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I think I should get a 2024 Mustang GT while they're available even if it means drowning in debt. To borrow a word from Aldous Huxley, Fordship is magic.
This is still available to us while GM already nixed the Camaro and Stellantis did the same to the Challenger. I'd get an EcoBoost but no manual transmission is available for it, imagine buying a 4 pot and then losing even more power to the tranny, couldn't be me.
The s550 looks better. Slap on a supercharger and you’ll smoke 99% of the cars on the road.
its ugly and gay now, just like ford has been for a very long time. save your money, dont be a retard
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I'd be inclined to agree if your post wasn't so cheesily-written. I almost missed this thread's point under that forced dog-and-pony show of a prose.
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The Fast, Agile V8 Coupe You’ve Always Wanted
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S650 sux for many reasons (too long to post) but they are on ~3-5K discount (confirmed achievable recently) so you can get em <40K

Cuntsider a Challenger, they're on discount too (~10-12K confirmed achievable recently) and more of the "traditional musshole" assperience if you wanna larp a "muh classic white man"
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you sound like those dumb boomers they made millions of mustangs they aren't going anywhere
1/600,000 isn't worth going into debt over
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this could be the last V8-powered Mustang GT ever
>1 of 502758 made for the 2024 model year
>1 of 195729 in NPC White for 2024
>1 of 9462 in NPC White for 2024 with convertible top
>1 of 24 with factory installed rubber floor mats
I know what I got
wat gay is dat from?

gfx so realistik
I feel the same way about the Challenger, I kinda wanna get one now, a Scat Pack specifically. There's a used 2022 with ~2k miles near me, I check on it every week to see if it's still available. Only problem is they want like $40k for it which just doesn't make sense. At the same time the FOMO is mounting, it's got ridiculously low miles, and the higher trims obviously get abused more so the longer I wait the worse condition I'll be able to find one.

I considered a Mustang but the newest ones are just so ugly that I can't justify paying so much for a car I'm not gonna love.
If you can get over the looks then it's absolutely a good purchase.
The coyote sounds really good and has a lot of power. However the MT82 transmission is kind of junk. The Dark horse has the Tremec i believe. But I don't know how much it matters in normal driving.
If you care about performance/$ and want a new car there is literally only one option in this country, for better or for worse, and it's the mustang GT.
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>1 of 126,532 made for the 1996 model year
>1 of 20,189 made in Crystal white in 1996
>1 of 10,002 Cobras made in 1996
>1 of 1,923 Cobras made in Crystal white in 1996
>1 of 1,429 Cobra coupes made in Crystal white
>1 of 676 Cobras made in Crystal white with Saddle Leather
>tfw didn't get the 1 of 1 '96 Crystal White Saddle Cloth Vert
>Scat Pack
>Only problem is they want like $40k
My dude if you could stretch your budget a LITTLE bit and perhaps your search radius a little bit, you can find brand new ones for that much.
I have no idea why you would buy a used Scat when theyre sitting on lots going under MSRP.
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The Chevrolet Camaro and Dodge Challenger are on their last legs, so it’s a miracle we’re getting a new Mustang at all, let alone one with a fire-breathing V8.
>My dude
pure distilled reddit I'm afraid
Whens the last time you left your moms basement my dude?
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You cannot! You will anger the Ramsey!
when's the last time you engaged in sincere discussion without a layer of irony and snark tinging everything you said?
Do you actually have friends IRL, genuine question? And if you do, do you think they like you and enjoy your company? Or are you just the weird guy people have to invite?
I love how you can tell my question cut deep because of how defensive you immediately became
your cold reads don't really work because it's painfully obvious it's just projection now. alas, standard MO of a redditor.
>If you can get over the looks
The looks alone are one of the reasons to get it, what are you smoking?
$50k in an index fund and a free one in 7 years.

