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Lets say I have a junkyard 1.5L 4 cyl 1970s shitbox. Got it for 150$, seems to run fine. I want to fit it with a turbocharger from a modern shitbox with the same engine displacement, an antilag system (seems extremely simple, an Arduino, a vacuum sensor and two servos should do the job just fine) and a new exhaust bc of the whole turbo thing.
My questions are:
How likely is it that the engine will die in the first kilometer?(im ok if it dies on the second)
How to calculate the exhaust properly? (also, I saw a video on how to achieve the f1 sound recently, anyone got the formulas behind the paywall?)
Injecting small amounts of water into the exhaust during antilag to prevent it from burning and also generating steam for turbine-retarded or not?
Lmao you're not even eBay turbo guy you're wannabe eBay turbo guy
Also, this is supposed to be a hobo-build, but I can get titanium valves fairly easily and dirt-cheap, how many extra rpms will I be able to squeeze out with those? The standard ones are ~75g each
No idea who that is tbqh. I don't even need eBay, shit's basically free if you know how to convince ppl (I don't, so I'll have to pay a bit kekw)
My equipment is a garage with a pit, a welder that looks like this, but 2x bigger and much dirtier and like 300kg of electrodes of all diameters, the oldest ones are from 1948? i think, the label is slightly damaged
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Do you know why you put forged/strengthened parts and better cooling systems into engine with turbo?

