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The French used to make really cool cars. I'm particularly fond of the Citroen DS. Makes me think of the Jetsons.

>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions.
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.
>Do NOT buy a classic and plan to pay someone to work on it. You need to be able to do 90% or more of the work or you will go broke.
>Mopars are the prime choice of niggerfaggots
>Lube your rectum for Chevrolet scalpers
>You will spend twice your budget, unless you have years of experience. If the salty old hands agree, it's true.
>No one cares about your MPG
>If you can't tune a carb you might literally be retarded
>Nothing is as easy as it seems
>Post car or GTFO

Previous Thread -
>>If you can't tune a carb you might literally be retarded
the chinese can't even make a tune-able carb, what does that say about them?
God i wish I could work on a classic car. I don't know how to work on any car. I'm 30 and have never owned a car in my life. Parents were useless with that stuff too. But I've always wanted an old 70s car.
With my uncle's passing I was in the running to inherit his car, a fantastically clean white 1972 Cadillac coupe DeVille
But looks like it's gone to his brother, for his son, who had asked about it some time ago.
Said brother had run a Cadillac dealership for about 30 years, and now lives in Arizona means that it'll probably get better care than I could offer, not being a mechanic, and living in the rust belt.
I don't object much to how it turned out, but i'm still a tad bummed.

I kind of want to see if i can get my hands on a Fifth gen mustang instead though. but that's probably not a classic yet. though i wouldn't know what i'd be getting into either.
Why not just get one anon?
Doesn't matter if the parents are useless, Youtube teaches much of it.

Don't make excuses for yourself and just do it. If you don't have the space, you can rent out a storage unit to store everything you need; or find a friend willing to lend you part of his garage (this one is better).
>Wah wah wah
>I'm retarded and can't take any accountability for my shit life decisions
>I - It - It's my parent's fault, not mine!!!!!!

You sound pathetic, anon. Classics are the simplest types of cars and probably the best place to start learning to wrench. Do your research on cars from the era and go with one that has a decent community around it, had good production numbers (i.e. spare parts) and/or a good aftermarket. There's plenty out there that meet the above criteria and can be bought for next to nothing.
Tools are cheap these days and harbor freight gives you lifetime warranty, (just like snap-on, wow). Like other anon said, rent or borrow some space if you don't have it, it's not that expensive (depending where you live).
Good luck anon, and stop feeling so sorry for yourself, Christ.
>Fifth gen mustang instead
Just make sure you avoid the 4.6 3V.
Wait... pajeets drive classics? I thought they're only interested in showboating their wealth by driving the BMW with the biggest sniffers or getting a Mercedes-Benz to dab on the lower-caste poors.

They don't wrench... thats for the poors.
kill them
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>factory mechanical choke 650
>choke detent is hard enough that the cable flexes
>ignore it and set the cable to stop before the detent
>decide to observe it
>realize its a captured ball/spring on a plate
>take it apart
>its merely holes drilled through the plate that the ball is stopping in
>get dremel and pointy carbide
>put a ramp there
>detent is now much weaker and the cable doesnt bind
is there a reasonable explanation why
they would do this?
What about the 4.6 makes it worth avoiding? Is it a maintenance nightmare, or just disappointing?
I don't know what to do
I don't know how you thought i was blaming someone or feeling sorry.
i went and got a coil from the truck from oreily's, it was doa, go back and say i need another, they cant get one for 3 fucking days, i ask for a refund then. "we cant refund this you already took it out of the box, its not new anymore"

god i want a fucking nuke to go off, people this retarded don't deserve life and this whole fucking country is full of them
This has been policy for any parts store selling electronics since forever.
Your post reeked of self pity and hopelessness.
It's not that hard OP.
Go on your local second hand markets (Facebook marketplace, craigslist, OfferUp) and start looking around.
Make sure you keep registration, insurance, tools , parts, space rentals and tow fees (if it doesn't run) in mind. It helps to have triple A or something similar.
From here look at the market for the type of car you want and set a conservative purchasing budget. If you're gonna see a car, make sure to look up buyer's guides and do as much research as you can. Don't be afraid to look at every nook and cranny of the car (so long as the seller is comfortable with it). you'll need as much ammunition as possible to haggle on the price.
Again, good luck.
selling shit that doesnt work on the promise they'll replace it when they fucking feel like it?

i guess ill just go waste 2 fucking hours of my day to go to the junkyard and get a hei coil off some chevy piece of shit AGAIN since the economy is this fucking dysfunctional
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Well, first you have to go outside and touch grass. Then you have to summon the courage to talk to people. Thirdly, you needto have a small amount of money saved up to purchase the vehicle and take it to a place you can work on it.

The foremost thing is that you need is a will to see this through. It won't be easy, not at all, but it will be worth it in the end. Have a vision, and find the car that speaks to you. There are many to choose from.

Do not be scared, and do not give up.

1) Go on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist and start your search from there.
2) Join associated groups to get advice from people whenever you run into problems. You'd be surprised by the amount of people that would give knowledge out freely.
3) Learn with your hands. Yoh win't learn anything without doing it yourself. Follow Youtube videos, get the shop manuals. Do whatever it takes to be informed.
4) Do not let your hands be idle. Work on it every week, it'll be like lifting weights.

You will likely need to find a parts car that you can pull from if you're starting with a scrapheap. Be prepared to strip a car down to its bones before having it be hauled off to be scrapped.

Have fun with your choice of vehicle and embrace it, choose something affordable from that era and you'd be surprised the attention it gets. Sometimes the odd vehicle is has that ironic "cool" factor and gathers as much attention as the Corvette.
Just sold my E46 M3 to what was either a paki or a pajeet, and his buddy he brought with him owns and is restoring a Triumph Stag. You see them at car shows with Stags pretty frequently, too. Shit skins fucking love a Stag for some reason.
I need a script to order a pizza and I have zero self esteem. Its over.
lol fuckin loser
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>Post 50hp engine.

