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How good are his cars and trucks, really?
I would drive a BYD truck over a cyberfuck any day of the week.
Breddy gud. Interiors are HIV+ but the Plaids are good machines.
Best car interioir on the market. So nice stepping in a car and not seeing barftastic button slop.
If it werent for the stupid interiors and all the locked down always online garbage it would be a fine car. Very powerful motor and nice and quiet ride.
They feel slow as fuck though except for the plaid and maybe performance ones. The dual motor shits are gay as fuck
Brocolli headed and homosexual is no way to go through life, son.
fine. not as bad as seething communist midwits on reddit say, not as good as EVangelists with all their savings invested in TSLA say
the tesla drivetrains are *incredibly* good. motors, batteries, the works.
the cars around them are shit. like, 90s jap econobox tier of build quality.
but there's also no physical switchgear and lots of spyware/drm/other gay tech faggotry.

if you can charge at home, a model 3 makes a great case for itself as an appliance/commuting/daily driver car.
if you value absurdly fast 0-60 times, the 3 performance or the S plaid also make very good cases for themselves, in terms of 0-60 per $.
in any other scenario and for every other use case, i see no point in owning a tesla

oh, and i see even less point in owning any non-tesla EV. none of them are significantly better overall, most of them are significantly worse in many regards.
no supercharger network, typically way worse value for money, worse efficiency, worse tech integration, etc etc.
Best selling car in the world. So its decent.

Since they're a new company and EVs are a new thing, the prices is out of range for most of the bottom feeders who want <$5K car. Still if you can afford it, its probably the best in class
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Absolute trash that spontaneously combusts and tries to murder you in your sleep
They're good for what they are (commuter eggs). The people that buy them are the same as the people that bought Priuses 20 years ago.
They're not bad, but the problem is he's advertising them as if they're premium luxury products and they really aren't. The small touches and attention to detail are what differentiate luxury vehicles from regular vehicles, and the build quality on these is just ok. Not terrible, but things like misaligned panels, peeling trim, etc. Compare Teslas to GM or Hyundai, not Lexus and Mercedes.
>Compare Teslas to GM or Hyundai, not Lexus and Mercedes
LOL, Lexi are rebadged auto-only Toyotas. Mercedes is decent but Cadillac shits all over them. Blackwing is THE performance luxury car to get right now. Supercharged RWD V8 with manual.
They're like an old Jag XJS - they're ok if you're just using them to flex, but I wouldn't actually depend on one, if you actually need a vehicle that you can count on.
And yet it isn't gonna sell because it's ugly and made in africa
Lol cope chud
You’ve clearly never sat in one. Stop larping and give the phone back to your mom
>They feel slow as fuck
>The dual motor shits are gay as fuck
>model 3 long range, dual motor
>0-60 in 4.2sec
>model 3 rwd (aka the cheapest one you can guy) does it in 5.8sec
there's a lot of shit you can say about teslas
"slow" is not part of it.
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oh, and lets not forget you'd need to spend over 10k more to match the awd model 3's 0-60 with a bmw 3 series.

>model 3 awd 47.5k, without the stupid "gas savings" discount thing they advertise.
>bmw 340 rwd loses to it, 340 awd beats it, at 57.5k and 59.5k respectively
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and, finally, the model 3 perfomance does 0-60 in 2.9sec, for 55k
meanwhile, the m3 competition awd only manages 3.4sec, for 84k
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Post car tranny pedo
>Model 3 and Y
best value EVs currently on sale
>Model S
too expensive and model 3 makes it worthless
>Model X
too expensive and buying a EV SUV is worthless
massive mistake that should not have been made
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How does $ 28,000 sound for you?
kek fucking ricelet stancelet has never heard of a tune
tessies are GAY as FUCK
Why's it so fucking slow then?>>27775119
oh my, i seemed to have caused some butthurt from the resident shills

fwiw, i wouldn't buy an EV currently.
but not because i don't like the EV part, i don't like the rest of the cars.
and certainly not because they're slow, lol.
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Slower that a Range Rover holy fuck, kek
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couldn't you find an older record?
here's something more recent.

filters are -no non-road legal and -no modified
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Picrel is official. Now do more than one (1) lap on your empty and overheated battery.
benchracing retards
Can't race with EV shills who don't even own a car, can you?
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perhaps it'd be better to provide some context, don't you think?
model s doesn't look too bad vs the taycan imo, especially considering its, you know, a sedan.
and also, you know, not a porsche, who has like 60 extra years of racing/track experience.

