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Welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussing racing games and racing in games and assetto corsa lap times and posting funny moment webms

last thread >>27727334

IP: mumble.get-good.net
Port: 64748
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info, we are racing troon-ams for the final time in AC on SATURDAY!!!!!!
Damn I made my swaggy reply in the old thread
No problem! Here's the information about the Mercedes CLR GTR:

The Mercedes CLR GTR is a remarkable racing car celebrated for its outstanding performance and sleek design. Powered by a potent 6.0-liter V12 engine, it delivers over 600 horsepower.

Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h takes approximately 3.7 seconds, with a remarkable top speed surprising 320 km/h.

Incorporating adventure aerodynamic features and cutting-edge stability technologies, the CLR GTR ensures exceptional stability and control, particularly during high-speed maneuvers.

Originally priced at around $1.5 million, the Mercedes CLR GTR is considered one of the most exclusive and prestigious racing cars ever produced.

Its limited production run of just five units adds to its rarity, making it highly sought after by racing enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.
>3.7 seconds
gets gapped by my tessie btw
how do i win?
by not playing
go back
Yeah those are lit and fast, but a nocar casual wouldn't know.
Facts. I don't play with /ovg/ and you're constantly butthurt about me. Certified W.
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Nightrunners is pretty fun, I like the atmosphere of the game, the sense of speed is very good, the handling is a bit weird, especially things like braking distances, but I'm getting used to it. I managed to beat the G-Company crew boss, from what I've read there's another crew after that and then the Prologue ends. Honestly for a free game it's pretty good, I don't have any real complaints so far.
cheat engine
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this game is shit and boring, the handling is terrible
>the sense of speed is good
no it fucking isnt
i don't know why games where the FOV cranks itself out at high speed seem to get people going "ohhh muh sense of sneed". anyone whose played video games before isn't fooled.
personally i hate dynamic fov because it's a very cheesy fake effect, it makes the movement look deceptively fast and makes the things you need to see all the way down the road ahead of you very small. for me it ruins the sense of speed because it's making it visually difficult to tell if the car is indeed going faster or if the camera has just gone from 60 to 120 fov.

shut up retard
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You shouldn't post about racing games in here. It makes kitard mad.
Shut up kitard.
you should actually go read Aesop's fable I think because you seem to have forgotten what it was about and just think any and all criticism of your favorite thing is sour grapes

unfortunately for your analogy, not only can I get at the grapes but I can taste them quite well and they aren't just sour, they're rotten and moldy. All I'm trying to tell you to do is go find fresh grapes but nah you're cool eating the fermented ones and falling out of the tree drunk like a fucking squirrel. Don't get mad at me because you have no taste.
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sour grapes is a terrible analogy to use to defend a free demo
Too may words.
It's not when your PC can't run it.
No I will not be joining you.
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>norvilles 23 fps webm machine can't run nightrunners

damn that was one digit off a helluva get

My 4090 and 5800x3D can run anything. Stay salty little kitard.
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>My 4090 and 5800x3D can run anything
except webm for retards
Yeah one digit that makes the post 10 000 posts apart, you ape.
Yeah because webm for retards was abandoned before vp9 and we use webm for (not spoonfeeding you retards).
Question for those who also drive: what do you like more? I'm new to the /o/ hobby and am thinking about getting a sim setup to learn how to drive right. I want to learn specifically drifting and J-turns, but I'm afraid of wrecking a real car or losing control at max speed. Do you find that sims scratch the itch alright, or do you need a daily car as well to take to tracks/racing locations?
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>getting this mad because i got quads
absolute bulgarian male nurse behavior
>Do you find that sims scratch the itch alright

No. Simracing is objectively garbage. The more you race and the more money you invest you'll realize this. Maybe at least until VR stops being a meme.
>newfags still being impressed by small gets

