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How do you people even afford cars?
I don't I drive my parents 25 year old shitbox but it's RWD and drifts at the drop of a hat so IDGAF
I used money
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I drive a 2005 Honda civic. The only exciting thing about it is that it's a coupe. I got it for free, inherited from my parents, so I can't complain. I pay 60 leafbux for a full tank of gas that lasts me 2 weeks of commuting to and from work. Oil change once a year is maybe 50 buvks because I buy the cheapest 5w20 I can find and a fram filter. That's all really, not much to break on the car. I don't know how people afford anything at all in this economy.
>Wake up
>Buy carton of cigarettes (200 cigs) on base for $40
>Bike around the crack spots offering single cigs for $1 until you run out
It's an infinite money glitch.
they don't. most purchases on this board are totally irresponsible, like buying a 35 year old foreign sports/luxury car--how badly do you want to blow your money? like you may as well start smoking crack instead. your wallet wouldn't notice the difference. a BMW from 1990? lol.
I work a trade job, I have money
I have a Union job and I save 10% of each paycheck at a minimum.
have sex with men for $150 a throw
I financed my first car, I paid 250 one month and 250 the next
>fram filter
please get something different. Fram filters are the absolute worst, just watch any video of people opening them.
Parents bought my first car for 8k, still have it 14 years later. I financed 35k of my second car in 2019 and paid it off in 4 years. Now I have 2 cars.
>save money
>buy car
I don't, got a 2 decades old shitbox for free
>use a reliable diesel shitbox
>fix it yourself
>tune it how you like, if it breaks then it breaks.
I get the car then wageslave to pay it off cause all these bells and whistles are pointless cause all it does it take me to work
I drive a shitbox
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I have a job. Make 80k (60k after theft) which isn't enough to afford a car in biden's america
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I feel you buddy. I make the same amount and it doesn't go as far as it should. I have already accepted that I will drive shitboxes my whole life. It's comforting, in a way. No worrying about dents or detailing your car. Someone hits you in a fender bender? That just means you get to pocket the insurance money instead of getting a new bumper (the dents were already there before the crash). Just rip that shitbox up and down the road with zero fucks
How can you not afford a car on that? What are your expenses like, nigger?
you what? I have 2 cars and 3 bikes on a similar budget
The only person biking around selling 200 loosies is a user of the crack spots
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Eh, I only use coke if it's free. Smoking crack is like taking 3 shots of espresso but the coffee lasts longer. I'm more of a downers guy,
By living in a small apartment and not having any social life outside of work.
>in an apartment
NGMI, either live with your parents or buy a home. renting is at an all time scam right now
>save up a bunch of money
>invest it
>finance vehicle at zero down and low APR with the payments kicked out as far as your credit score allows
>sell covered calls on your stocks
>use premiums to pay for car payment, paying off way more than the minimum payment
Worked for my $70,000 truck, my $65,000 car and my two motorcycles.
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You have debt
I buy cool cheap stuff on Craigslist and/or Facebook and fix it myself. I have less money into 3 cars and 3 bikes than most people have into their soulless modern econoboxes.
i bought my first car when i was 15 after saving money for 2 years. it was $1800 and still runs. stop being a lazy nigger and youll have one too.
nta but i also have 3 cars and 2 bikes. no debt and i bring home 40k.
maybe stop living in a shithole like commiefornia and you could afford a car, nigger.
I pay 400 euros a month, I think that's not too bad considering the high cost of living here.
You learn how to fix them. Old euro cars are dirt cheap.
Yeah dude just drive clapped out shitboxes lmao
the only clapped out shitbox here is in your pants
I make $30 an hour and can barely afford a smashed up 2000 Corolla.
insurance is insane, $120 a month after they raised everything 30%+

gonna strike with my union and get a 40% raise. fuck Boeing. no raises for 10 years
We have jobs and we don't buy from dealerships. It's not hard.
We use the banks money and practice a modern form of indentured servitude
“Afford” is a very subjective term.
Could I afford the opportunity cost of replacing my reliable shitbox? Sure, but I’d rather continue saving over 1/3 of my income until it shits the bed, then I’ll buy a nicer car.

Right now you can literally get 4-5% APY ensured by the government risk free.
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I can't, not without putting down a deposit on a usurious loan. Even used trucks that barely run have gotten really expensive.

On the other hand, I can buy a motorcycle in cash, new or used, instead of a car, for much cheaper with savings.