You probably won't want one once fomo wears off and they're $15k though.
I always tell myself I’ll do this, but I can never bring myself to sell anything I put in an index fund so I just keep saving the money
The challenger hasn't changed meaningfully in 10 years, just get a 2014. It'll ironically be more reliable than buying a UAW-strike car, too.
I don't like those cars, especially in that popular yellow coloration. It reminds me of an unnoticed, missed cheese crumb that falls on the floor when you make a sandwich, and the car itself just isn't enviro-friendly.
yikes bruh, this just aint wholesome chungus my duderino

let's unpack your comment because this is SO not cooking uncle frfr
>without a layer of irony and snark tinging everything you said
Only someone who regularly takes cock up his ass and mouth talks like this
well at least you'll die with 2.5 million in the bank
No, wait until you're 78 years old and then withdraw. Then you can get Tyquavious's 50k mile mustang for $25k.
The goal is to retire as early as practical, ideally die with nothing in the bank. I just think to myself I could spend 50k on a car or retire another year earlier (really more, due to compounding interest) and it becomes an easy choice
You're speaking from experience, clearly.
Reminder that manuals are diesel-adjacent, you can only get a manual transmission in a diesel variant of a lot of models nowadays. People like those because they remind them of the locomotives they heard in Barney growing up. Arrested development at its finest.
Hey man you're late to your star trek fan club meeting
An inconvenient truth for Dieselfags. The smell of the fuel reminds them of smoking dope as well, a common vice they hold.
Not today, Satan. Not ever.
>~3-5K discount
For a proper manual? I've only seen slush boxes going for under MSRP. I'm convinced there's some sort of conspiracy that it keeps happening.
Such a cheesy color
>Pony Car
Pick one.
the GT is a V8
Guess that you missed this part:
>I'd get an EcoBoost but no manual transmission is available for it,
IF there was a manual available,, OP would buy it.
Thus my comment.

I thought you were ngmi
>People like those because they remind them of the locomotives they heard in Barney growing up.
But diesel locomotives are more akin to an automatic transmission than a manual, in principle. There's no direct driveline connection between the prime mover and the output wheels.
That's from after this thread, I'll report them for stealing my OC
Cope. If you're into manuals, you're the same as dieselfags. Your car will sound like a vehicle from Barney the dinosaur. This is your mindset.
bro got the cheese on fucking /o/
If he wasn't such an autistic bad car he could enjoy the company of a fine lady such as Jennifer Nicholson but no, he has to become agitated the moment he sees anything related to ponies.
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Why wont Honda bring the Accord coupé back
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The fate of all bad cars
smt tm ac
That's obviously to avoid drowning himself in debt, I thought it was obvious
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>getting a new GT for $45-50k when you can get a used GT350 for the same price
>getting a new GT for $45-50k when it's identical in performance and build quality as a 2018 GT for $25-30k
>spending $50k on a Mustang with a MT82 when there are multiple models with a superior tremec available for cheaper
>Mexican trannies
Opinion discarded
Fuck maybe i shouldn't have gotten a mustang with challengers this cheap.
You can still get challywallys, theres even a hellcat on the lot near me
I don't think ford is going to axe the mustang any time soon though
Is it arrogance or did you just grow up in the same house your entire childhood? You could die anytime why wouldn't you make your drive worth the experience.
2028 apparently. Got to give them props though, sales are pretty fucking bad for the GT.
People just don't like these kinds of cars anymore.
2 houses as a kid, moved close by when my parents got divorced. I drive an old SL500 (R129) so I still really enjoy my drive, but it only cost me $15k and hasn't cost much in terms of upkeep or insurance. If the market keeps doing reasonably well then I'll be financially independent in my 40s, which, incidentally, will lower my risk of death due to ill health, stress, etc.
Have fun breaking shifter forks and shattering gears in your chinkshit MT82 retard
*can't afford
Bidenomics, ain't it grand?
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>facelift old model
>make it ugly and more expensive
>nobody buys it
>oh heck looks like there's no demand for these muscle kers
>discontinue model line
many such cases
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>going into debt over a modern Mustang
lmao you can't make this shill shit up
Please understandu
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>the car itself just isn't enviro-friendly.
I’ve actually been thinking the same thing lol
They’re not axing it in 2028. They just don’t have concrete plans for a new model beyond 2028 yet.
If you’re going to get one, get one because it will be fun. Don’t get it because you think it will have a higher resale value after they’re discontinued because they won’t.

Now, help me decide between this and a scat pack.