Fucking 2016ers.
beamng with a good wheel and a vr headset >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thrashing a real shitbox
you can do completely retarded davesfarm tier shit, get as drunk or as stoned as you want and basically survive killing yourself repeatedly all from the comfort of your home, you still kinda need a real shitbox to build the logic links between real life and the sim.
at the end of the day you're having hella fun hooning and your real car isn't getting smashed up.
>volkswagen golf owning bulgarian male nurse opinions

nobody asked norv
>video games are better than real cars

He really said it. I'm out.
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now if only you would actually leave
reminder that ISImotor is more accurate than real life
Sim racing is fun and I think it's worth buying a wheel at least but at the end of the day it's still just a videogame. If you're thinking of spending hundreds of dollars on vidya go for it but if you're thinking of spending thousands I think you'd have more fun buying a go kart instead. Having a dedicated vehicle for /o/-related activity is a huge benefit, then when you break stuff, which happens often, it doesn't mean you're out transportation.

The possibility of real consequences is part of what makes racing appealing to me. They go away as soon as I start rolling and the lizard brain takes over but I still get anticipation butterflies while waiting on pregrid.

Real life is an rfactor mod
>The possibility of real consequences is part of what makes racing appealing to me.
didn't you just break a driveshaft last week?
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Yep, parts are here though and the car will be whole again soon.
>car breaks before you can even race
>have to buy more shit and fix it just to get back on track

you'll never convince me that just hitting reset to pits isn't completely superior to a week of waiting on ups
the logistics of simracing are far superior to irl
There are people in here that literally do not own cars and might not even have driver's licenses.
It broke towards the end of the last race of the weekend so I only missed a few laps because of this, I even did enough laps that timing/scoring counted me as "finished" rather than DNF lol. So far I've never actually had to go home early due to broken things, even the one time I flew the car into the next property on the practice day before the race weekend. I'm slowly building up a more complete spares package over time and I chose an extremely common chassis so I can usually find some other driver to bum parts I don't have from. It's a lot more work than "hit reset to pits" and you have a perfect car at max prep level but fixing and improving the car is part of the fun.
>beamng with a good wheel and a vr headset >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thrashing a real shitbox
lol, lmao even
This thread is sponsored by GT Auto.
you can learn a lot of fundamental things about performance driving as a complete noob in sim gaycing and it is quite fun but anyone who would pick sims over real track time is either coping or retarded
>It's a lot more work than "hit reset to pits"
yes thats my point.
and you have a perfect car at max prep level
so max prep level = baseline sim
>but fixing and improving the car is part of the fun.
sure it is when you structure your life around racing
if you're just a guy trying to run by yourself it sucks and you're better off simracing


then you have these absolute mongoloids who think saying "sims are more fun than irl" is some kind of personal attack because they have never raced and don't understand the immense personal outlay of racing that is distinctly not fun.
>if you want to make a small fortune in racing, start off with a large one
or just simrace it's 99% of the fun with a fraction of the outlay especially as sims get better over time
beamng hooning is peak. have you got a monster truck? didn't think so.
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actually, learning how to drive is not the point of sims and people who play them for this reason are fucking retarded.
they are for people who know how to drive already and need a fidget spinner for their race car driver lizard brain
you can potentially have way more fun than irl because there are no limits, but if you're not interested in the fundamentals of driving like that they're terrible, as they're sandboxes. not a single one will ever teach you how to be an effective race car driver. you just kinda have to be that kind of person to get anything meaningful from them.
>it's 99% of the fun
double lol, triple lmao even, trashing my grandmothers 57hp opel corsa running used winter linglong tyres is more fun than any sim could ever be, only bitchmade retards who never tried driving on the limit irl could think sims are anywhere near as fun as irl driving
>learning how to drive is not the point of sims and people who play them for this reason are fucking retarded.
you think of reddit retards who believe driving around in irenting translates one to one to irl gaycing. sim gaycing absolutely does teach you a ton about performance driving and you can learn fundamental techniques quite well with it, I'm not saying you will be shamilton on your first track day if you simgayce but you will be miles ahead of anyone with zero sim and irl experience
i don't own a car
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in this case your grandma was the "simulator" and the fact you don't value you own life was allowing you to have fun at no cost.
driving is fun, it doesn't really matter how its done. reasonably good sims are a good majority of the way to perfect realism and at some point the only thing you won't be able to do in the computer is die.

