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how many Big Gulps is that?
Omg that's like 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000p000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
The amount of a small lake. What will we ever do
B& EVs
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Such a shame that water is a non renewable resource and that it all escaped to space.
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nobody ever cared how much water it took to put out ICE fires, and now I can't even find statistics for it since they're buried by the mainstream media touting how much water it takes to put out ev fires?
ICE fires don't take much water to put out if you catch them early enough. You could put a small one out with a bucket of water or a garden hose. You're not doing that with a single 18650 let alone 6000 of them.
ICE fires are just regular fires. EV fires are like 10,000 consecutive smaller fires that start back to back and we know this and we train firefighters to simply isolate the fire and let it burn itself down because even tossing 36000 gallons at it will only speed up the process slightly. So why these retards did it is anyone's guess
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>All these EVfags grasping over straws.
"Lithium reacts intensely with water, forming lithium hydroxide and highly flammable hydrogen."
EV fires, while clearly rare, are significantly worse than ICE fires. They burn forever and the risk is higher that they'll catch the surroundings (even homes) on fire.
It takes more than an entire tanker of water to put them out... I'd like to see you nocarz try and put out an EV fire.
Ok, but most ev fires start in an inverter, accessory inverter, or as arson, not in the battery pack, so you could say the same thing about the bucket of water.
Brainlets, nobody's saying water isn't renewable.

This is one EV. One. The effort to put that out is a huge cost. Imagine your mom's house burning to the ground because firefighters were busy.
Another thread proving fire fighters are lazy fucks who cant adapt.
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I tell you what, how about a $5k tax per year to register EVs to pay and equip firefighters just for EVs?
Sound good? Good.
if you search for that model of bus, it was never offered as electric.

so either it's a halfassed conversion, or it's the CNG model of that bus with the tanks' overpressure valves open.
Go away with your commie ideas. One more and you are filtered.
You're right, it's a CNG bus. Hence the pressurized jets.
This was an EV though. And so picrel.
>Commie ideas
Making EVfags pay to equip firefighters for EV fires is not as communist as asking *everyone* to pay for the firefighter upgrade funding, which is what the EVfags are asking for...
This is for defending taxation like a good communist.
Asking every citizen to pay taxes to fund firefighters just for EVs would be socialist.
Asking for a tax on EVs to pay for funds specifically related to EV fires, not socialist.
So you're willingly admitting you don't know shit, or are purposefully spreading misinformation?

One of those is true, pick one and think about it.

Also, what's the fire department going to do with 20 billion dollars (2m new evs registered in 2024, for a total of ~4 million on the road currently)
What are you trying to get at here? Also check who posted what there.
You think I should pay for fire departments to upgrade to EVs when EVs aren't even better for the environment or my country's civilian business? That's commie shit.
Firefighters are the biggest welfare queen nepo babies on planet earth.
What model of bus is it?
EVs catch fire less, so it all works out. Also there has been no EV fire which has caused hundreds of millions in damage.
>EVs catch fire less
36,000 gal*(128 oz/gal)*(1 Big Gulp™/32 oz) = 144,000 Big Gulp™s which is almost the same amount of cum your mom guzzled last night
Might reuse water resources into purple/red hydrogen fuel from nuclear reactor.
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>136,275 L
>13,627,482 cL
>136.27 m3
Aussiesis…how our respond?
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So I just attempted to look for alternatives, and it seems like the following are options:
If the vehicle is not in danger of igniting anything else: Straight up just let it burn. Rather than waste thousands of gallons and hours of time/manpower, let it burn itself out in one hour, then follow "quarantine" procedures such as not allowing the wheels to roll while towing the wreck, and isolating in in the junkyard for 2-3 weeks.
If someone catches it early: some cars now have a fireman's access hatch that basically lets them drown the battery by coupling the hose right to it. I REALLY like this one if it were possible to standardize, you could have ports on the sides and back of the vehicle. The only problem is we live in a such a shitty society that people would doubtlessly find ways to break them open and destroy people's batteries just for the hell of it.
Finally, water at first then bury the thing in sand. I don't think even a couple dump trucks would have enough to really bury a car completely, but could be a good solution for scooters/motorcycles. Would also be relatively easy to add to a fire department's fleet.
Dang I like how it came out to be a nice round number of big gulps
EVs are supported by state interference in pretty much every step of the process from manufacturing to retail.
>Oh, it's perfectly fine to use 20 tanker trucks worth of water every time an external combustion vehicle has an episode, what can you do?
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I hope they fine the EV owner for all of the costs involved. This is a ridiculous drain on public resources and tax-funded budgets.
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>every location has equal access to water at all times
>Also, what's the fire department going to do with 20 billion dollars
They would stop being horrifically underfunded and be capable of effectively doing their job again?
>putting out electrical fire with water
are they dumb?
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ayo hol up

are you sayin

we can just kill everyone in California

if we turn off their water?

