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I need a car for traveling between my properties in the US. It’s a 4 hour drive and I will have up to 3 passengers and 2 medium/small dogs plus luggage with me.

>room for passengers, dogs luggage
>AWD - needed to traverse mountain pass in winter (otherwise chains required)
- decent fuel economy, have other cars for power (hybrid maybe?)
- massage seats and other luxury gimmicks (this is my family road trip vehicle)

What would anon get?
A full-size 4x4 SUV
Either Lincoln, Volvo, or Korean. Volvo has a notoriously frustrating screen based control structure. Koreans seem to spontaneously combust. Lincoln is a somewhat nicer Ford and has few platforms of its own
Maybe the new LX or CX90, but I trust the Toyota turbo 6 less than I trust the Ford offerings
Toyota rav4 hybrid
Do they make them with good fuel economy these days?
The Volvo xc90 looks nice and has good mpg. The new Lexus GX looks pretty cool but not as good fuel economy.

Do any of these brands have good driver assist features? The Tesla autopilot is really nice on road trips.
I will warn you that Volvo motor mounts, and their twin charged high boost motors, were probably a practical joke that accidentally made their way into a real project. Think less than 50k miles on a motor mount
Realistically? You've just described the perfect use case for a minivan.
Best you can do is a Tahoe with the Duramax. They can do over 20mpg. Bring your wallet they are not cheap
chatgpt, tips for improving:
- don't switch the leading character when writing a list (">" to "-")
- "have other cars for power" wtf
The question you are asking was answered nearly a century ago: Chevy Suburban. And this is coming from a Ford guy.
gmt400 suburban diesel 4wd
I’ve been writing a lot of lists recently (annd not using 4chan) and switched to hyphens since that my go-to over asterisks. You understand that sentence meant, I’m on vacation and too lazy to edit or be more verbose
I like the idea of minivans but not sure there are any luxury ones on the market
Chrysler Pacifica.
Kia EV9
Even the V8 Hoes get 20+ easy on the highway. The Derpamax gets close to 30mpg highway which is better than a lot of small 4cyl crossovers.
AWD Toyota Sienna. Also allows you to more generally use it as a group shuttle for visiting friends and family.
Don't be a faggot
Get an old school station wagon, throw the kids in the trunk and let them have fun banging around back there.

>luxury bullshit
fuck off, old landboats are the comfiest shit in the world, roomy as fuck.
>fuel economy
shut up
Minivans are stupidly overpriced, shitty on fuel and generally suck at hauling people and cargo. Their rear springs are always way too soft. I always see them travelling loaded down the highway with like 5 degrees of negative camber in the rear. They're designed to carry little kids, not adults.
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Posted entirely unironically, see Yukon Denali and Escalade Platinum if you want AWD and luxury gimmicks.
>suck at hauling people and cargo
full retard
retards like you are the reason the compact cuckover exists
Why do you think chauffeur companies run SUV's and real vans and and not minivans?

No? Those exist because sedans are fucking useless. Medium and large sized cuckovers exist because they're just better than a minivan.
everyone point and laugh at this nigga
Feel free to prove me wrong with some true facts.
Fact is you're retarded
C'mon little guy. Use your big boy words.
ok, mentally deficient
You could have just gave up 5 posts ago but good effort.
Why would I do that? Did you forget where you are again? It'll be okay, just stay where you are, someone will come get you.
How about you stop rambling like a retard and have an actual debate against my point?
What point? I said retards like you are the reason we have crossovers, and you said a bunch of retarded shit in defense of crossovers, proving my point. Why would I argue against that?
>shitty on fuel and generally suck at hauling people and cargo

Did you even bother to look up the specs of a modern Toyota Sienna before making that post? Please direct me to the next vehicle on the current market with has 160 cubes of interior space that gets 36 MPGs combined and starts under $40k. I'll wait.
I hate both crossovers and minivans. That doesn't matter though. One is still better than the other. Picking the shittier option just to be different just makes you a stinky hipster. Or your wife wears the pants lmao.
You are 12 years old and have never owned a minivan or a crossover, or a car for that matter.
Man really said
>DUHHHHH I saw a shitbox minivan with bad suspension on the highway once, they fuckin suck at hauling people
>Medium and large sized cuckovers exist because they're just better than a minivan.
in what way specifically?
easier to flip when your kids won't shut the fuck up kek
I don't need to go by the "specs". I see what they do in real life.

>160 cubes of interior space
Most of that is coming from the higher than a crossover roof. Minivans have fuck-all for cargo room with the third row up and comparable to a crossover cargo room with it folded down.

>gets 36 MPGs combined
Who's ass did you pull that out of? They're only doing 32mpg on fuelly... In the real world or with your dumbass wife driving that number is going to be 20mpg if you're lucky.

>starts under $40k
So fucking ignorant lol.

>gets proven wrong
>y-you don't have a car
Who's 12 again?

What part of "always" did you not understand?