See how Haruda's Z31 ended up in "Wangan midnight" .
Sure, but there are a few turbo builds with the same engine and mostly standard parts. UZAM 412 was supposedly designed as semi-racing engine, performing best at high rpm, with 280/280 camshaft angles, spherical combustion chamber. I heard it's prone to detonation but idk, maybe people just put the wrong fuel in it. Its compression ratio is only 8.8. The authors are not talkative though, sadly.
Are there really junkyards that will let you have entire cars that are rolling shells or even running
Well it's not "junkyard" junkyard. Just the cheapest car I could find that doesn't fall apart from a sideways glance. Supposedly it was used by a grandpa. In reality it most likely have seen a few drunk joyrides through the village, but nothing too bad
did you check out speeduino? it may be everything you want
The closest thing to modern electronics in that car is the radio, and I think it uses vacuum tubes
well op already talked about arduino and anti lag... lol. adding all the things you need for EFI wouldn't be so hard. finding a throttlebody and making a plate to hold a couple injectors would be the hardest part
Well yea but I kinda prefer to build the logic myself. Makes it easier to understand what im doing. Besides, an Arduino nano costs like 0.5$+a servo on the carburettor to enrich the mixture+a servo on the distributor to retard the ignition
Old shit was built tougher
Fucking send it, just make sure to record everything
You're going to turbo a 408? Wasn't the timing on those things done by a bakelite gear with a glued on metal ring gear? Those tended to shatter at higher roms and fuck shit up, on top of the engine sending conrods through the block when gunning it.
Breaking it with a turbo solely depends on how much air it's moving and the pressure it's making. You'd most definitely want an intercooler, which means you'd want fuel injection. That doesn't come cheap, but retroject has common Weber carb bolt pattern and fits most soviet cars straight on.
Nah, uzam 412. The pic just looked nice
Oh I will even tho im not sure anyone will watch it
>uzam 412
Ah that's the latter "BMW" 1.5 litre then, I thought you meant the earlier 1.3 Opel derived unit by posting a 408 and confused it with the 412. If memory serves the 408 never got the 1.5 engine.
Yeah the 1.5 might actually take some boost without shitting the bed as they were actually quite good engines.
On the other hand they were rather "high compression" for soviet engines, something like 9:1 so you might want to either double stack head gaskets with a copper slip or lower the compression a bit otherwise, your crank bearings will thank you.
How about fuel supply, are you mad enough to force boost down a soviet carb or going fuel injected?
Proper madlad behaviour would be a drawthru carb.
Retard. Titanium valves aren't going to do shit for RPMs. If you want to up your RPMs you need to replace the entire rotating assembly and top end. It's a package deal. You aren't spinning that piece of shit faster without blowing it up unless you do.
OP could replace the stock head gasket with a thick copper gasket or machine the pistons. But I think 9:1 would be okay with some boost also. If the crank bearings are some obsolete type might want to replace them with modern ones and running full synthetic oil.
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>seems extremely simple
> I saw a video on how to achieve the f1 sound recently, anyone got the formulas behind the paywall?
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>muh F1 engine sound formula I have to pay for!
stop being GAY AS FUCK and get a V8, faggot
>nigger rigging a completely blind send-it-and-hope-for-the-best engine """control""" to fuck with the original carburetor
You can trot out your "I was pretending to be retarded" master troll comebacks already. This bait is getting stupid.
I have the formulas, but I found out they're identical to the calculations I made half a year ago on a test mule 4banger I was building before it sent a piston through the top during a dyno run and I threw in the towel on that. Sounded great, but I made an incorrect calculation on the rotating assembly and boofed it. Half thinking of doing it to my small block Mopar.
>OP could replace the stock head gasket with a thick copper gasket or machine the pistons.
That's exactly what I was implying woth the copper slip or otherwise.
9:1 sure is okay, but not in an old soviet engine. Those things are built LIGHT and the crank bearings don't really like any sort of extra abuse, if OP wants an even remotely reliable fun project car.
Honestly I'd just outright rip the engine out either for a BMW M10 or even a Lada Samara engine if building it up for power was the idea and not just bragging rights that you have a turbo Moskvich.
Also adding to this, it's just easier to have a drawthru carb setup with fuck off huge main jets along with a vacuum operated distributor (delco as the slavs call them) stolen from a turbo saab or similar that has boost/vacuum operated advance.
A lot of the old soviet cars used cloned Bosch type distributors with those 2 offset tooth in the shaft, so a genuine Bosch one should slot right in to the stem of the original distributor.
Ofc Im gonna keep the carb. Though I don't really understand what's the fundamental difference between blow vs draw through
Remember, this is a hobo-build, I don't want to spend any significant amount of monies
>Honestly I'd just outright rip the engine out either for a BMW
Oi fuck of, I don't want to get yet another bog-standard korch
From what I know, Moskvich racing team used regular engines straight off the production line, the only difference being that they polished off all the shit that was sticking out, balanced the crank, etc. etc. so what im getting from this is that UZAM 412 should withstand some beating
Wait. Max rpm is primarily defined by valve float, right? Valve float is caused by inertia, and you either combat it with stiffer springs, or reducing the mass of moving parts-valves and spring "dishes". Where is the fault in my logic? The engine is high-ish rpm as-is, max.rpm is 6000.
I heard stories about airfield techs in the 90s converting their engines to run on kerosene with exactly that, thick copper gasket (because there was no gas, but the planes were not flying and there were kilotons of free kerosene)
Over here the only cheap-ish v8 is 6L 150hp monstrosity called ZiL-138. It will not fit inside the AZLK, and it costs actual money which is suboptimal
There are just 2 variables, what's so difficult?
So I'm assuming the pipe's length before the first step-up should be 2x shorter than the distance a pressure wave will travel between the cylinder's cycles?
(Complete guess based on literally measuring the setup in the video with a ruler. pls show the formulas)
>Lada Samara engine
Btw if I wanted to spend money I'd rather get a MeMZ-317. It's much better all around, and judging by an interview with the engineer that developed it, it's a product of real passion
Wouldn't an ZMZ-53 or 66 from a Gaz truck be available too? They were fairly popular tranny thrashers in Volgas.

