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Cadillac has unveiled the Sollei, a luxury coupe concept based on the Celestiq

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Can't wait to get stuck behind the senile rerard that's going to be driving that dogshit around.
actually looks good, and sice GM is the government i expect every celebrity to be forced into getting one
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With the top down it brings back elmiraj vibes
ciel was the droptop
this seems like something they could easily sell in small numbers like those boat tail rolls/bentleys that cost six figures
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What you're going to be staring at while the 85 year old driving it goes 15 under.
Personal luxury vehicles are the most kino of genres.
god, what a fucking terrible interior. holy shit.
>please avert your eyes from the road to niggle with a fucking touch screen which we've conveniently tucked out of the way for reasons completely unknown.
it's a beautiful car otherwise, but man this touch screen bullshit really, really needs to stop. As it is, it's hard finding cars made after like 2015 that still feel like cars.
Because the only people buying new cars (boomer retards) love their cheap Chinese bullshit.
Makes them feel like they're living in Startrek and not some horrible techno dystopia where nothing actually works properly.
i refuse to believe a generation that is utterly incapable of navigating a cell phone is the target audience for touch screens.. christ, i'm 41 and see touch screens as a huge step backwards in terms of usability.
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You know how many 60+ year old MEN I've seen playing with their cellphones while they drive?
Absolutely disgusting.
Maybe nobody wants the screens just the dummies with fake degrees they hire to design cars these days.
boomer slop
Realest shit ever made
looks beautiful, except for the escalade instrument screen
when koenigsegg and bugatti are re-embracing physical instrumentation, you can't just bring over a cheap screen for your supposed concept and bespoke limited run halo car
They can't afford it. It's ultra luxury.

Well sadly sometimes reality is a bitch. Concept cars are like fashion shows; they're there to inspire and gage interest. Actually making shit that's street legal can be a pain in the ass.
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It looks good, and since GM is retarded it won't be built.
Young people too, I know many non-car enthusiast wagies that straight up judge a car by how big the screen is and most of them are car poor since they had to drive a "spaceship" with the "big screen". You'd be surprised, and enthusiasts aren't the market for these (and most brand new) cars anyway
It won't be made because Americans won't buy a car unless it's a shitty crossover SUV that's identical to every other car on the road
Is this the modern recreation of the Ciel? Cadillac should kill themselves
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It's a Cadillac concept so it always goes more like this.
Absolutely gorgeous but sadly it will never be released.
GM loves to scrap the best ideas.
>GM loves to scrap the best ideas.
I can assure you that's not true, even if it does happen a lot.
Can't wait to buy one used for the kids in 20 years when they're cheap as FUCK due to luxury depreciation
>only if the battery isn't completely cooked well-done by then, of course
chinkcoded front and rear
Looks nice but there is no way the backseats are getting that much space
I’d rather drive the Escalade or dts
Looks good, but I just don't like open top cars
Does anyone have that screenshot of those girls dancing in some guy's parked open top?
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Never mind this looks nice
Anyone have this in higher resolution?
just use the voice command boomer. Or is your accent too thick. In fact, how often do you really need to touch the ipad when you're fucking driving compared to the passenger next to you. Ever tried using the controls on your steering wheel?
Tremendous, thanks
My initial reaction was not good but the more I think about it, this is the best case scenario of a 1960s land yacht retrofuturist redesign. Screenification and gaudy seat patterns were inevitable but maybe those pieces can be toned down at the lower end.
thats looks fucking awesome, hope they build it and put a real motor in it.
just gm things
i feel like every time they make something good, they cancel it. like the 3800. except for the LS, which is rather surprising given gm management's track record of retardation in the past half century or so
Reminds me of the Ciel
I want to see the top up more
finally a good looking modern car since the volvo s90, shame about the dashboard tho, i do like those fancy patterns in the inteiror
>It looks good, and since GM is retarded it won't be built.