that's what everyones think i am when i go "yeah simracing is fun and you can learn a lot" noo there has to be a handful of equally reddit faggots come out of the woodwork and talk about how they blew up their grandmas shitbox on the way to the store for some piwo and theyd rather do that over and over again than backflips in a fully simulated monster truck, or racing historic vehicles on legendary lost racing tracks, or testing your mettle in modern prototypes only the greatest will ever drive.
that looks interesting gonna check it out ty. looking for a fun game rn. was looking at live for speed
nightrunners fans be like
>yo this gameplay fire
nice pixels and fps retard
shut the fuck up you retarded bulgarian twink
I suppose if you don't enjoy working on cars you also wouldn't enjoy real life racing. I spend a lot more time in the garage than driving. I don't run it just by myself though, I can always find friends willing to help. A big part of the fun of racing is going on an adventure with the bros.
why is some schizo bitch obsessed with Bulgarians?
>I suppose if you don't enjoy working on cars
now you're just making baseless assumptions and being obtuse on purpose
nobody said this at all. if you don't like working on cars you won't like simracing because it involves a good deal of the same autism. it is physically cleaner and a bit simpler because no or very minimal engine shit but the logic and strategy is the same.
i mean like you don't have to pay taxes and gas and tires and entry fees, you don't have to haul the car to the track, you don't need to get a bunch of people together to help, you just go and do it. nothing about that other stuff is part of the fun, it just enables you to have fun so you put up with it.

>A big part of the fun of racing is going on an adventure with the bros.
as someone who was here from the beginning you of all people ought to know of the crazy adventures the bros itt have been on
how is that any different?
>singlehandedly maintained by a fucking bicyclist who doesn't even like cars
bro out here parroting the otaku talking points about why they prefer 2D waifus to real girlfriends
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>realityfags so booty blasted they gotta haul out the ol "have sex" because no racer wants to touch grass
Wait, is it true? Why would someone like that be a car game developer, and a realistic one at that?
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scawen is both an avid cyclist and an environmental activist
i think his thing is he's a racefan but not a big fan of the car industry or the pollution it causes
The true to reality sims are fun but so is emulating the arcade games they used to have in the old pizza shops, the ones that only go through European streets at night
The atmoshpere is horrible, it's the opposite of soulful. It's like the game wants you not to play it
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Rate my haul.
This is my third copy of PGR4 as the first two amazon copies keep getting dic read errors.
Looked for TDU1 but it's getting harder to find.
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>game developer
>twitter user
Is he just angry 100% of the time?
I never played a PGR game, they have that Kudos system from MSR on the dreamcast, right?
i remember using the clk gtr all the time in that game then i saw that it was one of the easy handling cars lol
id love to try horizon
AC Evo steam page is online, got some new screenshots. Still no gameplay video... I have a bad feeling about it...

