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>twitter screenshot thread
Based. Sports cars are fine tho. Fuck truckcucks.
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What movie?
You have a better chance spreading "trucks make you gay" than to make governments ban them

Auto industry is quite fond of their bloated cheap crap selling for premium prices and they have billions of dollars backing their lobbying
We need to start killing communists again
with how garbage trucks are now, in terms of quality control, might as well also ban houses being rented out if there is a mortgage on them.
Trucks are garbage?
They are all goyslop now. As much as I enjoy the seethe they generate you’d have to be a flaming retard to actually spend your own money on them.
least left leaning twitter post

>We need

I take it he means "the state" when he says "we". As in the state needs to use force to impose my will on other people who don't want to do what I want them to do. Saying "we" makes it sound like its a consensual decision and not individuals being forced to obey.
They are very nice now though, supremely powerful and comfy reliable vehicles.
Holy shit lmao, do you really believe that?
Truck derangement syndrome
Yeah, never had any issues with the ones I’ve had. Even most of the smaller half tons are pretty reasonable. Just things to watch out for like afm on the Chevy 5.3s, tickyness of the hemi and cam phasers from the ecoboosts and coyotes.
Yeah they are so reliable you’ve owned multiple
Yeah trade out at ~140k for tax reasons, nothing wrong with them
If they were unreliable why would he continue to buy them?
Why do trucks cause so much seethe in these people? do they lose their mind when an 18-wheeler passes them on the highway?
kill yourself troon
Stockholm syndrome, conspicuous consoomerism, whole ton of reasons why. They are the lowest quality vehicles you can buy in america, there is zero attention to quality in their manufacture. I used to work at KTP, I have seen it first hand. They’re junk for goys.
It's hilarious that these retards think they have any say.
>twitter screencap thread
I haven't had any problems with my truck
I'm not a truck guy, but I'm sick of truck seethe
Also that bullshit straight up wouldn't work, millions of trucks on the road, you're just gonna grandfather them in, and there'd be a mass call to action, and people would find loopholes to get their truck registered for work purposes just to crooze
Zero money lobby for banning trucks lmao.
This but unironically
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Shillhouse with the FPBP
another leftypol eurocuck r/fuckcars /n/igger thread seething about trucks
Can you at least link the tweet so we can upvote the legendary x poster
All rental and secondary properties should be seized by the state and the deeds raffled off to the homeless, those in need of social housing and people unable to get in the property ladder.
But Jews would kvtech too much.
Pretty much.

Leftists like nothing more than a big strong daddy government whose shirt they can tug on while pointing at something they don't like.

They are pathetic.
True. Only work pick ups are based. The rest are posers and faggots.
Why are there literal communists on a board about PRIVATE transportation

drink bleach

>inb4 ur name is S/o/viet
lurk moar newfag
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Rage bait don't hit the same no mo in twenty twenty fo'

Old trucks are also gay and retarded
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Pic related: OP
Nah. I dislike casual truck ownership but I'm not inclined to support a ban. Let casuals be casuals. The alternative involves witch burning and it always ends badly for the ones calling for the ban.
This, trucks are for fags when not used for business purposes but there are plenty of other stupid vehicles on the road that people aren't screaming about. If it's for environmental reasons an RSQ8 or X5M gets gas mileage as bad as most pickup trucks. They are also nearly as heavy as pickup trucks so they're probably just as dangerous to get into an accident with.
Had a brain fart, by business what I meant was actual work, towing a boat or trailer, things a truck or large SUV is necessary for
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>strict requirements for work
As far as the Canada Revenue Agency knows or cares, my bright ass orange Ram with a Hemi is totally used for my accounting firm

Hybrid X5s weigh more than crew cab half tons. Road damage is a meme though, semis do a vast majority of damage to the roads
we need to ban EVs they are so fucking ugly I am gonna get eye cancer
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Commies hate cars. If you hate cars, you need to be killed
thumbnail looks like an anime girl screaming while something happens to her butthole
What if you hate cars and hate commies?
to the front of the oven
I thought you were talking about garbage trucks, not garbage trucks.
I wouldn't mind karenmobiles getting regulated out of existence tbqh. Literally worse than pickups from 50 years ago.
after he bans trucks he'd be done banning stuff, right? he wouldn't move on to demanding some other type of vehicle gets banned?
Come and take it
I am that something
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I don't hate trucks, but I think the majority of them are retarded. I only respect the ones who actually use their truck as a truck and not an oversized suv cut in half
blame the EPA for telling every car maker that they are no fuel restrictions on pickup trucks.
this is why no one is making sedans anymore.
dont ban pickups, either make them utilitarian only, or force MPG standards on them like all other cars
Pickup truck sales are falling.
I wanna mating press this chick in the back seat of my '94 Plymouth Neon (model as pictured, 2.0l 4cy 132hp, EPA est. 25 city/37 highway).