A dual sport can go on highways, country dirt roads, backroads, off-road in the mountains.

Those Japanese bikes are nice, but they are also pretty darn expensive.

Maybe one day I can afford a Chinese motorcycle in cash.

By working hard and saving very diligently.
I drive a renault clio from the 2000, which I inherited from my grandma. Its a shitbox but its MY shitbox
>take bus/bike to work
>save up money for 1 month
>buy a used car for $3K

>work for 1 year
>save up money for a down payment on new car
>pay monthly for 7 years
>fuck boeing
rip anon
They look very nice anon
$120 a month sounds wayy too high for a single driver with 1 old busted rolla. You need to spend a day shopping around and getting quotes. Hell you probably should only have minimum coverage it which should cost less than $40 a month. $30 an hour is still decent and you fags do not deserve a 40% raise based on news.
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Okay, where?
Only buy used, preferably 5-10 years old. The car is now past the lemon period. If it was decently maintained but currently has a number of small problems, it should be reliable long-term but will go cheap because the owner doesn't want to pay a dealer several grand to make the money light go away. Buy the tools and service data and fix everything yourself.
>he say he gone pull up in da benz
>da benz
For good reason, because they're shit
Everyone I know personally with a 'nice' car is in massive debt for a depreciating asset, and they are all wrenchlets

I'm comfy in my 1997 shitbox, feels good man, haven't made a car payment in 20 years, bought 3 houses instead, still runs like a top
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Big fish in a small pond.
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I could turn that 300 into a boss ride in a couple of weekends.
I have a job
How does it feel being the only non idiot in this entire world? Must be a burden.
I've had a job for about 24 years now.
>393 a month for my car
Not bad at all.
I bought one car 8 years ago and paid it off. It is 13 years old and runs fine because it was a good car at the time and I've maintained it.
My other car is almost as old, I paid very little for it because it's a Chevy Impala and they don't sell for much.

Stop spending money on prepared goyslop, number one tip I can give you. A Subway sandwich (in Canada) is almost $20 at this point, it's insane. Cut that shit out and you'll save tons of money.
Get off of this site, boomer, this is for doomed teenagers and 20-somethings who were never going to make it.
t. on this sad site for the last 15 years
They do a job.
A bank job.
Brand new Teslas can be had for ~$500/M. Thats 1week of minimum wage pay
I have a mortgage for less than half the market value of my house but no debt outside that. My credit card unironically has a $300 limit because of no debt or credit history apart from that
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its called a job
is that a cooling duct feeding into your brakes?
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are those cooling slots you gouged into your rotors with an angle grinder?
Fuck I hope so, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
I haven't seen someone use dryer ducting in a car since the F&F era, and the air can't even get to the brakes.
$1 loosies? Jews don't bike...or join the military.
new car priced rise faster than wages
so /o/ is all poorfags or what?
500 a month for 6 gorillion months?
It was a joke. I have heard that in some places (chicago) cigs are about $1 each in stores so it sounded reasonable. Cartons on base are cheap though, so the thought of flipping them has crossed my imagination.
Imagine not being rich after the pandemic
That was obvious. Thats why there's always a hate on new cars
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it's the thought that counts IMO, I like that he's applying himself even if it's possibly making the car worse

i'll be disappointed if he hasn't done picrel too.
I absolutely love his enthusiasm, but I can't stop myself from laughing when I see those pics. I've known a lot of people who did that long ago and I'm laughing more about remembering them.
It looks like a potentially nice suspension setup at least.
yeah something about a shitbox that's totally rigged but also has half-decent aftermarket parts really activates my almonds

it's like my fetish for trashy girls from broken homes. i know they're going to be a huge problem but they're pure bonerfuel.
Progressive and other companies lie to you retard. That price is when you waive uninsured driver. It's also dependent on state. North Carolina has cheap AF insurance while South Carolina and GA fuck you in the ass.
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What's that spell?
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c l a s s i c m e m e

i'm quite the memester myself, well meme'd sir.
doubled my brake pad life
im about to make a splitter using plywood and 3d printed 2 piece diffusers riveted together
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now you're cookin with gas
I do this sometimes in case traffic is shit and I might need a different route
that's what sidewalks are for
Yeah he said it is a shit bucket 2000 corolla, all he needs is state minimum coverage which for me with 2 drivers that each had a totaled out vehicle last year on 3 vehicles was $121 a month. I pay it in full anyways and use a cashback credit card so it would be $110 a month. He needs to shop around.
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You don't need anything more
It's partially electric so it's cheap to run. It's also old so it was cheap and is now paid off.
Post your bank statement. Add up all the retarded shit you waste your money on and that likely equals the lease payment on a nice car.

