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>From 1 December 2024, all drivers of an ultra high powered vehicle (UHPV) must hold a U class licence.
Does any other country have such a licence? Of course it won't be free - 81 bucks for knee-jerk, feel-good, do-nothing bullshit.
Seems alright to me, there are too many retards in Lambos and Ferraris that try to race at the lights and just spin out immediately.
>t. wowzer shill
Is that a magazine or some boomer term? Seems like it could be either one kek
i dont mind this law, imagine how much of a flex it is to have the U class added to your license
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Must be the after-effects of their ancestors being prisoners.
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Genuine retards
dont worry, your falcadore can still be driven on a C class, the U class is for high performance lmfao
I only ever see cars like this in the suburbs owned by some boomer that has obviously never been to the bush with it ever. It's like how someone has a camper van that only moves maybe once every year and just rots in the yard the rest of the year.
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Oh right, I forgot Australia's so cucked that modifying your vehicle at all now will get it crushed.
Good thing they'll all disappear and be replaced by Toyota Camry's and busriders like you.
Sounds great.
even ned kelly got ratted out to the cops by his buddies lol. ratting your friends and family out and kowtowing to authority is an aussie tradition
It means sucking gov dick and dates back to 1900.
I never knew /o/ had many govsuckers.
you seem American with all the seppo car posting (which would also not be considered a UHPV). Didnt you read that a U class is only an online test with no practical component? Its literally just do the online test and get issued a U license and you can continue to drive an italian supershitbox
>It means sucking gov dick and dates back to 1900.
So a boomer term then.
Lost Generation anon.
>Average driver + hypercar = chimpanzee + grenade .
Good , why to many morons drive very fast cars without skills to do it . If anything in this case Australia is based .
>why to many morons drive very fast cars without skills to do it
A lot of them are rich Saudi kids that are living here for whatever reason. I work for a luxury car company and we sold a car to some Saudi princes kid not long ago, and he went with pretty much every option on it we offered.
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I'm Canadian. We're heading in a similar direction as Australia.
>which would also not be considered a UHPV
For how long exactly?
What do you think the point of this law is? When has it ever stopped for either of our countries at "it's just this or that".
It always becomes more and more overbearing and restrictive.
Does it seem like the direction is towards freedom or towards tyranny to you?
South Australia is a bit of a special case, they are really strict about cars and a lot of it has to do with making money. Police have quotas for how many fines they need to give out to drivers per week and have some really shitty road rules.
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The kind of faggots to support bills like this, then wonder why every car on the road is a grey Civic and why kids aren't getting into cars anymore.
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>The kind of faggots to support bills like this, then wonder why every car on the road is a grey Civic and why kids aren't getting into cars anymore.
Feels like I'm reading a quote from a SkyNews article
bro, its a $50 online course that takes 30 minutes to complete (by the websites own estimate) and you can drive high powered retard shit on the same day. It was a knee jerk reaction to some person who got hit by a fagtron in a Ferrari where they were usually driving an I20 Hyundai. they did it out of creating liability not because of some grand sweeping conspiracy. The real issue between Canada and Australia is immigration not this
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Found what SA considers UHPVs and pic excludes the rest.
This. It's lip service so they look like they're doing something.
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I don't care about airplanes.
>not because of some grand sweeping conspiracy
This had nothing to do with conspiracy. It's natural law progression.
Yeah that's the biggest issue, but that doesn't mean this doesn't matter.
>ahhhh i cant drive a lambo now
>could you afford one in the first place?
>no but thats not the point
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>Rather than receiving additional driver training, those in South Australia wishing to obtain a U-class licence simply have to complete an online course designed to highlight the risks of driving a high-powered car.

Complete nothingburger. Best part is the guy who headcrush maxxed a teen girl with his lambo only got community service lmao. I've lived in WA, SA and VIC. SA is the most nanny state of them all so not surprised they jumped at an opportunity for pointless bureaucracy.
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That is quite literally not the point.
>SA is the most nanny state of them all
I hear nobody ever passes a regency inspection. I had a project car I just kept renewing rego on so I didn't have to face them.
if its a natural law progression then im getting the U class on the same day it gets rolled out, because if theres anything to worry about the government will just make the class harder to get, so might as well get it while its a cheap online test
Good idea. You'll be grandfathered into future requirements most likely.
>tfw was grandfathered past that retarded Hazard Perception Test
find it ironic that SA has no yearly inspections but are some of the most uptight when it comes to nannyism
It's completely over if/when they have yearly inspections. About 50% or more of the cars on the road would probably fail, a lot of shitboxes are getting around.
Why does SA have manholes covers every 5 m directly in the path of your wheels? Literally every other state has them at least in the lane divider, or on sidewalks.

