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>funding defunct EV garbage with tax money again
Communists need to hang.
>jews strangely silent when oil subsidies and ICE bailouts happen?

its almost as if americans reliance on oil is an integral part of israels survival
Who the fuck is going to buy an electric Harley?
People who want one. Duh.
Bo one, hence the gibs
Building the one anyone ever wanted should cost less than this bailout money. No boomer ever asked to have their freedoms limited by battery range and wait times for charging it up on the road trips.
EVs are gaining market share every quarter over ICE.

Electric Harley's are inevitable.
Hang the communists who subsidies oil companies and bailed out the big three. You wont, you are biased arab.
Just don't buy one. Lamayo
Nobody, which is why they need the gibs
>charging you car at home, on private property, using electricity generated by american companies in america isnt freedom
>being a slave to the kingdom of saud (mossad) is

the absolute state of judeonegro mutts
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Unlike you I am white and have a car.
Post car hand post id; you will never.

FYI Israel hates oil because it strengthens their enemies, Israel wants EVs.
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Consumers don't want EV trash, it's just corporate sloppers who then need to get bailed out.
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Here's your "freedom", now post car hand id.
based Israel, fuck the camel fuckers
>car gets free updates and fixes recalls without leaving my garage

absolutely based
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The already make an electric motorcycle (in its second generation) so I don't what we are funding exactly
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>EV shill can't post car as usual
Go back >>>/n/
Exactly. The dumb niggers shopped it around for like 6 years until it was totally obsolete against the competition, then flogged the failure off to some other company entirely, now they're begging again? What a fucking pathetic shadow of itself Harley has become.
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They still own the majority of shares
So they couldn't even actually sell it, the dumb niggers. They should just hook a dynamo to William Harley spinning in his grave to power their future vehicles.
no shuddup
So you don't have a motorcycle?
So you're larping?
about what
You don't have a motorcycle and you're talking about motorcycles
IDGI, does Harley make something critical to the war economy like Chrystler did with Abrams?
Cvo street glide with knobbies
oh that wasn’t me i’m a different guy
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Im gonna make big bucks selling loud as fuck VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM mods in the near future.
A nearly silent motorcycle in grey or black sounds like a great way to get more cyclists killed or crippled in accidents.
>Electric motorbikes
Sure, sounds kinda cool for like a city bike, sop speed of like 55, 50 miles range, be good for the bugmen to commute on. They'd weigh like 400lbs but that's okay enough
>Electric harley
So a 1000lb road tourer that still only has a 90 mile range, 75mph top speed and also makes no noise and makes you look like a fat old man? Who is the electric harley for?
>fucking organ donors, they nearly took the tow mirror off my truck yesterday as i was driving to the office i hope they all die
>EV motorbikes? no way, think of the riders!
Don't hate the player, hate the game
You type like a nobike
probably because i don’t have a bike
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>supporting publicly traded private capitalistic companies
>wasting taxpayer money on government directed ev agenda
>not communism
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i love /o/ for its surface-level political takes. such a refresher
>noooo we need to stop trying to make widely distributed power generation, tax me and give it to the oil company!
>noooooo we need to get away from domestically produced fossil fuels, tax me and give it to the nu-lectric companies!

