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Welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussion of racing and driving games.

Previous thread >>27797250

IP: mumble.get-good.net
Port: 64738
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info, we are racing Trans Am in AC whenever Gent feels like it and Jokkis in rF1 in August
lil bro no cap posting some oldass nigga shit
is this aboriginal
what is this, 2004?
go back to trannycord you're not welcome here. YWNBAW
please say cap
I understand the general dislike for discord for video game generals but for a weekly even you can make a voice chat only discord.
what if the fbi nsa cia agents here my super ultra turbo secret plans to drive gt3 in spa under one minute and they will leaks my sikret project? Won't happen on mumble, nuh-uh
The mumble has been around for as long as the thread has (over a decade now), please fuck off and find some other group to insert yourself into.
hear my super* and they will leak*
I brain farted
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not using your chinese botnet
and I seriously hope you guys don't either
Well anon?
Nascar is cringe and gay and reddit.
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look at this gran turismo 7 pic.
Pretty innit?

what game is that from the video OP?
ggs from the back of the grid, gang
rr3 guy you are a swine and you aint my nigga
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Oi, I understand you guys drinking energy drinks and other sips from cans, but why the hell do you most likely SUBJUGATE YOURSELVES TO CANNED BEER?

Bottled is the way to go, it's the GOAT!
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can you open a bottle and press ptt in mumble at the same time?
>in 2024
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i don't drink that shit, but it's the most popular PL beer in pop culture outside of the EU, so there's that
I drink only water.
yeah whatever, next time try not to confuse me leaving space on the outside and slowly closing it
by the time i realised what line you meant to drive i was commited and it's not like these cars turn on a dime
some kind of weird with a bodykit
Fun series, fun had as always
Rfactor with mods - track and cars.
bro you were trying to pass me on the outside of turn 1 for literally no conceivable purpose.
i was moving off the racing line so you could take the inside since i'd glitched into the wall in the last turn and spun and was off pace anyway.
you literally just drove up my asshole out of fucking nowhere on a racing line that did not exist while i was trying to let you by. please use your fucking brain next time goddamn

like it would had been one thing in rfactor but everyone was driving so carefully because of how fucked up this bryce was, and here you come with literally nobody around you and you feel the fucking insatiable need to ram the first car you see. go fuck yourself and your excuses nigger.
>and you feel the fucking insatiable need to ram the first car you see
in a race i never ram on purpose
how convenient you're almost never racing anybody when you decide to smash another car off the track
>mention 1 time that r3 guy has improved his driving
>instantly goes back to retard mode
sorry bros
no he really has for the most part but still doesn't have the brain cells to rub together to know how to get around people cleanly.
he's still in the target fixation phase. if you're on track with him and there are no other cars around he will hit you whether he wants to or not.
Maybe it's time to bring GT Academy back
Jim's done good. I don't watch him anymore but did before he blew up and started doing IRL shit. Seems like the real deal and the YouTube bux he seems to get are insane.

i hate that cunt so much lol makes me seethe
Quite excitement too

cuz i dont like his personality and hes an ugly manlet. im also faster than him.
is 180 buckerinos too much for a fat PS4?
Does anyone do automation - beamng challenges anymore? I really enjoyed that and since finally getting beamng.drive I think I can be competitive. I didn't realize how much tweaking suspension needed.
$60 is too much for one let alone $180
the issue with the competition was that the game still run horribly in online sessions. nothing is stopping you from hosting one yourself, just make a doc and ask the mumblr (actually ask the mattermost) to put the server up for it.
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based wagon addition
They could've given us the non-crossoverified version...
if by fat you mean 1st gen ps4 you're getting ripped off, for that price you should be able to get a pro
for reference I got an used PS5 for 300
Oh I don't want multiplayer. I liked the tightly constrained design challenges. I'm not organized or motivated to host though.
anyone remember that rennsport shill
rennsport is barely a game yetthe hell was he thinking?
how could we ever forget rbdk
>project motor racing
bruh ian bell couldn't come up with a good name with a gun held to his head
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I paid $200 back in 2019 so idk if you're overpaying or underpaying
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your car of the week
*heavy breathing*
*teeth clenched*
*smoke coming out of ears*
>ian bell and the farming sim guys preparing to murder iracing
no, it's not a real one
even the captcha knows
new star gp is maximum kino
Why the Cross Turismo, why not the Sport Turismo, whyyyyy
the sense of speed is so ass
too hot for simracing
>he doesn't have a DIY Seat 3D printed wind sim