Its like SA selected the worst possible configuration of road network.
You have autism
yeah but honestly yearly inspections aren't really needed. there was a govt study done a while back that compared states with and without inspections and found that the crash rate was pretty much identical between the two groups
it's a great source of income for shops and the govt though, so not going away any time soon
Lol meanwhile my 400hp barra shitbox sleeper flies under the radar
good, fuck bogans and their loud boganmobiles with straight pipes driving around.
Shit drivers are shit drivers regardless of yearly inspections or not. Funny that.
boomers got into cars because there was nothing else to fucking do, not because of "muh cuckboxes" or "muh decline in masculinity". kids have plenty of other shit to keep themselves entertained. also, kids today dont like cars because driving is seen as a chore, cars are expensive to own, insure and maintain, gas is expensive, smartphones make accidents more common, yet a car is REQUIRED to live in the new world. i think its telling that cars are actually more popular in EUROPE as an actual hobby/interest and not a purely social activity, where driving one isnt a necessity to live. the only non-european car zoomers i see online are insufferable tradboomer larpers who pepper their messages with 4chan buzzwords and dogwhistles.
extreme nanny state, they wanted to ban people under a certain age using facebook and from 3d printing certain weapons with heavy fines.

Imagine the cuck who actually buys a Bugatti to drive in Australia. I'd literally moved to Germany rather than bring it here.

Another one of those laws where even if you do nothing wrong they can go oh you didn't tick this form so here is a $2000 fine. The training is a powerpoint saying if you drive with traction control turned off even for 1 second and the police see it you will get a many thousand $ fine.

From what someone posted here Canada actually increased their speedlimits to 130 km/h in some places, in Australia some 110 km/h speed were reduced to 80 km/h, total revenue raiser.

A little taste of what we deal with

and here is a video from what they call an oppressive country with limited freedom

yeah and the comments in here are generally true but exaggerated a bit

And in Australia you need a fuckin dash cam because its only a matter of time before some pig accuses you of speeding and without proof you can't do shit, you the obligation is on you for proof.
>power to weight ratio of 276 kilowatts per tonne or more.
Why do you care? You will never have one of these vehiclea.
give me a special license that allows me to speed so long as I'm not weaving through traffic.
ya so let's ditch them in the other states
>in Australia some 110 km/h speed were reduced to 80 km/h, total revenue raiser.
Some really are for safety. I used to live near a 110kh/h road and people would crash on the corner almost weekly, including a truck that just went straight through the corner not that long ago. That was probably the last straw to make them reduce it to 80, which has made crashes very rare now. You also missed how NT has 130km/h roads too.

>in Australia you need a fuckin dash cam because its only a matter of time before some pig accuses you of speeding and without proof
First time I've ever heard of this one, everyone just has it because people drive like complete cunts and it's good to have proof.
Australia's government is the only reason I've not moved there. They're even worse than the tards in the states.
Couldn't believe it when they first introduced it. How many taxpayer dollars did they waste with this bullshit? A fucking online quiz with the most basic questions that any idiot could pass.
It was a golden opportunity to force drivers to get track experience before driving a hyper car on the road and they fucking blew it.
>force drivers to get track experience
honestly the driving test should be like sweden/switzerland where they take learners out on a skid pan and put them through various situations so they at least have an idea of what to do instead of just blindly stomping on the brakes
>the driving test
oops i mean the learners course/guide
but it's fairly obvious how old farts would react to this sort of thing
Why are anons concerned by this? Your shitbox is nowhere near powerful enough, you'll never be affected by this.
never forget how cucked Aussies are when they post, just ignore anything an ausfailian says and you'll be better off
All furrys will get the rope
> We're heading in a similar direction as Australia.
No we aren’t. Maybe in Onterrible/Québecuckia/BritishChina. Maybe move to a real province next time.
Australia is a nanny state.
If you can afford a supercar, you can afford the $81 dollarydoos to prove you can handle one. This doesn't affect you in the slightest with your clapped out Falcon.
>you reckon the water in this pot is getting hotter?
>yeah nah mate, yer imagining things
>too right
Australia is based, a hell cat is only 267hp/tonne. I wonder if people are crashing more supercars or hellcats. Can't get a demon though gotta have a license for one of those. Demon is over the 276kw/tonne at ~297kw/tonne. Demon is too fast for yall.
>Receive a fine of $5000 and six demerit points if found to have disabled advanced driver-assistance systems such as autonomous emergency braking and stability control in a UHPV.