Weren't those only available in Zazkas and aren't almost all of those stuck in Ukraine, unless you're stuck in there too.
The legendary Tavria and Zaz Sense(the latter having kind of a semi-joking cult), Zaz Vida, Forza. Basically yea, it was only installed in zaz cars and Etalon buses.
>you're stuck in there too
I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me kekw
I'm in Ukraine, yes
>Over here the only cheap-ish v8 is 6L 150hp monstrosity called ZiL-138.
Look for the junkyard older Tahoe engines, there's a significant number of them for reasonable price in Russia. Going Japanese is the other option.
>I'm in Ukraine, yes
Don't go to Lvov tomorrow.
Aight brb gotta grab my trusty Maschinengewehr zweiundvierzig, stahlhelm und viel Panzerschokolade and make a tiny little 5000+km incursion into the enemy territory
Ma boy couldn't even W properly. Better pshcek next time
Just hand over the soviet shitboxes nice and easy, no one has to get hurt over this. They will be taken good care of, don't worry.
I am the good care.
How likely is it that the engine will die in the first kilometer?
the engine in these is trash even without your ricing, get a proper car
The 1.5 is fine, nothing really wrong with that one. It's the 1.3 that was absolute shite, being a copy of an Opel design.
OP posted an 408 that as far as I remember never officially got the 1.5 in the Soviet/Russian models, only some of the Bulgarian production ones got them.
>German references
>a tiny little 5000+km incursion into the enemy territory
Where the fuck are you? Not Germany obviously, since Poland is like ten times smaller.
Ukraine. The German references is a joke about how muscovites always call us nazis
Get /pol/ shit out of your head and go find a proper globe. 5000+ km gets you to Canada.
Dude, have you seen taiga? No way in hell Im passing that shit in a straight line
Why would you want to though? I bet most of the 'merican trucks (and the related junkyards) in that country are on your side of the Urals. Siberians and Far Easterns tend to like Japshit more.
There are no American-style junkyards in Russia. In the soviet times there were junkyards, but aviation-related. You could go and get instruments(as in altimeters, for example), bearings, magnesium alloy discs, etc. all still in oil, but now you will have to pay, as OP says, "actual money" for any v8
Bullshit. Bought a 1500 GMT800 front driveshaft from one myself. They aren't American-style though, it's the employees who do most of the breaking, so "breaker yard" is probably more appropriate name.
for how much dollaroonies?
Aвтopaзбopкa isn't a junkyard. In some cases it's cheaper to get a new part because the guys there always want to rip you off
>it's the employees who do most of the breaking
So what if you need some obscure trim piece.
>Injecting small amounts of water into the exhaust during antilag to prevent it from burning and also generating steam for turbine
Either completely retarded or genius. The water must be distilled, otherwise your exhaust will turn into a model of 17y.o. burger blood vessels. You need to somehow calculate the exact amount to
a)not cool down the exhaust too much, otherwise you will need ignite the air-fuel mixture with sparkplugs
b)not generate too much steam, steam pressure is no joke. Since you have an engine that is probably on its last legs, it may blow up if you generate too much pressure in the hot half
But too little - and it's useless.
The real hard part is to inject the water *between* exhaust cycles, fuel doesn't really like to ignite when mixed with water. And the exhaust will probably still suffer from rust, but honestly, idk. I don't think anyone has done anything like this.
Hey Anon pls deliver
I am extremely interested
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remember: there's no replacement for displacement
curb your dreams of blowing off an ancient piece of shit with no potential and swap in a ЗMЗ-406
it's baisically slav k-24 swap except not really but whatever
A few years before the war it was about $2k for a 5.3 mated with 4L60E. 5.7 Vortecs from GMT400 were even cheaper.
>In some cases it's cheaper to get a new part because the guys there always want to rip you off
Some of them sure are, I remember being asked like $10 for a single used wheel nut at such razborka once. Guys at the USDM-specialized shop I usually go to for the repairs/maintenance I don't want do by myself just gave me a new one for free.
Idk, ask them? Probably depends on the exact part since they usually deal with big assemblies.
Man, it costs money. My hard-earned Ukrainian dollars. I know tuning is spending money, then spending money, then spending even more money, but that's why I want to keep it cheap
>My hard-earned Ukrainian dollars
Where did the billions we sent you go?
Towards buying 5 billion rockets to bomb Donetsk children
Except it's 80kg heavier and it's quality is worse than my ability to think rn
At least turboing the UZAM is actually fun, . What you are suggesting will require a fuckton of cutting and welding
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Peak acceleration increases with the square of speed. Half the total valvetrain weight means 1,41 times the RPM, but that's counting the valves, the springs and the lifters, and assuming the camshaft drivetrain can withstand the rpms (pro tip, if it's chain drive it definitely would need to be resized). Increasing the rpm is also pointless if you don't change the camshaft profile/port the head for more airflow, although with boost control you could increase boost at high rpm to compensate for the power lost as the engine starts to choke at high rpm.