Haha bitch.
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only took me 2 hours to figure out which "scene" the camera fov was defined in but there i fixed it
>fov 45 changed to 80
>chase camera lowered by half a unit, moved closer to the car by 3 units (trail distance 10 -> 7)

we virtua racing now
>praga championship had 8 cars in it and he had the best pro driver and a factory car
>the 330i was in a class of 4 and they all had a tiny budget
>his GT4 wasn't actually a GT4, had a big budget, a totally not a pro lol driver AND a class of five cars
>this Ginetta race was second IN A CLASS OF FUCKING THREE
When will he race in an actually competitive championship?
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bruh fucking nigel mansell broke into my garage at night and painted my car trans rights colors what the fuck
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into the '90s now
this game is very whiplash-esque with the ai attitude system but it needs teammates for maximum ludo
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How is this compared to Hot Shots Racing?
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How are wheels these days? I have a Driving Force GT and hate how notchy it feels
Man driving online in FH5 is so annoying.
Minmaxing metaslaves ruin everything
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Super GT got his Nurburgring license back
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay fucking better
hot shots looks cool but has extremely shallow gameplay and rather poor driving physics
nsgp is much more of a simulator with realistic handling, damage modelling, fuel mass, and tire wear, in fact if it weren't for the reduced speed and modified tracks it would be a rather competent F1 sim along the lines of the psygnosis/bizarre PSX F1 games
Direct drive wheels have proliferated thorough the the entire price range. From Moza R3/R5/Cammus C5 up to 2000+ dollar bases.
jeeze I'm not lookin to get autistic but it's good to know thanks
Oh shit I didn't realize the devs made Retro Bowl. I burned a whole week on that game about a year ago.
time to do 200kmh in code 60 with 0 visibility
ignore anyone suggesting a direct drive wheel. They are cheap (ish) now for a reason: a bunch of Chinese manufacturers have been flooding the market and have an army of shills. While they're not making fake products by any means most people find that the quality is less than expected and there are often big issues with the driver software and game compatibility.
meanwhile Thrustmaster still uses driver packages compatible with win98 and all games from that era to today work on their wheels.
Logitech used to do this too but since the switch to LGS/GHub their software has been extra shitty, still roundly compatible with everything however.
a true pro gamer move
puting the pajero, stagea and sera in a paid pack is criminal
me, an iracer, being told speeding in a yellow flag zone is just free positions
man i really like ayrton senna's super monaco gp II but the fucking music and sound is so ass, i completely believe a brazilian helped develop it like it claims in the intro
same as theyve been for the last 5000 years, though they usually have rubber on em now
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measure of time
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>try out night runners
>love it, a bit cringe, and balancing is shit
>try out tokyo xtreme racer 3
>love it, graphics kinda poo
>find out about shutoko revival project
>literally my dream vidya
Ok so my pc has a 1060 but mobo died, I should revive it yes? I will be able to run AC with the SRP right?
see if you can figure out a way to try it before spending any money at all. SRP gets really boring real fast imo
yeah I was able to run it on a way worse card thanks to some optimization settings in content manager. disable shadows if you're struggling with fps, it's a huge performance boost and who needs shadows at night anyway
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for me it's f-1 grand prix
SRP in AC is not a game its just a modded map. there is no game its just driving forward alone. not even online. and with your shit ass pc you wont be able to have traffic
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norv here and this could be one my last posts
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yeah this looks like eastern europe
Damn norv got crowdstruck
what's wrong with you this time?
i f
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>decide to fix my pc to larp as a jap street racing in tokyo
>ryzen 3600x + 6600xt + mobo, ram & shit
>330 euros
>new catless headers for my beemer
>340 euros + will sell the cats for like 200 euros, which is enough to buy a k&n filter and a tune
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what the fuck exactly did you expect?
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Quick strawpoll for research purposes