LEWL can't turn off your drivers assist in your UHPV anymore. Enjoy your auto braking.
It is an offence to drive an UHPV with a disabled automated intervention system. An automated intervention system is any system that identifies a hazardous condition and responds by overriding the driver’s control of the vehicle. This includes:

anti-lock braking
automated emergency braking
electronic stability control
traction control.
The maximum penalty for this offence is six demerit points. A Court can also issue a maximum penalty of up to $5,000.

If you are involved in a crash while driving an UHPV and you have disabled any of your vehicle’s automatic intervention systems, you may be charged with the offence of causing death or serious harm by careless use of a vehicle.

The following defences are available for this offence:
If the driver:

did not cause or contribute to disabling the automated intervention system; and
did not know or could not reasonably be expected to have known it was disabled; and
could not reasonably be expected to have sought to ascertain whether it was disabled.
Secondly, it is also a defense where it is impracticable for the person to drive with the automated intervention system enabled, for example when certain driving conditions could necessitate the disabling of an automated intervention system.
>certain driving conditions could necessitate the disabling of an automated intervention system.
So me wanting to do a burn out or drift near a wall? Or let the tail wag? Though I don't know many cars that let you disable anti lock brakes.
do something you little bitch
The most dangerous drivers on the road today are the oldies. I see it every day.
>t. transport worker
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It’s an Aussie/NZ expression. In a pretty loose sense you would use it to refer to anyone who makes a habit of responding to every possible “bad thing” with more laws and regulations, or someone who generally is just incapable of having a good time and brings everyone else down with their misery.

>lip service
Sure. But don’t pretend that this isn’t something that’s overly Australian in nature - we have an abundance of people in this country who thinks it comes down to the government to run their lives rather than simply taking on some personal responsibility. Scumbags are gonna scumbag regardless of whether legislation exists preventing them from scumbagging or not, introducing weird and strange laws simply becomes burdensome for the regular person to navigate and on a long enough timeline will eventually prevent you from living life the way you rightfully should.

I yearn for a day in Australia where when something bad happens like the kid who killed his teenage passengers in Picton a year or so back, instead of out of touch boomers saying
>that’s tragic, the government really needs to ban young men from driving
they say
>shit, that sucks, but let’s move the fuck on with life because you can’t legislate out stupidity entirely
like the Americans do.

It’s one of the worst things about Australia and it’s killing this country.
That's only if you crash with those systems disabled. Don't crash and it's not a problem. If you do crash you probably needed the driver aids anyway.
>It’s an Aussie/NZ expression.
Never heard it here in my entire life and I'm 33, also lived in 3 states (4 if you count ACT, but I don't, just feels like a city and not a state).
>metric unit per imperial unit
>idiots with money should need a licence to drive their supercars
>no not like that
Bogans don't drive exotics m8. They're driven by Chinese millionaires who own half the country's property market (or they're international students using daddy's money).
These kinds of cars should be outright banned. There's no reason to have anything more than a small EV if you live in the suburbs or the city.
>I just kept renewing rego on so I didn't have to face them.
a similar thing happens with rwcs in queensland
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I posted the text.
>It is an offence to drive an UHPV with a disabled automated intervention system. An automated intervention system is any system that identifies a hazardous condition and responds by overriding the driver’s control of the vehicle. This includes:

>anti-lock braking
>automated emergency braking
>electronic stability control
>traction control.
>The maximum penalty for this offence is six demerit points. A Court can also issue a maximum penalty of up to $5,000.
That's if you get pulled over for speeding and forget to turn the traction control back on, or you are doing obvious burn outs that the TCS would not allow under normal traction control.
If you crash it and injure someone it has it's own charges associated with it. But I'm pretty sure if I was doing burnouts in my scat pack it would be pretty obvious I disabled traction control.
I do wonder if linelock turning traction control off so I could do a sick burn out would qualify as
>>certain driving conditions could necessitate the disabling of an automated intervention system.
Also if you didn't know the 6.4l and hellcat chargers have linelock built in for sick burn outs.
>linelocker burnout
shuddup sepo
They made the same mistake we all did and gave women rights. It's all downhill from there.
>burn outs
sustained loss of traction is forbidden by law
Why? You guys hoon to hard down there?
>Maybe in Onterrible/Québecuckia/BritishChina. Maybe move to a real province next time.
As much as I'd like to move out to Alberta, as it turns out the "real provinces" don't have any fucking work. I don't want to work in the oil fields or Tim Hortans.

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