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Pentagon agency bans Black History Month in compliance with Trump’s anti-DEI push

Just days before the start of Black History Month, employees from the Pentagon’s intelligence agency received a memo notifying them that all activities related to the annual commemoration were now banned.

According to a memo obtained by NBC News, the Defense Intelligence Agency ordered a pause of all activities and events related to 11 “special observances” in compliance with President Donald Trump’s ban on DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) programs in the federal workplace.
Who cares? Black history is retarded.
It's finally happening. No more mandated nog worshipping for the next four years.
>I love government censorship!
as opposed to government forced mandates
why do the shills pretend to be white though
>>1379614 (OP)
I honestly support this. I don't really get why we should have holidays or special months targeting racial or sexual orientation groups.
Goodbye Christmas.
>>1379614 (OP)
lel knee grows BTFO.
No one is being censored, retard. Government just can't stop everything it should be doing to throw nigger and tranny parties
>making the government do what it should be doing
>removing holidays and censoring employees to own the libs
The absolute state of the GOP
Owning the libs is good policy. There is not one instance in which owning the libs is negative.
You know I wouldn't be surprised that this is used as a backdoor way to get rid of federal holidays so they can squeeze an extra day of work out of people each month and right wingers will eat it up
sorry for muh tardy repluh
>I honestly support this. I don't really get why we should have holidays or special months targeting racial or sexual orientation groups.
>Goodbye Christmas. I'm guessing you da one Dat put whitey in his place say, ALL CAPS COLORED CHAOS CO-COORDINATING CHUM, this is why I take vacations away from this place. I meme, holy bloody baby Jesus, mother Mary on the rag(lil baby Jesus popped out during Mary's period, as she was a virgin). The sheer imbecility of these white gnat braned Nats. They have WHITE Christmas, white Jesus, a white father in the sky, Columbus day, Washington's bd, memorial day ( a lot of whiteys buried at Arlington). Halloween where they get to wear black face, Thanksgiving where whitey gives thanks for all the injuns he killed so he could grow the foods he be eatin'.And Donna git me started on when thar racist state holidays like Confederate memorial day. And then the fucking white gnats gibs dem self a new holiday JAN 6!!!@1. Forgive me for slipping back into muh native hood lingo, ALL CAPPER COLORED, it just i get so angry at whitey sometimes, even whrn he don't mean to be racist, his ignorance makes him so.
The White House celebrated Black History month yesterday. Just in case you mongoloids missed it.
Oh hey, just found this.
Trump WH told the public what the east coast drone sightings were after Biden was confused about it for 6 months straight
>Mysterious drones seen across New Jersey and the East Coast last year were authorized to be flown by the Federal Aviation Administration, the White House said Tuesday, echoing an earlier claim by President Donald Trump, who said the drones aren’t “the enemy” amid speculation about their origin.
>The drones seen over New Jersey were authorized to be flown by the FAA for “research and various other reasons,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said Tuesday, citing unspecified “research and study.”
See, the problem is, if it's this mundane an explanation, the fact no one in the Biden admin gave it means it's probably a lie.
Yeah, Trump totally wouldn't lie to us.

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