I've seen people go down the used Volt road. Good fucking luck lmao.
Based. I make the same and put half of it into BTC every month.
Hoping to retire in 2032/2033.
For now, I'll continue to drive me 2002 shitbox.
It's a 2013 to be exact.

It has 157,500 miles and has been nearly flawless reliability-wise. It costs pennies to run and maintain. I'll probably just buy another one when it kicks the bucket.
work 70 hours a week. I dont even like the car anymore because I've associated it with commuting to my miserable job
I make $85k and live with my parents. I give them rent ($500/mo) and pay a couple bills for them but otherwise I have no actual expenses.
I bought myself a nice car because I can afford to make extra payments so I don’t get assraped with interest. I’m on track to pay it off in 2 years rather than the 4 it was financed for.
Could I be scrounging every penny and saving up for a house or investment property or whatever? Sure, but I never wanted to be a landlord and I’m in my 20s right now. I’d rather enjoy a fast car and travel the state and country in it and make memories than live like a prisoner of war so I can retire in my 40s. Some people think it’s better to never live their lives or enjoy their youth and just save up and become financially free or whatever in their 30s or 40s, THEN start doing fun shit when they can’t even enjoy it anymore. That’s fine too. I don’t plan on living long enough to retire, but I will buy a house in my 30s to start a family. My salary is only going up from here and I’m not a retard so it will certainly outpace inflation or whatever else retards bitch about.
Just make more money, it’s as shrimple as that.
I had liquid cash and bought 4 years used from a reliable brand. Got a much nicer car than I would've been able to afford new for my trouble.

Buying new doesn't make sense unless the car you want has generous incentives, is a limited edition, or else has an average owner that doesn't care for it.
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The bathroom
based ciggie delivery man
>fuck boeing
anon shot himself in the head 5 times and fell into an active volcano, how tragic
My parents are stupid and give me money
You should defs start putting money away for a place but you're otherwise right. Your 20's are for fun, once you settle down and have kids, the party is over for the next 20 years which puts the average person at 50-odd years old.
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I really can't. Imagine this, belonging to the top 10% earners in my country, out of 80K my employer pays for me:
>24.5% mandatory state pension
>25% income tax
>10% municipal tax
>4% miscellaneous taxes
and so I'm left with ~$37.5K/year.

Living costs ~$1K/mo if I buy nothing, eat and buy meds, so after not dying I've got $27.5K. Cool new car is atleast $60K. I'd have to eat nothing but oatmeal for over two years, as the "successful" person in my country.
have fun living with your parents until you're 40
which commie hellhole is that? In my country the economy is better. Rather than never affording a car, I get to never afford a house.
Keep hustling, but don't do that. Niggers will murder you for those cigarettes.
>be born into wealth
>you can afford any car of your liking
>live with your parents so you don't have to pay rent or have a house of your own thanks to your parents
>have literally any job
>you can afford to lease any vehicle of your liking
>live in a wealthy country or in a wealthy part of your country where wages are decent
>live in the outskirts of the city so rent is lower, but in a still well connected area so you can /n/ for your daily commute
>split rent with as many people as the house can reasonably accommodate
>have a job that pays at least as the median income of your nation
>have as few expenses as possible
>you can afford the lease of a new shitbox or a used decent car of your liking
There’s nothing grim about enjoying your life while you can, redditor. Have fun being bitter about letting your life pass you by.
You can do both. Save 20% of your income although feel free to make your additional payments from savings.
Buying a new car in cash is mostly a meme. Typically financing it with a large down payment/additional payments is the way to go.
>the only chainlink you need is a FENCE to keep your dumbass from walking out into the freeway
>sell it all, tonight if you can
Pls post moar of whatever this is.
By taking 10 year loans
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Welcome to the glorious khanate of fingolstan
I live in Eastern Europe. I make around 3.7K euro after taxes, which makes me like top 1% in this country lol.
Most people here make around 1.2-1.4k a month after taxes. Gas here is like 1.65 euro for 1 liter.
I don't have a car (in fact first time coming to /o/) and I don't have a license either.