>Now do more than one (1) lap on your empty and overheated battery.
nobody said EVs are a good idea for track cars, obviously they aren't

i was merely countering the idiotic implications that teslas are somehow "slow".
they aren't. not in 0-60, not in a flying lap around the ring. and im sure if they cared to make one capable of more laps, they'd be able to.
and btw a single lap of the nurb is like at least 3-4 laps around any other track (7-8min laps vs 1:30-2 for most others).
>muh 0-60
Civic with mods, unironically.
If it's racing only 0-60 is meaningless
If it's daily only 0-60 is meaningless
Shills only consider 0-60 anyway
It's tiresome
>If it's daily only 0-60 is meaningless
you drive too nice
>Civic with mods, unironically.
a 47.5k model 3 perf gets you 4.2 sec 0-60
a 55k model 3 perf gets you 2.9 sec 0-60
how much would it cost to buy a civic and mod it to match those numbers?
and how expensive would it be to run/maintain afterwards, vs a stock tesla with a warranty, that you can charge at home, or via the supercharger network?

also, i agree 0-60 is pretty meaningless. this is all in the context of idiotic accusations of teslas being slow, which they obviously aren't.
plenty other things wrong with them, but slow is not one of them.
>a 47.5k model 3 perf
*awd*, not perf.
Probably 10k, civics and parts are dirt cheap
>run and maintain
Not expensive, it's not rocket science
>tesla warranty
Yeah right we've seen how that plays out lmao
>charge at home
Or burn down your house
The best EV cars in the market, best infrastructure for EVs and best charging cable. As far as cars in general, they are mostly an appliance to people who live in cities rather your usual car, that is, lots of unnecessary features, you can't wrench yourself, and so on.
Absolute meme.
decent tech unlike alot of shitty makes whatever decks
good cameras/360 view and previously lidar or whatever
probably better sound proofing than alot of cars
>Probably 10k, civics and parts are dirt cheap
really? show me.
because i was under the impression that even shitbox tier, 10yo, non-type-r old civics were 10k by themselves, and those aren't even remotely capable of reaching those numbers, let alone with 0 extra cost.

i was thinking more along the lines of buying a current year type-r for like 45k and spending a couple thou on intake/exhaust tune.
that would maybe get you somewhat close to the model 3 awd, albeit for basically 0 savings.
stock type-r does 0-60 in like 5 sec, i can maybe see going down to 4.2ish with a stage 1.

but ofc, no way to reach the m3 perf 2.9sec 0-60 with a civic, not unless you swap out a significantly bigger engine, which you can't because it won't fit.

>Not expensive, it's not rocket science
its not expensive to run and maintain a modern, turbocharged, retuned engine, got it.

>tesla warranty
im pretty sure they honor it. because otherwise, you know, they get sued. and worse, bad publicity.

> burn down your house
oh, we're at that level of shitposting?
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>he doesn't know the civic+mods meme
Take any car with an engine that won't shit itself, any, and throw 10k at it, there you go. It's that simple.
People have done this with all kinds of shitboxes, it's not rocket science.

>current year type r
Do it, appreciating asset unlike any EV. People do not want used EVs, the used EV market is in shambles while many normal sports cars are scalped to nirvana.

>it's not expensive
Yes. Do you want me to factor in 30k for a new EV battery?

>pretty sure
Lmao better not drive it in the rain then

>shit posting
It's called real life
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>car locks you in and suddenly explotes
>ow much would it cost to buy a civic and mod it to match those numbers?
like, 7 grand, lol
but they are slow >>27775119
>Take any car with an engine that won't shit itself, any, and throw 10k at it
so, the base car is free?
and what, you do 10k worth of maintenance and presumably a turbo/supercharger + tune, and what, you get 4sec 0-60 times?
im pressing "X"

there's no way to do this without starting to approach model 3 money, never mind used model 3 money (which should be fair game, since presumably you're starting with a used car)

>appreciating asset unlike any EV
very few cars are actually appreciating assets. type-r's are not on that list
porsches, and specifically the special ones, gt3s and such, are appreciating assets
also classic cars. not hopped up jap econoboxes.

>People do not want used EVs
used EV prices are low because EVs are evolving and improving constantly.
nobody bothered to buy a used iphone 1, because by the time they came to consider it, the 2nd/3rd/4th gen was out, and it was a much better phone.
you can't sell a 5 year old model s for anything approaching current model s money, because the current model s has a way better range, faster charging, etc etc.

