts are evil and don't have our interests at heart!" Etc etc are now crying because the state is being cleansed of vampires who leech tax payer funds.
Or do leftists suddenly want bigger government? Didn't know they were such authoritarians lmao.

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