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No other electric automobile manufacturer is going about it as well as these guys are. Combining electric technology with a right-to-repair mindset.
If only other electric vehicle manufacturers took notice. Every vehicle these days seem IMPOSSIBLE to service at a repair shop, let alone by yourself.
It's a pretty niche market that makes it completely viable. A looging truck takes several tons down a hill but comes back up empty. For this reason regen braking will essentially fuel the vehicle forever allowing it to operate remotely as long as necesary without fuel transportation.
I do enjoy how they've exposed the government thievery hidden behind alternative fuel development in Western Canada though.
I don’t have a horse in that race but I fully support what they’re doing. Big fan of diesel electric and what it can do. There’s a reason trains are diesel electric and why Caterpillar is making most of their dozers diesel electric.
I mean it's chinkshit parts, but at least it's not gay like literally every other EV.
I was thinking of getting an excursion with their kit but ended up needing an emergency tractor so that's not happening.
One thing he keeps saying is he won't warranty self installs.
And he will eventually find out that he will indeed warranty self installs at least in US.
People will not take kindly someone talking big about right to repair while trying to skirt warranty law.
I'm sure it's just ignorance and not malice.
If I were them I'd write some clause about "Warranty MAY not apply to self installs depending on what failed" etc. Rotor demagnetized due to faulty bearing while vehicle was not towing anything, under 10,000 miles? Warranty if the owner can prove they didn't drop the motor on the ground during install. Fire because of a dead short and kind of a hokey install with wires rubbing on a sharp edge of a pass through cut into the body? No warranty for you.
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I still don't get how this shit isn't the norm by now
diesel/gas - electric drive with a small battery make so much more sense than a giant battery that take hours to recharge
the fact that we have hybrids with gearbox directly driving the wheels is completely demented
Even better alternative:
Hydrogen is a meme, stop shilling this shit
Sad reality is chinks are making quality EV stuff

>I do enjoy how they've exposed the government thievery hidden behind alternative fuel development in Western Canada though.

The best part.

>Get denied grant
>Authority body that denied grant offers to write your grant for you
>For 20% of your grant
What if I stop shillings?
isn't dodge making a ram hybrid that is this?

It too pisses me off. Xbox hueg batteries are gay and expensive and lame. Hybrids would be so much cooler if they actually were proper gas-electric. I want the powerplant of an ICE powering a motor.
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>Warranty if the owner can prove they didn't drop the motor on the ground during install.
Nope. That's not how it works in US.
The burden of proof is on the one who sold you the warranty.
They must prove you dropped it or installed it wrong.
>Sad reality is chinks are making quality EV stuff
>EV stuff
Yeah I'm not clicking on your fursuit haul videos.
>I'm not clicking on your fu-
Wrong thread
>hybrids with gearbox directly driving the wheels is completely demented
It's not at all, electric drive only makes sense in stop and go traffic. If you are croozing, you will lose more on conversion loses.
Same if you get one of these trucks, it only helps you in a niche of environments or if you want better acceleration since EV motors have to be oversized to run efficiently. Hence why ev shitboxes get 400-800hp motors that 99.99% of times make 35hp.
low IQ mass replied
the funniest part is that if edison was alive today, he'd be lobbying against right to repair because he was a sleazy businessman and hooking people on repair is a great way to earn maximum money
Their slogan is "Stealing Tesla's Idea" and they named their truck "Topsy"
The youtube videos are literally in favour of you dumbass
I think that's actually why they named it Edison
Ain’t interesting If not V8-V16 motor engine
No, the ram hybrid basically just has a really big starter motor that adds about 60 horsepower, which it uses for torque filling at low RPM.
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>Hydrogen is a meme, stop shilling this s-

>adds about 60 horsepower
It's 12kW motor. Regular starters are about 2-3kW, but with a shirt duty cycle.
Who hasn't tried riding the starter home, eh?
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>sleazy businessman
Was he really? Or is it the same way Tesla died dirt poor in a 5 star hotel fully paid by Westinghouse, and equivalent of today's $200k/year pension from Yugoslavian government, a country he ran away from because balkaners were too retarded.
it's also nothing new, GM has been doing htis with what they call E-Assist since like 2010 in cars and 2018 in pickups
Starter is a poor term for it.
the electric motor lives on the side of the engine in place of the alternator and attaches with the regular accessory belt. it serves purpose of the starter, the alternator, and the electric assist.
in practice, it dies or fucks up often and is costly to repair, it is also relatively weak paired with a pickup engine.
The future is very bright.

