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Koguma thread!

>Motorcycle poastin
>Motorcycle pics, webms
>Motorcycle girls
>w/ Milkshakes and skinny legs
>Sv650 vs r7 vs cb650r discussion
>Don't buy EV motorcycles
>Don't buy chinese motorcycles
>Motorcycle ghosting techniques (its all about respect)
>Motorcycle ghost repellent techniques
>RIP to all those who RIP'd
>take the stickers off your bike
>Pass the MSF class, wear earplugs

Lots of people click these links
>https://ridelikeachampion.com <--(not vetted virus link)

>Twist of the Wrist II


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Based thread is based. No more ugly 3d hoes.
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>that gif
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First for night rides
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2nd for night rides.
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Fourth for Honda
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I want chang/billy to cosplay pic related for me. How do i get in contact with him? Im willing to pay in monero or amazon gift cards. I can send a little money first to buy the costume + simpson helmet
For me, it's Shii-chan.
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Adding preload does increase ride height. It did on all my other bikes as well when I setup the suspension on them.

Also, I do have a camera, I just haven't done many videos with it. I should do a video ripping down a back road with it.
For me its Reiko.
I just got an unexpected little bonus. Thanks to the anon who posted about them I'm thinking of buying one of picrel so I can commute in a pretty and cheap bike I won't mind abusing too much. Going to see them (and other models) at a dealer tomorrow. Anyone have experience with modern Royal Enfields?
I'll post pics if I remember to take them kek
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Cute autistic exhibitionist.
good morning sir that’s best bikecycle
good morning saar, redeem the bike sar
Find an onlyfans whore you fucking weirdo.
They are pretty good and they run forever, the ones with the j series, the twins, the Himmy and all that came after the new CEO. I like the classic 350 better. I'd only by the 650s or the new 452 Himmy. 350s are too slow for me.
is that you chang/billy?
Those things are slow as hell. They have a 650 meteor now which you'll need to get if you live in America.
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2D motorcycle tomboy waifu type, one (1) each
Damn she's thick (infinitely thin 2d)
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Why does Koguma want me to wear a shirt?
Faggot thread
Welcome home, queen.
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The Ducati red just pops in sunlight like no other red.
It only becomes a faggot thread if you post your Harley.
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desu ne
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u wot m8
you should see the original super leggera in person. they used the old motogp paint that made the race bikes look like the red on the show room bikes when it came in through older TVs. so on the TV it looks like a normal ducati Red but if you see it in person its a little more orange super bright, it sticks out.
cant believe zx10 mezz rode this
How can I find someone to coach me to do wheelies?

I can only manage small pops and need some help getting up higher for longer.
take your time my dude. it took me a couple years before i could hit the balance point. i remember borderline shitting my pants when the wheel went up further then a few inches. now im comfortable enough to bring the front of my Multi up to where i cant see a single thing in front of me
dont be that jealous, the 1199 and 1299 were terrible motorcycles, it was before ducati figured out how to make a monocoque frame. they sucked ass with only redeeming quality being that they looked fantastic
>Suzuki just use box section from Bunnings for the sub frame on their top of the line bike
I still love the gixxer
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>square tube bad
looks a little thin to be a gsxr600-1000 frame.
Cute, I’d sodomize you
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Gixxer brah already blew up his new 636 (kinda). Broken valve spring. Anybody else notice that anytime they see a blown up bike engine on social media, it's almost always a zx6r? Doesn't matter what year either, all the way back to the early 2000s, and it's always because of a dropped valve.
Shit makes me nervous for my bike. I take care of her, but I don't know why they're doing it. Shit valve springs? Banging the rev limiter constantly? Or are there just a shit ton of zx6r's out there so it's seen a lot more?
It is.


I'm still learning too, shit is scary honestly. First day practicing on my zx6r I throttled too much on a first gear clutch up, front wheel came up to 45 degrees and I felt my soul leave my body
I found a really cool, secluded off road spot on my work commute. I've been practicing popping the front wheel, barrel runs and there's a nice step-up to practice going up steep inclines.
However, I ended up breaking two spokes because Yamaha made them out of twigs on the XT225.
Damn, I need to watch Super Cub.
This doesnt happen in the anime!
If your bike doesn't have 4 cylinders in either an inline or V configuration, it's not a real bike
Only exception are single cylinder dirt bikes
Prove me wrong I literally dare you
V-twin good, V4 double good
Ask any bike rider what is the most fun bike for daily riding.
Ask literally anyone what is the best affordable track bike.
Ask any Youtuber what is the best bike for touge.

Then answer is always an SV650
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>Then answer is always an SV650
The 00s called they want their bike back.
I dream of a road kang with a watsonian gp700 sidecar
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blessings be upon you
>average rossi enjoyer
May I ask who's this hot ginger lady? Got any more pics?

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some Pajeet crashed his Panigale
He was a rich jeet, maybe their president. Goodbye Mr. president.
The rider ofc died on the spot, he was wearing an AGV Pista rr, and after the crash there was pretty much nothing left of it, the crash was at an intersection while a mother and her kid were crossing the intersection on a scooter, the rider crashed into them at around 180-200 kmph , the son is still in critical condition and the mother did not survive the collision, i urge my superbiker buddies to be please be extra cautious and ensure the safety of themselves and others, people in my state (punjab) are inexperienced and are offsprings of generational wealth, they get these powerful engines and end up dying within a month or a week at best, on the same bike, ig i can say if you’re destined to die on the side of a highway with your brains scattered all over the road, you’ll even rent a litre bike to reach your” final resting spot”. I mean all that hard work to get yourself your dream bike, only to end up like that, its gut wrenching desu, to all my biker buddies, dont be a squid and keep yourself safe
Those are the people that shouldn't start on literbikes.

oh god, I blame poor picture quality
>I'm still learning too, shit is scary honestly. First day practicing on my zx6r I throttled too much on a first gear clutch up, front wheel came up to 45 degrees and I felt my soul leave my body
I did this accidentally on a 125 and I thought it was going to loop.
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It's my bike's 10,000 km birthday today!
And it's still perfect for my needs.

Say something nice about it!
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Cute Honder.
>people in my state (punjab)
Namaste Sardar Ji. I didn't know there were other jeets in the tread. What bike do you ride?
It's fine and that's the joke. One shows up a year or so and gets memed on for a while.

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