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idk much about mercedes but I like these. especially in white
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I feel like whenever you like it or not, hyundai/kia’s styling department is the only one in the industry trying to make anything new, distinctive, or even really noticeable AS styling.
I think these look pretty sweet. It's a replacement for the Forte, and I'm sorry to report that the manual transmission which is offered for the 2024 Forte will not be offered for the 2025 K4. Huge disappointment for poorfagmobile appreciators like myself.
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Luv me care
That is actually really looking kinda cool
I'm glad they returned to the horizontal lines next to the emblem. At some point it looked like they were frantically trying to persuade everyone that the vertical lines in the grill look better (they don't)
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Yeah that thing can look really good in my opinion. Pic related is my favorite styling anyone did so far
/o/ love thread?
what is this? opposite day?
Do these at least handle well for a FWD barge? They do look great I give them that
The new prius doesn't look bad. It's the only one that pops into my mind a the moment. Probably due to how much better the new one looks compared to the older generation.
Another anon here but yes, they're the FL5 Civic Type R but a little gussied up. Personally I like the FL5 slightly better, especially in terms of the interior, but the Type S is only very slightly different mechanically.
Agreed, they're pretty cool looking. Ironically they may die from cannibalism in the end. Camry is now fully hybrid, questioning the purpose of the Prius.
I took my car to Watkins Glen, and my instructor, who had been doing motorsports for 20 years said he was impressed, and after trying it himself said it was surprisingly capable for what it is.
Though he did say that he wouldn't drive anything that isn't rwd and manual if he could. and he already had an S2000 and a Corvette that he's modded to hell and back.
Sounds neat
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Boomers hate it, I love it.
Yeah the new Prius actually looks fucking sick compared to most of the boring shitboxes being produced these days. Kind of ironic that Toyota took a car that's been traditionally made fun of for being a weird little ugly hunchbacked piece of shit and turned it into arguably their best looking vehicle.

Hyundai's current lineup has some pretty nice looking stuff, the Ioniq 5 definitely has a lot of good styling choices, as long as it's in the right color. It's baffling to me that anyone gets it in black, completely kills everything it has going for it visually. The white, gray, and blue-green colors all look great.
>Camry is now fully hybrid, questioning the purpose of the Prius.
Based on the redesign, I can only guess they want to try to capture some of the customers attracted to the EV market by following a ton of common EV design cues but without actually committing to an EV since Toyota still clearly doesn't give a fuck about trying to enter that market for real.
i want a gr prius. 4wd, the tiny turbo3 cyl and hybrid system that has a kers mode.
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despite being a new design, the astra is not an eyesore
The proper AMG cars have vertical slats.
These all look terrible
The rear is the problem
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This Renault and the Ioniq 5 I can get behind. My contribution to the thread is the Polestar 2, which looks great.

Some mercs look nice, none of the BMWs. I can get behind the Audi RS6 Avant. Current Miata is cool. I almost leased the Nupra, but wouldn't consider it pretty. Porsche Caymans are great looking.
So post something you think looks good faggot
honestly i like the direction car design is going in, the weird ass proportions of the 2010s were a holdover from the 90s and did NOT mesh well with the angular designs
I actually think this thing will be cool
>"only" 1,500kg
It is the closest EV's have come to modern hot hatch dynamics
>is the only one in the industry trying to make anything new, distinctive
Yeah and they're not doing a good job.
>red accents are boy racer cringe and cream "poverty sporty line trim" yet car costs a shit ton
>DRLs and headlights do not match, look like they're from completely different cars
>no clear use of lines or cohesive design language - front bumper is soft, then the side of the car has sharp creases, random lines go in all directions
>why the fuck is there black plastics on the door
>why is there black plastics on the fenders, like you're going to off road a car marketed for track use
Japanese are the only Asians who understand good design
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if only it was RWD
That's just a last gen 5 Series
superb is smaller, looks a bit but smaller. Superb is D segment, 5 series G30 is E segment
it's nothing special
MG4 has 320kW version
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The newest Peugeot 208
hate the indicators but love the rest
Now it only needs to have the nice handling sporty hatchbacks from Renault are known for and we'll have a winrar
I like the butt flank.
front does also look really good and not like it's been in a crash like with many other current cars where the entire front end is a black gaping hole
>Kind of ironic that Toyota took a car that's been traditionally made fun of for being a weird little ugly hunchbacked piece of shit and turned it into arguably their best looking vehicle.
That was the #1 complaint from Prius owners. They love the car, but they live with the looks knowing it was done purely for aerodynamics.
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What do boomers don’t like about it?
Looks like a normal run-of-the-mill gigantic US truck to my untrained European eye
Came to post this.
The Passat is photoshopped
A very popular car on /o/ for sure.
If they made this in ICE I would very much consider getting it.
Not a fan of the drls desu
if it was like half the size and had a real engine id like it
atm its a gay EV and way too big, looks really goofy in person BC it's like bmw x5 size
I unironically love the goofy boxy surfer car aesthetic Rivian is going for with all their shit. Just reminds me of old station wagons in a good way.
Can't wait for some of the new good looking ones to hit the used market 5-10 years from now so I can get one for a steal.
it looks way smaller in person than it does in photos, don't know what you're on about
Redpill me on Rivian. FOTM or good stuff that’s here to stay?
Well, that is if EVs have a future at all
I swear someone has AI bots pointed at this board that just reply to posts to say the opposite if they don’t actively promote electrotardation or trannies.