Curse the balkaners ruin Austro-Hungarian potential
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the guy that owns the company is a spiteful manlet that got snubbed by musk
both of them are faggots and I dont care about either
if you want an electric lorry, just get overhead wires and a pantograph
>Edison is good at recognising and marketing the good ideas of eccentric schizoids who if left to their own devices would've died in obscurity with nobody ever learning of their inventions
He gets way too much shit for simply being a guy with a good eye for business. Boo hoo, he dumped on Tesla. Tesla was a legit lunatic who wanted to electrify the entire atmosphere so people could get "wireless power" (get electrocuted from just walking outside)
It's a logging truck company you fucking knob lmao what are you gonna do but trolley wires in a FOREST??? Kek
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Yeah bro just string some overhead wires for a pantograph in the middle of nowhere up the side of a mountain
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more realistic and useful than an electric truck, you retarded faggots
They already exist, idk why Americans will seethe and cope so hard trying to find a problem to a solution that's already been fixed
Simple use both electric and diesel
Do you have any fucking idea how mountains or the wilderness works? If electric trains don't work why the fuck would electric trucks work?

Look at a map, retard.
look at the picture again anon :)
It's a huge truck just give it a bi-mode generator
*H2 and diesel
It's a shame that the stupid people had to show up to this thread
electric truck most stupid thing ever
>or if you want better acceleration
My dream of the diesel-electric muscle car with one of Edison's conversion kits lives on.
>has no clue what Edison motors makes
>basement dwelling NEET thinks he knows more about offroad logging trucks than actual offroad logging truckers making the damn thing
enjoy recharging ur electric truck half way up a mountain, retard
oh and dont forget halving the size of a load you can actually carry because your battery weighs more than an entire diesel rig
It's diesel electric
There is still virtually no infrastructure for fueling.
What Edison does is the proper stopgap between ICE cars and EV's. Like James May said, car engines are insanely complex mechanisms that are just meant to turn wheels, and an electric motor is a beautifully simple and powerful way to do it. The real issue is the power source and the manufacturer lockdowns. So, why not use a diesel engine to generate electricity to pass it to the electric motors on the wheels? That's what BelAZ 75710 does and it works.
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>There is still virtually no no infr-
>portable dispensers
Ehh, EVsister…
Not Feasible. The diesel engine originally run on hemp seed oil, dude.
>without fuel transportation
Thats not how it works, at all.
It has a diesel fueled generator, the electric drive is there for efficiencies sake, it still needs diesel to do its job properly even if it technically can run without the generator.
How is the worst generation of hummer going to help the logging industry?
Only skilled driver know
Exist already (wink*)
ok cool, who asked
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>diesel powering electric motors
i know a diesel working at its optimal rpm coughs up less shit into the air but its still stupid because it still does cough up shit into the air. but at least its cool theyre trying to make these things servicable by their owners instead of a jewish repair shop.
I was ready to hate it but it looks based… until one of the electric motors dies.
But there’s still a battery so the diesel won’t need to be powered up if let’s say the truck needs to be moved a short distance or if the AC needs to be ran all night.
The original Chevy Volt did this with a clutch that disconnects the engine from the drivetrain unless you're croozing at high speed.
diesel e-fuel > electric meme
Series hybrids are dumb and not more efficient. These guys should have done some research as to why no other manufacturer in the world does this.

You're converting mechanical energy to electricity, storing it, and then converting it back to mechanical energy.

