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any advice to get through it?
listen to all of taylor swift songs x5 unironically.
Caffeine only makes it worse
Menthol smokes, coffee, empty gatorade bottles, and some hard candy to munch on when you can’t smoke anymore menthols

t. done the 22-24hr drive from MIA to CHI and back multiple times
The hardly any sleep part sucks. You’re gonna get drowsy.

Just load up the podcasts and let er rip.
I think meth is what truckers use for that
Also if you have the option, time it right. Doing that drive, I always leave around 10am so it’s after AM rush hour when I begin and when I end. Atlanta is about halfway through so I’ll hit ATL at like 10pm and not during PM rush hour. And then the last 4-5 hours of the 24hr drive, when my eyes are really glazed over, the sun starts coming up and helps. If you’re doing the last couple hours after midnight, it’s easier to doze off.
It truly amazes me that the world is full of short-sighted retards like yourself.
Get some sleep. Your 14 hour drive isn't worth risking your life and the lives of the people around you.
>any advice to get through it?
unless you have an invading army marching across your country just don't do it, otherwise its just piss-poor planning
Take a nap at every supercharger stop and use autopilot.
Scream the entire time
yeah, only need 5mg though or you'll be tweaking
OP here, I refuse to let the EVtrannies win so I will not be stopping to prove a point.

I WILL drive 14 hours without stopping, I will NOT stop for food, I will NOT stop for gas. An EV is NOT suitable for me.
5 times or at 5x speed?
5 times over or however many times you can fit all her songs in 14 hours
That's literally nothing lol
Ideally you would get some sleep before the long drives. But 4 cigarettes, 4 L water, some vitamins and a 4 coffees can get me through 24 hours of driving. I do stop for food and pissing tho.
Ps1 driving games have better sound tracks for that.
>six pack of energy drinks
>case of water
>fleece blanket
I regularly do 22-30 hour pushes, but I also know that if I get too tired at the 26 hour mark, I take a 45 minute nap at a rest stop.
>stop only at big franchise truck stops, pajeet stations are serious morale killers on longer pushes
>always refuel above 25% fuel tank so you have enough range to get to a truck stop, smaller stations are not always reliable
>restroom breaks during refueling, even if you don't feel like it
>eat hot meals, if you have time go eat at a restaurant there
>trip planning reduces uncertainty
do little naps inbetween
or at least do a power nap for 1 or 2 hours
stop whenever you feel too sleepy and take a small walk outside or do a nap inside your car
caffein won't help you that much if you barely slept you body will not work properly so take care
And you need to go back to bleddit
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The fuck wrong with you nigger?
the goal is to keep you from zoning out

coffee, water, snacks
pause in petrol stations to piss
diverse playlist so you don't zone out, try to sing along / hum some of the musics
call someone or be on a discord call with someone
rest stop every 2 hours; don't pass up a gas station if you're in a remote area with ~1/2 tank of gas
I recommend sleeping as well as you can beforehand and taking a nap in the middle
Try to stop and take 20ish minute naps every now and then, but ideally don't take such a stupid risk in the first place if you know you're going to be exhausted.
> 24 hour drive
> 4 cigarettes
you must have incredible willpower id want like 3 packs for that drive
did a 16hour(1600kilo) roadtrip across europe multiple times with friend with me doing usually between 700 and 900 kilos.
my tips are
Cold is your friend
>Energy drinks
Id drink a can of rebull every couple of hours.
>Bangin stereo
idk how expand this but helps
idk how feasable for you but having someone to take over driving even for few hours is great thing to have.

Some advice ive heard but never had a chance of trying out myself
>Sunflower seeds.
I was told fiddling with them gives you enough stimulation and since its sunflower seeds, you can eat them near indefinitely.
ofc i mean ones in shells.
I was told that even 30 minute nap is more than enough to help you drive for longer.
Im not a smoker, I just have one or 2 on long drives. 4 on really long drives. Also I get organic additive free cigarettes, so maybe more harsh and less addictive. My mother lives far away, so I usually smoke a cigarette on the way there, and then she smells the smoke and nags me about how smoking is bad, alcohol is bad so I end up smoking a couple of cigarettes and sippin a vodka till she moves on from the subject. But then ill go a month without smoking or drinking.
Lot's of benadryl and sugar
The nap thing is legit.
Good alignment, if your car tracks straight and the road is straight then you can just snooze behind the wheel
I heard redditors apparently breath, so that makes you a redditor too.
Go fucking back faggot.
Start your trip before sunrise, like 4am. Seriously, it helps a lot.
something like this also though i think4 in morning is too early.
Id say you leave around the time you normally wakeup and get to your destination around time you go to sleep
then your day cycle doesnt get interfered too much
Don’t. That’s how accidents happen.
yeah, if you leave between 6 and 8 in the morning, 14 hours is totally doable
yeah on the trip i used to do with my mate we would leave around 0700 and be at destination around midnight ish
though id have to leave home around 0500 since we both had to travel around 2 hours to meetup
stick your head out the window and SCREAM as loud as you fucking can
blast the ac
stop and do jumping jacks for a few minutes
play loud energetic music
chug water and hold your pee until it hurts
Why do you measure a road trip in weight?
Probably to take a nap if you get tired.
14 hours is brutal.
Heres how i did 18 and 20h drives on a manual, almost no sleep the day before, no stops for napping

