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You're smoking crack if you don't think this looks cool.
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Looks like a fridge
Bad b8
Call me hunter biden then because that looks like some chinese star wars toy
You're smoking salvia if you think it does.
Call me Viper then
Someone needs to do a build where they put a machine gun on the back or something
Looks like something some guy in Ghana would build in a shed over of the course of 10 years
The ultimate pavement princess.
>some guy
>10 years
You can say nigger, but yes given a typewriter and infinite time, monkeys can create shakespeare.
American trucks are all pavement princesses anyway lol.
Very nice. Does it come in diesel
Nope, it doesn't require big government, the military, massive corporations, massive infrastructure, and arab kings to operate.
>a million niggers banging on a million sheets of metal will eventually reproduce the entire works of Elon Musk.
>spend years crying about muh white egg suv for soccer moms
>immediately flipflop because it was made by le evil white racist elon
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yeah looks grat
This. I'm trans and i hate elon, he's such a closet xenophobe. Gas cars 4ever!
wtf are you talking about nigger?
the cybercuck can't do truck shit.
Elon should have made it a fucking Hybrid then maybe it could be taken seriously.
Looks pretty fucking gay.
Despite my dislike of nucars I was rooting for this thing, I really was
>but god almighty what has elon done
At least these things will be cheap and cool as hell in 30 years when less than 1 percent of them are still on the roads
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I don't smoke crack and think the quality delivered is atrocious, but kudos to Tesla for trying something new in the stale car market.
It's the same faggy minimalist iPod Future shit except it's a trapezoid instead of an oval.
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I saw my first Cyber-Trugg today. Was very Impressed!
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I see a trend
It’s too far “out” of the design paradigm. Yes, people look at it. They also stop to look at the Weinermobile. Why not drive a rubber-duck-shaped car if you want to “turn heads”? There was an opportunity to push design outside of the jelly bean, but this will not influence anything.
>before meth
>after meth
it's what every little kid's first attempt at drawing a car looks like
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Then call me the crack king himself Viper because tesla wouldn't know cool if it gave musk a snowjob on stage.

Tesla designs are the cardinal sin same vein as the modern NSX (designed by a woman shocker)
Probably easy as shit to wrap that thing.
>evil white racist elon
If only this was true
I would make a bass pro shops pyramid cybertruck if I had one
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>forged carbon.
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That thing literally looks like a glitch in the matrix
Yeah unfortunately he's a Russian plant instead of that.
>russian plant making the US the leader in EV production and space flight
those russkies sure are smart fellas playing 5d chess
you're slurping tidepods if you think this looks anything but childish
Why did Elon purge 90% of twitters staff before the brand shift to X?

Not like the service was improved or dramatically changed. He's paid off to leave Russian propaganda alone hands off. X is a Russian bot nyetwork. Go skim at people's accounts you'll be surprised how many bots there are
>Why did Elon purge 90% of twitters staff before the brand shift to X?
Because like most techbro cults 90% of staff are completely useless at best or actively hampering work at worst?
Yeah bro twitter was really reeling from the purge of wellness managers
>Not like the service was improved or dramatically changed.

>fire useless fucks
>service stays the same
sounds like a win-win situation
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The Twitter files were literally about Russian and Chinese bot farms btw.

You did read what was inside those files right anon?
I always appretiate it when the molding on the rires isn't alligned with the spokes as it was intended to. Really gives you that Tesla quality vibe.
Every social network, including 4chan, is mostly bot traffic since like 2014, this is not shocking or even news
Don't deflect by being a faggot populist.

Russians are pulling the strings to the united states and retards like you are enabling it
Looks like the a model buffering/popping in like in a videogame lmao
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>that'll be $81,000 + tip
So let me get this straight, Russia is pulling the strings of Elon Musk, the guy behind projects such as reusable spaceships that made Russia's Soyuz rockets completely obsolete, when a while ago they were the only way into orbit? Damn, I wonder what Putin's grand plan is. Will he make Musk install neuralinks in every American and program them to be Putin loyalists?
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it looks like shit but i love how it looks
Nice GTA glitch, bro
good color scheme but honestly it looks fucking horrible on the cybertruck. would look better on literally anything else
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Its okay. But I'm not a fan of mono color.