I'm holding out for the nuclear powered car I can I plug into my house to sell energy back to the grid.
K now I have no idea what your opinion is because you were going against what everyone is saying and now you're agreeing with me??
Damn, I guess you gotta tell all the railway companies that their locomotives are built wrong
EV mean no refund
Locos are diesel-electric because it's easier than using a fuck-off huge and complex mechanical transmission and drivetrain. They also use a diesel-electric drivetrain because fuel cost isn't really an issue unlike semi trucks. It is super not efficient using a small engine to generate electricity to move a vehicle. Hence why it's never done in the real world.

I sort of want to see these guys succeed but you won't see any series hybrid going down the highway anytime soon.
You are very poorly informed if you think electric is a viable option.
I never said it was viable. I hope you realize that diesel-electrics aren't electric.
I don't think steady state generation and regen will make up for energy conversion losses, of be so close as to not be worth the added complexity. I don't like the reinforcement of the climate change scam in the premise of the whole thing either.
That being said, I wish them the best, it looks like a fun project and a half decent living. God know our Government pisses away billions on graft, at least this is something tangible.
Makes me wonder why they didnt do a proper diesel electric drive train.
Trains and mining haul trucks use a traction alternator, engine spins the alternator, it makes power that passes through a drive then directly to the wheels with no batteries whatsoever.
Theyre going to get losses purely because you have to pass the electricity through the batteries before they get to the motors.
If it were me id have the batteries as a separate system to regain some electricity on decel and to save my brakes.
.t industrial mining electrician.
Ive got extensive experience with industrial sized electric drives.
You're forgetting that trains and haul trucks have a 4000hp V20 engine powering that generator. Any losses are pretty irrelevant at that point. These Edison guys are planning to use a little 400hp engine, alternator and motors to replace a 600hp engine + conventional tranny combo. The batteries are supposed to make up the difference but I can't see it working.

Also there are still plenty of fully mechanical haul trucks around.
Heavy haul was able to happen 60 yeats with engines putting out a fraction of what they are today, all because of gearing.
Youre probably right though, they can get away with a smaller, lighter, cheaper diesel if they have a bank of batteries there storing enough power to get the load moving, thats where most of your energy is going to be expended in the first place.
They claim that the little cat diesel can operate the truck just fine with no power stored in the batteries but idk, id have to see it desu.
Its going to work I dont have any doubt about that, but if it were me Id try to take advantage of an electric drive train without batteries at all, saving cost and complexity would do their whole brand alot of good.
Back in the day there were 55mph speed limits and the average vehicle was putting less than 100hp to the wheels. It's obviously a little different these days with factory diesel pickup trucks making 400+HP and semi trucks making 600+. A 10hp riding mower could move a fully loaded semi truck with enough gearing and weight over the rear wheels but how fast do you think it's going to do it? I'd like to see them do a pure diesel-electric setup too just to see how inefficient it would be. I'm no engineer but I don't think they'd be able to do the same amount of work as quickly with less power. Physics don't work like that.
They have a bank of batteries large enough to run the truck for a significant amount of time without powering up the engine. The whoel system is designed so that the engine is completely replaceable
No one is driving quickly on logging roads
but you can fix it with chinkshit parts
There one up operating in New England
Moreover use in truck bring it infrastructure.
We have investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong
(Actually the government body that he was fucked over by refused to open an investigation despite photographic and email evidence showing corruption and the RCMP refused also)
didn't say he was a hack
he was a genius businessman with a knowlege base wide enough to recognise and promote all these budding revolutionary technologies, without him the progress would be set back decades
but at the same time he was a cunt obsessed with nothing but profit, a lot of things could've been much better if he had, let's say, less involvement in them
tesla was severely autistic. force of nature, gold-laying goose, he had to be harnessed for his powers of cognition to enable rapid progress, and that did involve getting things over his head. of course there would be people who would love to exploit his work for personal profit.
I don't know if a lot of you guys are aware that they're actively selling these to buyers. Yes, they're still in the start-up phase, figuring out mass-production and buffing out rough edges etc., but they have buyers and they have shipped to buyers already so it's more than just a proof-of-concept anymore.
See this all the time in the sloppy FB page people getting ls motors with a funky looking torque converter, worthless to the degree that the lowest bidders end up with them
Logging trucks have to travel on the highway to the yard.
Not a huge distance, they're not exactly long haul truckers
It can still be a 50+ mile one way trip. They still do a lot of miles in a day.
>2 hours of highway driving
>a lot
That's only one trip, retard. They do multiple runs a day...
Most of that is on a logging road, and most of those trailers are incredibly overloaded so they can't even drive on the highways. Why make shit up?
Where the fuck do you live?
Reddit tier opinion
Canada, where this truck is being made. Lumber is also brough downhill so the truck is getting a free charge going down then going up empty for another load
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That's old growth logging where they use off road tractors. That's becoming more and more rare. It's all new growth in most of Alberta and BC. They load up on the mountain then drive to the sawmill. Also if you've been on a logging road you would know they're rarely perfectly downhill and usually ungulate a lot so there's no "free charge".
your retarted
I think Nissan makes something similar with their e-power models. It's gasoline but still the same principle.
Do companies really want to invest in a experimental truck meant to drive in the worst possible conditions- built by a team of truck drivers? Comes riddled with spelling errors 2 scrolls down on their homepage.
Nothing is ever going to make you happy with anything except the loudest most annoying options, why are you even watching stuff like this
Blow it out your ass euro