>Do you want me to factor in 30k for a new EV battery?
at present, most sources indicate a full battery replacement is anywhere from 10 to 20k, depending on brand/car/battery size, etc. the 28k quote from that shillpost above is in CAD, not $. and its for a 2013 model s, which is obviously well out of warranty.
also, replacing a better in an EV is equivalent to a full engine rebuild or a new engine in an ICE, how much does that cost for an engine that can do 4sec 0-60?

and all this is largely irrelevant, since
a) see above points re:used EVs, most people would prefer a new and better EV rather than a replacement battery
but more importantly
b) a person buying an EV now wouldn't need a battery replacement for like 10 years, at which point prices will be MUCH lower.
the only (real, not counting silly compliance vehicles) EVs needing replacement batteries as of yet are very early model S's.
You can get a civic for the price of an iPhone lmao
see >>27775188
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>straw man
EV shills are tiresome... no nothing is free but it's still far cheaper than a Plaid since all you care about is 0-60, there , you go.
So no warranty then?
>used EV prices
No. People just don't buy them because they don't trust them and rightfully so.
False comparison since iPhones batteries don't cost 5 digits to replace or spontaneously combust.
>muh shill post
Hyundai even quoted 50k or so. These prices exist and are realistic.
>equivalent to full engine rebuild
Lol no. Engine rebuild with forged piston shaft etc is less than 10k and that's tuning parts.
Talking about shilling lol...

>b-b-but muh person buying EV
Nothing but conjecture to "support" your "argument".

You EV shills are tiresome...
Let me guess, you will not post bread on hood?
>EV shills are tiresome
im not an EV shill.

i wouldn't buy any current EV, except maybe a base model 3 if i had a long commute AND the ability to charge at home.
and i wouldn't like it, i'd buy it just for the savings.

im just annoyed by all the retarded anti-EV shilling happening.
every fucking thread, the same idiots post the same 10 pictures of articles about anecdotes. and worse, make retarded claims like EVs not being fast or exploding or whatever

there's good reasons to not like any current EV, but those are always left out.
who in this thread has said anything about drm, or about touchscreen everything, or about how expensive it is to repair a tesla with huge single pressing subframes after a collision?
fucking nobody, that's who

all i see is idiots posting p85d laptimes from 2014 or whatever, other idiots claiming you can somehow get 4 sec 0-60 times for 10k in current_year, another idiot shitposting about that one ev that caught fire that one time, etc etc.

and i understand this is all shilling, since tesla has ripped traditional auto mfgs a new one with the model 3/Y, but still, somebody has to say something.
if the only people talking about EVs are pajeet anti-tesla shills, nobody gets convinced of anything and the quality of the board degrades.
So.. my guess that you won't provide us with baked gluten on colored metal sheet is correct?
no, i cba to take the lift down to the garage.
but if it matter to you that much, its an opel insignia 2 liter turbodiesel. im yuropean, at the time it was very good value.
Plaids are UFG
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If I wanted a fast car of poor quality, I'd get the Tesla. If I wanted a comfortable luxury cruiser, I'd get the Lexus/Toyota or Mercedes. If I was retarded, I'd get the Cadillac. Thank God I'm not retarded.
>Cyber Rust
>Model Y paint not up to industry standard, causing premature corrosion
>fire hazard
>slower than econoboxes in the real world as driving at reasonable speeds cuts into battery range too much
>Expensive to buy
>battery lifespan is questionable at best and very expensive to replace
>poorly assembled (reports of customers taking delivery with missing carpets and the like)
>people will think you’re vegan

Only good thing is no oil changes and cheap to fuel if you can charge at home or at work
very bad
>oh, and i see even less point in owning any non-tesla EV. none of them are significantly better overall, most of them are significantly worse in many regards.
>no supercharger network, typically way worse value for money, worse efficiency, worse tech integration, etc etc.
What year is it? I won't argue that Tesla makes the best EVs in a lot of ways depending on what you're looking for, but there are definitely better options available for certain types of buyers and they've already started opening the supercharger network to non-Teslas.
why does the retard who constantly calls 1.99s 0-60 slow never post what car he owns?

is it perhaps because his car doesn't do 1.99s 0-60?
>How good are his cars and trucks, really?
When they work, they're great. There's nothing like them, especially the performance variants. He sells the fastest smart toasters on Earth.