>more engine options
>more ground clearance
>more tire options
>better towing and cargo capabilities
>better AWD systems
>better trannies
>way cheaper
Chrysler Pacificas are nice
>>better trannies
this is the part you really care about, be honest
tahoe or suburban/their gmc/cadillac rebadges
Minivan for sure. Toyota hybrid.
>>more engine options
>>more ground clearance
imagine thinking "more ground clearance" is an inherently positive trait when talking about a vehicle meant primarily for moving people
>>more tire options
>>better towing and cargo capabilities
most people have no reason to tow anything, second claim is just false outright
>>better AWD systems
irrelevant for vast majority of people
>>better trannies
see above
>>way cheaper
you're one of those retarded suburban white women who thinks a "higher driving position" makes your car safer aren't you?
>Those exist because sedans are fucking useless
t. busrider
>imagine thinking "more ground clearance" is an inherently positive trait when talking about a vehicle meant primarily for moving people
OP said he intends on driving through deep blizzards and mountains passes you stupid fuck. How would less ground clearance be beneficial in a situation like that? Proper tires with sidewall and better awd systems would also be pretty fucking beneficial. How about you try contributing something useful to this suggestion thread instead of shilling a bunch of bullshit?

You think that's the only reason why they prefer a taller vehicle? Have you tried loading a child into a car seat in a sedan that sits 2'' off the ground? You fucking incels need to grow the fuck up. Oh and learn some fucking physics while you're at it. Getting t-boed and rolling is safer than taking a 6000lb trucks bumper to the fucking face.
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>blatantly wrong information
>reddit spacing
like pottery
You're really pushing for that cuckover, aren't you? Be honest, how old were you when you gave up?
>Getting t-boed and rolling is safer than taking a 6000lb trucks bumper to the fucking face.
it's actually not, like not even a little bit
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>Have you tried loading a child into a car seat in a sedan that sits 2'' off the ground?
I've never owned a vehicle that sits 2" off the ground, so no.
Please understand, anon is a 70 year old with a bad back and 6 toddlers to load into his cuckover. Please think of septuagenarian dad's poor spine.
Leran how averages work you fucking dunce.

>Based on data from 84 vehicles, 2,149 fuel-ups and 890,429 miles of driving, the 2023 Toyota Sienna gets a combined Avg MPG of 32.36 with a 0.21 MPG margin of error.

I think OP should buy a truck or a real SUV. But if the choice is between a minivan and a cuckover I'm going to pick the better option.

Prove it. Go on the NHTSA archives and find me a case where you were better off in a small vehicle against a larger vehicle.
You're better off not crashing like a retard, easier to do in a car you can actually see out of kek
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>Medium and large sized cuckovers exist because they're just better than a minivan.
Why in the fuck would anyone care what the average fuel economy of a bunch of retards who drive like dumb faggots and don't maintain their cars is? That's not going to change what the car is capable of when you aren't a retard.
Okay that's nice but how is that relevant when another dumbass bimbo crashes into you? Why even bother with a vehicle at this point? Why not just paki-stack your family onto a moped?
Anon I don't know how to explain to you that it's extremely easy to just not wreck your car if you aren't retarded
how many cars have you crashed this week? Be honest
You own multiple properties in the mountains, with two dogs. Why is this even a question for you?
You people have some pretty serious issues. In the end the sales numbers don't lie.

Anybody bothering to upload their fuel mileage to fuelly is a hypermiler. That means the worst results you see are still better than what you're getting in the real world. You would think that would be common sense but I guess it isn't.

Don't you got some Simpsons to watch? Let the adults speak here.
>sales numbers determine quality

how many cars have you rolled over recently anon, answer the question
imagine trying this fucking hard to defend the compact crossover of all things, what a fucking fag kek
>he thinks normals buy cars based on objective facts

You must be 18 to post here
I've had vehicles up on 2 wheels before but I've never managed to roll one what for being good at driving. Only a busrider would think that rolling a modern vehicle is easy.

Whatever you say minivan cuck.
>car manufacturers realize they can jack up prices for mediocre sedans by styling them to kind of sort of look like SUVs but without any of the actual practical advantages of SUVs and retarded consumers won't understand what they're paying for
>they steadily replace every vehicle in their lineup with these vehicles and keep pushing prices higher and higher to squeeze more money out of dumb retards by marketing them as "safer" and "roomier" when they objectively are not
>sales for crossovers increase by merit of being the only cars available
yeah bro, they must sell because of how good they are
>I've had vehicles up on 2 wheels before
they're not supposed to do that, learn to fucking drive retard
>only a bus rider would think rolling a modern vehicle is easy

It is if you drive a cuckover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIzrVcZH07w
You're typing all this as in incel though. Things change when you grow up and have a family. PS anime pillows are not real kids.