I really don't know how the people who make x3 less than me can afford it.

I assume if I wanted to get a decent used car I'd have to spend around 10k euro (?) and I'd have to spend couple hundred a month on gas and insurance. It just seems insane.
Just buy a cheap piece of shit beater that you can fix up as you go.
i bought a honda
Sure we know that, but we still see people driving their brand spanking new extensions everywhere. I'm curious how people can afford them aswell. This far it would seem they can't, it's just appearances and terrible financials
>. I'm curious how people can afford them aswell
Either they got a good job (unlikely), or daddy rich, or they're internet whores, or they took out a loan like all "influencers" do. I'd take more pride in a car I rebuilt myself than buying some depreciating shit fresh off the lot, in any event. I'd rather have 5 old cars I can do whatever I want with than a Bugatti.
With you on that one, especially now that cars up to 2016 have their telemetry disabled thanks to lack of 3G I'd be willing to even drive one
I remember reading a statistic that the majority of Americans could not come up with $1000 cash or equivalents in an emergency.

I remember meeting this guy that worked as a financial advisor, real big shot supposedly. Wanted to buy an Escalade, even though he made >$300k a year he could not find $5k to put down and we could not get him bought because of his debt-to-income ratio.

Another time this elderly dentist wanted to lease an XT4 for his wife. He owned an office and had like 4 dentist working under him. They show up and his wife is decorated like a Christmas tree, except in expensive jewelry.

Well, they spend 6 hours picking out a car and then grinding for like $100 on a 36mo lease. Terrible to work with. Finally come to an agreement, guy fills out credit app. Puts down $3 million a year as his annual income (I could tell he was a bozo at this point, if you are actually a big swinging dick you just put $100k). After we submit the app it auto declines, he is a fucking 480 credit score.
A 36mo loan
Damn captcha is almost my car model
>save 20% of your income
Are you referring to traditional savings? Because not even the ultimate boomer Dave Ramsey saves more than 3 months’ worth of expenses. Of course I make small deposits across accounts (basic stuff like IRA and a brokerage account).
And I’m not like most poorfag retards on /o/ who are deathly afraid of debt and pay cash for new cars. I get a higher return than I pay in interest on the car loan so it only makes sense to finance.
>Puts down $3 million a year as his annual income (I could tell he was a bozo at this point, if you are actually a big swinging dick you just put $100k)
is that for some accounting/tax reason
36 month loan is like 1.5k on the average new car
Poorfag cope.
Its just being humble, most real players are. Keep in mind, this is a chevy cadillac dealer, we did not have anything over ~$100k. If your credit is good, no income verification would be necessary. To finance anything we had, $100k annual income was more than enough. Once you get past that point, its hard to know what your actual income is (you may have multiple businesses, waiting on a bonus, income tied to performance) so you could just put 100k and have no issues. you know you make more than that, I know you make more than that, but it doesn't really matter and its not polite to make the salesman who makes $60k/yr feel like a poorfag.

most people who made >$1M/yr do not flex it, this guy did. Doesn't matter if you make $3M/yr if you spend $4M.
I pay 95 for a 2006 focus, it's bad just about everywhere
>not even the ultimate boomer Dave Ramsey saves more than 3 months’ worth of expenses
I keep a full year's worth of expenses in savings. If you can show me sauce, I'll take half of that and put it into BTC right now.
then you buy a used car
>you fags do not deserve a 40% raise based on news.
>believing the news
nigga, how is a 3rd party supplier and the CEO Fucking up my fault?
you see any wings fall off?
horizontal or vertical stabilizer fall off?
No fuck off

I do an excellent job in everything that I do here.
yes we will be striking for 40%+ raises spread over 3-4 years
Buy fucked up cars for cheap and use internet to fix'em. Also for cheap.
when I run out of savings next year I’m gonna sell my shitbox and become a busrider hopefully I’ll get stabbed in the neck by a hobo when I ride the bus
>He doesn’t work in tech or coding while comfily working from home
Parents paid for most of mine 5 years ago while I chipped in after working my first job over the summer. Holy shit I’m glad I got my car before the scamdemic.
>I'm curious how people can afford them aswell.
It's debt upon debt. I knew a guy financing a new base F150 and a new GSXR600 on a $38,000 salary. Another guy who made less than that was trading in a 6 year old car for a new SUV (and it had to be an SUV) while he was drowning in credit card debt. I know people in their 50s that are still paying off their house but doing the new vehicle every 3 years thing. I can't believe just how much debt is behind the thin veneer of all the shiny new things we see.
If you're not doing a 36mo auto loan you can't afford it
>1.5k seems low desu
>I can't believe just how much debt is behind the thin veneer of all the shiny new things we see.
I thought the 2007 financial crisis exposed that pretty well.
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I just want profession ideas. Yall not talkin money yall talkin first cars.
You're retarded lol
i only buy cars that cost less than my monthly wage
By not being a NEET. It's amazing what a good job can do for your financial situation.
>oil change once a year
i think he has worse problems to correct aside from the fram filter
Try that now with FFR at 5.25%
Also if the market crashed while you were doing that you would’ve taken a haircut.

