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A single organization is behind the kei car bans in various states: American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators or AAMVA


>The AAMVA is a lobbying group that rose to notoriety in JDM owner circles when one of its internal documents was cited as a reason for banning kei trucks in Rhode Island.
>The AAMVA has yet to be formally linked to bans in some states, though there is circumstantial evidence of association with multiple other states’ bans. That June 2021 document that laid the groundwork for the Rhode Island campaign was authored in majority by people from states that have also banned kei or JDM vehicles at large, or placed some level of restrictions against them.
based, fuck these unamerican cuckboxes. if you like them so much then move to whatever ching chong bugman shithole they come from, you wont be missed
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The only unamerican thing here is the "people" trying to restrict the freedom of Americans from buying and driving the vehicles they want to. If you don't like them, don't buy one. It's really that simple.
yeah Im not reading any of that kys commie
Little do you know Americans are banning kei cars because they seem to get stuck in them all the time. Every time Bobby Joe takes his Cappuccino to the shops, he just HAS to stop at every fast food "restaurant" on way...
restricting freedom is a hallmark of commies, retard
>A single organization is behind the kei car bans in various states: American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators or AAMVA
Lol ok, last month's conspiracy theory was conspiracy fact and nobody cares. It was totally because they were unsafe and stuff, right? No, it's because they were a practical solution (existential threat) to the overpriced climate-theatre shitboxes GM and toyota make.

And now, Recipe for a Law, by Anonymous:
>0. Cool thing XYZ is banned, restricted or outlawed by new law
>1. Claim the common-sense explanation of the move is a conspiracy theory
>2. Give a plausible but subtly-retarded red herring "real reason" why XYZ got banned/restricted/outlawed
>3. Repeat #2 until people stop caring (1-6 mo)
>4. Common sense explanation (usually government control freak-ism or anticompetitive corporate greed) is proven to be true by leaks, as thought in #1.
>5. Nobody cares about #4 and the red herring "real reason" is written into history books for future generations to read
>6. The law is never repealed and XYZ ceases to exist in the country.
this. people were catching wind of cheap imports as a way to avoid having to deal with the auto industry's predatory loans and they were NOT having that. the 300 million slaves escaping debt traps is communism or something.
15 year old spotted
Shut the fuck up chicom, the fact you even support a ban makes you trans
This sort of shit enrages me. The American truck industry sees people buying kei trucks with the same bed size as their gargantuan overpriced shit engineered trucks and they they just absolutely seethe and have to spew crocodile tears to state governments to ban them.
kek good shitpost
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>americans cut off from japanese imports
>prices start correcting everywhere else
One can only hope
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same retards that are ok with restricting chinese cars
/o/ hates China but not Japan? Why?
Fuck you.
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>they want to
it's a redditmobile, they don't exist offline
/0/ here, fuck all little yellow cockroaches.
do you think people just hate china because theyre brown? japan is actually first world and this website was founded to discuss anime and japanese culture, china is a third world surveillance state that uses child labor and is currently looking at an economic takeover of the US
nips have sovl
Picrel moment
Seethe and cope weeb
Your toy cars will never be legal (or real cars).
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it seems like the glowniggers do the seething around here
Noooo not the heckin keicarinos. What am I supposed to drive to the anime furry convention
This. I haven't one normal human who was interested in keicars.
America has fucked the global market for what should still be cheap used cars
Fucking hype beast faggots, you ruined everything
kek holy shit this yid is SEETHING
If you really want one you can always just buy the truck and re-register it as your own specialty constructed vehicle as a 1960s subaru sambar truck style. If you can't figure this out you shouldn't even be driving anything at all
Go big or go home fag.
I don't want one, their underpowered shitboxes. I just want to complain.
Restricting Chinese cars is legitimately a matter of safety not to mention allowing those bugs to manufacture state side is a terrible idea.
Ok, now that the jew has been named, now what?
Not owning both lmao

>you VILL ride ze CEI kar
OMG so based, I only drive state approved subsidized products from 3 companies that were allowed to make the same exact product different badge!!!
Hush, lolbert
Based ass post to be honest, fuck weebs
If I saw one of these fag trucks I’d roll coal on it
>reee why are other people interested in cheap used cars, those cheap used cars should be mine
>reee why are americans buying up cars en masse and jacking up the price several times over
Fixed that for ya cunt
because they are interested in cheap used cars and they're willing to pay for them?
I can’t find shit on the history or founders. How do I know they did not make all this up yesterday and say it was 1933? Is this the Jews again?
it's always the jews anon.
>pull over and surrender the small car now
the lack of pragmatism and the obsession over appearances in 3rd world commie shitholes is hilarious.
>whi shang chnong. we cannot do the right thing because the state may lose face and the population might begin to question us
>we must catalogue each and every meat sacks whereabouts so we can make sure they are being good arbiters of party values
same goes for western shitholes. not an ounce of humility can be found at the top levels of the state. what a bunch of fucking clowns
Japan is honorary white, China is honorary jew
Man, american lobbists getting their own way, defeating the interests of avg Americans? No way!
I really hate it not because I want to drive a tiny Japanese shitbox but because it shows that the people at the state DMV have the power to reject your car for any arbitrary reason. How many more years until cars without airbags can only be registered as "classics", to be trailered back and forth to car shows? No auto-brake? No tabs, sir.
They will eventually force you to drive the pod, by law or by personal conviction.
keep crying about it, i'm bringing in an altezza. with the weak yen right now is the time to BUY BUY BUY
It's companies like John Deer and Polaris really pushing for these bans, because farmers figured out they can just buy an $8k kei truck and spend less money fixing it while owning it for longer and doing more with it compared to some $35k side by side that explodes 0.04 seconds after its warranty ends and is illegal to fix yourself.
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no fucking shit la.