I think they'll actually make it. Look at the interior photo >>27831724

It looks like a very nice but totally plausible interior in 2024. It doesn't look crazy futuristic or wacky or anything, there's no reason it couldn't go into production right away
>no pictures that actually let you see the front
chink grirr, calling it
Looks sexy. Even the banana cream paint job looks good. Too bad GM will never release it.
some 'teen needs to 'jak this up
peak nigger rich aesthetic
the banana cream is beautiful, i'm glad retro colors are making a comeback (i wish whitewalls would and fender skirts too)
Sounds like a tranny name
Sucks that it's an EV, but I quite like the look.
Cool, and just like the other five similar concepts they've had this century they won't build it and instead pump out another CUV.
Are there no seatbelts in the back?
Only thing that has me wondering if it's production ready is the lack of photos with the top up
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The only thing I think is missing is the fins, other than that they finally made a Cadillac that looks like a Cadillac
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>Cadillac Sollei
>Cirque de Solei is a circus
It's a clown car
I imagine this wouldn't be on the road until 2027 at the earliest
Dude this is the perfect use case for an EV. A halo car, driven ever so often and only to places nearby, quiet ride.

There’s room for EVs, we just don’t have the right cars at the moment.

Give me a cheap two seater Miata-like EV and I’m lining up the dealership. Doesn’t have to be the worlds fastest whatever, just be as fast as a normal Miata (which is not fast at all).

Bugatti is also trying to start a trend of rolling back the screen situation, their latest one had zero screens and a cool mechanical gauge cluster.
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Imagine a gauge cluster made with the same craftsmanship as luxury watches instead of a screen
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made an edit, looks kinda weird though
Needs light clusters on the fins.
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gaudy maxing
Imo it could definitely work with more time in the oven. Maybe if they were thicker or something. I think the fins are the most Cadillac feature there is
This, but electric elevates even normal cars like the Leaf and Volt. It's like having a powertrain from a really high end luxury car in a regular non-luxury car.
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That looks cool as fuck.
Actually an improvement lollz
Only need to change lower part of the rear bumper to chrome or body colored with different more classic design and delete the horizontal lightbar and it is pretty then.
thanks for the compliments!
would try this tmr, i think it'd look stellar without the bar
im still crying over thos one... no modern v16...
Not bad, anon.
Picrel is IRL gaudymaxxing, you can use as a case study.
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Monke car lol
I’m going to murder every redditor that posts ‘Cadillac needs to make land yachts’ .

They have been making the Escalade for 2.5 decades. Shut the fuck up and go back
Making EVs fast is easy, it’s giving them range that’s hard
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The Escalade does not look like a yacht
yeah and that shit makes my dick get hard
Glass on the front of the car seems like a really bad idea
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you design blind dummies

The natural fin element in that design is the vertical tail light, it needs to be integrated.

That horizontal soft ended tail light is a pos and needs to be removed
>how to guillotine your own neck with a scarf with enough speed
You won't do shit also the Escalade isn't a convertible, you bus pass holder.
Reminds me like something out of Gattaca.
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My attempt

your success. i like this render
Something like pic related would be sweet
cadillac is more famous for their concepts than their production cars past the 70s
What kind of top is this?
It looks like a soft top but in other pictures it looks rigid
Cool aside from the color and cost.

Will they make a Genshin Impact version?
>its real
The ol' Isadora Duncan
They all look dated and on the nose.

There's a reason why the tailfins are tucked in next to the rear bumper.
Are you trying to convince us that senile Boomers can't afford this? Are you sure you didn't mean to say they're the only people who can afford this?
It's a concept car off a model that starts at $340k base.
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i like how it looks anon
true, i like the original seems more like a modern take on 70s landyatch
true. they should extend the tailfins down and make it more heavily integrated as a fuckoff huge diffuser
What is America at this point if not "nigger rich"
Any display of wealth at all is nigger rich
You larped too far
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It's based off the Celestiq and that is already in production. If anything this will just be the convertable option.
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Interior. Mind you, the entire thing is 100% customizable.
>>Cirque de Solei
>>circus of the Sun
>lol circus
Did you think that you are clever?
Yeah, but that pic is objectively based.
They did and realized no one would care enough to buy it
they've been teasing our dicks with concepts like these since the ciel. if someone is reading this at GM, just pull the fucking trigger and sell something like this already, if nothing else than to break up the monotony of modern car design.

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