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new autism project just dropped lads
reverse engineered SF RUSH
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>bringing back the old guard GTR guys
>kino classic race cars
>the fucking Stig is the handling consultant
>singleplayer is part of development and not an afterthought
old video of kaz at motegi
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fuck off glowie
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genki just trademarked a new txr we are so back
fake and gay
the acc is a bot that scrapes the japanese patent office database it's legit, genki also made a new youtube account
Ben Collins consulted on Project Cars btw.
AI commentary in more games when?
james has you covered, soon™
ian bell chatgpt
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don't do this to me
don't give me hope
member last time when Genki was up to something and it turned out to be just a shitty gacha? i member
>genki also made a new youtube account
honestly, this could be genki just trying to obtain rights to the "tokyo xtreme racer" name. iirc, crave owned it, but theyve since gone under, which i assume would mean the name is free for anyone to claim. there was even a western developed "tokyo xtreme racer" on the GBA that had nothing to do with the main series or genki. its why Shutoko Battle X was named import tuner challenge and not TXR, since it was localized & published by ubi instead. its weird that theyd file for TXR but not also the shutoko battle (首都高バトル) name if they were planning on a new game, especially since the majority of the franchise is japan only. but it could be indicative of something later down the line.
>anime main character
>german driver has a brewery in the car harnessing the power of microvibrations from bubbles to reduce drag

this is supposed to be bad? this is fucking based as hell when can we get this in an ovg race?
so apparently flatout 2 and flatout UC just got a bunch of fixes on steam, though oddly they changed flatout 2's cover to the american version, and og flatout and flatout THREE of all things both got (or are getting) steam deck support but apparently no actual fixes (not like theres much worth salvaging, + bugbear likely couldnt do anything even if they wanted to).
nevermind, only the first 2 + UC got updates. flatout 3 got a minor update but it apparently has nothing to do with it, though theres this article (https://steamdeckhq.com/news/flatout-3-steam-deck-support-flatout-12/) that claims otherwise.
The Forza Horizon series should have motorcyles, like TDU and PGR4 did so well.
Brutal hypercar moggings and making skill-let kiddies cry.
And you should be able to turbo a Hayabusa to 500hp because Horizon.
What's the best game for trophy truck/buggy/general baja stuff? Do I just download 1nsane again?
forza horizon should take a break and they should develop a new ip.
something like forza underground (think nfsu) with highly detailed city tracks, parking garages, tunnel systems and of course some outskirts for dirt and offroad racing.
and also a strong emphasis on visual tuning.
and bikes
baja: edge of control is probably the best you'll get currently
guys do i really need a DD wheel for casual croozing in forza horizon?
I dont even play any sim racers
yes retard you absolutely need the most expensive possible controller for your gay babby car collecting game, go buy it right now
you can't play forza with a wheel
well, you can, but you become distinctly aware of how much the game plays itself on controller and will probably go back to it
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Best I can do is Forza Underground Horizon Story with cringy dialogue
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>play newstar gp with my japanese funk playlist
>mfw i take my final pitstop and TRUTH starts playing
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God I wish there was a Midnight Club for 4x4s. NFS Payback had the potential but they squandered it so bad
yeah you've got a few games in that sort of general area but nothing that really fills that genre. i really like the setting of being in a tournament or leage or gang of racers, and only a few games pull this off well.
there was an old game called powerslide which was a cool post-apocalyptic dirt track racer, motorstorm, fuel, carmageddon if you squint i guess