I'd have to take it kinda easy on her though because said '94 Plymouth Neon is on cinderblocks in my backyard and if I give her too much juice the car is liable to slide off and land in the weeds.

Anyway, what were we talking about again?
La-dee-da look at moneybags over here with a moonroof on his Plymouth Neon
Sorry jack, she's into girls only.
They hate the people that drive them
you can own a car or truck under any form of communism you dumb idiot
sure buddy, and your little Lada is gonna last you more than 7 months without falling apart, yeah? okay my man lmao
Ok so "technically" its not mine its my uncle's (long story).

If I'm stronger than she is than it's not up to her.
nigga i literally drive a truck
the idea that capitalism created trucks is why i would never come to you retards for advice
You have to apply for the privilege and be approved, and the state decides what car you need based on your job and where you live. And if they decide you don't need one, you don't get one no matter how much money you have (lol, usually it's labour tokens that can only be exchanged for certain goods). And remember, this approval process typically takes 3-5 years.
Every board is infected with bad actors and other astroturfers deliberately trying to dismantle board culture. Every board except of the left-leaning ones anyway.
any post not shitting on niggers, kikes, jeets, women or leftists is immediately suspect and not to be taken seriously.
racism is the true turing test.
which State Capitalist nation are you referring to? Russia? China? Neither are communist in theory or practice
never noticed that, lol
>not real communism
Okay, name a "real communist" country that allows money and private car ownership.
nonexistent nor necessary in a communist society
>private car ownership
literally any actual communist nation (doesn't exist) would let you own a fucking car
The slippery slope:
“We need to: “
>ban pickups unless proof of work use
>ban sports cars unless proof of racing use
>ban sedans unless proof of occupancy needs
>ban cars unless proof of need of private transportation

Shut the fuck up commie faggot and kill yourself
>private property
Not communist
>mechanical industry
Not communist

Read Marx, LARPer
>Read Marx
Kill yourself
You're the one claiming to be a communist. It is because I have read Marx (and Gramsci, and Bakunin, and Lukacs, and Sorel, amongst others) that I believe all communists should be publicly executed for sport
That's why they had the lowest rates of car ownership of all developed nations, right?

Oh and some of the most inadequate public transportation too
They did though, communism wasn't invented yet when trucks were created
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At this point I hate the average American enough I just want the government to do something that'll actually piss off most of the population.
Why, do you hate communism?
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I'm down for this.
t. Spiteful goblin
Nyet, tovarisch. It belongs to the people!
The only thing that needs to be done about these trucks is actually enforcing pedestrian safety on them. They shouldn't grow to the size of commercial trucks for the average person. They shouldn't be child hunters.
>Ok so "technically" its not mine its my uncle's (long story).
The girl in the pic?
US government spends too much time & money trying to grab guns when grabbing trucks would be effortless.
twitter threads are the gayest thing a man can do
Total horseshit. If your children are too stupid to listen when you tell them to stay off the road, anyone who mulches them is doing you and the world a favor.
i hate statists so much bros
You literally can't see small children crossing the crosswalk in front of your faggot ram ranch gapedozer. That's one thing you and the trannies align on, targeting children.
Nigger have you ever been anywhere but a tranime convention?
Trucks surround you, they permeate you, you breathe and eat trucks. Truckliness is next to Godliness.
Just normalize small dicks and they won't buy trucks.
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You sounds like a women or brown, maybe both.
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I love how middle and upper class born and bred faggots extol the virtues of communism and want to destroy capitalism when capitalism is what made their cushy pampered existence possible in the first place.
Joeseph Schumpeter predicted this during WWII
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Maybe if there were nice, comfortable, and affordable cars and wagons again, people would consider buying one over a pickup.
The only other option for people who aren't looking for a truck are cringy egg-shaped crossovers (women cars), and hyundai/kia sedans (notoriously cheap and unreliable, not comfortable at all).
The only "wagon" thing on the new market is the Wagoneer, but that's just a Suburban at that point, and if you're buying something that big and expensive, you oughta just get the pickup which will retain value better.
Why are your kids so stupid as to walk into the road in front of a vehicle?
>More power then what is usable, more comfort then what is needed

They suck, they went from cheapish reliable work vehicles, to luxury land boats. The electronics have issues, turbos have issues, sun roofs leak, transmissions have issues, diesels are being killed by epa shit. They are purposely made hard to work on, with throw away parts, and designs that purposely make repairs cost more then they should. And as if repair costs weren't horrendous, the purchase costs just get higher and higher.

