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I always associated this car with rich people.
>2 years wage
If you think $22k for a car is expensive then I don't know what to tell you.
Because they are ungodly unreliable. Even the automotive media couldn't hide or forgive it.
That's Corvette money what are you doing looking at 2 liter compact economy cars
lol I remember when all the “enthusiasts “ were shilling this piece of shit. It’s cheap because it’s an Italian car, which means it’s a ticking time bomb waiting to pop.
really? I had a Spyder back in high school and I bought it with money from my first job
It's literally a fiat shitbox
2 years is ancient for them
It should not cost more than 30k brand new
It's an EV, right? Only they lose value so fast.
>268hp 2L I4
Anon learn 2 read
>terrible dealership network
>terrible parts availability
>few specialty independent shops for Italian cars
>no brand recognition
mine has been reliable so far but I understand why normies stay away from them
Dealer should learn to read too, the actual published and government acknowledged output is 280hp
How's the vehicle history?
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seems about right desu
Can you fix the parts issues somewhat with aftermarket replacements? (i'm guessing there's 0 aftermarket) or buy parts from the dealers online and just do repairs at an independent shop?
I was thinking of buying one because it has good suspension and 4 doors, and like another anon mentioned, they're cheap but seem to be mostly built well.
>2L i4
Nice disposable econobox
The warranty just ran out

you making 11k a year? grim
there is a decent selection of maintenence parts for the base Giulias on Rockauto, you will have better luck buying from there and wrenching yourself than trusting an independent shop to do anything correctly
In general I don't think the Giulia is more difficult than any other modern car for an enthusiast to own
AlfaODB and an old beater laptop gets you a good diag tool.

Cheap factory service data:
Oil changes are pita because you have a giant board you have to undo like 15 bolts in order to gain access.
What are the known issues? I know the pre-2019s had electrical gremlins but I haven't heard anything major about the newer ones.
no but you see that's an italian car
>3 years old vauxhall insignia
Thats bad as americans can only count into ten, and only into five with a wrench on hand
All of those have significantly more miles and seem worse equipped overall.
They have a reputation of being unreliable cause >Italian car but it's a little over blown
The 3 series is more expensive than the guilia new
The base guilia is $42k the base 330i is $45k
The one OP posted is not the base trim, it's the Veloce. More power, AWD and it's also a well speced version. Panoramic sunroof, Ti body kit, leather.
You don't seem to know your cars, at least european ones. Which is fine, as I'm not that familiar with american cars.
The green one is pretty 'spensive.
Goddamn tho the red with the gunmetal wheels they have with those “o” shapes in the rim look real nice on the back of a flatbed tow truck.
>Dealer should learn to read too
How new are you?
>Why are they so cheap?

You need new wiper blades.....that will be $3000.
Cargurus scrape from dealer sites, it's not a private listing.
>base to base
fuck off or post spec to spec, just stripping everything out makes for a cheap base but one might be a lot nicer with no options
If you don't change the trans filter at 60k, it'll run like shit just like any other zf8
Should probably change the multiair filter at the same mileage, but it's not listed as serviceable
>I always associated this car with rich people.
It's entry-level luxury with an Italian badge built by FCA-Lantis, if you look at it's specs it's competitors are cars such as the MB C300 and BMW 330i which all have 2 liter turbo 4 cylinders making in the range of ~250hp (the Giulia does have an edge on these being closer to 300hp, still behind a V6 Camaro jej).
Just about the only selling point is that it's rarer and more "foreign" especially in American markets as we haven't had Alfa Romeo in decades, so people will buy it just to be different from the sea of monochrome BMWs and Audis - and to flaunt an Italian badge because it fools people into thinking it cost over twice as much as it's competition.
None of this essentially means it's a bad car, and the Quadrifoglio is a different beast entirely, but-
>tl;dr it's entry level luxury, compare C300/330i/A4 prices of the same year for yourself
Extremely bad reliability, high maintenance cost, and lack of brand loyalty and prestige. One exception seems to be the 4C, but you can still grab one for around 45k. Just be ready to fork over 10k+ for issues. The DCT trans on those are made of glass I've heard.
every Giulia trim sold in the US gets the high output 4cyl (besides the QV ofc)
>lack of brand loyalty and prestige
If anything having a foreign brand like Alfa Romeo that's rare in America is a big boost in prestige
Jeets love these things here
Based and EBT pilled
Says ti in the description bro
be thankful for the price of this car (or the stelvio) till it's for sale because stellantis is killing the platform
the next stellantis gen will be one platform for every car for every brand in their frankenstein company.
ICE, PHEV, EV all on the same frame so forget the ultra optimized chassis of current alfas
I'm telling you as a guy who lives in europe, and has a history with alfaromeos.
These cars are nice ONLY IF YOU WRENCH
if you don't know how to wrench, fuck you. you don't need this car.
Alfa Romeos are the kind of car that's for wrenching enthusiasts only.
they will break down. i don't care if its a new generation or old generation. they VILL break down.

or you have money and you don't care about the occasional fix

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