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Why does the ford maverick make truck cucks seethe so much?
>it's a ute
Based ford, building the jeep-killer and then a ute
>build quality is SHIT god I thought recession-era gm was bad but all those are at least still on the roads
It doesn't, nobody cares.
It doesn’t, just funny they spout how their lifted focus with the back cut off is so much better. It has its role and I think it does it well.
A lifted focus with the back cut off *is* much better, but that's not what the Maverick is.
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forgot to attach pic
it hurts their ego to know that others are able to do the same things as their bigger gender affirming trucks with less
I like the maverick and can appreciate it other than the fact that the grill and headlights look a little ugly. But the ranger is way better, and any other real mid-size truck for that matter
Maverick is fine for the average homebody. Like a little quarter ton. Doesn't make any truck guys seeth because it's the tool for that guy's job. Maybe I should get one and trade in my shitbox focus. Have a maverick companion to my F150.
it can't anon, FWD unibody is... unfortunate for towing
>but a 50 year old sedan CAN haha
>implying half ton owners tow anything ever
Even then, if you use the bed or tow anything more than like, once a month, you're not the kind of truck owner this thread is about.
this thread isnt about truck owners it's about the maverick
06' 4.6L Ford F-150 enjoyer and I could care less what anyone owns. The maverick is an ugly truck. I don't like it, I don't hate it. If it fits your needs, more power to you.
Why do Mavcucks not comprehend the fact that maybe people don't care about capability and just want something BOF, RWD with a V8???
why do you enjoy murdering children?
>Why does the ford maverick make truck cucks seethe so much?

Because a lot of them spent $80,000 on a quad cab behemoth that gets 15 MPG and they never tow with it and never use it for work and deep down they know that a Maverick would have been a better vehicle for the sort of light work they use their truck for.
you're a retard
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Goodnight, sweet prince
Reading comprehension? It's about truck owners getting upset every time the maverick is brought up.
I have trucks and I'd love to have a Maverick as a third vehicle. I think they look great.
I'd sooner a Mav than a Taco.
Because they're stuck paying over 1k a month just to haul air @ 15mpg
Okay so you're not the person this thread is addressing? Do you know what a generalization is?
>90% of x people do y
Literally jump off a bridge you inbred American retard.
When everybody is telling you that you are an idiot is that really generalizing? Fuck you’d think a bunch of neets on 4 Chan would not be doing anything with trucks but every time they are doing shit.
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>implying I give a shit what your thread is about
I jump off bridges fairly often, get good nigger
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GM should make one so Ford dealers stop over charging on the MFs.
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Real truck negroes like all trucks. Idgaf if it's a 92 shitsubishi or an electric bug truck, dentside or squarebody, vw diesel or a Pissan hardbody, if it runs and looks like a pickup, I like it and I'd drive it. Hell I'd even drive a Tacoma, that's how much I like trucks.
If you hate trucks, you're a commie pinko busnigger, chop your cock off and marry a halfrican.
>Why does the ford maverick make truck cucks seethe so much?
it does?
I had no idea, I've never even thought about it
luv my diesel trucks
The maverick is not a truck
Yeah, it's better than a truck.
>but a 50 year old sedan can
Because our tow regs changed so that you have to have a monster truck that can tow a house up a cliff in order to be rated to tow a $500 Harbor Freight utility trailer now. Meanwhile in Eurostan, people tow little campers with VW Polos because their insurance companies are not allowed as much bullshittery as ours.
It is, but you'll never be a woman.
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>It is
Is this a truck?, no it's a car, Trucks have frames and you can unbolt the bed and install a flatbed. Can you do that with a Maverick?, no it's a unibody and therefore a car.
Being a pedant is no way to go through life, son. If it looks like a pickup, it's a truck.
Remember the Rabbit diesels? Those things were getting 40 mpg or something back in the 80s. They were garbage and looked gayer than OP but they were trucks.
Shut the fuck up newfag nobody cares about you or your opinion
Single cab f150s are sexy but you pretty much have to order from factory
I like Mavericks. Fact is, if you're not towing more than 4k you probably don't need a halfton in the first place. Maverick is nice, price is pretty decent too. I would daily one. What bothers me more than Mavericks is midsized trucks being so overpriced, literally may as well get a halfton even if a Ranger or a Taco would be enough for you, since it's only a little more expensive.
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wtf is this and why does it beckon to me
I’ve been here longer than you have been alive
I had a diesel rabbit and sold it I should have kept it, my friend just bought a diesel rabbit tho so at least I can enjoy riding around in his
Damn good little trucks.

>Be drunken hillbilly
>Buy used ranger from a preacher with 25k miles
>Drive it ten years, through numerous accidents and countless oil changes(100k miles)
>Bent frame, every front end suspension component replaced, frame straightened
>Give to a family member, they drive it ten years then sell it (130k miles)
>7 years later see the little fucker cruisin' around town, still

Sure I got passed by school buses and fat white women in grocery store parking lots on mobility scooters, but it was the perfect little beer-getter and 'guess i should take trash off now' truck.
I feel like this about everything with wheels. Driving is just amusing to me and I never tired of ICE noises no matter what.
Those el caminos and rancheros are more truck than many "trucks" today
Let's go down the list, shall we?
>body on frame
>high displacement engine
>bed (longer than 6ft)
>orderable without frills (or even an auto tranny)
>bench seat
>thick sidewall tires
Truckbros FEAR the return of the ute
Why are you so obsessed with body on frame? I'm almost certain with the advancements in FEA analysis unibody cars are just as strong as body on frame cars of yesteryear.
An F250 does all those things except for the fag stick.
It takes a lot longer for a frame to rust than a unibody.
So put rustproofing spray on it once a year?
GM is owned by the government so they wont produce anything that doesn't guarantee 30k in profits with each sale,.and dodge is own by europeans so they are retarded..hyundai ha their maverick fighter but.due to kia boyz the entire brand can sell them. we have to wait for Toyota. to predictably come in and take over that market before everyone else starts trying
If you think that'll work you don't live in the rust belt. Considering how badly all other Ford vehicles rust you have got to be out of your mind to buy a unibody Ford.
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Remember this?
jeep needs to make a new commanche. base 4 cylinder, higher end i6 that they have. single cab long bed, or crew cab short bed. 2wd and 4wd. maybe throw in some hybrid bullshit to meet emissions.
It absolutely does work because I've worked on vehicles, in the rust belt, that were rustproofed once a year and they were immaculate. I also drive a Japanese shitbox and I rust proof it every year, and it has no rust. I don't know who told you otherwise but they're retarded.
Yeah you don't live in the rust belt. Brand new 2024's still on the lot are already covered in surface rust.
Except I do you retard. Go oil your fucking chassis.
Where do you live?
Nowhere you need to know fag
>i likey
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>I've worked on vehicles, in the rust belt, that were rustproofed once a year and they were immaculate
You lying cunt.
>if it runs and looks like a pickup
So why'd you post something that doesn't look like a pickup?
Worst part is that this is going to be ever the more common with how pushed everyone is these days. I mean who walks the fuck up to someone with their gun already drawn, only to smack the fucking gun into their car? How badly do you need to fail controlling your temper?

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