>Post car faggot. Post in next thread.

I wasn't going to because this vehicle doesn't really meet the criteria for the thread because it's only a classic by technicality not because people like it. Not posting full car because there's /o/tists who live in my area that might recognize it.

It's a little suzuki 3 cylinder makes 50-55HP in good condition.
Do you have any idea how hard it is for me
im not your fucking therapist go cry about your shitty life somewhere else
Cry me a river. You're an adult (probably), so it's about fucking time you take responsibility for your own actions. Retards on the internet are the last place you should be receiving advice from but here's a freebee.

Repeat the first two steps that I mentioned over and over until you can talk to strangers. It doesn't matter how hard it is, you have to do it.
1) Touch grass. Get some sun. You need Vitamin D.
2) Summon the courage to talk to strangers.

Go get a job at McDonalds or something to learn a thing or two. Toughen up or open your anus to strangers and be a limp-dicked faggot. You don't have another option, because if you want your memes real, then you have to put the necessary work to make them happen. Mommy and Daddy aren't going to be there for you forever.
I don't know the mod motor lore but the trucks/suvs with them had issues with launching plugs, stripping plug threads and such, but I don't remember it happening to the car engines or atleast I dont remember hearing about it.
All conversation is just an intricate web of script segments that you weave together.
I'm not that many years older than you, have two diagnosed anxiety disorders that got me on the dole and even I can email somebody on craigslist and meet them in person to exchange currency for objects. If you're that far gone that you can't even do that, I'm not sure how to help you.

Fumble your words and stutter nobody actually cares this isn't highschool they aren't going to just start mocking you out of nowhere.
Low power, low potential, expensive to modify, fucking huge size, 99% of the internet doesn't know how the electronics work

Calvan kit isn't expensive but using it on the side of the road will probably ruin your day
Shut the fuck up boomer
i remember hearing this one crackhead insist that 4.6s will kick dick on nitrous but I don't know if he actually knew what he was talking about.
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How much should I expect to spend on jets for tuning these shits? I live at 8000 feet elevation so I can't just copy someone's homework off a forum. Only carb I've ever owned before this was a DGV that was already dialed in when I bought the vehicle.
yeah they hold up to superchargers and nitrous fairly well
Does that extend to turbos, or just superchargers? What would make it not interchangeable?
they don't leave any room for turbos kek
Cam phasers, plugs that sieze, that's pretty much it. I was gonna buy a Fairlane G220 until I found out how unreliable the engine is.
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Got me.
Plenty of BA XTs gettin around with superchargers
They're durable, but the heads and intake suck so bad you can't push their limits. Cleetus mcfartlands race is set up with a bunch of vics on nitrous and most of them seem to finish. More than 24hrs lemons or chumpcar
the valve and bore sizes are about on par with your favourite the 200ci if you wanted to know why they make 0 fucking power
Couldn't you have turbos not in the engine bay? It seems stupid to me but if there's lots of space elsewhere I guess it could be done
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have you seen a 4.6 engine bay? you aren't fitting shit in there
of course remote turbos are possible. anything is possible.
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i found you a retard who tried this, here's his flipped manifold up against the strut tower
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and heres how the exhaust got routed, and he gave up after this
i can't tell in that shitty pic - is it welded to the fucking strut tower? kek
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car acquired. i fucked up and thought the v6's had the a4ld, they actually have the 4r70, so just to start things off a bit easier ill probably look for a 86-91 crown vic engine. 3.8 runs but has some sort of fuel issue, assuming a corroded wire somewhere
You should LS swap it. No one would ever expect it when your mustang is actually fast.
i have an aluminum 5.3 but i also only have a th350 and th400 and i dont want to be cruising a meager 65mph at 2750rpm
there's nothing classic about that car
its older than you, but here you are
I shidded then I farded
>It's a little suzuki 3 cylinder makes 50-55HP in good condition.

no it's not, and that doesn't even make sense.
your plastic car can go wherever it belongs but not here
im blogging the whole swap here, get over it
I fucked a plastic "Pussy"
I think you missed my question, the turbos wouldn't be in the engine bay
you're not going to do shit. didn't you come in here knowing nothing about the 4.6L? now you'r'e saying you're going to swap this car and do remote turbos. just pull the engine and put a tarp over the car, that's as far as you'll get
It's a suzuki swift, just look up stock photos. Not a classic by any measure.
Also bought one got a g60 patrol from 78 instead
How much would you guys pay for a 1968 Ford LTD with the Cobra motor? This old geezer also sold my dad a 1972 Ford LTD with the 400 motor for $1,000 which just needed a fuel tank and water pump. Replaced the fuel tank and ordered other parts thinking we were going to fix it up together but he ended up doing a partial cash trade with a buddy of his for some POS rusted Chevy truck (never even got my money back for the parts). So this time I'm going to see if I can't get my hands on this instead of him.
Yeah I read that wrong, but I found the downpipe routed over the tire too fuckin funny not to post
I'm not even the guy asking you fucking, troglodyte. It's been stated 4 times now the goal is an LS swap
>with the Cobra motor
Are you talking about a 428 Cobra Jet?
Price would be based on condition.
And it would be a hard sale to keep it in the LTD as a sleeper, would most likely get pulled for Torino build (if I got my.hands on it)
My header is finally ready to be picked up.
Without a hood, and the minor dent in the body I will hopefully have a running TR7 this weekend.
Only pure technicality.
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Does anybody post classics anymore?
the real troglodyte is someone posting in the wrong thread. nobody cares about your 2001 plastic car
What technicality? 25 years old isn't a classic no matter what the state licensing agencies say.
>Stopped being made 25+ years ago
>Brand only lasted something around 10 years
>It was every 35 year old's first car probably
But I don't consider it a classic either I'm just saying technically. Shrug. Also a dealership manager tried to offer me $2000 cash when I was there to get one of those free scratchers and I laughed in his face and he followed with "Okay how much would it take for you to part with that car tonight?" he actually agreed to my number but I didn't want to sell it.