Debtslaves really cannot even contemplate market risk.
i make like 35k yearly i just cooked big meals and didn’t spend any money on entertainment or wants for a year then i had enough to buy a cash car for 7,200
10% pre tax to IRA and 20% post tax (and IRA).
I do 6 months of expenses and the excess goes into investments. (Said 20% now goes directly to my brokerage account, like half of which is in money market, bonds and dividend stocks)

That’s the textbook thing to do. I just lumped investments in with saving for brevity.
A big thing people forget is you’re not suppose to invest until you have sufficient savings. IMO you shouldn’t put ANY money into investments until you have a minimum of 3 months savings in a HYS or money market fund. From there you can start investing, but I’d highly recommend shooting for 6 months to a year of savings, but once you hit the 3 month mark, feel free to split your savings between literal savings and investments.
what do normal people spend their money on? I make 40k a year. 1400 mortgage a month, and I'm still saving bundles without a problem. and that's with a crippling alcohol addiction I drink a 30 rack a day so that's another I think 800 a month.
>what do normal people spend their money on?
Well the leaches (family) that constantly need me to buy/pay for stuff seems to be bills, eating out, trips, bad debt, repairs/issues they never budget for, animals, kids they can't afford and stupid services they don't need.
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>inb4 covered calls is literally free money bro
Literally just bonds 2.0 (which everyone hates nowadays)
There's ETFs that do exactly that so we can evaluate their performance. Here's holding JEPI since inception compared to the NASDAQ which it sells covered calls on.

If you just paid for the car with your income and held actual stocks/ETFs you could've mogged your cucked returns of the premium of covered calls. (All of which is taxable as income, if you had dividend stocks instead it would've basically been all capital gains. You're also resetting your tax clock every time you get assigned)

(SCHD and VIG are dividend stocks that paid out 3.5% during this time period)
>make 80k a year in fl
>have a nice house mortgage at 3%
>roughly 300k in liquid assets
>jeep took a big shit
>trade it for 5k to dealer
>get a 2021 tlx at 27.7k with 3 yr warranty and 1.9% rate

Howd I do bros? I really like the car but I'm getting scared about the 480$ pmt a month I'll have to make
Vacations, credit card debt, animals, and medical bills.

All of these things can be easily avoided, you can literally just not pay medical bills and they cannot do a thing to you in the US. I explain this to people all the time and they don't get it.
you're fine bro - do not worry about anything the car is well within a window of reasonable expenses for someone in your position
Yeah I guess I don't do any of that except I had Amazon prime for months without using it and I just renewed my runescape membership a couple months ago and haven't played since lol.
I just avoid all that, vacations are overrated and so is the doctor. he'd just tell me to stop drinking and change my diet. why pay a guy to tell me what I already know? kek. I think it can hit your credit but most people I imagine you're telling about this I bet already have fucked credit so yeah, fuck it.
From experience, it does not hit your credit IF it goes to collections. However if you sign up for a payment plan with a hospital and agree to terms then it hits your credit.
I used to be kinda an alcoholic and one time I fell down (or fell asleep) while on a walk and woke up in an ambulance. they wouldn't let me leave and took me to the hospital. once there, they insisted I get evaluated by a doctor, and after speaking with him they told me I was going to be sectioned for being a danger to myself.

I do have autism and this kind of pissed me off because I hadn't done anything other than be drunk and unconcious outdoors and flirt with the cute latina paramedic.

so anyway I figure I should act with restraint because I did not want to give them an actual reason to really section me (the person who said I was sectioned was not the doctor, she said she was speaking on his behalf, I smelled bullshit). after awhile this cute nurse convinces me to get a CT scan because she said it would make it easier and quicker for me to go home (I had to work the next day and it was like 4 AM at this point). after being left on a gurney in a hallway for an hour, one of the orderlies I was talking to told me if I just got up and walked out he wouldn't stop me.