>Includes Interactive Elements
>In-game purchases
it's going to be rf2 all over again screencap this
He wanted to sell it to driving schools and businesses for big $$$
But also that's like asking "Why would someone who isn't a pilot want to make a flight simulator"
track screenshots remind me of gt7,cars look good
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rfactor 2
>But also that's like asking "Why would someone who isn't a pilot want to make a flight simulator"
I'd expect someone who's making a flight sim to at least like planes
Which piss filter is more pissy, NFSMW '05 or Race Driver GRID?
grid has a less water content pissy filter than mw05 but mw05 has a muddier look like it's thicker piss
very difficult to judge
GRID is like a slightly yellow piss, not too strong, Most Wanted is more like the piss you take when you wake up, considerably stronger in my opinion.
geoff crammond wasnt a huge racing fan either he just liked the challenge of making a racing sim
I want to pick up Automobilista2 on the steam sale since I hear it has good VR support. Should I get any of the DLC's or bundles? Don't know anything about this game
we need to bring back the blue filter
100 GB what the fuck
>Includes Interactive Elements
I don't know what that means
>In-game purchases
I guess this doesn't just mean Car Packs
No mods = DOA
Why is nobody discussing this ITT?
Literally posts above you, you retard
there's nothing to discuss
Even if it doesn't deliver it cannot be worse than AMS2. That was the biggest waste of money in history of my steam purchases and I bought it on sale.
It certainly has a long way to go
The map is all fucked up, can easily switch directions into oncoming traffic
The racing routes are seemingly random and often cross into oncoming traffic
The GPS does not work at all, it just points directly towards the destination and doesn't take into consideration the road being driven on
Map is too fast, not enough technical corners like there should be on a C1/Wangan Map
No open world encounters like in TXR
Other than that irs pretty good and cant wait to see the finished product. Just hope the developer doesn't get hyper focused on creating pointless things when the base game still needs so much work (for example a drift map when the driving physics don't even support drifting)
Not a fan of the VHS filter either, considering the game is set in the late 90s
what makes AMS2 so bad? i was thinking about getting it during the sale.
First of all, since it's primarily an offline sim, the AI is quite bad. It's way better than AMS1 that had ancient rf1 AI which is dogshit, but still could be way better. The physics cheating is off the charts, AI is noticeably quicker in one part of the track and then slower in the other. The performance inconsistency of AI between classes is pretty high, when switching to a different class and sometimes even a different track, you will need to adjust the AI strength all over again.

And again, I don't get how AC AI was bashed so much when it's demonstrably better than AMS1 and 2 AI. It's more consistent, it won't mindlessly crash into you and there's much less physics cheating. AC doesn't allow you to push the AI slider past 100% because it doesn't need to, at 100% their AI is fast as fuck. Like what the fuck even is supposed to be 120% ai strength if not ai cheating?

Second part where it comes a bit short is force feedback, although it might depend on the wheel. With a DD I just can't make a setup where it feels as good as AC and it's a far cry from something like rf2.
>at 100% their AI is fast as fuck.
norv you might be a lot slower than I thought
imo the ai is quite good in ams2 since the 90s f1 updates at least compared to other isi derivative games, yeah it cheats out of its ass but ac ai is painfully slow even a mid driver can put a second on them per lap on nearly any car/track combo and it has zero racecraft as well, its gran turismo tier ai
thx for reply.
I'm mostly interested in single player stuff since I'm just starting out. heard it had good VR support.
I also heard the physics were wonky but that was possibly updated/changed in 2022? not really sure
AMS2 is great, this dude >>27771987 is a sour grapes ape.
I love AMS2 you chimp.
The physics aren't bad IMO. The wonkiness probably comes from the slippy tire model but I think they changed it a lot.

AC AI in the career races is easily faster than AMS2 set to 110%
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rf1/rf2 ai is actually good though and knows how to race, it will do stuff like try divebomb and outbrake you

it's AC ai that is shit
>I don't get how AC AI was bashed so much when it's demonstrably better than AMS1 and 2 AI. It's more consistent, it won't mindlessly crash into you and there's much less physics cheating.
>ac ai
>won't mindlessly crash into you
>less physics cheating