The coolest ones have better patterns
***smokes crack
>if I pretend it's cool for the 9000th time maybe people will buy it
>dude it looks like it's BATMANS CAR DUDE it's so dope
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>dude it looks like it's BATMANS CAR DUDE it's so dope
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Just imagine how many waifus you could display on those huge panels!
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>doesn't require big government or massive corporations
Well call me Tyrone Biggums because that shit looks retarded
neolibs when they "fight capitalism" by giving their money to a rich con artist for a poorly assembled ugly toy made for rich corpos with money to burn
now I want to see a cybrecuck with a missing tf2 texture wrap
finally saw one irl the other day. its actually laughable how weird it looks, especially in traffic. he cut someone off and I burst out laughing
>You're smoking crack if you don't think this looks cool.

This kind of ignorance is why people hate telsa fags.
I dunno what the fuck you're on, its still the same eggshaped car if you rendered it on a commodore 64.
These things were made for metal recycling, optimum design shape for crushing like a soda can.
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These are all over Salt Lake City now, every person driving them looks the same too, never realized how big they are until I parked next to on in my 22 Tucson (I think it had a lift kit though). Same with pic rel, see a ton of these now. Which one is more of a meme?
>Tfw you can make biodiesel entirely on your own if you have any acreage at all
>Tfw you are never mining lithium for a battery replacement and can't even make a new battery yourself out of scraps.
I see these more often now than cybertrucks where I live. Both are goofy, but I know the EV hummer people just want to be the biggest thing on the streets. I can't make out what's in the mind of a cybertruck purchaser.
Are you also cooking your own engine spec oil?
machine your own replacement engine pistons and valves from your own steel, smelted from your backyard iron ore?
Do you harvest your own corn/rape?
process the sneeds to oil and then to your very own diesel?
That sounds like a lot of work
I would just buy rooftop PVs and plant an orchard or something

>can't even make a new battery yourself out of scraps
You can. Refurbished battery packs are a thing. Most EVs get smashed before their battery gives out.
Isn't that basically what's happening now, but with bugmen?
I've seen one of those at limo place that had an H2 limo. No idea if the guy wanted to stretch the bev hummer or not. I think they can lift themselves so maybe that guy had is all jacked up to show off.
I've seen one cybercuck in my mirror on the highway. As far as I'm concerned they are made up.
This would slap as a wrap on cybertruck.
Also I would like to see first touhou hentai themed cybertruck that really pushes the limits of society shooting the driver for eyesore.
Ya definitely two different consumer demographics, Cybertruck drivers are typically younger/tech adjacent single guys and the Hummer drivers have all been 50 year old Senior VP of Operations at XYZ Corp types with Asian wives. Would much, much rather buy a sick Ram or Tahoe (and still have a lot of money leftover) but to each their own
Definitely, at least half of the cybertrucks I've seen are wrapped in some way. The steel is annoying to care for anyways and gets covered in stains and fingerprints.
other way around
i almost fell for the bait
>You can. Refurbished battery packs are a thing
If refurb battery packs count as doing it yourself, why wouldn't engine/component swaps?
And buying solar panels is much further from "doing it yourself" than buying tools and machining parts.
Garbage bin

The "modern architecture" of vehicles. It certainly looks remarkable, and it has a bit of uniqueness, but the design is ultimately ugly once you get over it...and I'm well over it. Do you really want to compare this to vehicles of the past and actually claim it's an improvement? Imagine a future with all low-poly cars and trucks, would it be better? No way.
It’s the default tires that make it look like trash.
Put good rims on it and it looks 1000x better.
This is the most retarded larp, no one here has engines that can run on biodiesel and even if they do they arent fucken producing it kek.
you must smoke dick to like it
Elon comes from his paypal days of experience.
He figures 9000 chefs in the kitchen doesn’t make the ovens run faster.
He just kept who he thought was most useful and threw out anyone else.

The bots are basically a result of him firing the Jannies who used to manually clean it up (and also power trip as Jannies tend to do)
He either doesn’t give a fuck about the bots or thinks one of the few people he kept will come up with a technology based solution.
Yeah and nobody's living 100 miles from the nearest gas station in the middle of Somalia either, I'm pointing out that it's stupid to pitch EVs as being a better bugout vehicle than a diesel. Because it's not, lol.
the bots are not as bad as they used to be
I remember when like top 90/100 replies on popular posts were bots (or jeets) shilling some garbage scamcoins
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Taiwan did it better
Bro your not gonna believe it
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