>keeping the carb
Okay. Your best option is a draw through carb (carb feeds the turbo inlet - like in the pic), setting up a blow through carb (carb is fed air from the turbo outlet) has WAY too many things that can go wrong. The only major disadvantage is that you won't be able to run it with an intercooler, but won't need one with a proper water injection system (use vodka instead if you're worried about it freezing...).

>you won't be able to run it with an intercooler
Well there goes my dream of turning a 1960s ZiL fridge into an intercooler
You win some, you lose some, I guess.
>Water injection
If I understand correctly, this works because water takes away some of the heat energy that would be otherwise wasted, turns into steam and expands. It doesn't seem to cool down the intake air, only col down the engine itself, whereas the primary function of the intercooler, again, if I understand correctly, is to exploit the fact that gases become more dense with lower temp, therefore the same diameter intake can deliver more air if it is colder. Why is it not possible to install an intercooler with a drawthrough carb?
>camshaft profile
I know nothing over here, chief. Where should I start?
You can run an intercooler with a drawthru boosted setup, but do take condensation into account.
Fuel will condense in the cooler intercooler and poll up. A backfire can send the whole thing airborne unless you have blowout panels in the intercooler.
Cue in that one pic of the dude going HOLY SHIT when his dragster explodes in front of him, that's exactly what could happen, albeit not at that scale
Why do I get the feeling that the engine is carburated?
It's a soviet car, of course it's carbureted
While pure water injection doesn´t cool the intake mixture that much, it does allow an increase in the amount of boost the engine will accept before it starts to knock just like if you were running on very high octane fuel. Water/methanol injection does cool the intake air a lot, but it's more expensive and it has to be injected in precise amounts because it changes the air fuel mixture.

The intercooler's primary job is too cool the intake mixture to prevent knock, the cold air being denser for a given boost pressure ends up being more of a beneficial side effect that compensates for the pressure drop of the air going through the intercooler. The reason why you shouldn't put a intercooler in a draw through setup is because of condensation, like anon >>27828146 says. The intercooler ends up collecting droplets of fuel that not only lean out the mixture when you don't want it to (the engine can only burn fuel vapor), but can explode at the wrong time.

When it comes to camshaft profiles, don't bother changing them until you have the base setup working. It's time consuming and it makes things worse if you do it wrong. Manufacturers go over all kinds of valve timings imaginable while developing their engines, you don't have the resources for that. In a turbo engine you probably want to keep the valve overlap the same while increasing the duration of the intake and the exhaust valves.
Also on drawthru intercooled setups, when it eventually sucks out the droplets stuck in the intercooler, you get some erratic behaviour because the engine is suddenly getting fuel from "nowhere", the rpm can shoot up by itself, there might be stumbling and hesitation under acceleration, blowing black smoke and such
Well what if i put the carb between the intercooler and turbo
So it's
So you mean intercooler feeding air to the carb? The turbo is going to heat that air up anyway, so you gain nothing except restricting airflow.
The proper way to do it is turbo -> IC -> carb, but for that you need a special carb that can take boost.
Something like a weber dmtr or solex dis
I thought that since it would expand in the turbo it won't matter but I guess what you're saying makes sense since bc of the expansion the turbine would have to do more work.
The carburettor of Moskvich is a copy of solex btw
Just out of curiosity, why are you fucking around with antique shitboxes instead of being dragged into trench warfare, hiding from recruiters or something?