The golden age of trucks is long gone. Modern trucks are by and large over priced, overly featured shit boxes. They no longer carry the DNA their forefathers did.
We must have different experiences as I vastly prefer new trucks for doing shit. Spend 24 hours doing something like hauling and you will see that the bus trucks smack the fuck out of the older ones. I love my older trucks but I’m not taking them on trips or any serious work.
>Making up shit
Yeah sure sonny every truck was a real man's man and nothing was ever made cheaply or poorly 50 years ago
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Look anywhere in automotive reporting or on the internet. These trucks are riddled with issues that just weren't a problem back in the day. Of course there have always been shitty vehicles, but back then there were less shitty trucks simply due to the nature of the designs. Simpler reliable engines and transmissions, hand crank windows, no luxuries beyond ac and radio. Trucks were real trucks back then because they were designed to be durable, easy to wrench on, work vehicles. Now they have extensive electronic features rife with electrical gremlins, and bugs. They have leaky sun roofs, overworked engines, inflated tow ratings, and enough features to price out just about any rational person.

Trucks like the Hilux, square body, f100, and Land cruisers were legendary because they were designed to be trucks, not luxury cars for larping city boys. Pic related is what a real truck is supposed to look like.
>These trucks are riddled with issues that just weren't a problem back in the day
for example, if you're running a carbed car nowadays, its very advisable to use an insulating carb spacer. current gas is much less heat resistant than old gas, and if you don't have a spacer, after a drive, the gas in the bowl will literally boil over and flood the engine.
So you are larping, got it.
But that's an issue that only exists because of how gas is formulated decades after it was manufactured. It wouldn't have been an issue then and the manufacturer couldn't possibly have forseen it at the time.
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You're either rich as fuck or a delusional tranny.
thankfully its easily and cheaply solvable.

another issue related to gas is that current year gas expires/gunks up a lot faster, thanks to all the ethanol faggotry. you simply can't use any gas that's several months old, it'll gum up your carb. this is still an issue with fuel injection, but the gas has to be much older to be problematic.
again, thankfully this is also fairly easy to deal with, just pump out the gas from your carbed cars/bikes if you plan to have them sit for a long time, and add fresh gas when you wanna drive them again.
Sure. But those "requirements" are going to apply to your sports car, your oversized house and your fancy clothes. If you don't "need" that shit it's a Mirage, a 100 sq.ft apartment and thrift store clothes for you. Still want trucks banned?
The specific truck in your image had fucking horrible rust issues from 73-87, 700-R4's which are ticking time bombs, Old 350 diesels which destroyed themselves, 305's which sucked fuel and made no power (even for the time) electronic timing issues with the later TBI models, and lots of fit/finish issues because it was made in America in the fucking 1970's.

Source: own two.

Also, squarebodies had luxury options, it's where the luxo-truck trend started.
You realize luxury trims for trucks were a thing in the 60's, right?
>trucks were real trucks back then
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
We can all agree that nucars are too expensive and too computerized but the whole "real trucks" horseshit is laughable.
-capability: not even debatable, nutrucks win.
-fuel economy: nutrucks win
-reliability: debateable. Nutrucks can go 100k with oil changes, old Chevys can go about 50 miles before you're fiddle-fucking with the points, vapor locking from the heat, etc. Long term? Idk if the new trucks will last, we're all betting they won't.
I've lived with both. If the job is to deliver goods somewhere far away, the nutruck is the choice, it can go 90 mph for hours on end and you won't even have to check the oil.
If your task is delivery within ten or twenty miles, the old truck will do it with more style but twice the fuel.
Old trucks are for hillbillies that have to use them, and well off types that have time on their hands.
The rest of us don't like giving up weekend time for wrenching. Free time is precious to the wagie, that's why we buy new trucks.
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i mean trucks and truckoids are incredibly gay but taking away someones possesions is even more gay
I'd put them third on the list.
Just remove the fuel/safety etc policy exemptions for light trucks that incentivise manufacturers to build and sell pigfat trucks and SUVs
IMO they could easily confiscate guns, but chose not to.

1. Great wedge issue for dividing the population and even specific movements
2. Guns are ultimately a security blanket for righoids. They won’t do anything so long as they can shoot paper with their AR-15. Despite all the boomer fedposting, Bundy was the only nigga who actually used the 2nd amendment to achieve political goals.