On the way out they convinced me to come back inside, I think at this point they realized I wasn't drunk anymore and didn't want to get in trouble for detaining me against my will and they could not section me so they let me go (not before swiping my credit card for $150 co-pay).

anyway the whole point of the story is I obviously didnt pay the hospital bill or ambulance bill ($1700 to drive me less than a mile? fuck you) my credit score is like 800 and the fag richard from pridestar ems keeps calling me getting really frustrated because he knows he can't lie to me and threaten me with but he tries to make it seem like there is some sort of urgency (or impetus at all) to pay this bullshit but I can tell he knows I know its bullshit. I just tell him that I charge $30 a second for taking incoming phonecalls and ask where I should send the invoice?
If you want to be super conservative, I'd just sell off whatever would equal the amount left on the loan, leave it in a money market account making 5%.
If interest rates drop or you lose your job, or whatever, just pay it off with that. Otherwise just enjoy the 5% CAGR.

Hell right now I'm selling off my NASDAQ and just leaving it in the money market account. If the economy takes a downturn and the fed cuts rates, then will be a good time to buy back in. If that doesn't happen, I get my FDIC insured 5%.
What so you paid the copay but they still want to charge you more money? How the fuck does this Jewish bullshit "work"?
Get a job, bum
>I'm still saving bundles without a problem
I don't feel right unless I'm saving half of my post-tax income ($2.5k/mo)
I am buy pickup truck
2k dollar
>and after speaking with him they told me I was going to be sectioned for being a danger to myself.
>if I just got up and walked out he wouldn't stop me.
That guy saved your ass. "Voluntary" mental ward stays can cost $5k a day and because they let you go it would have been considered voluntary if you just followed their advice and let them lock you up.
It’s all about to you. My wife and I save around $15k a month but we have friends who are spending that much a month.
Kek I bought my current '06 350z for cash when I was 21 or something after working construction for cash in the summer
8 yrs later I still drive the same z, in mint condition and could probably sell it for more than I bought it for. No need to be wasting money being a debt slave if you find something you like and keep it in good condition
Based. I was just at a construction site and saw a nice 350z parked on the street where the workers parked, but the 0 in the 350 of the badge on the back looked like it had fallen off.
>working construction for cash
IRS jannies seething
you got lucky
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I hiked my rate to $150/HR this year hoping some of my clients would fuck off and give me some more free time. They all rolled with it no questions asked. Government fucked off from hiring me but their contracts go nowhere, retards are probably still running XP
IT consultant?
red pill on doing it independent. I work for a big firm and we only do massive massive projects. I have no idea where to start with doing small or medium scale stuff.
>I'm curious how people can afford them aswell.
It's not just the USA, even here in Aus I find it baffling that people manage to afford the things that they do. Generally our financial and lending regulations are a lot tighter here as well so it's not like people are going out and getting eleventy billion month payments at 18% APR. I make the equivalent of about 100k USD/year and for all intents and purposes I'd consider myself pretty poor - the thought of driving anything more expensive than my cheapo 20 year old Accord is terrifying.

I've more or less come to the conclusion that income statistics simply aren't accurate and people are generally earning a lot more than what is reported, it just doesn't make sense otherwise. I mean the median full time salary in Aus is supposed to be around $90k AUD but I know very few people earning less than 140k or so after side hustles and unreported income are accounted for.
why do you drive trash if you have 300k a year?
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it's debt anon, it's always debt
>I know very few people earning less than 140k
because people generally socialize with people of the same social-economic class as them.
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You really need someone to help you get your foot in the door, I've been doing minor status reporting shit for one of my clients for a decade and built my way up from there. The ladder has long since been pulled up and I couldn't tell you how to make the transition, reputation based work still feels foreign to me. I would tell anyone that it's not too late to drop out of school and work for someone that teaches you something, no matter what it is or how insignificant it seems, become good at something and it will not only make you money but do you wonders psychologically
I've been toying with the idea of loaning $7500 to build credit to enjoy before some war shit kicks off
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I don't fucking care about cars. I used to spend a fuck load and it never got me anywhere. No one had any answers on how to get shit done and certainly not here. Gave up on the nice shit, wasn't even nice just shit that was it good shape. If it doesn't make or save me money now I don't care. Maybe some day when I'm even fucking older I can afford to acid dip my own cars properly and machine parts since no one else will fucking make them but not now.
my car is older than me
You know everyone says that about my house but I literally scraped together all the money I had in 2019 for a down payment when every person was saying "don't buy it's the top of the market"
Bought before the pandemic
I built it myself from the ground up
I don’t know how it is in Australia but most Americans are one missed paycheck away from ruin. It’s very shoestring, and people often have to reach out to family or take on even more debt when things go tango uniform or misfortune strikes.

