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File: Roller.jpg (631 KB, 1079x606)
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>steal roller from construction site
>drop it off in the woods less than a mile away a month ago
>It's still there

Really highlighting the competency crisis in policing huh
the company cashed the insurance check and bought a new one. keep it
It got hyperAIDS after you used it, they don't want it back
why dont you squish something with it
I plowed some trees
considering something else
Wtf is that Flintstones ah car, cop a proper whip
Fuck you, trees create oxygen and look nice. Go smoosh some financed cuckboxes so overleveraged NPCs can't commute and lose their jobs.
>It's still there
They fucking booby trapped it you moron. They knew you'd come back.
Prepare your anus
Cool, but why?
For fun
Ted kazinscky go brrr
>live in bumfuck nowhere
>surprised the bumfuck cops aren't competent
Did you really steal it tho?
Most crews just leave keys inside in case you want to take it for a spin after hours.
>bumfuck nowhere
it's less than a mile from Chicago
it's an older model that was keyless
They should have been able to find it with GPS
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Fungi need to eat too
Idk why but until I read through the thread I thought you just meant the roller wheel not the whole vehicle and the absurdity of that action made it funnier
In the 1930s, douglas aircraft was in the process of designing a new wing. However, they had limited knowledge and experience in building a all-metal wing of that size. They didn't really know how strong they needed to make it, nor did they really know how to calculate stress loads. So they decided that the wing needs to be able to withstand the weight of a road roller. At first the wing collapsed, so they made it stronger. It collapsed again, and they made it stronger again. They did this until the wing stopped collapsing.

That's how they designed the wing for the most iconic aircraft of all time, the DC-3.
Did you drive it there at a snails pace or did you load it on something else?
Is can go up to about 7 mph so it wasn't that slow
fucking reddit faggot, kill yourself
This particular model is reliable except for the wiring. There is an arm rest that pops open to show all your fuses and a big nest of wires. This is a nice area to keep them EXCEPT for the fact that it's NOT weather proof. This means you get to hunt all kinds of wiring issues. I got to the point where I mapped it all out and then removed it all and did my own wiring harness. And of course you can't buy parts for these any more and of course they are the most reliable rollers because modern rollers come from Germany and use CAN bus and rattle themselves to death before 900 hours.
This is probably deboonked
Weird bots
Dead internet theory comfimed
bread on hood or this whole thread is gay
This could be you OP
kek not like those super genius big city cops
It's gone
then I have some bad news for you
Explains it
Why? Did you really? Confessing to a crime, though it may be a bogus story. Ain't right to steal. Big if true, no proofs.
Probably so, but if it not it definitely explains why DC-3's are such tough bastards.

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