Just cut the mains for the two largest cities and the dieoff would turn california into the new confederacy.
>let’s just find a way to always have 20 trucks full with sand like they’re not going to cause traffic jams
Just gonna point out that Big Beef has pretty much successfully psy-opped everyone into hating almonds more. A TON of feed for cows and horses is grown in worthless-for-farming California land, with water bought at stupidly cheap rates. Ideally we'd move production of both elsewher like the midwest, and cut down on making way too much fucking corn there.
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they grow the corn to feed the cows, which they raise on former amazon rainforest territory
Small town firefighters that don't get any real training. Mostly volunteers in Pine Level, Alabama pop. 3881
I don't really care what uses it, I would prefer to see california use the water resources it has and stop screaming that an invasive overpopulated bait fish would get hurt and that the desert isn't giving them enough water for their cities.
So, there's never been a water crisis. Got it.
its takes 36000 gallons of diesel fuel to get your mom's fatass out of bed everyday.
Samefagging hard
Micro penis cope
Almost like wasp nest
EV drivers are gay and drink over 36000 gallons of cum every year
Sounds like incompetency
Wouldn't the water just make the fire bigger since water makes lithium ignite? They probably just didn't want to get close enough to use extinguishers.
It suppresses the fire that comes off the reaction and cools everything around it so things like the road itself don't melt.
>and it burns, burns, burns
>that BEV on fire
>that BEV on fire
>that BEV on fire
Memes aside, what will they do in droughts with fires everywhere already like it happens every year in some places?
Will they just start letting cars on the road burn and fill up the craters in the road 2 days later when the ev finally stopped burning?
Once every third car on the road is an EV there will simply not enough water to take care of hundreds of burning ev cars on fire in one district in summer
>pay 22k to replace dead battery
Pretty much
>battery alone costs as much as a new Chevy spark
Why not buy a plug in hybrid at this point
They don't plan for such a situation because in their minds EVs don't burn as often as ICEs. They show you their little statistics and tell you that there's no reason to prepare for burning EVs because it doesn't happen as often as burning ICEs.
That's prime doublethink
Why dont these retards just invent a fireproof dome to place over it to suffocate the fire of any oxygen and extinguish

I'm literally ther smartest man in the world aren't I
Doesn’t work because the lithium ion battery packs are like rocket fuel. They provide their own oxygen to keep the reaction going
>OMG a lithium fire!
>Let's put water on the lithium metal battery!
>OMG why didn't it work?

