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What is your "driving jacket". For me its an m65 jacket i bought from some surplus store.
I have a pink hoodie that says UwU
no overalls in the car
polo shirts are nice
don’t have one, i do have shoes though
what do you drive?
Are they comfortable to drive in? I have some basic Geox suede shoes I use to drive in and they're pretty comfy. These look like my shoes minus a rubber sole.
my ac is (not) ice cold
Green columbia fleece
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see if you can guess from looking up her skirt
double edge sword. narrow toe box makes foot placement very accurate but if you tie them too tight/velcro them too tightly you lose all ankle mobility. i usually leave the velcro pretty loose so that i can still pivot my ankle forward/backwards.
baggy black hoodie to cover my concealed carry
>"Driving" jacket
>"Driving" shoes
>"Driving" gloves
What is it with you faggots? Just drive in what you're wearing.
As it happens, I always remove any jacket I happen to be wearing when I get into my car.

Only real racing drivers need special "driving" clothes
>polo shirts
i wear the shoes when i race. lel

i prefer barefoot driving
Usually it's the black trucker jacket I often wear.
>i prefer barefoot driving
You're an idiot
talk about a real heel toe

>you wouldn’t understand
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anything less and I feel naked. Heel and toe is sweet with those on
I would. And I doubt you could do many with no shoes on.
And also, it's "heel-and-toe", even though the heel is not involved
some people do it differently, have friends that brake with their heel and tap throttle with their toes.

typically i just hold the brake with my big toe and tap the throttle with the other side of my foot
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>have friends that brake with their heel and tap throttle with their toes
Because they think that's why it's called that, not realising it dates back to when the pedals had a different layout.

I can't think of anything more stupid than braking with your heel. Well, maybe I could, but not much
Fake police uniform without any badges to be legal enough in a common undercover police car model in my country just to fuck with people who hate or fear police for any given reason.


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it’s all preference at the end of the day, the friend in question drives in doc martins.
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>it’s all preference at the end of the day
No. It should be about ergonomics and finesse in using the car's controls.
hell yeah, m65 best jacket
finesse my nuts in your mouth faggot
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Northface windbreaker, it's light,comfy, and versatile with all clothes.
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anzug 03
came to post this
zelenskuwu, is that you?
I've got m65 in woodland camo
Summer: Blue linen jacket, Winter: Harris Tweed Jacket.
I’m allergic to peanuts si I’d rather not
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Driving jacket? I just put on some fucking clothes man
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>I ride
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I live in the bay area california, i literally never need a jacket
ok tell me what's so cool then, anon
Fuck off you have slutty cheer leaders to fuck you meathead
I like either my cheesy Billabong fur hoodie or black US Navy issued fleece. Both are warm yet not bulky so you fit in vehicles and can jump out, do work, and quickly jump back in.
link to your billabong fur hoodie so i can be literally you
Stand by...
It's kinda like this one, I got mine like 12ish years ago.
that navy fleece is drippy but i dont want to larp :/
Nobody cares if you wear surplus as long as you're not obviously trying to pass yourself off in a full uniform or doing something deliberately disrespectful.
I was Air Force and I found that black fleece while cleaning out the locker room with my homie. It became my work coat because my Carhartt jacket was just beaten to death, the other fleeces I was issued just didn't fit as well, plus the black color matches the dark navy blue coveralls perfectly. I technically don't rate to wear that black fleece (wrong branch) and wasn't allowed to wear it while I was in (not authorized/issued gear), but I did it anyways because I wanted to be comfy/warm/swagged out. I give you the full authorization to wear milsurp, I sacrificed lots and dealt with nonsense so people have the freedom to larp.
Thanks im gonna be literally you soon. Does the jacket get too hot when you open all the vents? Seems great since i work early mornings (12am onwards) doing some labor.
>welfare Queen cast off clothing.
Is that actually your jacket?
>And also, it's "heel-and-toe", even though the heel is not involved

this guy is pretty much using his heel, no?

Nope, plus if it isn't really cold/windy you can just wear the jacket with the zipper open. I also roll up the sleeves on my hoodie because it is just comfy
i was trying to tell him it’s all preference but this dumb nigger is stuck in his ways.

>implying all feet are created equal
>implying all pedal clusters are created equal
>implying all trans humps are created equal

it’s different for every person that can do it, some people do it in 90hp commuters, some people do it in sports cars, some people do it in purpose built race cars. it’s different for everyone.
>this guy is pretty much using his heel, no?
That's hardly the pedal box layout in a standard car
A tutorial by and actual racing driver and coach
Start at 7:10


Scott Mansell (Driver 61). Watch the early part showing Senna in an NSX
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>>implying all pedal clusters are created equal
>tfw want to heel-toe in my shitbox
>gas pedal is like two inches lower than the brake
>brake pedal travel is quite short
>heel-toe is only possible if I slam on the brakes like a retard
same goes for my generation of WRX STi, verus eng. makes a throttle pedal spacer that can make it level with the brake pedal and move it closer to the brake pedal/away from the trans hump making it easier to get your foot in there.
I wear this fit whenever I’m on a journey after receiving a letter from my dead wife
I wear this when I drive a taxi in new york city
I just wear whatever I wear already. usually pajamas
I wear a nomex flight suit, nomex gloves, and a flight helmet.
that is not a surplus m65 larper
obvious toyobaru brzfrs86
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Why would I wear a jacket in a car in summer?
It arrived, it's a sweet jacket. I love that it's ykk zippers. I bought a large, most of the time that's my size for jackets and such but this feels a bit too big, puffy like. Still I like it
>my work commute, a cesspit of vile degeneracy
dumb frog

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