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Christian School Teacher and Conservative Writer Who Accused LGBTQ People of 'Grooming' Kids Charged with Molesting Student
The man described himself on X as "Christian, Conservative, Educator, podcaster, Writer."

A Christian school teacher and conservative writer who accused LGBTQ+ people of "grooming" kids was arrested and charged with molesting a child.

Aaron Craig Gleason, 39, was arrested on Tuesday in Okaloosa, Florida, and charged with lewd and lascivious molestation of a child under the age of 12, according to jail records.

In addition to being a teacher and a soccer coach, Gleason was also a writer who had pieces published in conservative news outlets, such as The Daily Wire, The Federalist and The Imaginative Conservative, as reported by LGBTQ Nation.

Gleason's author page still remains active for The Federalist, but has since been taken down from The Daily Wire, the outlet reported citing internet archives.

The 39-year-old described himself as "Christian, Conservative, Educator, podcaster, Writer," according to his X account. In one tweet from June 2024, Gleason appeared equate posting the Ten Commandments in a classroom to hanging a pride flag.

Gleason also commented on a video shared by Timcast News, which is led by anti-LGBTQ+ influencer Tim Pool, of protestors at New York City's 2023 Drag March shouting, "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children."
"No grooming going on here, they're just coming for our children," Gleason tweeted. At the time, protesters told NBC News that they had chosen the cheer as a way to make fun of accusations from conservatives that they are "grooming" kids.

Gleason taught Bible studies at Rocky Bayou Christian School. In an email to parents, obtained by Mid Bay News, the school's superintendent wrote, "The teacher has been on paid administrative leave and off campus for two weeks. RBCS is fully cooperating with authorities in this matter until authorities have concluded their investigation."

The 39-year-old was released from jail after posting bond. His next court appearance is scheduled for March 13.
>>1382658 (OP)
>Gleason appeared equate posting the Ten Commandments in a classroom to hanging a pride flag.
I can agree with this. Neither one of those jewish religions should be shoved down childen's throats.
>>1382658 (OP)
>>1382658 (OP)
Not a peep from Ben Shapiro about this. Not a peep from Matt Walsh. Not a peep from ANY of the "protect muh Kidz!" crowd.
Because none of them actually give a shit about protecting kids, it's just about generating clicks with outrage porn. If child pornography were legal, socially acceptable, and more profitable than right wing outrage, they'd been in the child pornography business.
Plus half of them are deliberately crying wolf about child predators to numb people to the accusation, so when their own transgressions are brought to light the impact isn't as significant.
>Not a peep from ANY of the "protect muh Kidz!" crowd.
How about this: fuck him. Throw him in a woodchipper. There you happy now?
Sort of. At least you have more integrity than Matt Walsh.
>>1382658 (OP)
>Christian School Teacher and Conservative Writer Who Accused LGBTQ People of 'Grooming' Kids Charged with Molesting Student

Matt Walsh is a pedophile.Every anti is a pro. The tranny hater here faps to chicks with dicks
>>1382658 (OP)
And this from the 'Party of Law and Order', folks. The same party that still to this day doesn't make child marriages illegal in certain states. The leader of said party isn't issuing an executive order to make such illegal, so that in itself says so much about that leader: Trump. And that thing's cultists refuse to condemn said leader of that party that refuses to issue that EO to make child marriages illegal in those states, which says even more about them. GOP. Gang Of Pedophiles indeed. Those that think they have the right to say that others not exactly like them are 'Groomers'. Accusations are Admissions. The Republicans & MAGAtards make IMAX obsolete.
Hypocrisy. It's a hell of a drug.
>>1382658 (OP)
There are two types of chomos
1. Chameleons like this guy
2. LGBTQ activists.
One thing remains true however,
100% of chomos are LGBTQ.
got to remember that those people like it when children get raped so long as the pedophile is a white guy who cries out 'in the name of jesus!' as he rapes the child and force the child to marry their rapist
100% of chomos are LGBTQ. 100% of priests who molested children are LGBTQ.
95% of chomos are school teachers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Guve7Y856kY [Embed]
Trump is Trans Queer
Thus one thing remains a fact:
100% of Trumptards are chomos, including >>1382781.
>>1382781 said it, I didn't
>ackshuallly us right wingers don't wanna rape kids
yes that is why right wingers block anti child marriage bills
>I am butthurt and have no argument.
I can tell
>I too am butthurt and comparing laws that have been on the books in the majority of states regarding age of marriage to my LGBTQ people fucking kids because they are literally the same thing in my insane head!!!
Its fine when democrats host practically nude public tranny parties with kids in tow or storytelling to kids with sex offenders so who cares anymore. We all know democrats are majority child predators and sex pest everytime they try to bring up oh look a religious guy is into kids its just deflection.
>>1382865 is butthurt
It's fine when the Republican party refuse to make child marriages illegal, nor do MAGAtards call the Gang of Pedophiles led by Trump their Enabler-in-Chief out on this, but say that others not exactly like them are 'Groomers'? Accusations are Admissions.
Hypocrites don't have the right to have opinions.
>Marriage is the same thing as LGBTQs being chomos
Not quite. You are very angry though.
>Child rape is fine if you put a ring on the child's finger first
You are a pedophile
LGBTQs adopt toddler boys to rape them.
Tell, me, anon, what is the age that these kids can be married in the 38 states in which marriage under the age of 18 is legal?
trump pardons pedophiles so you obviously don't care. at this point it's glaringly obvious all your qtard delusions are just a smokescreen to help you sexually abuse children
>>1382658 (OP)
Fake shit, all fabricated.
A Civil code must be imposed to reduce judges from petty tyrants to powerless bureaucrats.
You are not very angry at your own GOP - Gang Of Pedophiles - not making child marriages illegal in certain states, so the fact they won't makes you happy. This makes you a chomo if you're not angry at your Chomo-in-Chief Trump the pedo not issuing an EO to make illegal what his own party allows.
The fact you keep proving you're a pedo makes me happy. Because the fact I'm not what you hypocritically accuse others of being ensures I'm superior to you.
Because it is a singular person and not a trend. You are just rage reacting. The gay people who are adopting kids are overwhelmingly sexually abusing them.
>>1382658 (OP)
wdym by again? there was another cases of this?

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