What's actually going on in Ukraine Right now?
Hunger games, except the Capitol is the entire country except the frontlines and most people are "sponsors"(donate regularly so the military can buy a car or drones, or smth. Companies donate too). People do get drafted and it's a shitshow bc strategic companies like Kyiv metro or metallurgy, instrument-building plant workers are not protected from the draft, but the State Circus is. The laws are being changed, fortunately
As for me, I'm <25 y.o. and a student, so I can't be drafted, but still can't leave the country
>The carburettor of Moskvich is a copy of solex btw
I know and it shares the same bolt pattern with weber dgv/dmt and the solex dis, that's why I mentioned those two.
The dmt was made for turbo lancias and the dis for the renault r5 turbo if memory serves. Both are boost reference carbs, they will increase fueling as boost grows so you don't lean out your mixture. They also can be fed boost, so you can put a turbo and intercooler before them.

Now if you're a true pioneer, steal a pressure cooker from your mums cabinet, cut a hole in the bottom, bolt it to your intake, bolt the moscvich carb inside, cut a hole in the lid, connect lid hole with some tubing to intercooler. Poor mans boost container for turbocharging. You'll have to make some extra holes for the throttle linkages too and somehow keep those sealed so they don't leak all the boost out, you can do that with rubber grommets.
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Good luck anon. Hopefully you and your frens will make it through to peacetime and hoon shitboxes without being vanned to the front lines or hit by artillery.
Even if you seal the carburetors in an airtight box like lotus did, you still run the risk of the boost pressure crushing the float that regulates the fuel.
LoL. Europe and USA spend hundreds of billions of dollars on your military, but your country is so corrupt that you have to buy drones off ali express with your own wages after tax.
Yeah I'm aware. Most of the time you can replace the plastic floats with brass ones though that won't get crushed, but otherwise that's the downside of nigrigging it
No, you retard. Those "billions" were sent in the form of military equipment, e.g. Bradleys, and it's actually a net positive for the US since they get to get rid of them for free. Then, what little was sent as money is being spent on maintenance of big stuff-tanks, planes. And what's left is used to buy drones, the issue is that even with >1mil of domestically produced fpv drones, it's not enough. russians are like cockroaches, they just go and go. Their latest Kharkiv offensive cost them 20k men already, and they stil keep going

Everything else including salaries, clothes, domestic missiles is being purchased with
>being purchased with
our own money
No idea why 4chan cut off the end
I mean, only the frontlines +~10km can be hit with arty, and rlthe rest of the country is very safe, but thanks
If the engine has detonation issues as-is (and there's no consensus as to why), and I change the pistons to flat ones (stock are spherical, new ones are also lighter) and add a copper head gasket (I found where to get custom ones cheaply, but they are thin-ish, made from sheet copper and won't do much in terms of lowering the compression), should this be enough for me to not worry about knock without having an intercooler?
Are the stock spherical pistons like dented or protruding spherical?
Because if they're dented, those are "low compression" pistons, flat top pistons would just increase compression.
If they're protruding spherical pistons then yeah flat pistons would lower compression and help alleviate knocking.

If you're brave, you can double stack the head gaskets with the copper sheet in between. I've heard japscrap drivers do this to lower compression back when thicker headgaskets weren't all that common yet.
>uzam 412
>Ah that's the latter "BMW" 1.5 litre