brainlets are so charming
Are you poor?
shame, I just got a Kawasaki lol.
embezzle that shit
it's not communism its fascism
Its to keep zombie companies alive so they can compete against Tesla.
I'm not against getting a Harley, its just that they cost more than other similar bikes such as Indian or BMW and you have to buy heap of accessories that other bikes have standard. I like the general style but don't care that much about the brand. In my opinion Harleys at not as uncool as they used to be in the early 2000's.
They do not cost more than indian.
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It's retarded they push this low demand high dollar shit and make the bikes people actually want to buy illegal for street use
Go back to your containment board
Bikefags deserve all the electric jewing in the world. I live in a nice mountain region and a couple years ago some gigantic cocksucker must have included the road through my town in some bikefag guide and since then from May to October those two-wheeled NIGGERFAGGOTS in their stinking faggot suits blast by my house every single day. I swear one day one of those subhumans will eat a steel pipe at 80 km/h and it will be morally justified.
Being poor means owning a bike instead of a car. Faggot.
Not in a first world country like America. :)
You're extremely fucking retarded. Read a book nigger.
>gets BTFO
>gets emotional
Go back >>>/n/igger
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>completely misuses a word like a retard
>gets told to open a book and review the definition
>copes and claim to BTFO anons
Why act like such a nigger?
Take your L and walkablerino back to >>>/n/
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Kill yourself faggot and drop that 'y-you're from /n/' cope. I'm not even sure you're a busrider or even worse, a wetback, so shut the fuck up. That was you last (You) you mangy muttgroid.
fuck you i am gonna make the vroom vroom noises with my MOUTH the way GOD intended
Nobody. If people wanted them, they'd already have started selling them without a bailout. Stellantis has almost TWO YEARS of 2023 inventory still sitting on lots for the Dodge Hornet and they're getting a bailout despite obviously failing because their entire business plan is a failure and injecting money into them is just wasting tax dollars because it doesn't fix the actual problem that their cars cost too much and offer too litle.
Nuclear or bust, kill yourself before you consider shilling otherwise.
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The rube goldberg machine is dying.
>just be a slave to natural gas states instead bro
Swap Saud for Putin, Khamenei and Xi fantastic
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Post car hand id bunkertroon
seethe brownoid
They discontinued servicing the LiveWire my local HD dealer pulled the battery charger out of their parkinglot immediately lmao.
Nobidy wanted that shit, I see HD is trying to corner the turd wurld potmetal market these days though with scooters and all sorts of gayshit.
Indian charges more for their bikes.
Especially their Street and Road Glide equivalent.
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Harley boomer are NOT going to buy that shit, lol. Just stop pretending.
But the storry is from 1988
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>also produces liquid-fuel rocket engines
hang on what
Yes you retarded faggot.
>pushes for communism
>advocates for communism
>donates to openly Marxist groups
>becomes a capitalist by doing it all from a Starbucks lobby
You just know they're going to use the EV battery just for powering a giant ass speaker to make a fake engine noise. Harley is the polar opposite of finesse and class.
>Data from 2026
They literally have to make up data to prove their point
Can confirm. Quality control is also pretty sub par. Not worth what they charge desu
>They discontinued servicing the LiveWire my local HD dealer pulled the battery charger out of their parkinglot immediately lmao.
Sounds like something you made up. Post the dealership.
(wont happen btw)
I know because I'm the one that threw that shit in the garbage for them.
Nobody wants EVs other than suron style dirtbikes.
Pay close attention, kid: we can all tell your story is fake. All you're doing is making yourself look like a cringe little bitch. I get it, you have a dogshit life and it's never gonna get better. But posting fake stories here isnt gonna change anything for you.
Nope I work there and threw it away.
And I mean absolutely nobody wants EV anything.
They could not wait to stop supporting the LiveWire btw.
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Time for Xi Jinping to slap a 100% tariff on American made motor-vehicles...
Sure kid.
Nobody in China is buying a Harley Davidson.
They already tried India and they shut them out for Royal Einfeld.
Thank God btw, any auto company that starts pandering to these bug people starts churning out garbage for nouveau riche third worlders with absolute shit taste.
>tariff a thing that no one buys to begin with
Wow great plan, bud.
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We just can’t stop winning Harley bros

Literally cagie tax dollars keeping literally keeping Harley afloat. God bless America. HYB

Why do you think the space shuttle was so unreliable? It had an Evo motor

But it was probably some other part of American Machine and Foundry
Nuclear is literally the only option, and even then you still require oil as a lubricant for most of everything. Oil is the blood of modern civilization. It isn't just a "evil rich people making money" thing.
You're stupid.
>promote high tariffs
>force companies like Suzuki and Yamaha to manufacture in the US
>absolutely 100% murder Harley

I want this.
Am I stupid, or do you just disagree?
>car gets free updates and fixes recalls
You know a car shouldn't need constant software updates to function, right?
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50% of the bikes on the road in NA are Harley’s dude. If they were affordable overseas they would be more popular there too.

For any reason American rider, all roads leave to Harley Davidson sooner or later, unless you’re actually gay.

I paid $4000 for my dyna and it will last as long as I want it too. There will never be a time I cannot get parts for it. I didn’t start life out on here as a Harley fan. I tried them all, and then I tried their competitors.