edge of control is pretty rad and has some light carpg stuff for the campaign mode, and huge maps, but its not like txr or grid where you've got actual rivals. it's more of a spiritual sequel to super off-road 2.
I just wanted to be able to build an off road racer using parts from a catalogue of licensed aftermarket stuff.
Payback had mild elements of like "what if the Mint 400 was ran illegally by some street racers" but they don't capitalise on it at all and the off road physics in that game are raw sewage.
I drink water, milk, sometimes even protein shakes.
Not a bad shout. Considering how well Horizon has done and it was just the Forza guys going "TDU could be better", a Forza take on NFS could be good. And cringy dialogue goes with the genre better anyway.
ironically codemasters was eaten by EA and is in charge of the NFS franchise now
i might have laughed if i had remembered how
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Anyone here played Mafia with steering wheel? The original Mafia that is.
I'm thinking of doing it. I've never played the original and didn't know it was developed as a driving game first, shooting game second. I'm wondering if there's anything I should download in addition to the game, also what it's - if any - clutch mechanics are like.
i think i did at some point
can't remember whether or not i managed to configure ffb
wouldn't expect clutch to be anything special
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Spot the iRacing player
Who hurt you?
Same, but also tea and my water has lemon juice in it
Funny how he tried to blame this on Hamilton and then got hissy when he got a penalty
fucking red bull liveries man every single time
he didn't get a penalty for that
Didn't he get called to the stewards after the race?
no era penal
it's possible he got points on his license but he didn't receive any sort of time penalty
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>furry hackers upset over the shutdown of club penguin pwned disney with a beamng mod
i just downloaded assetto corsa. damn its ugly and boring. back 2 forza i guess
For me, it's Sunoco/JPS
what killed oh vee gee?
racing games suck now
guess so
see you guys again when AC2 releases and has some major flaw that makes everyone stay on AC1 instead
climate change
too hot for simracing
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also this
>ancient simulator with dead online
>ancient simulator with suspiciously successful subscription model
>aaa soulless brandwank
>c tier unity/ue game with stolen assets from game type #3
>janky but brilliant passion project thats been in early access for 20 years

pick one
a run of shit series, moving half the thread off to a bootleg trannycord
, getting unreasonably angry at new shitters for existing
norville dying
link to the trannycord
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no,like it or not they're an official part of this genre from way back then,we all had that friend way into pink cute cars
That major flaw will be no mods to push 100 DLCc, season passes, batlle passes and paid liveries
The thread is better off without tes and tunari making hundreds of posts over several hours about AC modding
shut up rbdk
tfw no cute male gf
Oh that's the overtake gg guy?
Always felt sarahntrooned vibes from him.
Its funny because either the youtube comments are straight up simping or they're all gay.
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do people actually spend thousands of dollars to play this game
do ppl really? isnt ac still the goto?
LFM is fucking dead, that's why I'm trying this garbage

please let EVO be good, kunos, please
>getting unreasonably angry at new shitters

WHAT new shitters?
Norv doesn't show up and sits in the thread pretending to be new people every week so he can have someone to shill to, and every weekend it seems I have to explain to rr3 how to safely overtake a car and he's been racing here for half a decade.

we discovered how to mod whiplash and the bootleg discord has been rather useful in collecting all that information in one place rather than having several scattered threads with random info about it.
the only people who don't like the mattermost are useless idiots like the two above who just want to flood the thread with ugly tranny garbage and shitpost instead of following the topic.

this it would be a madhouse and we'd go through multiple threads a day.
ovg isn't dead it's just progressed to the point we can't keep it all in the thread because there simply is not enough posts before bump limit to talk about everything.
>retards say no no words too many time
>discord gets nuked
>whiplash has died twice
get a forum
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>are straight up simping or they're all gay.
why not both
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this is a forum you double nigger
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PD laserscanned the whole Eiger mountain in real life
new fish review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-K5WNNVl2w
is tarp?
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Jimmy Broadbent will be a dad
RIP to his aspiring amateur driving career, he will lose half a second a lap now.
is that a thing?
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>aaa soulless brandwank
thats me!
I'm getting a PC later this year and'll join you queers for some racism. Don't let the general die before then
ovg died when it stopped playing drift city
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simracing is now an olympic sport
we are all internationally recognized athletes and should conduct ourselves accordingly
>mobile games
>no quake 3
>your knowledge of how to abuse the NR2003 physics engine can now allow you to win an official olympic event
what a world we live in
my roman ancestors would be proud
>anything other than ancient Greek athletics
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racing was literally the first olympic sport
once people figured out they could only run so fast they started racing horses
then they figured two horses are faster than one and made special, stripped down and reinforced carts to ride two or more horses at once thus inventing the honda civic
Yeah, nude foot racing. Athletics.
chariot racing was part of the original olympic games or was added in 680bc depending on which greek historian is consulted