>friends helps a lot,
>but depending on yor age and overall fitness, you can totally go alone

yes those factors play a role. im late 20s, thin, and i regularly exercise. if youre old, fatass or have a diet of a toddler your results may vary

>full tank before trip
>calibrated tyres,

less fuel consumption and less stops.

>good mpg car helps

most of delays happen because 1.traffic 2.stops for fuel/eating 3.toll booths/roadblocks
you d be surprised to learn how much time you spend stopping for lunch
>no stops for eating. have apples and bananas on the passenger seat plus a soda can full of cold water.

easy to eat while holding the wheel, lightwight, no post eating fatigue that usually happens with carbs or proteins. plus an apple has the same stimulating energy as 3 cups of coffee. i eat the seeds also. i cant sleep even if i try to.

>stereo with cool flac playlist downloaded from soulseek

bad song bitrate/bad stereo starts to hurt after like 10h of listening

>dont be afraid to stop for a nap. 3h can get you like more 8 hours of trip

be aware that the final 200 miles or so start to be very dangerous if youre tired. the danger of fatigue is not just sleeping at the wheel: when youre tored, your judgement and reflexes are impaired. you become dumber and more prone of making mistakes. you pay less attention on the road and can make some really stupid decisions you will just realize after you wake up and thay you wouldnt normally do. in a way its like driving drunk. which also reminds me

> put waze on and opened all times, and let the gps scream at every alert, cranked to 11
>hold your pee until it hurts
oh man had to do this once, never again
I drive 14 to 16 hours daily Monday thru Friday. Log truck driver. If you're really at point of nodding off, 30 minute nap.
If you really want to know the secret of 80 hour weeks of driving: modafonil
Can obtain from India. Good luck!
I would add, the people recommending nicotine are right on. If you don't smoke or chew, try some low nicotine snus. Nicotine can really help. Avoid cannabis and alcohol, obviously.
Just modafinal desu
>any advice to get through it?

smoke cigarettes when you get tired. The act of smoking combined with the sensory stimulation of the window being open and wind in your hair especially at highway speeds will wake you up and prevent you from sleeping. However in my opinion if you get to that point you have about an hour or two left to drive safely max. I've never fallen asleep at the wheel (except for once in high school while stopped at a red light), but it happens. Safety is more important, if you are tired, pull over and rest.

If you're open to doing drugs then something like Adderall a few hours in might really help you out, this also goes great with coffee and cigarettes while driving
>>be aware that the final 200 miles or so start to be very dangerous
honestly this
the closes ive been to falling asleep while driving was one time when I had about 100 to 150km left till usual switch point.
I did somehow managed to pull trough but it was bad by that point.
easier to say than the trip was an average american long
play high-tempo music really fucking loud and sing along. Force yourself to sing along -- you'll start to zone out otherwise. Bang your hands on the wheel and console and shit like a freak like you're drumming. Anything to force your body to maintain ongoing attention
Short naps/rests at rest stops really can help, a lot. Stand up, stagger around, sit back and close your eyes briefly (if you refuse to sleep, set a timer for 15min or so on your phone so you won't fall asleep), then get up, move your muscles.
If you have a normal sleep schedule otherwise, don't drive within like 1-3 hours after whatever time you'd normally wake up. Maybe this one doesn't generalize to everyone, but I find that's when shit hits me the worst. Sunlight is otherwise very helpful.
Obviously try to sleep a lot ahead of the trip, if possible.
If it's nighttime and the hallucinations have started (shadowy creatures moving at the corner of your vision are the first step when driving, for me), please just sleep. But if you won't, at least take a nap like the above; it'll help.

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