You do see fewer…well…you know who’s driving Mustangs.
Damn, the Stangy Wangy is growing on me
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>…well…you know who’s driving Mustangs.
Welll... then there's you.
>>oh heck looks like there's no demand for these muscle kers
There literally isn't. Mentality and ideology are changing. It's not a money thing.
All the muscle car prices tracked pretty well with inflation and even income over time, at least since like 2000.
Ford's making a V8 mustang for $42,500 in 2024, which is $32,861 in 2017 money. The actual 2017 mustang GT msrp was $39,585.
These cars have gotten CHEAPER... and yet sales are SHIT for 2024.
If not price blame it on looks. If not looks, blame it on interior design. If not that, blame it on the transmission, etc etc.
The truth is you don't buy these muscle cars new. No one you know buys these muscle cars new.
It's just boomers who do, and the rest of us get it second hand.
And car enthusiast boomers are dying out.
>These cars have gotten CHEAPER... and yet sales are SHIT for 2024.
Has median income got any better? Because if not, they got more expensive. Don't forget the plandemic.
I can confirm the $10k discount on the challenger. I don’t know about the white man LARP though. They’re a stereotypical black man car now.
Idk about the mustangs but dealerships are currently offering big discounts on the challengers to get rid of them since they’ll be done this year.
That’s not why they’re discontinuing them though. It’s because of the EV push. They can’t continue to meet regs and justify it. All the muscle cars are not actually being discontinued but are being folded into plans for EVs. Mustang, Charger, they all have EVs coming out.
I plan on buying this summer and I’m completely torn between the Mustang and the Challenger.
Challengers have the ugliest bodies. Mustangs are just cop cars so who cares unless you get a shelby
I actually like the look of the Challengers because they’re clearly a muscle car and I’ve never seen a cop in a Mustang.
Based ford
The chinese refresh was so ugly they had to fix it.
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The GR86/BRZ is a true pony car though just Japanese.
>chinese refresh
wait what
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Early Gen6 1LEs are still a pretty good bargain. Fordcucks and challywallys need not apply.
I have a V6 and I love it. I would never buy a V8. V8s are great for driving in straight lines but thats not "driving". But you can own a Mustang forever. You can restore a 60s Mustang to mint condition thanks to the huge aftermarket this line has. There is no reason not to buy a Mustang. You can get a 4, 6 or 8, NA or supercharger it, the sky is the limit. Just do it faggot.
RWD cars aren't going anywhere. Get off of Youtube.
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>It's a stealth Lee Bait thread on /o/ of all places
forced meme he posts in every mustang thread
These are ugly as sin
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>I would never buy a V8. V8s are great for driving in straight lines but thats not "driving"
unbelievable levels of copium
FoMoCo haven't made a mustang worth spending money on since 1970. The only other good one is the '69.
That's one asshole's opinion, though.
If you're dead set on a 'Stang, buy used. Late fifth gens are a dime a dozen and come with shit powerful V8's like they should.
>FoMoCo haven't made a mustang worth spending money on since 1970. The only other good one is the '69.
Retard lmao
Mustang hasn't been a pony car since the Mustang II.
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The 3rd gen was around the same size as the 1st gen and is the size of a modern subcompact.
>minimum wage in 2017 was 7.25 and in 2024 its 7.25
>Inflation only comes from wage increases anon
Retard believes in demand based economics. You'll buy what your given and worship me for the opportunity.
Wasn't based on anything, though. A pony car is supposed to be a sporty coupe based on the compact of the marque's lineup. First gen Mustang was based on the Falcon, Mustang II was based on the Pinto. From that point on the Mustang either had a unique platform or in the case of the Fox was based on a midsize.
The 3rd gen was based on the Ford Fairmont which was a compact Anon. The Fox/SN95 are just shortened and modified Fairmonts. So even according to your standard they're still pony cars indeed.
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I was seriously considering the new ecoboost until I read that there's no way to shift the AT on the base model, and that Ford forces you to shell out an extra $3500 to add paddle shifters. Are you fucking shitting me?
if ford did a modern barra ecoboost i6t it would be kino but i dont like the v8 or v6 or i4
Makes sense. Paddle shifters are a stupid gimmick. I guess kids like you these days don't remember when they used to be a huge joke. We used to make fun of them and call them "flappy paddles". They have no business being on a base model rental spec 4 cylinder car. If you really are such a die hard racing driver with your white scorpion jacket and your 200 hour super eurobeat mix on USB that you feel you need to be in full control of your 10 speed automatic transmission, then you're going to want all the stuff in the performance pack anyway. Especially the shorter gears, brembos, and whatever they're calling the driver assist software.
>I think I should get a 2024 Mustang GT while they're available even if it means drowning in debt.

