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so uh...you like huge screens in your car? that's cool man. not for me but if that's what you want.
Physical buttons and knobs for most common functions
Screen is integrated into the dashboard instead of the trendy glued on ipad
Shifter is a traditional style and not a complicated series of disconnected buttons and switches
Good to see Ford still does some things right
Not bad. It's not surprising that a lot of people would rather spend time in this vs a RGB illuminated hookah lounge with a sea of piano gloss plastic.
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>cheapest plastic on the market
>cutout so the nuts can breathe under the fat rolls
now that's knowing your target demographic
Fucking criminal.
That resolution was ass in the 2000s when the first pushed it. I have a CRT from 2002 that still works and is 1600x1200.
>Ugly transformer interior
Post what you think is a "perfect" interior.
>giant vertical iPad screen
>digital gauge cluster
>electric e brake
Only issues I have with it, other than that it’s decent. Still prefer my frontier though
here comes the leather and wood BMW
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Not necessarily perfect, but something like this.
Who the fucking designed this interior for fucks sake
>giant screen in the middle
I thought OP posted a Subaru interior before I saw the Ford emblem.
ok so who stole from who?
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actual perfection
Mashallah, quite the perfect interior
I hate these screens so much
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We have to go back
I'd rather be muslim and die being projected out of my car during a drifting accident rather than being a globohomo enjoyer.
it’s a spaceship goyim, not a car inspired by botox
Looks like I was right, Ford literally just bought a bunch of laptop LCDs on clearance and started shoving them on their cars
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>OH that actually looks...good?
Why don't other manufacturers do this instead of shitscreen ipads slapped on top of 2013 altima icky-sticky black on black on black
>still prefer muh analog buttons though
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y u gay?
pretty based but
>handbrake on passenger side
fucking japs, am I supposed to yell at granny to pull it when I want to do a mad skid or punch her in the fucking ribs trying to reach over
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I want an Ultima so much.
the only reason why you would want to get a fucking miata is because the automatic is great to drive.
i actually really like it on the passenger side, i think it's more ergonomic
i think RHD cars have it on their passenger-side as well anyways and the nips have never had an issue drifting JDM vehicles
lol, lmao
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sounds like i'm describing an old civic or corolla, doesn't it? but then it's also
>fun to drive
and there you go, an instant classic. of course, you'd never know that last point if you're limited only to autotragics, so i understand why you don't see the appeal of something like a miata: you simply are not a car enthusiast.
>Screen is integrated
Anon, that is one of the most glued on ipads I've ever seen in my life, worse than Teslas.
>crapple fart spray
>uneligible for 5 stars because the controls are shit
pick one
Pic related, you may not like it but this is what peak automotive form actually looks like (well, true peak would have a manual but this is perfection otherwise).
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Those blue interiors are horrible and tend to age like milk after the sun does its deed. But yeah, W140 is about as good as it gets. Just not in the version you posted. Pic related, the GOAT W140.
We will, thanks to BASED safety bodies doing something right for once. No more 5 stars ratings for iPads on wheels.
Looks much worse in real life, that one's a render. In real life you can see the screen borders underneath and more when light shines on it the wrong way.

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