and in the summer you bet your sweet bippy there some nude simracing going on
The Olympics were originally a competition of mock military events, chariots were a vehicle of war and the races were to show off the athletic ability of the horses.
>FPS/Shooters will not be included
>but fucking iRacing will
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the events held were activities of war the greeks considered ritualistically important and had already become classic exercises and field games by the time of the olympics. the egyptians did it before the greeks, even.
racing machines around in a circle was invented the instant the second horsecart was built. the entire reason races are run in ovals is because horses running at high speed can't stop or turn on a dime like a human runner can.
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to build upon this: a car is the evolution of the horse. it can move at velocities no horse could ever achieve, allowing a human being to test the limits of his mind and body in an attempt to control an unnaturally strong, unflinching metal beast.
auto racing today is still an analog for warfare, but it's modern warfare with technology. nascar and f1 cars are the roadgoing equivalent of battle tanks and fighter jets, they carry their nations' pride and the (hopefully) best and brightest pilots. they're kept running by an army of mechanics and engineers all of whom rank among the best of their academic peers. they fight every weekend because they are the only people crazy or lucky enough to enjoy it.
even today it matters what country the car is from and who is driving it and where they're from. racing never stopped being an international mock-war, olympic kind of sport, that aspect is just masked by the need to plaster everything in advertisements to cover the enormous outlay of an event. the average normoid doesn't even understand what it's like to drive 100 mph much less 200 mph, so it's easy to forget the athleticism and mental strength needed to race cars and how the drivers, teams and makers represent their countries of origin.
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ok so I ""rebuilt"" my pc last night
>ryzen 3600
>2x8gb 3600
>rx 6600 xt
>325 euros total

I played a bit, there is a nice r33 but its rwd wtf?
How do those post procesing filters work? I need Sol for the servers? So i need to find a post procesing settings for Sol that I like, or mess with settings right? A PP mod/filter for Custom Shaders Pack wont work on Sol right?

And how can I make right stick control camera? I read neckfx has that option, is neckfx built in the custom launcher thing?

sol is just the weather effects and day night transition, you need it so that you see the same time of day as everybody else.
you don't need ppfilters, you don't need to mess with anything.

you can simply set the right stick to look left and look right in the settings menu.
make sure you are using content manager and not the standard ac ui, it is mostly useless.
>you don't need ppfilters, you don't need to mess with anything.
I want to make it look like a shitty edit, I am not here for the realism, found a nfs 2015 hud while at work, idk about pp presets though
isnt view left/right a button? I want an analogue input
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what is your preferred track when learning to drive a new car? also is Ass Corset + mods still the best sim for driving production sports cars?
ac was never good at anything people just put up with it because it's slightly easier to mod than rf1

>I want to make it look [...] shitty

ok good cause you're playing assetto corsa
a road leading to whereever i need to go
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>internet died
>booted out of gt7 single player mode
I hate modern gaming I hate modern gaming I hate modern gaming
you should hate your internet provider
There is plenty of room in my cold, blackened heart to hate both.
and they say the emo scene is dead
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ovgtopen was the last kino ovg series
finally, someone reposted my spotter guide
Only for some F1 drivers. Amateurs tend to stop racing altogether.
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What was the first car game you guys played? I'll always have a soft spot for this cute little convertible.
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Top Gear SNES, Lego Racers PC, and like three or four different putt putt games.
nfs high stakes, colin mcrae rally 1 and sports car gt on a logitech wingman formula force wheel, my dad was 23 when I was born so I played all the cool racing games with him as a kid
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fuck yes
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the GOAT
>invincibility on
>driving backwards