Harleys made a few duds over the years but if you do your research you’ll have a bike you’ll never want to replace, and you won’t have to jump through mental gymnastics to justify it.
k a w a s a k i
Congratulations to Harley Davidson for inventing the scooter. Definitely worth the 89 million, right?
Harleys are dogshit bikes from a company that only exists because foreign companies were fucked over and the company gets kickbacks from the government.
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>>force companies like Suzuki and Yamaha to manufacture in the US

Not when you see the build quality
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Let’s see the bike

We’ll wait
>force companies like Suzuki and Yamaha to manufacture in the US
Sorry, if it's not made in Japan, I don't want it
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I'm a comanche. Lord of the plains. Also
>insurgent dirt bike raiding gangs>>>>>>faggot MC harley sissies
Breh, they're already manufactured in like the Philippines or Thailand or something. The Mexico of Japan.
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Only the cheap shit meant for Asian markets
I doubt that.
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Nice squeaky clean Canuck edition Tenny.
Hotwing? More like sissywing.
So, literally no one? Ok, got it.
>me reaching 60 mph for the first time on my bike
They'll just get the Bud Light tranny to be their spokesperson HD EV promoter and they'll smugly and proudly say, fuck you, to their primary client base of the last 100 years
>"Loud pipes save lives"
>Here comes a completey silent ev bike. Uhhhhh....
This thread seems very negative. Post cool bikes
Reminder that EV sales are at their highest ever this year
will they pass the TÜV?
Can I see it?
You guys are in an outlaw MC right?
Can't wait to get my Del-mar CVO model.
40 miles of range, full bagger. Almost enough to take it to the bar downtown and back.
Ever seen a modern H-D? The fucking things are damn near all electric as it is.
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>>27832300 (dubs)
Know a gang of dudes who started on DRZ’s and ended up on Harley’s. Especially if you’re in the Midwest. Yeah you’ll be on one sooner or later. That or you give up riding motorcycle to ride cock. Go ahead and screenshot that cause it’s coming, boss

Got a boat. HYB
Is this the gang of dudes you were hanging out with?
Yeah and you better remember it's about RESPECT!
Harley deserves to die more than any domestic manufacturer. Yes this also includes AMC and Tucker
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No that’s your thing faggot
What are some good saddlebags for a Strom? Ideally I'd like to camp with it.
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Something cheap and improvised

Got some free motorcycle parts today just for the dyna. Bags, passenger legs with brackets, highway pegs, extra shocks I won’t use and all the required hardware. Exciting. All needs fixing up but that’s what we do bros
>Electric Harley's are inevitable.
Electric hogs are literally retarded. The angry farting noise is a sine qua non component of hog ownership experience. Anybody wanting an e-motorcycle can already buy one from another brand.
As anon here said: >>27828157 it's just a corpo bailout, greenwashed as "environmentally-friendly action".
>muh truck
>muh guns
>muh heckin doggo!

the male equivalent of food, gym and travel roasties on tinder
They got started post-WW2 making recreations of the same bikes they made for the war effort.
But that was back when the country made things.
we are closer than we realise
we will live together
love together
laugh together
pretty much every commie country immediately descended into a oligarchical dictatorship.
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Reminder that communism doesn't work and you cannot post car
Guns, trucks, dogs, and bikes are cool though.
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I'd be interested. e-bikes are great for getting around the city. Pic is a surron, harley would be cooler.
Keep your faggy toys off the fucking roads.
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More importantly how are Harley going to synthesize the noise.
I fucking hope so no more bailout money goes to HD ever after they commit suicide by throwing away current customer base in an attempt to capture an imaginary one just like Bud Light did.

The sound smell and vibrations of V2 will never be replicated and those are great part of the journey where the ride is more important than destination and riding in glorified electric scooter alone after 99% of your MC didnt care to wait for you recharging the battery to be able to continue another 90 miles before recharging again and again.

Maybe electric harley owners can start their own support group so you can wait even more and longer as a group when not everyone can start charging at the same time because of limited number of chargers available at any given place.
Isn't a huge point of getting a harley the sound of the engine?
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Here's the reason why they got the money.

Its to pay for their DEI initiatives
Yeah, and by 2012 the Statue of Liberty will be underwater
The Venn diagram of
>people who are into harleys
>people who want an electric motorbike
Have virtually no cross over. Harley fags like being loud and annoying.
>comparing a prediction to a measurement
Ok Mr grumpy nobike.
I think hardly sold less than 30 livewires total so not very many people. Shills won't rely to this cause the actual number is more like 15
Much like budlight (and all alcohol) the traditional user base is shrinking fast with NO replacement. Hence these desperate moves. anyone still buying is stockholmed and wont quit.
t.owns an inherited 1980 XL500 and a Hawk 250
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Im sure young men are lining up to buy a bike from STACY.
Do single women even think of motorcycles?
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Scroll down and I found just the type you would!
Oof HarlyDavidson Ebike can ride for 145-95 miles, and then take 11 hours to charge off 110.
This costs 22K$
They do, I met this one single mom who's into motorcycles, has an old Royal Enfield Bullet she rides around during summer
satan go ride your zero
>retarded brain bucket helmets
Every fucking time lmfao
It’s like Hurrley riders are committed to looking like massive tools everywhere they go
You've been hired by Harley Davidson to name their new all electric motorcycle. It has to have a name with a Harley feel to it