If you’re just a regular ol working stiff doing a regular ol working stiff type middle income job the bank will let you have these nice things, but far beyond the money you will pay for it in stress and worry. Half the reason people buy these nice cars is to project an air of invulnerability and rise to cover for how precarious they feel constantly.

Tl;dr you don’t know what other people are thinking.
And it might have been had current events not upended basically everything the year after! I’m happy for you anon, genuinely, and I think the lesson to take from your story is the right one. Don’t try to time the market.
>don't want to spend money on rent? just lock yourself into 25 years of debt that shackles you to a single location so you can't relocate to develop your career
yeah wow what a money hack
Since insurance rates skyrocketed this isn’t really the case anymore. I pay more yearly in interest, insurance, maintaining the home, taxes and utilities than I put away in home equity. I love my home, but I recognize that I pay much more for the luxury of enjoying it and the better financial decision would be to rent.

And I have it way better than my one neighbor. The insurance company made him spend a fortune having two trees removed or else they were going to cancel his policy. He did, and no fast forward two years and they cranked his rates so much he can barely afford to stay in his house. And the bank’s insurance requirements are so onerous that he can barely shop around to find new coverage. Trust me, it’s vastly better to let this shit be somebody else’s problem. Imagine going through all this financial hardship to then just have some behemoth company arbitrarily decide to rape your land by making you pay to cutt down two beautiful old trees (this is Wisconsin, hardly a high risk area) and then turning around and basically pricing you out of your own home. These are issues the renter is oblivious to.
its purposefully complicated to confuse people to the point they just throw money at the hospital to get them to go away.

I had health insurance, but it was one of those less expensive plans with a large deductible. Not sure what the modern definition of "co-pay," actually is but the lady just wanted to swipe my card so it seems it was just money I needed to pay them before I left.

Either way, fuck them That hospital is actually closed so they got what they deserved.

yeah, the whole thing just screams to me a business trying to take advantage of vulnerable people. the entire time I was less than a mile from my house, and after begrudgingly getting a CT scan it was shown I was perfectly healthy.

thanks to that guy and the other minimum wage people tasked with hanging out with me while I was confined to a bed in a hallway for who knows how long. they were pretty chill and just trying to do their $18/hr job.

either way I quit drinking specifically so I never get fucked in the ass like that again, it sucked.
guns/gun stuff, car parts, tools, house stuff, land. have to budget for birthday + christmas gifts if you have family/friends.
or pick up table top WH40k for an easy wallet drain hack
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>I used money
i get it now
>I love my home, but I recognize that I pay much more for the luxury of enjoying it and the better financial decision would be to rent.

I wish more people would just say this rather than twist themselves in a million knots claiming it’s such a brilliant financial move. It’s a luxury and imo a worthwhile one compared to consoomer bullshit. If you can buy cash well lol it’s a different story.
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What's all this "saving for retirement" bullshit? Are you retiring at 40? You're going to "save up" so that at 67 you can afford a nicer hospice center to die in? Fuck that. I plan on being a no-spend burden when I'm old, and if they want to tax me out of my paid-for home, well, then it's suicide by cop down at the town hall while doing an AK47 walkthrough. Fine with me.
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you need to go get updoots on tiktok
4chin is boomer territory now
I don’t think it’s this black and white. Get your emergency fund together obviously, then build your portfolio’s a little then work yourself up. Ideally it’s not so much as an emergency fund as a cash reserve at some point. I am six months of my wife and I’s income fully liquid. Some say that’s overkill, I ask what happens if the markets take a major dump and disaster strikes. I’m a pilot, my employment situation is basically always precarious. Medical professionals could probably do with less.
>finance vehicle at zero down and low APR
Someone tell this retard it’s 2024
I don't have a car either, I just post here
by not buying planned obsolescence crap made after 2010.
sour grapes
I absolutely guarantee you that the cars I own are worth more than your entire property.
no one cares about your rusty old shitboxes gramps
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your mum's 2016 corolla is rustier than any of my cars, billy
>what happens if the markets take a major dump and disaster strikes
Then your 6 months will not last 6 months
No refunds goy
he said 6 months of income not expenses.
also 6 months gives you plenty of time to downsize, sell stuff off, cut your expenses further and get a new job if you lost yours. last time I was unemployed I took a part time job that only required like 10 hours of work a week and paid like $200-300/week. I was able to pay like half my expenses with that so theoretically my 6 months of savings could've lasted a year. And I don't even think I cut my expenses much in that time.
Usually something like 10-20% savings rate on net income is considered doable on long term. 30% is pushing it, and as a result, you can't afford a car to go with it.

