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Previous thread: >>27749918

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.com.ar/goodies/clover/

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).
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I wanna start a small business selling bumper stickers. I already know enough about graphic design and creating SVGs in Inkscape to do this sort of thing. But I need to buy a printer, and am not sure what kind to get.

Do you guys have any advice on that? Some /diy/ anons told me I should ask about it here.
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for some reason this info is gatekept hard af good luck finding an answer. ask a seller his process and the nigga clams up tight like you're gunnin for his welfare check
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is it? I'm not interested in doing it myself but I swear several storefags outright posted their equipment, paper and program suggestions, etc
I'm a retard and also not a seller so I couldn't tell you but I'm sure one of the seller regulars will be around at some point.
Bit obvious but I'd imagine that looking at printers that are focused on printing on weatherproof/resistant materials would be a good starting point.
inb4 and taiga are pretty friendly. There's probably more but I can't remember their trips
It’s not exactly that it’s gatekept, it’s that there’s no simple answer to it as you’re getting into the realm of commercial printing and it’s not as simple and consumer facing as picking up some inkjet. For most people it’s prohibitively expensive to do it right, you’re looking at a printer that costs as much as a car (in that they range from like 3-5k for a used shitbox and can go up to upper 5 digits easy). That’s why there’s only like 3 or 4 shopfags that actually do their own printing and all the other shops get their stock from them. What is attainable for not-insane amounts of investment is a vinyl cutter, you can get set up for a few hundred and make die cuts. That’s why so many shops have big selections of die cuts separately from their full color stickers: the cuts are typically done in house while they have to order out for prints. If you really want a printer for vinyl, your best bet is to lurk eBay, Craigslist, etc until you find a good one, but you will spend a lot maintaining it as well.
this. I think people just got tired of having to type this out all the time
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the only acceptable sticker
I know desu and I believe nezumi pop up from time to time too, just not with trips
I like the idea of that sticker
I’d be curious if one of the actual printing stickerfags would be willing to share their setup
a Roland BN-20 is a good starter printer
BUT you need to constantly print on this type of printer or the print head locks up with ink and you now have a very expensive boat anchor
p.s. mine turned into a boat anchor in 2020 when people really stopped buying as many stickers / doing custom orders suddenly for no apparent reason
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stickers are actually about the least gatekept industry. try figuring out suppliers from patch guys. it's just a matter of repeating the same shit over and over again.

The TLDR here is most people outsource their production to a few vinyl shops. Printing on laminated vinyl is difficult, and what you can do at home isn't quality enough to sell. Equipment to make your own is costly, space and time intensive, isn't worth it but for the completely dedicated and/or biggest shops.
make your designs as vectors in inkscape or illustrator.
when I ran my business I sourced through aimless, offset, and desuprint. if you have specific questions i will answer them
the ink roland uses in the BN-20 is UV and weather stable
I did not laminate stickers i printed in house and it took more then 5 years to see fading on the ones i had on my CRX hatch outside in direct sunlight (i think it was closer to 8)

but again, printer and ink is expensive so i dont bother printing in house anymore, I do have a plotter which is way less $$ to CUT solid color vinyl with
in any case its not worth it for most people to step into production, especially right out of the bat.
tfw no crx
I have a CRX, just not a CRX racecar *manly tears*
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Man, it's crazy this is still going. Here's some pictures of my collection that I stopped buying for back in 2018 or so. On another note, would anyone be interested in a collab? I've been doing vector art for this stuff for years and never went anywhere with it,
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>BUT you need to constantly print on this type of printer or the print head locks up with ink and you now have a very expensive boat anchor
I've got an Epson EcoTank and they have the same issue.
What I've done is plugged my printer into one of my linux servers and set an cronjob to print a color test page every 3 days. Print head hasn't required cleaning ever since.

I've made some prints like picrel using cheapy printer vinyl sticker + laminate off amazon and a "standard" home-use inkjet printer. The fuel door sticker survived because its not subject to direct sunlight, but the test ones on my rear glass have already failed after ~ 2 months.
These bring back very sad memories
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My only sticker
home printer ink is pretty gross under UV light
toner lasts way longer but is obviously not suited for the task either
there's some great stickers in there
I really dropped off on designing graphics and mostly mess with 3d modeling now
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Same here friendo, it's the memories that matter now.
Seems like most everyone dropped off on designs. It was a fun time but it feels like everyone's gone their own ways, kinda weird that a few "anonymous" dudes on 4chan of all places hold a special place in my memories. I still encourage artists and would be sticker designers to chase it, it's fun seeing the enthusiasm.