BMW m10 is your regular german cast iron block, uzam is all aluminum open deck with cast iron wet cylinder sleeves, typically for soviets. The timing mechanism is also different, they only have a chain drive in common. Basically these engines have nothing in common except their appearance and hemispherical combustion chambers, not a single interchangeable part.
The copper gaskets are like 15$ each, so maybe I'll just stack several of them
You can experiment with multiple but I would advise against it, stacking multiple head gaskets may lower compression but it also makes the head more flexible, and the additional cylinder pressure from the turbo will easily burn through the gaskets, that and domed pistons are themselves more prone to knocking. Swapping the pistons for lower compression flat tops seems better in the long run.
Just be wary that copper sheet gaskets need constant retorquing. Since there's pretty much no compressability baked into them like composite head gaskets, they tend not to put as much preload on the head bolts and will work them free over time. They can take a lot more boost, but just make sure your head bolts are easy to get to.
>there's no consensus as to why
Perhaps the springs in the centrifugal advance are too old and weak? That would basicaĺly give too much spark advance in the midrange and make it detonate.
That's why I put "BMW" in quotation marks as the common misinformation is that it's a copy of the early M10 engines, when they were still called like M115 or something like that.
I'm aware that they share absolutely nothing between each other aside for relative displacement and being 4 bangers.
Nah, some oldtimers say it had detonation issues straight out of the factory, but then others say it always ran perfectly fine. Maybe the issue is that it's designed for 93 octane gas, and some people used 76
It most definitely waa due to fuel and not the engine itself.
Low octane was very common back then and people were clueless just like today
So I've read some stuff, and it seems like my brakes are, simply put, shit. They were criticized in the west even back in the 70s and now it seems like a really bad idea to make it go fast
Guess im gonna meet a pole:/
What do the polish have to offer you, aftermarket brakes?
Yea shit brakes usually are a feature of soviet small cars as their max speed usually was supposed to be like 60kmh
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142km/h actually, and this issue was fixed in 2140, but I have 412
Concrete pole
Or maybe steel one, my city has been gradually replacing soviet poles with new ones, also adding LED lights in process. It's way harsher on the eyes than the old orange DNATs, and doesn't offer any real energy saving, but muh modernization, muh European experience (thanks to that experience the speed limit on an 8 lane road is now 50km/h and it's technically illegal to buy even the most basic shit like nimesulide without a prescription ffs)
140kmh is the top speed it can drive, but for soviet small cars the top speed they were supposed to drive was 60kmh, they weren't designed to be driven much faster than that as the speed limits in cities and suburban areas rarely was above that.
Also welcome to globohomo eu, that's what you're fighting for. Next up your taxes will shoot up, wages will go down and that 300 buck running 2005 Vaz 2105 nextdoor will become illegal because it's not Euro 6 compliant.
>the speed limits in cities and suburban areas rarely was above that
It was 60+20, so you could go 80km/h without getting fined
>that's what you're fighting for.
No, we are fighting against russia. Being absorbed into that is a fate worse than death.
So is being absorbed into the EU
You could sure, but the intended speed for those cars was about 60kmh max, anything beyond that was no guarantees territory specifically because the brakes were undersized, cooling often was kinda whatever and the gearing was so short.
All the manuals from that time too usually recommend a top speed of 60kmh for maximum fuel mileage and engine life
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The key word there is maximum fuel mileage, which is the real goal of a 60 km/h speed limit (50 - 70 km/h is the optimum fuel efficiency speed for most cars). Same reason why speed limits were only introduced in the 1973 fuel crisis, it wasn't a safety issue.

Crap brakes means they are only going to get used at full force once before they start to fade, but they can still stop from much higher speeds as long as you are willing to feather the pedal and extend the stopping distance.

Swapping the unassisted drums for power assisted disk brakes is a worthwile improvement, but that requires either changing the hubs or purchasing a conversion kit that uses the original bolts.
They are assisted, and I personally don't see anything wrong with them. Maybe it's just the design that was criticised, M412 has drum brakes
My tires will dryrot before they wear even 1 mm down so I dont do it.
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I could have sworn I posted this in a different thread.
That engine of yours is most likely already constricted by the exaust diameter at its top rpm, and there's nothing you can really do about it
I wouldn't be so sure, soviet engines weren't constrained by emission regulations which is what led to chocked exhaust ports in western engines (to make the catalytic converters work better).
Uzam 412 is factory-tuned to have "pseudo turbo". Even tho I don't understand how exactly that works, but since 280/280 phases mean there's quite an overlap, maybe the exaust gasses help to pull in fresh mixture, and if that's the case after some rpm it should stop working meaning less hp
But since op is going to install a turbo this shouldn't matter
It's just fuckery with cams to cause heavier vacuum in cylinders during intake period.
Since you seem to know what u r talking about, pls explain

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