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Holy shit guys I just bought my first car that is equipped by default with a backup camera and it's changing my life. Previous car was a 2005 and all this new tech crammed inside this $30k sticker 2023 car is blowing my mind.
>lane keep assist (this is actually annoying)
>blind spot warning
>front and rear camera for parking
>"eagle view" top down composite view for parking
>adaptive cruise control
>bluetooth everything
>a real infotainment system with touchscreen controls
>wireless phone charging
What new technology do you like to have in your cars these days?
Keyless operation is a game changer
I have this and my dumbass keeps leaving my keys in the car because I just push the on/off button and forget to pick up my keys. I need to start keeping the keys in my pocket all the time.
my chally detects this and refuses to lock if the keys are in the car
however it doesn't work if the keyfob's battery is weak.
Worst I've done is leave my credit card in the EV charging station multiple times while charging. I'll be in the store getting lunch and remember my fucking card has been hanging out of the card reader outside for 20 minutes. No one has taken it yet because I live in a high trust society :^)
And if it's like my mustang then it will absolutely let you lock the keys in the trunk
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oh my
>>adaptive cruise control
Do people like this? My only experience was that right as I was about to change lanes to go around somebody the car would start slowing down, and then as soon as I got into the other lane it would drop gears and accelerate like crazy to get back up to speed. Even at the shortest distance setting. In traffic, it would constantly slow down because it left such a large gap that people would keep slotting in, sometimes even activating the auto-brake. Compared to that, driving with normal cruise control is much smoother and easier and more predictable.
Depends on what your adaptive cruise control is like. Mine does the "quickly decelerate and then quickly accelerate" thing but doesn't leave a giant gap between cars. this is still easier for me than having to constantly adjust my cruise control speed and if something fucky happens the car immediately changes speed which is really nice on long car trips so you don't have to always monitor the speed so much.
This is why automatic transmission and cruise needs to be illegal. Too easy for idiots like you to quit paying attention
I actually like the backup cameras, but a lot of that other shit is not necessary at all and should be made options on a different trim level IMO. If you just want a basic vehicle then there’s no reason to cram thousands of dollars worth of tech shit that just ups the price. Personally I’d also rather a physical key be a component of the fobs, like you can move it in or out like a safety blade. Thats just me being paranoid over battery life and the potential down the line for no more batteries being available though.
What brands make keyless fobs that don't have a mechanical backup key latched into it? I have yet to see one.
>lanekeep is annoying
You are an honorary heterosexual.
>blind spot warning
Blind spots don't -exist- in competently designed vehicles with properly adjusted mirrors, with the obvious exception of things like box trucks and large vans where the necessary geometry of their very function blocks certain (but not all) sight lines; for example a box truck has a blind spot directly behind it because you can't see over/through the walls of the cargo box, but with properly adjusted mirrors it does not have blind spots along its -sides- which is what blind spot monitoring actually senses. In the case of all non-commercial passenger vehicles this is a case of creating a problem to sell a solution.
>parking cams
>bird's eye composite view
Rear cams are a nice cheat for trailer hookup, otherwise these are only a benefit for incompetently designed vehicles (shit visibility) with incompetent drivers (no spatial reasoning/awareness) mandated by fear mongering that caters to the lowest IQ that still allegedly qualifies as sentient (the kind of retarded parent that runs over their own children. seriously).
>adaptive cruise
Cruise does not need to alter speed, that's why it's called cruising. If the speed needs to adjust then conditions are not suitable to use cruise in the first place and this is a glaring safety concern and another example of incompetent design coupled with incompetent user.
>bluetooth everything
Harmless but not a selling point in my opinion when there's no inconvenience from running a single sub three foot cable and not needing to deal with pairing, connectivity issues, not properly disconnecting, etc.
Reasonably sized (and responsive, crucially) gps unit with touch is useful. Giant infotainment screen with touch controls and nested menus for everything from radio to hvac to fucking seat adjustment is retarded and so are you.
>wireless phone charging
Harmless but just like bluetooth not a selling point.
every car ive ever had has been keyless, my first was a prius in 2010 and it had it

i was extremely confused when i had to drive my gf's car and it doesnt have it.
it's all fun and games until it's a little bit foggy and you want to use the cruise control for your 3 hour drive.
>okay then fuckface what DO you like
I like fuel injection.
I like cruise control.
I like disc brakes. I like antilock brakes on cars but not on bikes.
I like power locks, power windows, and power side mirror adjustment, but don't consider any of them "necessary."
I like air conditioning. No I could not possibly give less of a flying fuck whether the exact temperature is 70F or 71F, it's either hot out and set to full blue, bitter cold out and it's set in the middle, or I have whiny bitch hungry skeleton (or woman) icicle passenger(s) and its set to full red.
I like being able to save radio station presets with a physical button for each, and another button to swap to another row of presets... even if radio is steadily becoming too much commercial and not enough radio to be arsed listening to it anyway.
I like MANUAL seat adjustment because powered seats are too fucking slow and it's not like you're going to be dicking around with them constantly anyway to justify the "convenience."
>okay but like none of these are "new"
I knew you'd figure it out eventually, well done.
>Cruise does not need to alter speed
completely disagree there. the entire point of cruising is to make life easier for the driver. having to manually change your speed frequently is not ideal. adaptive CC makes so much sense. it's actually impossible for you to argue against this even ironically.
>impossible to argue against this even ironically
Correct; argument is for when there are conflicting viewpoints or a subjective matter up for debate. I cannot argue against your wrong opinion because my position is that of fact and need not be argued, only stated, which I have. I'll remind you:
>manually changing your speed frequently
Conditions unsuitable for use of cruise control, and use of cruise control, even (especially) adaptive does not retroactively change these conditions for which it is objectively, factually unsuitable. Stop being a shit driver, your Fagbook shitpost can wait.
>having to manually change your speed frequently is not ideal. adaptive CC makes so much sense.
If adaptive cruise is changing your speed a lot then there's too much traffic to safely use cruise control.
having the car automatically change between 75 +/- 5 miles per hour is the system working as intended and expected. you really want to take off cruise control if the car in front of you slows down even 1 mph? i don't think so.
Bluetooth is harmful tho. Its an easy way in for hackers/ thieves.
Adaptive CC is pretty cool cause especially when paired with lane centering it functions as an autopilot. I can set cc to 90 MPH and it will automatically sit 3 meters behind slowfags as needed they could be going 54 Mph. Allows me to enjoy some dinner and even shitpoast here a little bit. Plus its fun to watch people nervously checking their rearview looking nervous.
ABS is fucking great on bikes other than how much it makes brake bleeding suck, what are you on about?
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>Adaptive CC is pretty cool cause especially when paired with lane centering it functions as an autopilot.
this. i often need 2 hands to open ketchup packets so adaptive cruise control is perfect for this.
>car in front of you causing you to alter speed
Conditions unsuitable for cruise. Pass the cunt and resume cruise, or fall back and set a lower cruise at a much farther distance. This isn't nearly as complex as you seem to think it is.

Overly integrated iCrap infotainment is already on my chopping block. If it allows control over or even access to anything more involved than your media playback it is objectively harmful, yes. There is no justifiable reason crApple Carplay or Android Auto should interact in any way with your windows, locks+latches, or ignition. Ever.

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