Not sure what's going on but everybody wants to buy it off me right now. Dunno if they're becoming actually collectible right now or something.
these are the classic Suzukis
i'd love to own one. they rusted terribly though
>they stopped making this generic commuter car in 1998 or whatever so it's technically a classic
You're technically retarded.
Brb getting permanent classic plates put on it.
love antique tags i put them on everything so i dont have to visit the quarthouse ever
Hell yeah brother. I buy a state plate that funds wildlife preservation for my shit.
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I opened up the 4-speed transmission (German hummer, and not - Ford top-loader) today to see whether or not it needed a rebuild - thankfully it didn't. Even more surprising was that all the gears and synchros looked like they were in remarkably good shape, no signs of wear anywhere on the shaft that I could to tell, aside from a thick layer of grime and rust on the harmonic balancer, anyway.

I'll have to take that piece apart and remove the rust using a baking soda / cleaning vinegar paste tomorrow. Will post pics later today
>tfw I can get horseless carriage plates for my car but they still only last 5 years
>not soaking it in gasoline overnight
My dad had a pinto when I was a kid, I learned to ride a bike by myself in the driveway and one day I rear ended it and busted my face open on the back because my shoe lace got caught in the brakes or some shit.

To this day my dad makes jokes about how he was surprised the fuel tank didn't catch on fire or something along those lines.
>soaking grimey things in gasoline
Explain, I know nothing about this porcedure.
it won't help with the rust but it won't hurt it either and it will dissolve all the grime allowing it to be wiped clean
Weak point on that German trans is the "pin" that engages the shift forks. There's no positive stops on the shifter so that piece takes all the abuse from heavy handed people.
If (big if) you can find a new old stock piece I'd swap it now. Atleast inspect for cracks with a magnifying glass.
i believe they made the cultus (swift) in pakistan up until literally last year
What's wrong with the LTD? He said it's the version that came with the hidden headlights. Also I fucking loved driving that other LTD we had for the time we worked on it.
Diesel is better. It won't stink up your garage and it doesn't evaporate as quickly
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The first car was front wheel drive.

are H7 to H4 bulb adapters a thing? I've got a set of H4 sealed beam conversion lamps/housings, but can't seem to find any such lamps for H7 bulbs
This is just for high beam lamps only so it's not gonna blind people unless I leave them on

Hey anon, I'm around your age. I can understand the fear that you have. The thing though is that it really isn't that bad. I wanted a classic car since I was a teenager, and as soon as I finally got a job a few years ago and saw the right listing I bought one. Now I have two, and before them I had never worked on a car before in my life. Since purchasing them, I have done the following work myself:

>pulled the starter solenoid on Car 1
>redid the spark plugs on Car 1 (didn't go well and blew one of the sparks out, but failure is part of the process)
>spent the winter attempting to diagnose a starting issue on Car 2
>redid the spark plugs and wires on Car 2 (this time around it was a success and everything held!)
>redid the valve cover gaskets on Car 2 (bad oil leak; seems to have since stopped now that the gaskets have settled into place)
>pulled and redid the entire starter circuit on Car 2 (including wire stripping and heatshrinking)

I'm currently gearing up to redo the fuel filter and related line on Car 2, since it's leaking.

All of these were things I didn't know how to do until I read some manuals and watched some videos. Yes, complex machines are intimidating, but engineers know this (or at least used to know this), so everything is modular. If you can diagnose and pinpoint the failed part, then you can usually take it out and replace it without much trouble as long as everything fits. If anything, the harder part is going to be talking to someone selling a car that you want if you have bad social anxiety. That said though, if you're a younger person into older cars, a lot of older people are going to be very open to selling to you since 90% of people coming to buy their cars are older people like them. Seeing young people who are willing to take old cars over and keep the hobby alive is like the holy grail to a lot of older car guys, you just have to be friendly.
There's nothing wrong with the LTD, they're cool cars. It's just that "undesirable" cars with "desirable" engines tend to get their shit pulled. 90% of people who would buy that LTD would be buying it for the engine so they can shove it in a Torino or a Mustang. Full-sizes don't get nearly as much love as mid-sizes and ponies, especially not Ford full-sizes (Chevy full-sizes are adored and there's a rabid community of people who make Mopar full-size sleepers as kind of a joke but also not really).

Like the other anon said though, the price-factor depends on condition. How much is he willing to part with it for and what does it look like? Does it run and is it good enough to be road-legal immediately?
Is that what you call your shine dealer, Milhouse?
The first car was also made by faggots.
You're talking about this, right?
It just wasn't a good looking body style.
The headlights are cool but it's just a generic boat.
Atleast cadillacs of the era had flair.
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This is also a '68 ford with hidden headlights.
Which would you rather drive?
Guaranteed it's a 428PI not a CJ
Cobra Jet was a fairly common option.
It was a time when people had money.
It only cost like 200 bucks to check the CJ box on the order form.
Yes, $200 actually had value back then but people bought these cars with cash. Many people.juat saved for another month or two when they bought their car.
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It's been a while, hasn't it?
the clerks office doesnt even know what the gadsden flag is, i had to spell it out for them, and its ironically an extra charge to both get the plate and keep renewing it, so i stopped