It might be a good tactic on short term, but generally speaking, it forces to make compromises like not affording a car. That's your answer.
The pandemic was the best thing to happen to me because some boomers sold their property for cheap and I was able to scoop it up but you know I spent decades waiting for this moment. I got a mini Cooper for 4 grand it cost 30 new in 2005. Runs like a dream after some wrenching
/o/ can't even afford a Ford Maverick
>Maybe one day I can afford a Chinese motorcycle in cash.
The cheapest ones are like $1700
Mobile homes aren't houses
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>I don’t plan on living long enough to retire
Sounds like a good way to get ganked by druggies. Do you really think they have cash to give you for cigarettes?
if you put it on foundation then it is
At least college and hospitals are free*
(Only the poorfag ones for the people who can't afford anything better)
What the fuck are you talking about? We don't have paid universities and all hospitals are gov ran. If you mean private basic healthcare, thats mandatorily insured for all employees.
Break bad
Not him but I actually most likely won't. family history seems to dictate I'll be dead b4 I hit 60. oldest male relative I ever had was 61 when he died.
my ancestors are all philanders
but im not
shut up stupid philanders
Chad Chevy Spark appreciator.
I take personal loans out and pay them out over the coarse of a year or two. I know people that sell their cars after 6-12 months of driving them and somehow always end up getting more than they paid getting an upgraded car each time, I don't understand how they fucking do it literally rags to riches wizardry.
only their bank tellers know how broke they really are

It’s becoming harder to get — and keep — a car
By Alicia Wallace, CNN
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Maybe you should join the bathroom, in a bodybag!
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im trying to sell a working car for $1800 obo

and im not getting any takers

it's fucked

ppl are pretty fucking picky
1800 for a 400k milage clunker or what?
these retarded fucks drop their entire paychecks on their method of transportation. or they have daddys money.
Meanwhile, offroad chads see any conditioned 4x4 under 4 grand and walk up cash in hand.
119k miles 30 yr old
When my alcoholic uncle died of liver cirrhosis, I bought my first car from the inheritance.
Also cheap rustbuckets are a thing, and you learn to wrench on them.
have a job
I steal copper and catalytic converters
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Little do they know but you actually can download a car
I bough a used lexus rc $28k in cash
Who doesn't have that kinda cash on hand for emergencies?
have a job that gives you a company car
I simply don't pay insurance
I don't.
I could actually easily afford a car with all the money I've saved by not having a car.

It's 2024
Cars were just a psy-op anyway.
They intentionally designed cities so that in the future (now) people would feel more reliant on cars because it's the only way to justify every single human on earth owning such an expensive hunk of crap to themselves. It's totally unrealistic and unsustainable. We're not going to own cars for much longer and the psy-op designs are being undone in almost every country on earth (except the usa, where I do not live. fuck that 3rd world shit hole).
A Lexus is an emergency?
Wait til you own 10+ cars and have to buy property to store them all and a shop to store all the highly expensive tools like welders presses lathes mills lifts etc
It gets intense, on top of that try other expensive and space consuming hobbies like guns or wood working, you can easily consume acres of space with tooling and cars and various projects, ask me how I know
If you’re Mexican it’s life or death
I drive a truck. Gas is so expensive lately so I've been riding my moto>>27819171
I don't know why you're quoting me about motorcycles because I didn't mention mine but yeah, I ride one for most of my miles.
But yeah the RWD shitbox is a 4.0L, tows like a small pickup truck and guzzles like a big one.
Anyone who thinks that nobody should rightfully be able to affordable run a vehicle should be ground up and fed to dogs.

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