Are firefighters retarded?
Is that Oscar Bluth is now hiding?
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>an active 5000 degrees chain reaction
>dude let's just cover it with a dome
Not enough fire extinguisher
Why not just tow a big pool around to dip the EVs inside?
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That'd best be one helluva strong dome. All of that temperature and pressure would take gundanium alloy at least, very pricey. And how are fire departments supposed to safely transport a dome larger than a car without hitting bridges or taking up more than one lane?
Well they are in ALABAMA
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California's had a good couple years of rain so they'll deign to let me shoot things in the forest for a few months this year without using the excuse of "oh no it would be dangerous for fires" when what they really mean is "all gun nuts should be killed".
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ICE fags in ruin because an EV fire looks infinitely cooler than their basic ass fuel fire
The lithium is already on fire, it's not going to magically not be on fire if they let it burn, so they spray it with water to cool the fire so it doesn't destroy the road and because it's all they have since they're horrifyingly underfunded.
>lithium catches fire in water
>be american
>have lithium fire
>pour water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
>pour more water on it
>wtf its on fire
Just gonna point out that electric car batteries are not pure lithium, but a compound such as lithium-iron or lithium-obalt etc, so you're not actually getting the reaction that you see when you drop a chunk of lithium in a cup of water.
in rural NSW in rooland fire and rescue are told to try and dump a burning EV into the closest river to save water
based low iq anon monkey
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>Using water on a lithium fire
I get using water to keep the road from melting, but that's not how you extinguish one of those burns. Fire departments (even the broke ones) need to start investing in having stuff like F500 foam on hand and ready to go.
>grasping over straws
Low IQ post.
I'm feeling generous, so I'll let you try again, if you think you can handle that
Thats clearly CNG lol, lmao
Normally a regular extinguishers foam not effective against lithium ion chemical reaction.
Oh no no no Elon Musk
I thought these were supposed to be environmentally friendly?
Ask environmentalist and EU green party
if you drank 2 gallons of water per day, for 50 years straight, that's 36,000 gallons. That's so much fucking water holy shit
no its not
yes it is
trannie slut
At what point do those knuckle dragging fireman think "hey maybe water isn't putting this fire out" and try something else or just let it burn out by itself. Maybe use one of those old timey fire grenades, or maybe like a giant fire blanket or something. Nope they just uselessly spray water at it.
Probably at the point where they realize they have absolutely nothing to put it out and cant just let a lithium fire stay burning on the highway
wet onlyfan
you can literally buy special equipment for ev fired they have no fucking excuse for being fucking retarded
>EVs catch fire less
I have been hearing this argument a lot lately. Id like to know where it comes from.
Regardless, when they do catch fire it's a big problem.
I wouldn't park one in my garage, it would be in a cmu or metal outbuilding.
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Wait until you find out how much water is used in the production of fossil fuels.
Wait until you find out how much fossil fuels are used in the production of water.
>wait, let me laugh way harder
170,000 ICEVs catch fire per year in the USA alone. And the most expensive fires have all been ICEVs, such as the one that collapsed that pictured bridge.
>ICEV been around century
A 2023 report found that electric car fires, out of about 611,000 electric vehicles, have averaged about 20 per year in the last three years.
Not disputing the claim.
But it’s hard to take either of those numbers seriously because.
>the amount of ice cars on the road is higher
>theres 30 year junkers still on the road
>Evs are at the most 15 years old
>they were a niche product to start with meaning there we way less of them out there
the important number would be fires per cars on the road and getting a percent out of that to get an accurate representation. Ice cars catch fire as much as anything but do they catch as often as EVs do? We won’t know with total number per year comparison.
the reason for that data is they count a fire of any severity as a car fire. 99.999% of gas powered car fires are benign and nothing happens. but if an EV catches fire it's always catastrophic. more people die in EV fires per year than there are EV fires in total. they're something like 400x more deadly than gas car fires.
I understand there are nuances to this. But I feel fired per cars on the road are a better representation of the reality than total numbers. We could then go down the rabbit hole of what kind of fire but we have to draw lines somewhere to know what we’re dealing with.
I would consider 20 fires per year to not say anything. It could be a lot it may not be that bad depending on the scale.
>how about a $5k tax per year
ahhh yes the eternal hooknosed commis answer to everything:MORE TAXES
>Finally, water at first then bury the thing in sand.
yes bury them all in California's beaches
>an EV fire looks infinitely cooler
as long as you're inside, it will certainly look (((cool)))
Do you have a source on most icev car fires being benign? I would think they're all serious since they're all reported.
Much water off pool
yeah i can link them when i'm back on my pc but you can look it up yourself, just look at car fire fatalities for gas vs ev and compare that to numbers of fires total for each. ev fires are exponentially more deadly due to the rate of the burn. gas cars when they do catch don't engulf you in a matter of seconds so you have plenty of time to get out to safety. then of course evs also have the ability to combust during charging when you're not even driving them which can lead to things like raging house fires and parking garages and cargo ships burning down.
okay but I literally drove my polestar 2 into a street light pole at highway speeds after falling asleep and it didn't catch on fire and explode so all this is fear mongering and EVs are still better than ICEVs
t. zoomer
There's over 600 deaths per year in the USA from all car fires on highways alone. ICEV fires are much more deadly in general since. BEVs I can't find any statistics on their deaths, probably because they're non existant. Their design is just far less prone to fire.
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Someone's got to pay for it, that's how it works, and EVfags should pay if they want fire departments to help - or else they should be liable for all damages caused by the fire.
When the alternative is taxing *everybody* just for overpriced firefighting equipment and training, a tax on EV registrations is less socialist.
Do you want to pay for EV suppression equipment? Have you seen the prices on that shit? A lot of it is single-use as well.
How can EVfags pay when they’re already paying for the HRT pills
>>27751217 said 170,000 car fires per year. 600/170000 is 3 deaths per thousand.
>>27751668 said 20 ev fires. there have been over 20 deaths per year from those fires. that means you're almost 400x more likely to die in an ev fire than a gas car fire which is my entire point.

and the reason there are much fewer ev fires is because there are much fewer evs, as they make up less than 1% of all cars on the road, and are all much newer than gas cars on average and vehicle age plays a huge role in car fires.
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>Their design is just far less prone to fire.

Retard is literally lying

There are multiple well known fatal Tesla accidents where the battery gets punctured in a survivable wreck and instantaneously combusts before anyone can help the passengers

Regular cars dont explode when their tanks get punctured, the barely catch fire these days
>telling the truth
Xir, are you mentally challenged?
Sorry bros, you aren't convincing anyone. There's been hundreds of deaths this year from ICEV fires and I haven't seen a single news story about it. Just shows you are being brainwashed by the media.
Bitch really knows how to put on a show, but I feel bad for the horses.

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