now they harass me monthly sending me fines for not having proof of insurance on vehicles that have insurance, i looked it up and its apparently a widespread tactic to basically fine you for not checking/ignoring your mail, this country gets worse every time i wake up
why in the fuck do they need to have proof of insurance, that has never come up at the courthouse for me and I sure as fuck dont have it.
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Stayed awake to tie up loose ends on the TR7
I swear to god I better have a running car this week.
its a fineable offense in TN, now you no longer need a officer to issue the citation, or a day in court, they just mail you the citations repeatedly until you don't respond to it and the state gets $50
Didn't you get crashed into
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Didn't get any pictures but I'd imagine it's in good shape since the old guy said it's only been sitting outside for a year or two. The one my dad got had been sitting out longer and was nothing short of amazing. As for price I'm sure it wouldn't be anything insane since we've always been in good standing with this guy though I wouldn't want to disrespect him with some lowball offer.
It's good looking to me I loved that boat. My dad always complained about gas consumption but it was totally worth it for the riding experience alone.
What's the difference? Is one worse than the other? I can't remember if the old man said the 427 or 428.
Yes, and it's finally fixed.
Never imagine. Always check and see.
>What's the difference?
Other anon suggested its a Police Interceptor.
Cobra Jet / Super Cobra Jet was more of a tuning package available on different engine.
The 428 is an FE family (like the 390) the 429 is the is the 460 big block family.

427 is large bore/short stroke.
428 is small bore/long stroke.
They have different rpm characteristics for different applications.
Mostly camshaft selection and that CJ had slightly larger valves and slightly larger exhaust port. Also, intake manifold and carb selection. Other than that, the bottom end was the same.
alhamduliliah its beautiful car
Got some before and afters
if that's the one that was tboned then thats pretty wild that it's straightened out that well but i cant recall the wreck pics
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There was a junkyard that had exactly one 1970 4-door, it provided replacement doors, rocker panel, and rear quarter. Still need to get replacements for the trim pieces on rear door and quarter though.
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Will get a better side pic later, too rainy.
Lovely car. Cheers to a thorough recovery.
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What are the holes on the outer ring of the cold side for on a turbocharger? Are they some kind of air bleeds?
It's the entry pathway for the air. It goes in there and out through the snail.

The hot side works in reverse. Exhaust spools out through the snail and is discharged through the similarly-placed holes on the charger's opposite side.
Oh, it feeds into the same path as the compressor wheel?
I finally got the car to the field where I can touch it, if you primed it a bunch you could get up to 10psi fuel pressure, slapped a walboro 255 in it and was towing it home 10 minutes later. Brand new walboro fucking dead as a rock. Took the rear tank pump with the bad check valve from the white truck and put it in. 15psi fuel pressure. It's better... Fuck fords
Either that or decoration. Some turbochargers just have those as fun sinkholes for the bolts that connect the housing to sleep in.
>he doesn't know what speed holes are....
>buys a car with 180k miles.
>knows the fuel pump has surpassed its life rating
>buys a fucking walboro
>blames Ford for chinkshit aftermarket pump trash
These people breed and vote folks.
Idiocracy wasn't suppose to be a documentary.
take the rape and buy a bosch
my city basically has a classic car takeover of the entire place this weekend. it's great
Carlisle, PA?
Post pics, faggot.
ahh, thanks

fuck it, i'll dox myself. Lethbridge Alberta Canada
The local car club puts on a few events and once the sun goes down it's chaos in the streets everywhere. 15,000 people come to town for the event. boomers get so worked up that I saw one do a burnout in his 454 SS Chevelle
OK I will tomorrow.
Surge porting. It makes the compressor less efficient but reduces the risk of damaging your turbo if you spool too soon. That's the garret style, there a couple others.
Interesting, I was wrong. These are neat and I'm glad to know more.
mmmm very interesting. thank you
>15,000 people come to town
The humanity....
How will you ever recover??!?!?!!!

Dude my high school was 1400 students.
so that's like 10 high schools. Did you intend to prove the point that it's a lot of people? A 15% influx of people all driving classics for 1 weekend is significant, especially since every local with a classic is doing the same.
My father is pissed that I am sending my car to a restoration place been waiting 6 years for him to prepare space in the shed for us to rebuild my car and he's telling me it's such a waste of money to do that.
had enough of bosch's shit to last a lifetime, skf has one with new o-rings for $13

the pump that was in the car first had a date code of 11/2019. go back to the future yourself and axe that fucktard bill clinton for letting china into the wef
there's a bosch one off a john deere pushing my f350 up and down the street that's probably lived a lifetime, some penis misdiagnosed it and it wound up in the scrap bin
fantastic idea, ill just go pull some from the junkyard, can mass up about 50 or 60 so i can change them on the side of the road as they go out

power tour fucked up bowling green pretty good, the only saving grace was watching a lot of the cars break and clog up traffic even more
>Cadillac coupe DeVille
3 words
3 french words
how is this an american company?
What are those, DLHA's? I've seen cheap (probably Chinese) kits on ebay for around 30 to 40 dollars U.S..
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Saw this and thought it was cool until I noticed all the stickers. Bunch of fags rolling through with new Camaros on slicks and shit, some sort of club.
Jesus man, mad props for saving the car. Most people would have parted it out at that point
>1400 students.
My first one was 5000 students. Then I moved and went to 1400 student school.
who the fuck cares negro
He lived in an urban hive so he doesn't think 15k more worker bugs is a big number.
adding to >>27809273's post
Yeah, DHLA 40Es. Not sure what they're off of, maybe a Lotus? Their linkages are too wide for my 2.0 Nord and that's the only 40E application listed in the manual. Shouldn't be too hard to make it work though.