I know it's super autismo but I saved almost everything that I was sent, even the envelopes and what not. Unfortunately at some point something spilled on them when I was moving so they're a bit stained but I still have them and that's what counts.
You aren't alone. Myself and at least one other oldfag kept everything including letters. I don't even drive anymore
Good god I miss the old scene ;_;
It's the end times, lads.
I wish I had purchased triples of every sticker I ever bought just for the memories.
Sold the cars that had most of my old stickers on them.
I hope what makers there still are continue to do great things.
If you don't buy new cars you don't have places to put new stiggers
any powerlevel stickers?
If I end up getting a Supra I'll get some asuka stickers to honor the german and Japanese heritage of the two
I am poorfag right now though
get a mazda 3 and say fuck g*rmans while honoring the jap heritage with the imperial flag
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bit sad, the Komi sticker on my wing is finally starting to cook. lasted a good 4ish years though
buy a 2005-2012 jetta with the 07k 5 cyl and 6 speed auto. the car is german with a japanese transmission
When you stick your stickers on the outside like this, how do you avoid scraping them off in the winter? Just don't scrape that area? Never park outside?
You run your heat and defrost until the snow and ice forms a melted layer on the glass. Then you can use the brush side to wipe everything off.
I have never used the scraper on glass and the one time I used it on a wing mirror I proceeded to crack the mirror.
As opposed to sticking your stickers on the inside?
Who the fuck does that besides teenagers slamming 600 stickers to their airbag cover?
Excuse me, why are ALL /o/ stickers anime-themed? There must be some middle ground between cringy anime shit and cringy amazon-tier shit, no?
I've been asking that question for almost a decade and never gotten a real answer.
All the actual non-anime stickers usually end up being the best ones and sell out constantly but the other people never take the hint.
I've been waiting forever for Empire to restock but at this point I think they're gone for good
Well shit. I've only been here a couple months and I've been waiting for them to restock. Maybe someone will pirate their designs as a public service.
i make exclusively not anime stickers and dont sell shit lol
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Son I admire your dedication, I may have to break out the photo album...
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I think a while ago people were talking about this and a few vendors said that the anime shit consistently sells the best compared to anything else so that's what sticker makers gravitate to over time.
You'd think the anime shit being the best selling stickers would be obvious with how popular anime is to normalfags.
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You can make a girl peek that sells out within hours or a general slap that you might be stuck with stock even after months. Hell, even some anime slaps don't sell.
Demanding 'less anime stickers' isn't going to make any difference if you aren't even the one designing or has to sell them.
If you guys want not anime stickers so much how about make some designs? People used to post designs here all the time and sometimes theyd get made
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I'd like this made symmetrical and turned into a sticker.
What's your site? I would like to look.
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Will they literally just take anything you put in the "business name" section of the order form and print it on the shipping label?
Most of the time yeah, I did "Cock Dick Balling LLC INC LTD Corp." once.
Are you one of the lame faggots that tries just plastering their faggoty brand name across 87 stickers with zero variation except color?
I've never seen someone make a slap of the "with a car, you can go anywhere" meme.
I know kommandostore or whatever it is made patches, but I've still never seen a sticker.
4chan dogwhistle shit is also great, doesnt seem like anyone makes anything related to this place anymore though either.
I don't remember the shop name, it's long gone, but there definitely used to be one that sold that sticker.
i have had a shop for 4 years and havnt even made a logo yet
grandmasterslices.miami everything on it sucks ass. will be releasing new stickers soon maybe
sticky white stuff used to make it
I've ordered from you several times, in fact you are one of my favorite stores I've ever ordered from.
I still laugh every time I see the "hurry on down to bargaintown"
Where do you get theses?
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I just got my car so this is the only one I have now
The stickers I got are really pretty so I wanted a way to reuse them. I was/am planning on getting a new car soon. I used clear plastic tape to stick them on the inside of the window instead of the outside. Looked OK for a while but the sun melted the tape so it's sagging now.
The top line above the name is optional information and doesn't effect where the letter will be delivered by the post office. It's mostly for routing at final destination. For example telling a campus mail room what department to forward the letter to.
I'm pretty sure that all of the stores I bought those from are no longer around, Notori, Waifu-Squad, Loners crew, Bad Decisions Stupid Mistakes, Backyard Tuners, Dirty Drive, and others. So far the only sticker vendor that I bought from back then that I know is still around is INB4chan >>27823613, and like he said, he's not really doing graphic design anymore. Seems like you won't really be able to get any of those stickers anymore.
Osg is over
I know, I just thought it was funny. I picked up the wat "unsafe to drive" sticker for my shitbox because I thought it was appropriate.