This is why you get a 230i or 430i and never look back.
Yup, shitsuxbr0

Flappy paddles are crucial on the new Moostangs. The auto tranny shifting at random times causes these crowd crashes because the trans will shift and you suddenly unpredictably gain grip in the middle of a burnout/slide, leading to overcorrecting or fishtailing and ded

t. drove a 2023 Egoboost off a freeway onramp during a drift. trans shifted, suddenly hooked up while correcting the slide. fell into a field and eventually drove back onto the freeway, rental cuntpany never found out

(never buy rental cars)
/qa/ won
The Mustang is on borrowed time and will follow the same fate as the Camaro and the watermelonmobile. They don't sell very well and their meh fuel economy is just hurting the numbers for the rest of the lineup.
>their meh fuel economy is just hurting the numbers for the rest of the lineup.
the reason mustang survives is because ford plans exactly for this, whereas Chevy/dodge failed to and were basically forced to cut their cars
If you’re looking at any American muscle car and not selecting the v8 version, just buy some weebshit or a eurobar.
Part of the joyous experience of driving American muscle is the simple sound and harmony from a v8 engine loping up front. Whether it’s at idle or at redline, this is the experience you’re craving, this is what you’re paying for and at a discount compared to equivalent euro or weeb brands. It’s the second best time to be an auto enjoyer, don’t settle or you’ll regret it.
>will lower my risk of death due to ill health, stress
So are you a coal miner or something, or one of those fags who think working in an air conditioned office building is "dehumanizing"?
good to know that it's apparently impossible to ever lose traction in a manual car...
I think Ford intentionally wants this car to be a low volume sales dud. Milk the few boomers left who can afford the high pricing for a V8 coupe then wind down production after this gen and claim their hands were tied as the Mustang turns into something else beyond 2028.
>>27723258 Might as well
Fully loaded super charged gt500
model 55,935
GT 48,575 starting with options over 60k
Blah blah inflation or some janett yellen shit
Here in richfag-land (California) every 16 year-old illegal immigrant is flexing new muscle cars. Every welfare recipient is driving flashy shit.

I bought a new V8 Camaro a few years ago, but am selling it to Carvana tomorrow. Will downgrade to GR86 (automatic) or new 2025 Camry. V8 life was fun, but at this point I'm bored of it and just want effortless cruising for endless miles.
This motherfucker just gave up on life.
Sad af bro.
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>cali wali
>no hot carl
you done fucked up
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based polish ford v8
>but at this point I'm bored of it
Fucking why? Dealerships still have Challengers. There's thousands of them that haven't been snatched up. You get better build quality in a more ergonomic package for daily use, plus it doesn't look like a constipated eurotrash "sports car". An R/T is marginally more expensive, more reliable, and infinitely more fun and modifiable than an Ecoboost Mustang.
It's not bad if you option it properly (at least a GT Performance Pack). The base GT looks like it has a V6 in terms of how wide the rims are.
>I'm poor and maybe I should drown myself in debt to get a pony car without a V8

I'm from bongland where fuel costs 11 million dollars and even I can see how pathetic this is OP
Gonna be honest.
I'm sad that the last affordable V8 muscle car is going to end on that ugly ass Mustang.
It would be nice if they made another generation that looked better.
>auto GR86

jesus christ man just fucking do the camry or a prius prime

ford auto programming sucks dick for anything other than going fast in a straight line
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So what? Is the car supposed to look like Fluttershy because it's yellow?
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>You’ve Always Wanted
Fuck modern mustangs they look like the other ugly shitboxes on the road.
>slap a horse on a generic modern front end
>its totally a mustang guys
The 2010 to 2012's had the best front ends of modern mustangs.
even a V6 Challenger is better than an egoboob vagenestang
>less powerful
>looks like it's 15 years old
Delusional retard.
>looks like it's 15 years old
In car terms that means outdated, pedo.
>ZAMN she's 12?!?!?
Wow so great to see LGBT car enthusiasts come together
I wonder if ford even makes a profit on every mustang sold
>every 16 year-old illegal immigrant is flexing new muscle cars.
They aren't new you tard, spic teens are known for buying cars that have been through 20 owners and then when they cant keep up maintenance they dump it off to some other spic teen
>pony car
>literally a muscle car
>high performance
how many owners can a 5 year old mustang or camaro realistically have

just accept they work blue collar jobs that pay actual money and live with their parents
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>The last
lmao no. Dodge is already cucking and chevy has been making a new V8 for the next generation. the V8 is here to stay because china decided to push EVs without the US's premission
ok ringo