I looked up the jet kits on ebay and holy shit, it's $50 shipped for 8 jets of a single type. That means $150 just to try two sizes each of idle, main, and air corrector jets. Maybe I just look for someplace I can get them tuned. Might end up being cheaper if I don't guess right on the first try.
because the french helped make this nation what it is
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Without half the wars of the 20th century we wouldn't be where we are now. Thank you France for not giving up any of your colonies, we couldn't be the world's police without you.
same can be said about your faggy post >>27809360, fag.
>dat pic
were you giving head at the gloryhole, fag?
Went to my first parts swap meet today... Nothing but beans and boomers with everything taxed accordingly.
And of course, not a single import. Was half expecting it but disappointed nonetheless.
Got a couple bits I was missing and some wiring stuff though so it wasn't all a waste
And he's not wrong, wrenchlet fag.
A highly desirable car is not babys first bodywork project. Engine work though? Yeah complete wrenchlet lmao
>not a single import
Bodywork is a great place to start. Once you understand the basics any retard can do as good of work as a pro, it'll just take you 10 times as long.
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.110" needle/seat good enough for 6 psi of boost?
Sucking at welding is a good way to burn and warp sheet metal. There's no way around that.
just avoid broad panels roofs and hoods.
if you're in a busy area with alot of folds and shit nearby where a patch needs to be it's kindof hard to fuck up, the only place it ever got me was dead center on a roof patching an old farm antennae install and it drove me fucking mad, I'd never been so frustrated I'd tried to go so slowly I just couldn't fix it, I would put 4 tacs and walk away for 5 minutes and it still warped the roof.
>I would put 4 tacs and walk away for 5 minutes and it still warped the roof.
Try water cooling them?
I made a second attempt with a new patch and tried using the air compressor blower to cool it but it made fuckall difference and I gave up and just plugged it with the roof slightly warped, bitch is like 7 ft high so nobody will know it's just that I know and it upsets me.
plus i think the truck was rolled at some point so it's not exactly perfect, you wouldnt know it was rolled unless you really eyeballed it, my dad picked it up 2 weeks before 9/11 and I never knew.
Thinking about putting a fast road cam in my MG B (250/254 duraiton at 9.54mm total lift), will I need to rejet my carbs after this or will the stock jetting be fine?
I'm very new to NA tuning pretty much every car I've messed with before this has been turbodiesel where making power is a case of throwing fuel at it till it runs black, then throwing boost at it till it doesn't
I have trouble with stuff like that, but fortunately I've got grognard welders around me that will look at me like I'm retarded and then fiddle with some dials and all of a sudden the shit practically welds itself. It's insane how big of a difference having the right settings makes, but I can never get a straight answer on what to adjust or why, I just get told to look up a chart and then get laughed at for using the settings from the chart. I guess it's something you just understand intuitively after doing it every day for 40 years.
for sheet metal I always just turn that bitch all the way down to keep the heat down aside from doing shit like spotwelding or whatever, flush patching panels i always have it turned as far down as it goes.
What carbs? If they're SUs they should handle moderate changes in flow without needing any real tuning, worst case you'll just need to set your idle again. If it's webers you'll want tune it to get the most out of your mods
Yeah I'm on the standard SU HS4s atm, I was thinking of moving to a Weber 40 or 45 in the longer term but I've been warned away from Webers as they're allegedly extremely heavy on fuel
>Buy some 90s japshit
>learn to wrench through YouTube university and trial by fire
>buy 70s classic
>keep learning but now with a better foundation
Working on bikes also helps, with how much old tech (eg carbs) are still prevalent on newer bikes
Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about it then. Worst case you'll want to increase the idle speed a little.

The thing about carbs is that your engine is drawing on X amount of air, and you need to add Y amount of fuel to make the most power. X and Y don't really change with what carb you have (unless the venturi is too small and it's restricting airflow), so it's not exactly correct to say that one carb uses more fuel than another.

The difference between the two is that SUs are more or less self-adjusting, and there's not really much tuning that you need to do (or even can do) with them, while webers are fairly complex with multiple overlapping circuits so you can tune it to get exactly the right amount of fuel for each part of the RPM range. The problem is, that's time consuming and hard and no one that isn't an 80 year old Italian dude really has any experience with it, so there's a lot of poorly-tuned webers out there.
Ah I understand, yeah I'll order up a HS4 rebuild kit along with the cam then rather than going with a weber, thanks bro
Have to quench with a wet rag and do small sections at a time.
Basically spot weld it together then fill with about 1" beads spread out across the entire seam and just go back and forth, filling in evenly across the distance.
the Zfag traded the z31 for a shitty foxbody and we've been tinkering with it. it surges at cruise and rolls into throttle shitty, but it accelerates great. its a high nickel 302 with a B cam, dual plane, and a recurved duraspark routed through a msd box. its got 20 initial and 40 total, vaccum advance is on manifold and its pulling 16" at idle just under 1k rpms. It came here with an avs2 and somehow no vaccuum leak, we swaped to a holley 600cfm off a 305 camaro that was running great. it has the issue with both carbs and now im scratching my head because the 305 drove great. any tips?
Water cooling is worse. That contracts the metal extremely unevenly
>Basically spot weld it together then fill with about 1" beads spread out across the entire seam and just go back and forth, filling in evenly across the distance.
That's the plan for when I have to weld the panels on my wagon.
>it surges at cruise and rolls into throttle shitty
It's lean on the primaries. FWIW, I find 302's to want something in the area of 68 primary jets with about four jet sizes larger in the secondary than what you end up with in the primary. I used 6.5 PV's without issue. Get the jetting close, where it doesn't surge at cruise and you can crowd the PV opening without a sag (need a vacuum gauge), then you can start on the accelerator pump shot.
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Even legends in the hobby are Freemasons
>20 initial and 40 total
I was gonna mention this and forgot, but ime this is a bit much on the total and I'd have a bit less in the initial too. If it were me I'd set it up for 14 initial which should give you 34 total and then I'd try bumping it up a bit from there but probably not go past 38 unless it kept making more power at each pull, and if it did then I'd be suspicious that the damper slipped. Engines set up for increased performance are sensitive to as little as 1/2 degree of timing at peak.