imagine the forest fires. I guess that's one way to ensure that underbrush build up ever happens in an area lmfao
Sounds like you hate democracy or something
Nikolas "truck" is literally a roller without a powerplant. The company was founded by a former door to door MLM mormon scammer with no automotive or engineering background who also raped multiple children
>no automotive or engineering background
>He says he dropped out of college after one semester at Utah Valley University to pursue a career in sales and marketing, although federal prosecutors say, in reality, he was expelled for "hiring others to complete his work for him."[11][12]
>Milton started an alarm sales company called St. George Security and Alarm after leaving college and eventually exited the business for a stated $300,000, though his former business partner claims he was led to believe the exit payment was "much smaller."[13] Milton then launched an online classified ads website selling used cars, which eventually failed.
just a run of the mill mormon scammer. The only reason nikola went public is because mormon VCs are even bigger scammers than mormal MLM salesmen
About 15% loss to charging the battery vs around 25% for a conventional drivetrain, plus the engine can run at peak efficiency all the time. We'll see how it works for non logging applications soon enough.
>2020 case
>Now a Nikola full electric truck caught fire at its headquarters due to a coolant leak inside its battery pack. In August, a second truck's battery pack malfunctioned, which led the company to announce a recall of all the battery-electric semitrucks it had made to that point (209 in total). The recall, however, did not impact Nikola's more recently released semitrucks powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. It also suspended sales of its battery-electric trucks until a repair would become available.
he looks like the chud
multiple victim shooter phenotype, kek
The battery truck is a rebadged iveco. The hydrogen truck doesnt exist. The company and founder have been found guilty by multiple juries of fraud. I dont know how much more clear cut this could be
Yea idk why people even think Nikola is real anymore.
The h2 truck do exist, only commercially
youre right, i hadnt kept up with them this year. But selling 40 trucks at a loss doesnt mean this concept is viable, and the company itself is toast
Well he Jewish?
>Chace Barber, CEO and Founder of Merritt-based Edison Motors, raised concerns after his electric truck company was unsuccessful in receiving a provincial clean energy grant. The company's allegations sparked an auditor general investigation into how grants are awarded.
Happened somewhere.
>A car company was named after a man who basically said this and shat on battery/combustion engines equally.
>Capture the 70% of the heat energy you're wasting a drive an electric generator with it
It's this easy. No one will do it. They almost get their with steam cars but then the dumb fucks mechanize them.
Profit is the best motivator for innovation.
Gonna support Nikolas and Hyzon

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