The “gun problem” is itself a solution to other problems the govt has.
You're in for a rude awakening, in a lot of ways.
>US government spends too much time & money trying to grab guns when grabbing trucks would be effortless.
>squarebodies had luxury options
Part of the problem is luxury is the only option these days. If it was just part of the line up it would be fine.
The old trucks were perfectly capable to do truck things. New trucks are over priced, and part of that problem is that they are overly capable. The buyer is getting vastly more capability then they need. If you were really going to push your new truck to the extremes of its capabilities, you would probably buy a different model. You don't need an F150 with a 13k tow rating when you will only ever haul 8k max. If somebody thinks they will be hauling that much, they would buy a 250. New trucks have more capability then they need, and it only adds expense. Older trucks may be less capable on paper, but irl they will meet the new truck toe to toe in the vast majority of cases.
>fuel economy: nutrucks win
You're right, I can't argue with that.
>Nutrucks can go 100k with oil changes, old Chevys can go about 50 miles
You're comparing brand new trucks to ones that have been on the road for over 30 years. Of course a truck that has been around for that long will have issues.

Old trucks were real trucks because they were designed with that in mind:
- Cheap: No unrealistic capabilities added at the cost of price, no unnecessary luxuries, sun roofs, heated seats, etc.
- Reliable: simple engines and transmissions that focus on reliability and capability over sheer HP.
-Capable: Not a full size that can drive to the moon and haul 13k pounds while doing it, one that can haul enough to meet the customer's needs with out going overboard.
- Designed to be abused: Parts are cheap and easily replaceable, a work truck will get dented, and beat on, a truck that has easy and cheap to replace parts. If it gets damaged slightly, it should be no big deal to repair.

New trucks aren't bad because of modern improvements, they are bad because they are predatorily designed, and leave behind the working man.
You might be the smoothest brained fucker on /o/ and everybody realizes that except yourself.
he thinks chevies are as reliable as old nipshit pickups.
everybody laugh
Old nipshit already went through 4 head gaskets and is getting rare. Still see old chevys, they'll be around forever.
Eventually you run out of other peoples money.
another commie faggot with a hardon for either public transit or riding a bicycle.
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kek, that looks like one of those comparison pictures showing a dog from 100+ years ago vs. the same breed today all fucked up due to autistic selective [in]breeding
By girls do you mean black men? Because that's way more believable.
OP can fuck off
I'll agree to ban [thing] when Leftoids are banned, dragged screaming from their homes, and executed in the streets... at which point there will be no need for a [thing] ban but the world will still objectively be improved.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as truck, is in fact, Ford truck, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Ford plus truck. Truck is not a vehicle unto itself, but rather another saleable component of a fully functioning vehicle system made useful by the Ford EcoBoost, 10R80 transmission and vital system components comprising a full vehicle as defined by SAE. Many vehicle owners run a modified version of the Ford vehicle every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Ford which is widely used today is often called “truck,” and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Ford system, developed by the Ford Motor Company. There really is a truck, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

Truck is the kernel: the vehicle program in the Ford Corporate system that allocates the engine's horsepower to the other features that you run. The kernel is an essential part of a vehicle, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete vehicle. Truck is normally used in combination with the Ford vehicle: the whole system is basically Ford with truck added, or Ford/truck. All the so-called “truck” trim levels are really offerings of Ford/truck.
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Just paid $13 for a full synthetic oil change and tire rotation. Makes it hard to justify DIYing it.
Don't care for the dealer monkeys touching my trugg but you have to live dangerously sometimes
> $13
is that a typoe?
No, I'm inside the Ford Corpo system killing their dudes (Furd Pass points).
They wouldn't even change my cabin air filter because it looked too new.
A dealership not chiseling? The end is real fuckin nigh
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as State, is in fact, State Capitalism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, State plus Capitalism. Capitalism is not an economic system unto itself, but rather another social component of a fully functioning State system made useful by the government, workers and vital financial components comprising a full economy as defined by the International Monetary Fund. Many countries run a modified version of the State system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of State which is widely used today is often called “Capitalism,” and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the State system, developed by Dutch. There really is a Capitalism, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

Capitalism is the kernel: the economic program in the government system that allocates the peoples' labor to the other features that countries run. The kernel is an essential part of an economy, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete economy. Capitalism is normally used in combination with the State economic system: the whole system is basically State with Capitalism added, or State/Capitalism. All the so-called “Capitalism” variations are really offerings of State/Capitalism.

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