>vaccum advance is on manifold
There's no real performance difference with manifold vs ported but I'd have it on ported since if I paid for that cam then I wanna hear it dammit!
my dad's a mason, tried to get me involved in the lodge and it was a bunch of VERY old men standing around talking shit about football (soccer) and politics while drinking heavily
I was reading it wanted 16-18 initial and 38-40 total, the kid had it at 40 and was happy with it, car doesn't bind when starting so I didn't change it.

Car runs idles like doodoo and barely pulls 12" on ported, exhaust will burn your eyes, I'm assuming not enough compression for a B cam or really worn out
Well get these ordered, were ~500' above sea level
>DHLA 40s arrive
>Open them up to check the jetting
>Everything is fucking enormous, well into "should have got a 45" territory
Oh dear. Well, worst case I'm pretty sure it still runs my engine, it'll just be a bit smoky at the top end. I'm now pretty sure they're stock off a Jensen Healey, which is also a 2L but with a 2000 RPM higher redline and a pentroof 16 valve with a huge cam instead of a hemi 8 valve.

no one has the kt-858-1's in stock, but i assume i can call and order one for my swift. there's so many, perhaps i should order another style retro hubcap, thoughts?
when I have time today, I will be spamming pics from the classic takeover
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was just snapping pics while i was walking around. didn't get any while i was driving, unfortunately
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some porn for the chevy guys
SS 396
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phone take garbage low-light pics
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ill just assume the shifter is in a bad spot or something, ive never heard someone talk about putting a 3500 behind an ls in a car not even in the sloppy group
>transmission the size of the torque converter.
I think I see why it wouldn't do well behind a 300ish hp engine....
Did that anon ever report back on his amazon special AFR gauge?

cool pics
Came behind 5.3's in 1500's, jeep guys love em and say they're better than the ax15
I'll assume you meant bellhousing
Dad passed away a couple of weeks ago and left my brothers and I a collection of 20-odd mid-50s Ford cars and trucks along with 40 years worth of parts and memorabilia. Don't even know where to start, feels fucking terrible.
Where you at? I'm a buyer for 52-54 Ford parts, and depending on what, stuff from 55-59.
Australia, probably the wrong side of the planet to be of much use to you.
damn yeah lol unless you've got a 52-55 ute roller that's cheap enough to import...
Do nothing. Just chill.
Any idea how I can safely mount this 277 Poly motor?
It's stuck and I can't get the torque converter out to mount up the engine traditionally
I plan on taking out the crank and TC as one unit, but I can't figure out how to mount up the motor to work on it.
There's not really any large bolts on the front of the engine as far as I can tell
Has anyone bought a remanufactured steering box. I just rebuilt mine. I followed the manual as best I can but it feels tight and doesn't want to return to center on its own. It's not binding and it feels like I have boost but I have to help it back to center rather than just letting it slip through my fingers like I did before. Is this normal, will the box eventually break in and feel like it used to
You're just going to have to work with what you've got on the front of the engine. Good bolts are stronger than we give them credit for
this is mindblowing for 1769, the French truely were already well on their way to kickstart the industrial revolution before anyone else, i really wish Napoleon suceeded.
Is it recirculating ball type?
To remove the TC, slip a wrench between the TC and the flexplate.
TR7 header acquired, a week late, but hopefully car running soon.
Also if I bought a Crosley, how bad of an idea would that be?
probably have to grind one down to fit in there
Check for a bolt head on the back of the flexplate.
>if I bought a Crosley
Awesome long term investment. Terrible daily.
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>doesn't want to return to center on its own
That's the classic symptom of somebody cranking down on the sector shaft preload screw to make the box feel tighter on-center. Probably all that the rebuilder did then painted and shipped it.

If you want, you can loosen the lock nut and unscrew the adjustment screw 1/4-1/2 turn and if the box starts returning to center but picks up on-center slop then you'll know how they ripped you off
There's an adjusting stud with a locknut for the tension ring on the balls..
Loosen it like 1/8 of a turn and test.
Repeat if necessary.
Might need to make even smaller adjustments to get it to feel "right".
Well it wouldn't be something that is a daily, or a really long term investment.
I doubt its in my price range anyways, but if its a grand, maybe 1500 which is cheaper than a Midget I am looking at, it seems like a fun beater
Actually I rebuilt it myself as it didn't seem too hard. I didn't touch the lock nut because everyone says that can mess up the mesh on the gears. I did tighten up the worm gear right then back it off about an 1/8 turn. It felt pretty good and didn't have any in and out play I could turn it with my fingers. I think that adjustment affected the sector shaft adjustment or at some point when I had it out I might have tightened itself
I'll do this and see where I get. As long as I didn't mess up a telflon ring or something when I'll just keep fiddling with the adjustments
If it's a cobra motor, make sure it never ever ever runs out of coolant. Other than that, it's just like any other ancient 20 HP shitbox that can't make it to to highway speeds.
Make sure the steering gear and steering column are lined up properly. That can cause a bind
Work owes me alot of money and i just happen to work at a mechanic shop that has alot of tools for my project car, I do not have.

They are willing to let the apprentices work on my car with me for 3 months.

I didn't tell them the state of the vehicle but i won't get paid for 3 months.

Is it worth it for free labour? It's a datsun and, I have four donor cars in my backyard.