That’s in addition to this being an astroturfed electrotardation thread in the first place.
Good shit when it comes to the cars themselves, but their future is a bit uncertain mainly because they're a tech startup just like Tesla was originally, and they've struggled to become profitable and move out of the startup phase. They need to focus on making more than just luxury lifestyle vehicles at some point if they want to scale up and survive, but we'll see how they do. Their newer models they've been teasing are all smaller than what they've made up till now so they might be getting wise that they need their Model 3 equivalent if they want to stick around.
Fuck off retard, I disagreed with you because you said something that sounded stupid. I own one, they don't look that big in person, especially next to all the huge faggot trucks and SUVs that white women drive everywhere these days.
I just read they are basically VW.
it has the proportions of a small hatch and is the size of an SUV
>hurr durr at least its not as big as a truck that cant legally be classified as a car
no shit, how many chromosomes per month are you paying for it?
its 3200lbs
Rivian will stay, the deal with Amazon has them pretty secure.
I think Lucid is gone though, their upcoming SUV looks like a Kia minivan.
The N trim only really looks good in red or similar colors to me, the red stripe and shit all look stupid on the one pictured
Cybertruck. Everything else looks like the same soulless electric shaver.
That's only an issue if you're slower than it
It's a personal taste thing I guess. I honestly do like how they look, but I think it's good praise if that's the only real complaint I've heard about it
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I like the kia k5
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Agreed. Just something about it. . .
>N trim
excuse me?
An American wrote this
>giant grille
>generic copy-paste VAG body
What do you like about it?
>Redpill me on Rivian
The advertised price of 35k will slowly creep up as the release date approaches. It will cost 50k before 2027 just as the Model 3 did
Skoda is such a lovely brand. Wish I could buy one.
Meh, it's a cuckover

I thought the 7 was going to be a wagon but I have been once again bamboozled. The Audi A6 will be the first electric wagon that might get me interested
It's not just about power.
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the newest accords look really good imo, very subtle yet handsome styling
also came here to post this, the newest opels are pretty cool, on the interior aswell except the tablets
The design is neat, but the actual size of the vehicle makes it look awkward, like a picture that's been stretched by changing the aspect ratio
Look at it, they made a trim specifically for melanated individuals, it's labeled on the front end and everything
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Yeah it's not a small hatchback. I'm afraid the Rivian will suffer the same fate >>27836098
It is probably impossible to make a small cute hatchback under the modern-day safety regulations
you posted it. VAGoos look very nice
>It's the size of a fucking Rav4
It's not impossible, the bolt was very much the right proportions for a nice small hatchback, they just fucked it up by purposely styling it like an SUV to try to meme more cash out of dumb faggots who want that.
It's not tiny, but it does look smaller than you'd expect in-person. The overall shape of it helps a lot with that when you're comparing it to other stuff it's close to in size on paper