What do you name the bike?
The electroharley
Found this lmao
Electra Glide
Chinks fast, go trademark this so HD does not get it first.
I rather see this name go to waste in some chang moped from aliexpress/amazon than any success to HD with electrification
Not the point, I don't give a fuck about commies.
That's thoughtful of Iron Horse, they've set up a slalom course for you.
>Harley Davidson getting another bailout
Such things are part of the "Green Initiative" wastes of money Trump spoke about in his RNC acceptance speech. He mentioned the huge wastes of money handouts under all those Green initiatives of the Build Back Better spending plan. Too much money printing increased inflation. All sorts of companies then created ways to suck up the "Green Initiative" money to pad their profits.
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>the traditional user base is shrinking fast with NO replacement.
This. Xoomers prefer the endurotourerfag aesthetic (they all watched the Long Way Round, the Long Way Down, and decided to buy a GS), millennials are risk-averse, so they don't like motorcycles, and zoomers go for cheap second hand nip sports bikes.
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>Stopped at a busy intersection
>light didn't turn green for me because I didn't get the sensor to recognize me
>full cycle passes
>still red
>everyone is honking at me from behind
>I just run the red light and didn't look back

I just wanna have fun and make frens, just for everyone to honk at me over something I can't control. I feel sad.
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>inb4 brushed motor with mechanical speed controller and lead acid battery's
>he doesn't park his bike over the left/right edge of the detection loop diamond/circle
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so how many MCs are actually involved in illegal activity
i like "jacket with cool logo" but "potentially getting involved in murder" sounds not-ideal.
oh wait, I thought this was the bike general.
ah well.
The vast majority of mcs are posers. Pretty much just HA and bandidos could potentially get into sketchy shit and even then it's probably pretty rare.
Lol at this larper
You don't know what you're talking about, kid.
Lol, ok faggot.
Ok nobike
>Paul Harrell

I will be exonerated
Congrats on making shit up like he does.
Harley Davidson Bolt ###.
Give it a CC equivalent for the number. Start small with one that's just big enough to not be seen as an electric bike. Then make a midgrade, something about as big as a sportster. Finally a big chonker for whatever reason. Obviously a touring bike is out of the question so don't bother.
Make them simple as dirt. Electric motor, battery, brakes, throttle. Analog gauges. As little plastic as they can. You can look at it and see how it works at a glance, with nothing you don't need. It's called "Bolt" not because of the tired lightning bolt motif, but because of a philosophy that nuts & bolts are all it needs.
we've got plenty of oil in the USA. likely more than we could use in 1000 years. oil isn't scarce in the slightest, unlike lithium for these jewish chink EV batteries. jews hate US oil because pumping it provides good living wages for white middle class workers.

>basedjak.jpg you were warned you must view this warning to post again
jannie genocide when?
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Just found out HD is woke AF.

the company will literally die with boomers
nobody under age 60 sees any value in these bloated overpriced pieces of shit
Got my harley for cheap. Love it! :*
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I'm not reading that.
Love my harley though
Your employer is woke sar.
Who do I work for?
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>Got my harley for cheap. Love it! :*
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Literally me. <3
in pa they made a law that if youre at a red light for x amount of time (don't remember how long) you can treat it as a stop sign for situations like that and malfunctioning lights whatever. imagine other states have similar laws.
99% of Mc are not outlaw clubs. hence the 1% patch the oulaw ones wear
seems like it's left up to interpretation which means I'm not gonna do it cause I know cops will be pigs and skrew you over anyway. now I know though I spose
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Harley Davidson should branch out and become America's Morgan.
Ok boomer

the amp
0-60 in .5 sec
same battery as a semi truck or rv camper
only 10mm bolts
sell it at chebby dealers to mexicans
sell it in mexico first
Fuckboi 069
wat? I am a boomer I was told my age doesn't matter it's a state of mind but how the fuck does a simple statement of fact indicate that?

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