3 months of pay should be like 6 grand minimum for work at a oil change shop staffed by dropouts, are they doing 6 grand worth of labour?
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Small meetup in the city square, I took just a couple of pictures while passing by. To me the most interesting was this Lancia Montecarlo, design by Pininfarina.
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s10's are awfully nice vehicles i think you all should buy one
that thing just looks awful, nothing nice about any of em
I lowered that bitch on camero rims and it looked pretty slick, had less than 2500 in it with brand new tires being 600 of it. At minimum get some sort of car-truck ute like a el camino
Sorry about your loss my dude. My dad died near the beginning of this year. Didn't have anything to leave me but that doesn't matter, it's my dad, he did enough for me.

It gets better but the thoughts don't really go away. The best way to deal with it is to do the things that he'd want you to do.
licked a cat's asshole in the s10 today
It took a week later than expected.
But the TR7 lives
Your mom is a faggot
faggot is your mom
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Sup dudes, long time no see. Who knows anything about AMC Javelins, namely a 68? Buddies got one he wants to sell me that hasn’t ran in a couple years and also needs a fender. Due to “circumstances” I gotta get out of my Camaro, either sell as is or take apart and move everything to a roller. Buddy claims the javelin would be the perfect donor but from my very limited knowledge on AMC aren’t they kind of like mopars? I wouldn’t want to fuck up a perfectly good javelin either by stuffing a 350 into it
First model year was 1968. AMC V8 is it's own engine design. I don't care what engine you put in it, but you shouldn't care about other people's opinions. Anyways, it's an AMC, not a Ferrari
Buddy just got back to me says it has a 290 and a 3 speed automatic SST. I wonder what rear end it has
gm 2500 trucks 91 through 94 with the tbi 350 should have the 4l80 right?
wrong thread, fag
he's obviously looking for an engine to swap into a classic, retard.
Correct thread, faggot

Need to control a 80e with TPS input only, but iirc some 2500s had the 60/e
We've got like 6 '54-'58 utes, no rollers though. There's a few in the States, saw one when my fiancé and I were over there for Viva Las Vegas in April.

I've been trying, hard when I see all his stuff every time I go outside though.

Thanks mate, sorry for your loss as well. I'm glad that in a time where having a father that's a shitheel seems to be the norm mine was great. Lots of good memories. Been out trying to get shit sorted and tidy up a bit, little brother and Ihave been working to get at least one of his cars roadworthy. We got his '56 Courier running a few days before he went, he was so happy to hear that Y-block come to life again.
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Hey /ccg/, been a while. I've decided that I'm going to ditch the Galaxie And get myself a 4x4 SUV.

Any opinions on a K5 Blazer versus a bronco versus a ram charger? I'm still also considering a scout or a wagoneer, but those seem to be little on the pricier side for good examples.
just put the galaxy on super swampers once your mechanic is done with the 5.0 swap, i think that would greatly simplify what you're trying to do and minimize the amount of cars you fuck up
Some things to consider with 80's K5. 305 was base engine till 87 so those on market, 87 TBI became standard on the 305 and 350. 700R4 , 1987 and up are stronger will have the 30spline input shaft that most 85 should have and the 87 aux valve body. Think last year also had 30 spline axles but those aren't necessarily stronger. Not sure if because they were cheaper to lift but i seen more yoke failures on K5 both on/off road.
85-88 don't be surprised to find a Quadrajet on the Dodge. Good news it has no mixture solenoid or tps so can be tuned like the 76-80 quadrajet. 84 and earlier you may be even worse off with a leanburn thermoquad.
Someone may have good words about the Bronco. Every Ford i've owned i felt like a masochist dealing with repairs with incremental part differences.
Ah, on to the next already, ruined the galaxy to the point even you can't stand it? Kinda hard to fuck up a K5 blazer. Go for it
All I know about AMC is they tied their best to parts din from different manufacturers so don't be surprised to see a dodge steering box, a Ford rear end, and a GM transmission in there. All the unique parts are going to be near impossible to find
Nah, it's still basically the same as when I got it apart from wheels. Just don't have the desire for it anymore. Having a more capable toy just seems more interesting. Did some light offroading in the explorer and 4x4 seems like something I'd have more fun with.
sounds like the way i thought about your mom the second she turned 30. good times though.. good times...
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Pintos are awfully nice vehicles i think you all should buy one
pintos and mustang iis look very modern when you change the wheels
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What do you mean... "modern?"
When I look at pick related I think, Totally Groovy Shaggin' Wagon Pinto that is cringe enough to circle back at being cool again, in a Revenge of the Nerds kinda way.
I think they look like shit with stock 13" wheels and huge bumpers, it looks like the similar period monte Carlos but much sportier in >>27831610
final facelift 1980s ones with the trim and safety bumpers removed look like they are from the 90s.
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not really, but they do look like the contemporary fairmont and ltd

picrel is a spirit, the shape of the sheet metal hit the sales floor in '69 as the hornet, then shortened to a gremlin. its amazing what trim can do. i see the potential of the mustang ii to look pretty slick but no ones bothered with one
wow check out this retard he isnt even a fag everyone point and laugh
Haha ur a fag
what are you, australian?
Is there any solid paying work to be had for doing electrical work on classic cars?
I'm an electronics engineer who wants to make some extra money on the weekends doing something fun.
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>electrical work
>classic cars
very basic work that nobody is going to pay a lot for. You can be replaced by picrel 95% of the time
You'd be surprised, a friend of mine is an auto-sparky and 3/5s of the work he does is on classic cars and bikes. Granted, he's not a billionaire, but finding someone who can actually do electrical diagnosis and repair rather than throwing parts at it 'til it's fixed is rare these days.
The only time I made money doing electrical work on classic cars was rewiring a whole car. The guy was a family friend so I didn't get too much out of it
no u

it's upright everywhere else I uploaded it which is a first, phones are getting shittier
Avoid the charger.
Bronco has tighter turning radius.
Blazer has larger payload area.
pay $80 for a pan and pickup tube or try to lift a engine off the mounts in a JY and pay $30 for a pan and pickup tube
>try to lift a engine
with what?
scissor jack and whatever someone else left on the ground
pay the extra $50
The basic dog dish hubs look bad, absolutely. Mag wheels or the 73/74 special color coded hubcaps are honestly pretty cool, especailly if you can polish and buff them out. I'd like to get my painted set redone and polished.