Just like many Škodas, Its pleasantly innofensive.
no, its fucking massive in person
the shape is a small hatchback, the size is a suburban mom suv
its like an optical illusion where it just gets bigger and bigger, its a begro car
>no, its fucking massive in person
Maybe if you're 5'6" I guess. Every person who I've shown mine to comments that it's smaller than they expected it to be.
looks like a generic rental car desu
it's very much possible, but it raises issues in multiple other areas. Remember Honda E?
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the honda e is not small.
how fat are you?
5'11" and around 160 lbs, you?
by what metric you retard? look at it, that's small
Seeth niggers
lolno. it's also 3400 lbs.
here's an even better comparison. it's a lowered SUV.
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What's your car?
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I like the new Prius
That is one ugly car. Actually the ugliest hatchback by far
Anon it's the size of a fucking Fiesta
so your car is 26 (twenty six) times fatter than you, and the size of a frame on body suv
which one?
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its a bit dated, the future is roach
minimum car size these days
Friendly reminder that Hyundai/Kia is legit
If you have to ask then you don't owe any
came here to post this. just saw one the other day and its a very nice looking car
No, it's the size of a fully grown Volvo sedan from the 90s. The Tesla 3 next to it is also the size of a 7 series BMW
literally a gook charger wtf
how contrarian
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This, but specifically the Z Customised Proto. Fixes that awful gaping front grille and gives it some depth.
A model 3 is not a large car. Are you chinese? You seem to think anything larger than a shoebox is massive.
It's barely larger than a Smart Forfour and significantly smaller than a Ford Focus you braindead third world bugman.

>it's the size of a fully grown Volvo sedan from the 90s
No it isn't you ill-informed moron
>The Tesla 3 next to it is also the size of a 7 series BMW
Are you capable of saying anything that isn't retarded and demonstrably incorrect?

All those cars are ugly slow and gay
Delete the "kid with braces" look Toyota has been doing on their front ends lately, and the new Camry looks unironically good.
LOL this looks GAY as FUCK
goddamn weeblet ricelet stancelet slowfaglet boyracelets are so fucking delusional
You can just type "I drive a BMW" next time so everyone knows you're an asshole without the added work
Just stay the FUCK out of the passing lane when you see those angel eyes and rondel, ya damn weeblet ricelet stancelet slowfaglet boyracelet
ngl anon, that looks ugly as fuck. Shit gets absolutely mogged by the Prius.
The only time I see a beamer is when it's parked/broken down on the side of the road with a half-dozen haitians being cuffed on the hood
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The Prius was Japan's attempt to create a drivable suppository.
Beamers are motorcycles.
And then the nips woke up one day and thought "okay but what if it FUCKED" and then we got >>27839762
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>the rare actually aesthetic modern SUV
How did they do it?
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best looking sedan right now, too bad its chink shit underneath, the wagon looks really nice too
so you like Porsche?
based it on the old bodystyle
It's cute.
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too bad the concept is so far out we will never see anything even remotely like it in production. would be one of the best designs of all time.
God I want angular 80s kino back so bad
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I know..
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it's like the DeLorean had sex with all the sleekest BMWs of late 80s, but the offspring still looks like a japanese drift car from the future
Retard, if you think the model 3 tesla is too big youve got to be some sort of gigamanlet
retard, gigamanlets don't go smaller than 150
It was then toyota Australia decided to stop selling the prius, not with the previous 5 ugly gens.
Latest word is its being made, but as a $300k+ hydrogen supercar only.
latest word can tickle my pickle, we all know hydrogen is a dead end in that form
Yeah I know, I can imagine it adds to the exclusivity, as if only 100 being made wasn't enough. One of the few cars I actually want to be a EV, because it would suit the cyberpunk style more than an ICE.
adding to the exclusitivity is a bad thing,
I want to see that shit every day on the local highway
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Cool as shit, but 900k Euros?
I know, I don't get why they can't just stick it on the Iconiq5 or even I30N chassis and call it a day. Fuck even convert the KIA stinger platform to make N74s, sell them for the same price, and watch Nissan never sell a 400z ever again.
nah, here's a good comparison
it's slightly bigger than an old ass Micra, which means it's pretty small
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The biggest disadvantage of small production runs.
it shouldnt have the lower headlights

this is fucking revolting, get some taste.
Thanks for approval
Fuck you for disapproval
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Chinese man with big nose and Chinese moustache
Your ugleh
somehow I've grown to tolerate the predator grill after they did the facelift
it looks better with a tight mesh and as black as possible
maybe it's just because of all the other even uglier cars on the road making it look good in comparison
wish they kept the pre-facelift rear, however, I hate the new mono-tailight and glossy black plastic on the lower bumper

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