Go for it, you are aware you can get a slightly used s550 one for 30-35k nowadays, or even an s197 for less then 20k. I used to have a 2013 before my 2022 and i liked the rawness of that car more then the s550, which to me almost feels like a luxury muscle car. The s197 had much more had a more old school feel to it which I liked in a mustang.
Hood too short + handles too well to be a true pony car
If I can't lose control and crash into a crowd it doesn't belong
>4.5s 0-60
>13.2s 1/4 @ 103mph
>155mph top speed
That absolutely shits on base Camaros and Challengers which are stuck in 14s hell.
>hot carl
More of a Chilly Willie
american broke bois seething hard in this thread
minimum in germany is basicly top trim for the mutts, though admittedly you also get basicly no styling options
>Lee still seething
kek, I guess Fordship really is magic
>americans are mad because they get more choices
Weird cope, but ok.
malding mutt
>I'm supposedly mad because I have freedom of choice
Again, extremely weird cope. Also projection from a euromutt.....classic.
I'd get one if they weren't so god damn ugly outside and cheap inside.
They don't look like mustangs and don't even look like muscle cars anymore. More like a ubiquitous sedan that has 'aggressive' stylizations to headlights, grill and other purely cosmetic stylizations. At least the challenger (sick of seing them) looks like a challenger and a muscle car. Can't say the same about the charger.
You are just a homosexual
Based tm
So new Mustang or Scat Pack?
And how are people getting $10k discounts on Challengers? Do you really just walk in and tell them they’re going to lose money on one of their cars and they just agree?
Mustang has holes in its front fenders behind the front wheels leading to road pebbles chipping the frame/K-brace, rusting them, and eventual failure.

EnemaPacks are cheap from Florida dealers.
What if I’m on the other side of the country from Florida thoughever
Older car rattled more and had less sound insulation? Groundbreaking revelation.
Me too, so I've just been fapping to dealer ads from out here in California.

Consistently lowest Corvette prices: MacMulkin (NH) or Ciocca (NJ)
Consistently lowest Mustang prices: Ourisman (VA) or Koons (VA)
Consistently lowest Challenger prices: Florida steal-yer-shits

California has a limitless supply of "don't-deserve-it-inherited-endless-money" kids who will happily pay markups for anything, so the West Coast dealers generally all suck. The best are all out on the East Coast.
please kill all those errors called muscle cars

It is now time to begin a completely electric and anti-muscle car era.
debatable, ive seen eco-eggs that go faster
>agile v8 coupe
a corvette you mean?

try harder muhammad
The Subaru WRX is closer to being a muscle car than the mustang
Look don't get me wrong, it's an ugly car, but I don't understand people who say it doesn't look "like a mustang"
Because what the fuck does a msuatng look like? A 65 Mustang looks nothing like a Mustang II, which looks nothing like a foxbody, which looks nothing like a SN95, which looks nothing like a S197, which looks nothing like a S550. I mean even within the same generation sometimes, a 2005 Mustang barely looks like the same car as a 2014 one.
I've been looking at Challengers/Chargers, scat packs, and all the new ones are like 60k with used ones sitting at 40+. The ones that are decently priced are at those sketchy ass car lots and/or have an accident on the record.
The Mustang is a Pony car. Besides that point, is the WRX a long hood short deck coupe with a choice of engines up front driving the rear wheels? If not you should kill yourself for saying something so retarded.
Kill you self
The Subaru WRX is actually based on a common car with a souped up engine while still being very attainable I think that is cool
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>the WRX has not one single thing attributable to a pony/muscle car
>I just think it's neat
Thats not what I said.
i wish the ford probe replaced the mustang
so after this ill be 2x faster with instant power and no gay noise?
>Shit ass dash screen spam will be the modern malaise era hallmark
People will HATE it 5-10 years from now and it will be 2 full human generations until its cool again, only this time it won't be because of any actual merits of comfort, usability, etc, but because they'll be so fucking rare to come across, at least in a functioning state, in 50 years that any remaining nostalgia will spike prices through the roof, past the moon, and halfway to fucking andromeda because alllll the repairtech will be long extinct
>white with saddle leather
Baller color combo, post pic with door open anon
But I don't want a pony car, I want a lightweight roadster
>The goal is to retire as early as practical, ideally die with nothing in the bank
Such a fucking loser mentality. The goal is to set your grandchildren up for success with a strong financial foundation and hefty inheritance.
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everytime someone post "kys" in this thread, another EV driver burns alive in his car
We are witnessing a war that has raged since time immemorial. A weirdo brony vs the arguably bigger weirdo who finds all his threads.
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okay turtelli

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