how to tell someone doesnt even play the game they're talking about 101
>AC AI in the career races is easily faster than AMS2 set to 110%
bullshit, ac is like 98% isi ai at 100, you just get slower cars in ac career events because kunos knew who shit their ai is
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Have you guys seen this? Is this mostly Japanese and other eastern Asia people, or what? This peak time makes no sense otherwise.
I will urge anyone who is even remotely hopeful this won't be garbage to uninstall all their AC mods, CSP and CM and try playing it as kunos made it and then reconsider their opinion.
Even better, try the console version if you can.
reminder that china is the largest userbase on steam, in the last 7 days it counted for 28% of all steam download traffic (compared to 19% for the US) and is the second most common language on the hardware survey (29.5% to english at 38%)
asian net cafes and sim arcades, russian hackers, thirdies buying on steep discount now that the game is getting shut down
it is really funny that it's got higher peaks than fucking helldivers rn
But isn't the regular Steam stuff blocked in China?
Based China fighting back against the Japanese Gran Turismo threat.
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Completed the Nightrunners prologue, that Eternal Sun guy was kinda tough, nothing a good dose of dirty racing can't fix though. I'm looking forward to the full game. I wonder how they'll handle progression in the full game, by the end of the prologue you usually have a pretty maxed out car, but there seems to be a bunch of crews still left for you to beat, I also wonder if they'll add more race types, as it is the upgrades meant for drifting don't make much sense beyond using them in free roam. I also wonder if where they will go storywise, I read you can sometimes get a "Great Old Ones Witnessed" and "Deities Contacted" in the night end stat screen, if you take that into account with how weird and cryptic the bosses talk in the game and there might be something weird going on.
is this doom 3?
>full game
any release date yet? love the look of the game
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nigrunners players be like

>yo dis game is str8 fire
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hol' up lemme cook
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>nightrunners be like
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got him
These threads should stay on /v/ where the rest of the basement dwellers and underage b&s hang out. Get a car and touch grass you nerds
I own a car that I enjoy driving and I have touched grass today, I just also happen to enjoy doing dumb shit in the virtual realm that would never fly in real life.
my car costs more than yours bitch, hide the thread.
muh ovg should be on v posts are the biggest newfaggot indicators lol
post your car
Get a dick and balls
>all that seethe in replies
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>n-no u!
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The handling is pretty nice, but I just can't stand the VHS-horror atmosphere that the game is going for.
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>when you visit the parking area at 4am
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I bought NFS Heat because of the summer sale and its making me kind of racist against Latinxs :/
God the music fucking sucks donkey balls.
Pretty gwafix though.
now stretch it
iracing has the same problem
Shitty reggaeton/mumble rap or annoying beaners?
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My NFSMW save file just corrupted.
I was just about to race ronnie.
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that is like 3 hours of gameplay at max. nothing to lose sleep over
my house
>nothing to lose sleep over
Still hurts when its my old save that I've only attempted to complete now.
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Through statistical analysis of the first 7 races of TCL S4, I have determined the best car in the Trans Am pack to be the D-Dart '68, with the most wins (5) and most podiums (8).
Honorable mentions go to the Javelin '69, Mustang '70, Cougar '67, and Cuda '70. The Firebird '68 is the only car without a podium.

Despite making up only 23% of the carpack, Mopar accounts for 57% of wins.
Largely thanks to the D-Dart '68, Mopar has the most wins (8) and most podiums (15). While featuring the most cars in the pack, GM is the worst manufacturer, with only 1 win and 6 podiums.
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there are only two types of simracers
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For $700 I can get a wheel and pedals, a wheel stand, a shifter and a handbrake. I just wanted to tell someone.
>a static lower+higher lowering set up
>no option to lower front/rear separately
why do games do this? it always makes it nosedive and the front wheels eat through the guards
so fucking stupid man im sick of this ABSOLUTE RETARDATION
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Playing FH4 for the first time and I just found out that most cars have literally 1 (one) customization option for front/rear bumper, skirts and spoilers, and no customization for lights/mirrors/hoods/other misc elements body elements.
So this is the power of Microsoft money...
good kill
>but I just can't stand the VHS-horror atmosphere that the game is going for.
what an absolute worthless take
Just checking in.