you'd have to have a legit IQ of <60 if you thought the bans were out of genuine concern for safety when it only affects a very specific class of Japanese import (some of which like the cappuccino passed EU crash tests of the mid 90s) and not say a much flimsier 1st generation BMC mini or a 1300 bhp ralph nader special that will shatter the drivers arms and send the front passenger's 2 front teeth into his pre-frontal cortex in a 40 mph crash.

The fucking smart car was a USDM car and it is smaller than AZ-1.
It's not really about meme sports cars or city cars, it's about pic rel, which are extremely practical and would be widely adopted by businesses and regular people
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It's both. It's mostly what you say, but just because there's a contradiction doesn't mean that isn't a reason.
You're making the false assumption that decision making processes are consistent or rational.
>would be widely adopted by businesses and regular people
>X Doubt
No real point to them in murica where every other car is a pickup truck
they absolutely would lmao. in a market where your only option for a truck is a fuckhueg fashion statement there is absolutely demand for it. small trucks like the s10/ranger/dakota disappearing left a power vacuum, and automakers desperately dont want it to be filled because not only do big trucks cost more but they also use more gas which benefits big oil. the bed size of a kei truck is actually similar to an S10 and despite the s10's appearance the bed depth is similar as well. the only real issue is that you need to put a tarp over your shit and third world it if you're moving large amounts of stuff, since they dont make bed caps like with american trucks. not only do kei trucks threaten big trucks but they also threaten UTVs and side by sides which has companies like john deere terrified.
Not to mention all the big campuses (whether actual factories or mostly offices) where something like that would be all you need for moving some stuff around between buildings.
this. deere currently has that market cornered
I’m an ag pilot in MN, WI, IA, IL & NE (and occasionally WA/OR) and I literally never see them. This idea that farmers are buying these things is just wrong, farmers tend to drive clapped out full sizes or your aforementioned side-by’s. You simply never see kei trucks except out west where its mostly special snowflake weeb hipsters.
I like the idea of small trucks and I lament their demise but the reality is that actual businesses and tradesmen either buy vans or need the towing capacity. The consumer market is mostly truckold paypig retards and automakers are super wary of introducing anything to the lots that might draw those buyers away from the financial ruin of a trugg.

The market is there, but its not very large sadly.
The burger economy is kept afloat by wants, not by needs.
Therefore the burger must be kept ignorant of anything that can shatter the wants he has, lest the economy be jeopardized.
no, its that the american auto industry due to shit regulations has pigeonholed themselves into big cars to maximize profits. if people start to want small cars (with big engines) then it completely fucks up the big car market.
The burger wants the big truck because it maximizes profit for the car companies, oil, maintenance etc. This is in all likelihood the true intent of the regulations in the first place. This want/desire for a big truck is carefully crafted.
The burger needs and economical vehicle that can transport stuff.

The topic of wants and needs goes back edward bernays (check the early life section if you want). Wants get you to buy retarded shit to serve somebody else's interests.
Some special interest groups wants to ban small cars. Another one wants to ban tiny/small houses

lol land of the free my ass

WTF is wrong with people getting butt hurt because other people don't want a giant SUV or a giant house?
They won't even let you drive the pod. You'll ride it and you won't own it. Bugatti is literally making this and the CEO is openly saying in interviews how the common plebs won't be owning cars, so they'll be renting automated pods from Bugatti.
Rich people have had this retarded fantasy for going on two centuries now. Much like Blackrock trying to buy a bunch of single family homes then play landlord it just doesn’t work, people don’t buy in. I mean yeah a few urban bugmen will literally chug basedlet, not even have a drivers license and Uber everywhere and get their tubes tied so they can spend all their time at the beercade but by and large it just doesn’t happen.

This has as much to do with cultural preference as it has to do with the technology simply never being good enough. It’s pretty rare for shit to really live up to the hype, airplanes, smart phones, the internet these are the exceptions not the rule. The self driving rental pod that keeps you poor and not owning anything sounds great until they actually have to deal with owning it themselves.
I keep hearing people say that, would you mind citing the laws you're concerned about? It doesn't have to be explicit, but a citation I could read for myself would be great.


Because chinks are scum and they make EV garbage. Japs are frens and they make neat stuff.

The jew fears the samurai.

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