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wrenchlet, here. what am i supposed to be looking at and feeling.
it's fucked. you should feel angry
Is it the centre of the balljoint thats fucked? The nut looks fine.
I think I get it. It's one of those faggoty bolts that you have to hold with an Allen key while turning the nut at the same time
Go fuck yourself
Fuck you
shame on you
Fucking kek. I know it might happen, but it actually did
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>Seven sevens
Holy get
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it wasn't even botted lmao
impressive, very nice
Lolno, not botted. Just a sign

I also made this post, that's how I knew somebody was GETting
control arm has two ends
one is balljoint to steering knucle
because its balljoint there is a T40 at the end of it to counter the torque when you tighten the 21mm nut
nut seizes
T40 strips
grats, control arm now stuck to steering knucle
wtf fuck off ur stealing my thread
I think you had to forget the Torx at first, and just turn the nut until the whole thing turns, then it's loose from the knuckle and you could pop in the Torx and carefully turn it
Now you have to either cut it off or replace the whole thing
What you could do now is find an Allen key that fits, btw. Then it doesn't matter if the Torx is stripped as long as the Allen key fits snug
I just used a Torx to take off an Allen bolt myself
I am upgrading to M3 control arms
this was literally the last one (4 of 4 same type of 21mm with T40 counter), I sprayed ainti seize twice beforehand
It started unscrewing with 21mm wrench at first, then started to seize, spray again, I then tried with the counter T40 and it worked
then T40 slipped, I sprayed again, waited like 1 hour
and again, spray, wait 1 hour
and again, its not comoletely fucked
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fractals all the way down confirmed
there's no rust on that, it shouldn't seize at all
you are doing something wrong
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>quite literally wasting 7 7s
This take a special kind of retard
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Is this a paradox???
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yes, the ai chatbots posting here are completely BTFO
notch the dust shield or use a wrench like a wrenchlet
Wow get a load of this cocksucker
choking laughing whoever made the watch thread just exploded

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