I beat my PB in assetto on the c7.r nordschleife (tourist) by a tenth (haven't tried in a few months and needed like 4 laps of practice) but content manager didn't update the PB even tho the lap was purple.
I made three solid mistakes, one almost running off the road, fumbled a few braking entries, and didn't manage my tires well for the last 1/4th of the track.
I still have a LOT to improve on (I learn slow please be nice)
managed a 6:14.64 against my previous posted 6:14.738

So is anyone hyped for Assetto Corsa Evo? Hopefully it gives iRacing a kick in the pants.
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>Microsoft money
What good handbrake do you recommend to go with that kit (pic.)?
throwing it all out and spending 1400USD on decent gear would be a good start
>bought a logi shifter when even the dipshit /ovg/ gear guide recommends an SHH
I have the "old" SHH Newt and it's amazing. I can't handle heel-toe for shit, but in races still manage to get a similar lap time as autoclutch with paddles.
I will send you my IBAN, you could give me some money.
Fairs fair, i had to quit smoking get a raise and save for 5 months to afford my mid-level (that /ovg/ insults) gear, and I make American middle class money.
That's life tho. Saving and waiting.

My father is into sim flying, he makes twice what I do and his house is paid off, and he buys nearly the cheapest shit you can find.
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still rockin my G27
didnt the whole game world ban you Austin Ogden because you just talked MAD SHIT with no evidence?
and all over car skins nobody wanted to see?
>just kidding his iracing videos were REALLY REALLY GOOD and my bet is he had to take them down due to Mafia style threats i.e. the iRacing owners need to be killed and their families

>topic related
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no u
will austin ever reupload his iracing critical videos. they were great, on point, and poked holes into just how bullshit the game really is.
I only remember the one of him accusing that Jessica chick of whoring herself out
he had an entire series of them that were super critical of how non accurate iracing really was (and still is).
they got removed with no warning a few years ago, and it was before/during all the massive paid hype promotion from covid.

So I assume Austin was quite literally threatened by iRacing big shots, and those people deserve to be permanently physcially broken like, shattered knees, hips and shoulders broken.

Truly great videos. A DAMN SHAME they were taken down.
he works for ian bell who probably told him to take that shit off
Well then they're all cocksucking massive pussies and everyone involved should have their knees, hips, shoulders broken into a million pieces and their wives and kids immolated on a public stream.
>that /ovg/ insults

You bought fanagay didn't you?
Hey don't tell anyone but
>it's been reliable
>it works great
>resell value is good
>no problems here
Don't believe the poorfag shit talking. They want to feel good about buying (massively overpriced) G27s, entry level thrustmaster, and don't want to feel bad about buying that garbage Moza shit with awful software.
Same, but all I do this year is playing RBR on an antique rig which still runs flawlessly on Windows 8.1.
nobody cares about your shill shifter retard

you should probably listen to your dad
mine still uses a MS Sidewinder FFB from 1999.
if it aint broke dont pay a jew

so has my t300/t3pa/th8 set??? how do you niggers spend several thousand dollars on video game controller and then act all high and mighty when it doesnt break lmaooo

>thrustmaster, logitech: it just werks
>fanagay, chinkza, simupoo: it just werks if you spend 12 hours out of every day convincing people online you made the right purchase
>muh resale value
the ultimate poorfag cope

>look how much i can sell this for if i never ever use it!!!!!!111

>several thousand dollars
lmao what

I've owned a logi GT, g27, Tmaster 300, and fuck what you think these more expensive gears are nicer to drive with.
full fagnatexan dd setup with all the gubbins is about a grand
you didn't say which one you got so i just assumed you were not a poorfag with a secondhand 20 year old gt3rs

fags talk about how these expensive wheels are "nicer" but my brother in christ it's the same fucking ffb code no matter what wheel you use so how can that possibly be?
>nobody cares about your shill shifter retard

Except people that actually simrace and want to use an h pattern shifter.
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TH8 is better
Only on opposite day.
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so all the time
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next series after TCL ends will be jokkis in based rFactor 1 (or cringe AMS if a majority of people prefer it)
game is free
mod is free
fun is guaranteed
and sovl is back on the menu

Why did Kaz add "The Real Driving Simulator" to GT?That was never true,not even for GT1
does the crewchief vr plugin work on rf1?
do you really not have AC in the mountains kita
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bro lives in the south and doesnt have AC
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what literally are you talking about

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