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>way more power than you could ever even come close to using on public roads
>floor it for 5 seconds on an on ramp and you're either in go to jail and lose your license territory or inside the back of someone's rear bumper
>will never even come within 50% of the cars handling capabilities on any backroad or main road
>costs more than most people's homes
>costs as much as most people's cars to do a basic service
>repairs will set you back the price of a nice truck/SUV
>will probably only be driven 1000 miles or less a year
>constantly worried someone will hit you or mess with it if you park it
>stupid zoomers will stalk you in order to take pics for online clout
>every moron in a WRX, Vette, or Mustang will try and race you and act like an obnoxious tool when you're trying to go on a fun drive
>no one will leave you alone at every red light and gas station

Seriously, why do people buy six figure sports/super cars? They seem like a colossal waste of money and a pain in the ass no matter what way you look at it.
>poor people problems
Look up veblen goods
to flex
Other than the money related issues, how does any of the other things I mentioned have to do with your income? Low IQ detected.
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to show off that they have money. it's that simple

Ferrari's are moving art. They are a rich person's way of displaying status to working people. It's also guaranteed to attract women.

They get driven once a month, and that's it. Besides as long as it is maintained, the owner can sell it, and probably at worst take a 20% loss.
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>giving a fuck about what others think when croozing
Imagine your sense of self worth being based on how much money you have. Most rich people are pathetic.
almost half of the complaint were money related
Most weren't retard
Perhaps the most difficult thing about this is the fact that most businesses out there will give you a better treatment if you appear to be wealthy; society is unironically rotten to the core.
>on public roads
You know tracks exist, right?
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A tiny handful of autist enthusiasts buy these sorts of cars and actually drive them because they like cars. The vast majority of six fig sports cars are bought by richfags so they can show other richfags that they are in fact richfags. I live in LA and whenever you go through Beverly Hills you can see tons of them being driven 5 miles in bumper to bumper traffic.
Some people have more money than they know what to do with.
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(((Thorstein))) Bunde Veblen.
The worst part is the only people who can afford these are geriatric retards who would have a heart attack if they pushed the car to its limits. All that elite engineering and manufacturing gone to waste on a dumbass with more money than sense. It will never be fully appreciated for the work of art that it is.
/pol/yps are insufferable
I worked at a Ferrari shop for a few years. There's a few types of customers
1. Aspirational - people who dreamed of owning one their whole life. Most of these customers end up with something like a 355/Testarossa (during my time these were $50k for one with some miles on it), these days something like a 430. There's also ones from past generations that bought things like Mondials and 308s in the 90s. These people spend a lot of their money on them and don't always drive them because they can't afford to lose them.
2. People with sketchy finances. Some people buy them because they are a way to move money around and hold money in a somewhat safe harbor. This could be any model. Had multiple customers end up in jail for fraud while their car was at the shop.
3. Old rich guy. This is 90% of Ferrari owners. Almost all of them own more than one. A lot of owning one of these cars is the networking value, going on drives and to meets you meet a lot of other wealthy folks. There's just not that much to spend money on at a certain point - you can have the nicest house in (US city), ranch in Montana, Hawaii house, south of France house, boat, etc. for $100 mil all in. Plenty of people have a lot more money than that though, may as well buy something cool.
Too bad they're ugly
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A seething incel appears.
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nice. i kek'd
Maybe 1% of the people that buy these tracks them kid. Same with every other sports car.
Nice comeback
black wheels == nigger gypsie
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>can't make the connections
>calls other anons stupid
It comes down to personal preference. Everyone's different
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people buy things like this to trailer to cars and coffee and then trailer back home
>They seem like a colossal waste of money and a pain in the ass no matter what way you look at it.
theyre a money waste for complete fucking retards too pussy to go racing

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