They are when you make them do things they're not supposed to do. It's funny how people here are giving driving lessons when there's 10 "I can't pass my road test" threads a day.
Now show me a white person doing it.
>Things change when you grow up and have a family.
the state of the automotive industry and their jewish practices change when I specifically have a family? Shit, if only I'd known the way to bring back non-shit cars was to shit out a couple kids...
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>They are [supposed to do that] when you make them do things they're not supposed to do
You do know what performance driving is, right? Outside of Forza of course. Things are going to get dicey when you're taking clapped out old SUV's around forest roads at rally car speeds.
You ride the bus
anon, the same nhtsa that you tell us to go look at even says rollovers have a higher fatality rate than any other type of crash
>find me a case where you were better off in a small vehicle against a larger vehicle.
That's nice. You're still not rolling a modern vehicle. The chances of dying by something bigger than your vehicle are exponentially higher.,

Okay now reverse that situation. What's going to happen when that Tahoe t-bones you? That's how you get a head crush maximum.
>Okay now reverse that situation. What's going to happen when that Tahoe t-bones you?
the exact same thing, except with a lower chance of rolling
even if EV fires occur less frequently than petrol fires, i still would like to be able to put it out with a fire extinguisher.
>head crush maximum
...except that new cars have some seriously impressive side impact protections. higher vehicles tend to just go over the smaller car, which also increases the chances of a rollover lol
but anyway the point was that if the lady in the tahoe was driving a regular sedan or hatch her car would've just spun out instead of rolling over
Google "crash incompatibility" you fucking retards.
That's nice. You're still getting great side protection in a modern vehicle. The chances of dying by a rollover in a bigger vehicle are exponentially higher ,
Guys, why are you still having the thread when I already gave the answer here?

It's literally perfect for OP. AWD. 1st and 2nd row massaging captain's chairs. Third row for the dogs. 280 mile range which should get him there in one shot or with a quick few minutes top off while being way better MPG than any ICEV could ever get.
An EV SUV is less likely to rollover than an ICE minivan by a whole lot. Their crash safety is the main reason they are superior to ICEVs IMO. It's way better across the board but especially on rollovers. The low mass from the battery makes it almost impossible to tip over. In fact some EVs that have been tested, they literally can't get them to rollover with the testing equipment they have. The mass of the battery is also extremely useful for side collisions because it's like having an engine everywhere, the mass of the battery absorbs the impact. They are also way less likely to catch fire in a crash despite what your memes might say.

EVs are just an advance in technology. Massive efficiency gains, massive safety gains, massive benefits to the environment and air pollution. You have to be a retard to lap up all the oil company propaganda and hate them.
Toyota Highlander Hybrid AWD, mine handles the snow in Utah just fine. Not a *ton* of 3rd row room though, there's the Grand Highlander out now so maybe look into that
Cool story bro who the fuck asked though?
the only environmental benefit is air pollution in a populated city. the battery manufacturing and disposal is bad and toxic
EVs have an environmental impact, yes and pretending otherwise is retarded, but there is a clear and well-measured break-even point where they are less harmful over the life of the vehicle, there is tons of data confirming this.

Everything has an environmental impact, nothing is 100% "clean", it's all about balancing pros and cons. From a pure harm reduction standpoint, hybrids are the clear best option for the vast majority of people currently, but as time goes on and different factors change like energy generation and battery manufacturing methods, the numbers around that will continue to fluctuate.

I don't give a fuck about any of that though, my car is cheap as fuck to charge never having to go to a gas station is convenient as all fuck. I don't give a shit what anyone else buys/drives though, do what you want.
Polestar 3. Sex appeal, functionality, and drives like a sports car. Poorfags need not apply
tons of data by the same scientist who claim cows are bad for the environment and beef is unhealthy food?...

btw i also have an tesla and it's terrible for anything outside of the city. it's do-able with the supercharger, i've done 800 mile in one day. but i just don't have the patience to wait around supercharging. it's tiring, limiting and annoying. it's also shit in cold weather and you just can't go certain places because there is no where to charge conveniently
>What would anon get?

Toyota Crown Signia
tahoe/suburban or a variation thereof
>tons of data by the same scientist who claim cows are bad for the environment and beef is unhealthy food?...
Fuck if I know, don't care either way because I'm not a politically-brained retard obsessed with whatever the current culture war topic is. If you legitimately think that electric cars are worse for the environment over the life of the vehicle compared to a standard gas car at this point you're probably just retarded so I don't see the point in continuing the conversation. Drive what you want, I do not care.
actually i legitimately don't know for sure about which one is worse, but i do know that EVs do have issues with toxic waste.

environmental impact is usually used in a way that means something about releasing carbons. these retards don't give a fuck about the impact to human health
To all the underaged children born before 9/11/2001.
The minivan existed to take the kids to soccer practice. The SUV exists to take the kids and adults, with their dogs outside the city for a weekend up a mountain, to a lake with a boat on a 2500lbs trailer. Families that had more than 3 children got a minivan just so their misbehaved mixed gender kids wouldn't fight each other in a smaller car on every ride. That is why commercial transit shuttles that have room for luggage are full sized vans or minibus.
Minivan models had a GVWR of an additional 1500lbs or maximum average occupancy weight of 215lbs per person. The problem now is minivans have gained 1000lbs in vehicle weight over the years, which limited their cargo/occupant weight to 1000lbs.
Classic Average Minivan Power to Weight
New Average Minivan Power to Weight
The answer is get up to a midsize SUV for actual work.
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This aint going to beat Suburban for power and reliability.
global warming you tard

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