If anyone is listening, I wouldn't mind seeing more subtle/dogwhistle stickers. It would be fun to see other likeminded people in my community but I don't want a giant HELLO I POST ON 4CHAN LOOK AT ME sticker on my car.
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Picked up some stuff from KinoKreations for the first time after coming across their page, really liked the look of the stained glass series they have with the broken glass lamination. A good number of the ones I have here were freebies they threw in. Tried to show off the lamination at an angle.
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Tilting the sticker to show the effect
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Also got this hat and they threw in a sticker of the design. Really slick little "kino" キノ emblem embroidered on the mesh in the back.
Retard question for you guys but is there a difference between regular goo gone and the automotive version? I got some left over sticker residue I wanna remove but haven't tried this before.
I've frequently used regular goo gone on car paint/glass without issue so I assume any differences are minor or super situational.
The automotive version seems to have a thicker viscosity but I can’t tell if there’s any difference in the active ingredients beyond that.
thanks bro, a lot of times it seems like the stickers just get sent straight to purgatory so its nice to hear this
are these still sold? the only reverse application stickers i have are from frisky and they're too booby to want to ever apply
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What does everyone use to store their sticks? The options for TCG binder-like items on Amazon all seem to come in ridiculous europoor sizes and a lot of the slots are too small to fit anything that would be /o/ sized. Good for the desu/stay safe freebies tho
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new stock i have a mail organizer shelving thing i put them on
my personal collection i have boxes i keep them in, the do get a little warped tho
I'm gonna try my hand at making hologram stickers. I've got a LBP632Cdw on order, but holy shit, $330 for ghost white toner? How's the Chinese knock off stuff? It's only $65.
toner isn't the best for sticker printing fyi
good for labels tho
Bro that looks sick, too bad there’s basically no way to get the holo pattern to line up with the actual design
that's great, you gonna wear that fishing? lol
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this might be a stupid question since im completely new to stickers

Are there stickers that have the adhesive on the front so you can stick them from inside your car?
and if there are, are those better than exterior stickers with the adhesive on the back?
Yes, these are commonly called reverse stickers. From a physical standpoint, they are identical to normal stickers - the sticker material and adhesive are the same. On one hand, you get to protect it from vandalism and the elements (except for very slightly filtered UV). The downside is that the sticker will appear less vibrant as it is being filtered through your glass, especially if you have any kind of tint or coating. In practice, reverse stickers almost always have some kind of meta design referencing the fact that they are reverse - like a big tiddy anime girl squishing up against your window.
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>Fresh haul came in.
I love dressing like my parents only recently stopped buying me clothes and I don't have the common sense to dress normally.
Also wrecks egos at the gym.
Upskirt on moonroof is another design I see often now
Shipping costs are atrocious

2x the price of a single peeker just to get stuff to Canada
those arent reverse stickers, they just apply them inside the car, you dont see the sticker from the other side of the glass

blame the USPS, its like $20 now for an envelope with tracking
>blame the USPS, its like $20 now for an envelope with tracking

I would rather take my chances with no tracking seeing how a basic first class international envelope is from $3.15 for up to 1oz and $8.xx for up to up to 15.999oz

I'm still gonna order something but instead of getting items from 2-3 different stores it makes more sense to try and get everything from 1 even tho it might not be my first choice in product.
>Also wrecks egos at the gym.
Are you like fuckin jacked or something? Funny as hell if so, you can't say shit to the strongest dude in the gym
I'm still trying to bait one of my coworkers to wear his ahegao hoodie to work. he's been lifting, so I tell him no one will shit talk him if he's buff. unfortunately, I suspect he knows we'll still shit talk him