Of course, they come with all the problems with smart appliances when they fail. That's when they suck. It's just difficult to make a reliable smart toaster. Even Toyota spent nearly 10 years before the first Prius, and it took until 2016 until all of the various issues of a hybrid drivetrain were fully ironed out. Tesla does not have that timeline at their utilization.
I'm pretty sure a suicide hotline is cheaper than buying a Chinese EV. Even suck starting a shotgun is cheaper.
>they've already started opening the supercharger network to non-Teslas
Other automakers are slow to adopt the standard, not to mention that they adamantly refuse to standardize HV systems. EVs require standardization to succeed and they just refuse to accept that Tesla beat them to the punch.
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>Everyone who shitposts about cars have super cars

That's /o/.
Why do EV pedo trannies who do nothing but bench race never post car?
Mid mostly. Tesla today is what GM was 70s-early 2000s, but instead of getting bailed out, it will end up as Enron. Cars build quality sucks ass while they got cutting edge tech today, and there are lots of controversies with lots of bad blood among employees for good reasons.
EV trannies come here with malice, and possess no passion and love in their lives, so they come here to troll and annoy others as cope.
You can literally right now go and use a supercharger with several non-Tesla EVs, my car gets access sometime later this year.
I don't know and don't care because Tesla drivers are part of a cult and I refuse to be part of a cult.
I hate JDM fags but it would take a civic like 6-8k in parts to outdrag a tesla lmao.
Teslas are slow. They’re fast for a couple of runs and that’s it. As a daily driver they are utterly impractical for spirited driving. That’s why you always see them tailgating semi trucks on the highway. Sure if you’re going 5 minutes from home you could gap someone but then you’ll probably be in town and it’s unsafe to drive at such speeds in bumper to bumper traffic
anon, 99% of the people who want a "fast" car just want to do the occasional highway pull and to win stoplight to stoplight drag races
teslas are ideal for that shit

and they're exceedingly good value, for that shit.
ignore the idiotic fantasies posted above about 10k civics managing 3-4sec 0-60 times. realistically, if you want to maximize your 0-60 per $ value, you almost certainly want a tesla

now, if you actually want a sporty car, something suitable for fun, spirited driving in the twisties, buy a miata. or a gt86. or some other light weight, rwd, manual and low power (so you don't die) car, if you can find it.
I don’t consider a car that can’t maintain the speed limit over a long journey to be “fast”. they’re fast on paper, not in the real world
wtf are you talking about?
teslas can easily do 70-80+ over long trips.
what they cant do is track driving. 100% accel followed by 100% braking, again and again and again over hours. that has no bearing in real world performance.
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as a mother and father to over 4 trans toddlers Elon Musks products are freaking garbage and he is literally a threat to our democracy!
Why do I see them slipstreaming semi trucks on the highway? No other car is doing it. Those claims of “300 mile range” mean sitting at 50 mph in mildly warm conditions in a brand new car on optimum tire pressures with no luggage kek
Also forgot to add I use full throttle loads in regular driving outside of town. I can still get 450 miles range, with the AC running even in poor weather conditions. I’d literally smoke a Tesla in any long journey especially in bad conditions. That’s the real world people live in, not using a $70,000 for a couple of pulls on the weekend
Why do tranny fags hate his cars?
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because all trannys are delusional society wrecking pieces of shit and are die hard lefties
>Why do I see them slipstreaming semi trucks on the highway?
you don't, you're a lying pajeet shill

there are literally millions of tesla owners, and none of them are complaining about not being able to use them for trips, or having to tailgate semis or whatever.

and there's shitloads of reviewers/journalists who have tested them in such conditions and have verified that yes, their range is more or less what they claim, in realistic conditions.

for example, here's a recent comparison test from carwow, where the tesla 3 awd managed 350ish miles, driving in highway speeds, with climate control on, etc etc:
Well I do, it’s funny you have to resort to insults to make your point. Because in reality you don’t have one. My family routinely drive long distances several times a year and none of us could do it in an EV without a lot of hassle. But hey you’re just gonna say I’m lying in order to avoid the truth
Weird flex to just admit that your entire family is too retarded to do something that tons of people do every single day.
May I just say, non of the people here have ever driven one

they seem to be popular, i am curious about indoor climate heat exhanger operating principle
GOD DAMN he's talking about electric cars but brother needs a fucking electric razor holy shit look at those face pubes

healthcare whores have not yet taken his balls

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