yep it's gaming time
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The Geely was a fun car, cockpit mode in VR was comfy with the sunroof. Used it a couple times after the series.
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imagine if the mafia or driver devs made this game
i do appreciate that they actually got someone to make real vehicle physics and they really do try but ffs
i found johnnys porsche fun, but i havent driven many of the cars in the game. did NOT like v's hella and his quadra was alright i guess. ive heard people say they like the mackinaw but in my experience it was clunky and unwieldy to drive and liked to bounce around alot. i only got the game last week though so i dunno if it was a lot worse in the past.
rip Jim's hobbies. Hope he has a backup. First time I've ever seen that bint with him, does he have a harem of 5/10s he acts madly in love with on streams but cycles through like cars in Horizon?
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it's a pretty good driving model on its own but the way it's being assisted just conflicts with the simulation aspects of it, like there in that webm i fall off the rock because the self-correction torque keeps my wheels from settling and it wobbles the other way as it falls thru the destructible part
it's little stupid shit like that that also makes it impossible to have a funny high speed tumbling accident in the city, or here, roll down the mountain. your car just flops around instead of rolling over. fucks with my immersion.
thats pretty retarded, is there a mod that removes the assists?
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First racing game was road rash 1994 on a friend's dad's PC that kept crashing. Rally was the first racing game I really put a lot of time in. Either it or Revolt.
there seem to be a lot of mods that claim to "improve" the existing vehicle physics but from what i've seen theres nothing that attempts to kill the global keepupright. i don't think you can really because its partially related to making the motorcycles operate, and a lot of mods that improve cars will make bikes drive weird and vice versa.
weird that theyd have the car and bike systems so intertwined like that
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i think it was 4d sports driving aka stunts for DOS PC
if it was good then why no s2
>why no s2
larguu became a tf2 tranny
Guys I
They're not able to. Modern racing game devs haven't ever driven their shitboxes on backroads at night, they have no idea what street racing even is, much less how visual modifications are supposed to look like.
Meanwhile, in 2004, someone at EA Japan working on the localization of UG2 had this.
Yes it was likely sponsored, at least in part, by the company, but EA Japan had contacts with people that actually ran this sort of cars (Team Destruction)
more like returned
Coolest hotel I have ever stayed in. Worth it.
>imagine if the mafia or driver devs made this game
It would be the same shit, your point?
too bouncy 2/10
>ubisoft cyberpunk
please god no
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Yes, except that the 24 hours of Ellisbury (where you can make race cars for multiple classes) is pretty much dead, the organizer hasn't said anything in a month.
>doesn't know the difference between a dev and a publisher
it couldn't be any worse than it is
also Ubisoft before #metoo was fine. Driver SF is goated.
One of the main designers for several games including cru1 got the boot because he got a little too french with the ladies iykwim.
that's mostly why they did that hard about face to forcing hard woke shit in everything and also why cru1 and 2 are so vastly different in tone: they have been trying to erase that designers' (and others) work from their games and throw up a vague lgbtqwertyuiop-supportive facade. Everyone knows asking a French man to not objectify women is like asking a fish to not swim.
The ending got me good. Made me blow air out my nose.
>a game by Hideo Kojima
Wait, the scapes have physics?
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everything has,including the gsrage and gt auto,funny way to find out
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Next Saturday ovg jokkis in rFactor starts! August 3rd @ 20 GMT.
Come join us racing all over finland in hektik short races for this summer special. Races are like 5 minutes each so you can take breaks and cool down.

Sign ups on sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vlVjNh8r6o_KYUFHf7Hcp8ZaYS5lsEZwFvTeu_K_c1Q/edit?gid=446792276#gid=446792276
Rules and more info: http://wiki.get-good.net/index.php?title=OVG_Jokkis

Skin deadline for round 1 is 24h before race starts.
based yuichi
no i grind trannies
i came up with the idea of "car" in gran turismo 7. i thought it'd be effective if you had a vehicle you could drive along the tracks
Dead series

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