just offer untracked stamped mail and tell people to suck it if the post loses their shit. I will always risk $3 envelopes, but I will never fork over $15 USD to ship a slap
so i do offer untracked international with a disclaimer about it not being my problem if it doesnt show up lol
the problem comes in when people try ordering large items like banners / 3d printed car parts and i cant just stamp and envelope those
Desu ships internationally for normal reasonable amounts because he isn't a retarded gorilla nigger why can't anyone else work it out huh
ask him and report back
>can't lettermail a cup holder
sounds like a skill issue. jk, glad you offer reasonable international shipping
it's lettermail with desu, that's why. the "problem" is most cookie cutter storefront setups won't offer untracked mail as a default option, and you have to manually put it in. people are lazy, or more likely don't think about it when your local post does inexpensive tracked mail. leafs are more aware because we only have fairly expensive national tracked mail options with Canada Post. also if you're not a faggot, you can just email the seller and, from my experience, they're willing to try to help send you cheap untracked stickers
someone did infact order cup holders for their crx and wanted me to smash em flat in an envelope lol
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i looked through some of the storefronts in the OP
wow some of those stickers are horny as fuck
idk how i could possible put that on a car without being embarrassed
anyways, cool merch, hope the slap community isn't dying or something

any anons run a custom slap service?
I come from /k/ where some anons make custom patches and stuff, so i imaigne there's some overlap?
I have a nerv parking pass I got from nezumi I think
as far as I'm aware you just gotta get in contact with active sellers and ask if they'd be interested in making the design you want
Where can I get one of these?
i cant think of what i really wanna put on my car, it's so tough

how easy is it to peel stickers off if i change my mind?
worst case, a heat gun and some goo gone
best case, warm day and a little patience
if you're putting it on glass, just use goo gone and a box cutter blade to peel it up. it's really easy. if it's on paint, see >>27839261
Lmao how pathetic.
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kommandostore sells a few that are just dogwhistle-y enough that other anons who walk by your car in the grocery store parking lot would tilt their head back slightly and quickly exhale through their nose, but not so blatant that your karen next door neighbor would try and report you to the FBI for being a domestic extremist or whatever (unless she knows what a "bioluminescent entity" is). The dude has some weeb shit too, but that's where the money is these days I guess so I can't blame him.

Honestly though the wat racing stuff is usually my favorite. I like stuff that looks official at a glance but obviously isn't. I wish there were more like that.
bought a sticker from fujiwarastickershop about 2 months ago now. Package never came and tried sending a message and still nothing. I hope it gets resolved. too broke to really buy another sticker RN.
Fujiwara's been radio silent for almost a year now, there's a bunch of people waiting on stickers from like last September. Should be removed from the site/spreadsheet if he's not going to communicate imo
Unfathomably based
I almost bought pic related from that shop like a week ago but bought a different sticker from a different shop instead. I'm glad I did.

Also, here is some free financial advice from anon for anon: If buying a sticker puts you in a position where you will be too broke to buy another sticker than you probably shouldn't be buying the sticker.
well I bought it when it was all right, now I'm in a position where I'm not alright. Things happen, life happens you know.
I did notice something interesting. I think 3 months ago the price was 7.99, then it went up to 9.99 and now it's 15.99. Seems the price is changing so either he's active or shopify has some really fucked up inflation calculator.
When is BSG going to ship my stickers?
old soul republic was always my favorite

i used to put these on my shitbox, "certified" it from 2018 through 2021 when I started to forget ;_____;
He doesn't care about any of his customers and has done this shit twice now, yes he should be removed from everything.
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Took my stickers off a month or so back been on my car for more years than they ahould have been. got a last half ass photo before i did. figured I'd share.

been a while since I've been around but the vendors arent as good. and the posts are getting dumber by the day. take it for what it is

thanks for the good times and the bad times.
A photo album. It has the added benefit of more or less sealing them up increasing their shelf life.
I don't see the ayanami rei nay sticker on their page. link plox?
nm it's on page 4 i just searched it.
day job keeping me too busy to post stiggers
Ayyo Taiga, I'm moving now so I won't be able to receive any mail. I know you were moving and all, but yeah, I am too.
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need some help on stigger production?
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my anus is not ready
Someone make this into a sticker.
Who the fuck elected Bocchi into the White House!? What qualifications could even get her there!? Even Joe could start a sentence.
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which one of you is this?
>black ice matters
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I like LC
What are some subtle customization options other than giant stickers everywhere?

I’d like some more options but only thing I can think of is a few small stickers and a hanger for my rear mirror.
Dash is too small to do anything dumb like the rubber ducks
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She's just a figurehead. Everyone knows (((Ryou Yamada))) is the real power behind the throne.

Stop using that word, that's our word.

If every body panel on your car is the EXACT same color than you don't have a shitbox.
Anybody know any shops that make credit card covers?
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brony faggotry detected
Very cringe, sorry but you have an awful taste/reddit level humor...

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