Will also probably paint the OEM wheels too, powder coated or do a standard primer, paint and clear coat.
Does anyone else every curse the previous owners mods?
>Car left the factory with a generator
>Has an alternator now
>belt is shredding itself
>take it off and measure it
>~36 inch inside length
>alternator was at the very end of adjustment
>generator belt is 900mm (~35"), alternator belt is 950mm (~37.5")
>order a 900 and a 950
>900 is too tight, can't get it onto the pulley
>950 is comically long
>order a 917mm belt
>far too lax
>order a 912mm belt
>currently waiting on Raqesh delivering it
>over 3 hours late
I swear to fuck if this 912 is too fucking slack as well I'm going to take the fucking pulley off the alternator and force the 900mm on there
I've only recently stopped cursing the previous owner after 7 years of ownership. Unbelievable how clueless he was. Extremely poor choice of vehicle for someone that can't wrench.
Only saving grace is that it's completely rust free.
god I wish I was rust free, every time I work on it I find more body filler
I'm not surprised it's an MG B after all they came from the factory with rust holes
i just remembered that I lied. the trunk lid is like every lincoln's that isn't from an arid environment - rusting from the inside out.
Like many slabside Lincoln parts, there is only one source. It's fibreglass and $3500. I think i'll keep spraying oil in there.
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I been watching fitzee
Thumbnail looks like a cybertruck
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>2011 + 13
>potato camera
Its my (classic) 85 crx, im finally back at it
buick is sitting on inflated tires for the first time in a year and hopefully they'll still be inflated next week, a brake shoe fell off so i took it with me and maybe we can measure it and find some interchange where i can get brake parts for this pig

oreilys at my alma mater took the defective coil back for the ford, one off the S10 works, fuck i might as well put the whole tbi 4.3 in the ford. those fucking jokes wanted $140 for a bare fuel pump

i spent the whole day putting fuel pumps in the mustang, felt like a bloody waste, might go to the jy for a fuel pump so im thinking of extra tools i could bring to make the pan job simple, a pump jack and some blocks of wood or a sawzall and just cut the k member out? i only get about 3 cuts of 3" pipe per 4ah battery, its probably too much to try and cut
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one time i went into a field with 4x5-8ah batteries (borrowed a couple from a buddy) to remove an entire roll bar piece by piece from an race car for picrel
was not a great time
I miss that 54 mpg.
Makes us proud and get it road worthy.
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1993 Cadillac Fleetwood brougham I got running after rebuilding the transmission and having it sit since 2018, 1-2 shifting is fucky and I have to lift off the throttle to have it grab second. Got to drive it around town for a while, went to the nearest town for a pizza and liquor. Of course the fuel pump 41% itself, at least a good buddy with a truck pulled me home
Not a classic, you gay fucking nigger. Kill yourself by choking on a dick.
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checked n' kek'd
fuckin christ that's nightmare fuel
did you ever at any point question if you were going to keep it?
>resurrects efi car
>doesn't touch fuel system
>pump immediately dies

You earned it. Go clean the fucking injectors retard. 1-2 accumulator spring is probably busted
Beautiful car, anon. I've always liked these early RX-7s more than the, in my opinion, overrated FDs. I would want a project soooo bad, but I can't commit to spending big money on something that is known to be unreliable :( very cool engines though.
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this is the worst spot
come on dude even i penetrate better than those welds
when i was starting out, the best advice i ever got for sheet metal was
>turn up the voltage until you blow through and then dial it back a bit
on a test piece, of course
lol yeah, that was where i started, classic mistake by me oops
Why does he samefag so hard, br/o/s?
Kek, you ran him off
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a thread about someone "restoring" a 79 bronco
it's pretty grim
there's not a lot of talk about autocrossing [gm car] despite the fact most of them have a double wishbone setup, im seeing little bits here and there about longer ball joints, most of the cars use the same suspension, is there a qrd?

shit if i knew bondo was structural i would have kept the wagon!
he claimed that the bondo was just being used as seam sealer but i think I wouldve primed before applying it cause on vertical surfaces water will get under that shit.
taller ball joint more neg camber. usually need a tubular upper arm that will help with clearance issues. theres also bumpsteer tierod kits to also help caster. on the extreme end of it some will also replace every bushing with a heim joint.
i remembered nodarperformance has a camaro, watching it all again. he's rigging it up with a rx8 front end, googled it and rx8's are $1000 cars. I feel *really* bad about buying a sn95 for road course now. im not sure yet how i feel about not building the S10 instead, it wasnt even 3k lbs with me in it last time i was at the salvage yard
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god this would've been the perfect autocross car except for the recirc ball steering.
what was mazda's thought process there? it was 1979... rack and pinion steering wasn't exactly high-tech
well the only rx7 in my budget is a clapped FC and i know nothing about wankels, it completely skipped my mind these are practically consumer grade enthusiast cars, i was all soaked into the adjustable caster shit and dummy thicc tires the c4 has, why's the rx8 weigh 3200lbs? the engine is only ~250lbs of that

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