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What does /o/ make of this?
Will you be getting a chinese car?

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Great more funny videos of dog boiling
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It should be illegal for anyone under 25 and anyone over 65 to vote.
we love our government intervention dont we folks
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>American jobs are bad
>seattle phone poster
Not an argument
Don't forget blacks and women, too.
Herro China
Goodbye mehico
Not if EVs. EVs are so boring and soulless, just like modern SUVs etc. No car people would want an EV unless they built it themselves to drag race or something. Why are EVs even being posted on this board? It's an enthusiast board.
being smug that you drive a manual shitbox from the 90s is no substitute for a real personality
What do you like about EVs? Other than fast acceleration, what do they do that is fun?
>oh what was that? ah yes, mr xi jinping, please feel free to brute force overtake our economy so we can import more (LEGAL!!!!) mexican, muslim, indian and nigerian immigrants to work for your company and pay pennies, as long as you build your dogshit worse-than-tesla quality death traps in AMERICA. :)
lmao, and boomers will still kneel to him like hes god (because they literally believe he is)
i like that we are transitioning our vehicle fleet to electric so that we have cleaner, greener, quieter cities and are no longer relying on foreign shitholes for oils.
So you don't care about cars... You are a political activist. Kind of proves my point.
by transitioning the average commuter who just needs to drive 30miles per day to their job and the grocery store, we can allow the tiny minority of enthusiasts to keep their vintage sports cars on heritage/weekend plates
you're 8 years late to the party.
just reliant on foreign shitholes for lithium lol
(((they))) tried (and failed) to shoot Donald "The Bullet Dodger" trump 8 years ago too?
lmao, he was one of your own tourist. no remorse given to the bystander killed though i see.
China will flood the market with cheap EVs, proceed to drive everyone else out of business with state-funded industry, and once that's done they'll have full control over the market. You will have no choice but to buy a Chinese car eventually.
so they did not try (and fail) to shoot Donald "The Bullet Dodger" trump 8 years ago too? I accept your concession
drumpf memes are 8 years out of style. you need to be 18 to post here
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Never. The chinese have a terrible track record for QA and I don't feel like dying.
>posting a graboid
Just go back to landowning white males honestly. I guess japs and Koreans are fine too.
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>yet American companies keep going back to them like battered wives.
>Can't stump le drumpf memes in 2024
We love China don't we folks
They literally just found the worlds largest lithium deposit in Nevada
if Trump gets elected does that mean the ban ICE by 2030 thing gets cancelled?
That'll go through as planned because the lobbying groups play both teams.
>american evs catch on fire despite their best efforts
>chinese corporate espionage gets schematics for these evs
>bootleg chinese evs catch fire even more frequently
Why can't they just stop cheating and just git gud?
Corporate dudebros love seeing money number go up. The QA problem is for someone else to ignore after they jump ship to another company for more money.

The amount of selling-out that happens is just incredible.
seething tranny lmao
This is my voting rules
>Must be a parent and must be part of the child's life
>Cannot vote if one has more than 5k in none-collateralized debt
>Cannot vote if one works for the government or a company that receives 50% of its revenue from the government
>Cannot vote in a new state for five years after moving
>Cannot receive welfare

It sucks they found it in the US with some of the strictest EPA rules.
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>ones they build in Mexico will be hit with tariffs up to 200%
What about all the GM vehicles built in Mexico and Canada?
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Dengism is magical in its ability to get the most Machiavellian Gnostic kikes who ever lived to turn into seal-clapping lemmings at a speed that would give humans whiplash. It's the most addictive drug Earth has ever seen. Every billionaire and politician and influencer is in eternal competition to see who can give Xinnie the most amount of control over their lives and bodies
And if we try communism it'll totally work this time
Fast acceleration
Instant torque at any speed
Customizable steering to simulate rear wheel drive, front wheel drive, balanced mode, automatic perfect traction control at all speeds, all the time
Safest cars on the road
Least fire prone cars on the road
Cheapest on the road
Most comfortable on the road
No engine/transmission/timing belt/oil change/no brake replacement/etc maintenance
Faster than any gas car on the road
Quicker than any gas car on the road
Better traction than any gas car on the road
Better handling than any gas car on the road
Better cornering (due to the ability to shift power automatically)
Better straight line
>we can allow
This is not the plandemic anymore
Irrelevant, voting is fake. All your presidents are relatives.
Especially when it favors state corporations in China for a few jobs here.

Instant torque is hard to give up once you've experienced it, there's basically no mechanical noise or vibration and the battery pack also acts as a huge sound deadener so they are extremely quiet which is great if you're an audiophile. They're heavy pigs but mass also absorbs bumps and vibrations so they ride really nicely
They're great for daily driving and when you just want to go fast in a straight line.
more proof that Trump and his followers are fucking retarded.
what soulful car did you drive?

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