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Change your oil. And filter.

>10,000 mile oil change
Who falls for this?
Not my boomer ass. I still do 4-5k changes. I run Amsoil in both, the 350 gets top of the line oil with an Amsoil filter because I thrash on it. The 454 sees the low grade Amsoil with a Wix or Bosch filter, that bitch takes almost 8 quarts.
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Exactly, why change the engine oil when you only need to top up
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I drive 2000 miles a year, wat do
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I change oil every 3k with the most expensive full synthetic because I'm autistic. I also check oil level and fluids before every drive.
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A real man changes his oil every week
>wat do
Check how it looks on the stick. Time can take a toll just as much as mileage.

>I change oil every 3k
Hello fellow king.
>Who falls for this?
Try 20.
>mobil 1 extended performance on sale
>Buy a wix XP with it for the hell of it
Gonna stretch my oil change interval to a cool 6k miles
yearly oil changes
You're supposed to change your oil?
I sent a sample in for analysis at 5k and they told me the oil would surely last until 7500 at least.
They do this shit when you fall for leasebait, one of the lures they use is "free oil changes" which translates to cheapest oil change every 10-15k. While I'm at it, these huge oil change intervals are for rentals with McDonald's struts exclusively. No car with double bones cars get these retard tier oil change intervals.

You're such a simple soul... You're supposed to change your oil every 1.5k miles no matter what
Can you fucking go outside dude, fucking just lol at this mental illness
992 GT3 RS oil change interval is 10,000 miles lol
stop replying to him dumbasses, you're giving him exactly what he wants
With 5w30 using diesel engine i could drive eternally with these oils. But you can change 0w16 triannually on your EPA certified gasoline troonbox
shits a rental, just because they put bones on this one car doesnt make it a non rental. Consider its still auto only with fake vents.
kek, you know youre a tranny with no tools. dumbass temu loving ricer.
i just topped off my 00 ranger shitbox 320kmi 4cyl engine with about 0.5-1 qt of gear oil. do i need to do an oil change now? should i run the engine at all to warm up the oil or just drain?
am i fine to run this much gear oil to the woods and back? 500mi round trip

i was due for an oil change but i figured i would just top it off when i saw a gallon oil juh that still had some in it
Just did last month. Still looked very clean after 2 years.
Even had the oil pan off because that was leaking from a rust pinhole, the crank and rods looked perfect.
scotty said to change the oil
it's cheap (compared to busted engine)
Every 5k miles or one year which ever comes first.
Gear oil? Fucking GEAR OIL? Like 75w-90 gear oil, and you replaced 10-20% of the sump's capacity with it? Fucking retard. *Might* be fine but change it immediately afterwards. Stop at AutoZone on the way and buy a jug of 5w30 and a drain pan/container and get that shit out and put new in, ideally.
911 ST has the same oil change interval. And what the FUCK is a temu? That poster will never be me by the way.
>not unplugging the oil drain plug and running a full loss oil system to make sure the oil is 100% new for every revolution of the engine

its like you hate your car
I change it every 20k miles, just as BMW recommends
>added gear oil to engine oil
would this have been a good time to add diesel to my engine bay for q quick 100-500 mile engine cleaning? thats a thing people do, isnt it?
I change oil twice a year, filter once a year.
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>tfw you'll never be stupidly dumb rich enough to have every single fluid changed after every drive
Same. I change mine every 8 months or so.
>confession time
I forgot to change my oil for a year, and I put like 8,000 miles on it in that time. I also forgot to take a sample of the oil to get it tested.
Change your differential fluid, ATF/MTF fluid, all the fluids. Don't listen to shills that say doing this will "ruin" the car (How lol?). High mileage vehicles can be driven even higher using special mixtures and formulas and it's worth it if your shitbox has no resale value anyway.

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