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I'll lay out the fundamental problem with EVs:
>it's the batteries, stupid!
Batteries are about 16x less dense than gasoline. Even when you take into account the superior efficiency of electric motors (70-90ish % vs 40% for ICEs) that only makes batteries about 1/10th as good as gasoline. Fuel cells are the only realistic answer in the near-term, and that tech hasn't gone anywhere in decades. So until the battery problem is solved, failures like Ford's F-150 electric shitbox are going to worsen as consumers figure out that EVs suck.
And no, battery research is never going to solve the problem (at least not for hundreds of years). Battery tech is very slow to advance, it has always been slow to advance, and there are no "breakthrough" technologies that will change that.
I'm sorry Elon Musk seized twitter from a jeet CEO, donates 45 million USD a month to Trump, and raped your mom
that's nice, but tesla is still going to take over the world with EVs if one of the legacy automakers don't do it first. Ford making an unprofitable product doesn't mean EV adoption isn't going up.
>the only thing that matters is energy density
ok retard
>And no, battery research is never going to solve the problem (at least not for hundreds of years)
Nigger there are literally solid state batteries on the market in consumer products right now, production scaling is going to happen very soon
>energy density doesn't matter for energy storage devices
>t. busrider
Sorry you can't afford an EV Paco, must be rough
Why do you have your house connected to the grid? Run it off a gas generator if it's 10x better.
It's pretty far from being the only thing that matters, especially when you consider differences in drive-train components. Yeah, a battery is less energy dense than a tank of gasoline, but an electric car doesn't need a fucking ENGINE which contributes a bit of weight to the vehicle I think.
Nigger, solid stage batteries are literally an incremental improvement.
>Toyota, Japan's biggest carmaker, has said its mass production of cars with solid-state batteries will only come "later than 2030.
Are you seriously going to argue vehicle weight when it comes to EVs?
2025 BMW M5 - 5,390 pounds
Tesla Model S Plaid - 4,776 lbs
I accept your concession.
Toyota very openly doesn't care about the EV market and actively wants to discourage their adoption, they are about the worst example you could have given.
You are painfully retarded and incapable of critical thinking
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Toyota is the largest car manufacturer in the world. Their strategy of ignoring EVs has been working very well, as shown by their strong sales of hybrids and other vehicles.
>production scaling is going to happen very soon
2 more weeks
In reality, here's an Apples to Apples comparison. An EV F-150 with much worse range and towing ability still weighs 50% more than its ICE twin.
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That's why their value is half of TSLA
Now cope and explain how you are smarter than the entirety of the world's financial system (while not holding Toyota or shorting Tesla of course because you actually have no conviction about your dumb beliefs)
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Soon, there will only be Toyota and Taco Bell
That's not really relevant when your post what about Toyota saying they're going to wait to implement new battery tech. Toyota waits and plays it safe with everything, they always have. Trying to use their strategy to claim that new technology isn't coming for other manufacturers is retarded.
Saying things like "the battery tech is complete, we just need to put it into production!" is retard tier retarded. Even Musk admits that mass production is a way harder problem than developing the tech in the first place.
What is smart is not using EV tech that is shit compared to current ICE tech.
The tech is IN PRODUCTION, you can buy it right now on Amazon. The manufacturers are selling the product so that they can scale production and lower manufacturing costs, which is the way every new technology is introduced since the dawn of industry you retard.
Nuclear powered car
They should have stuck with perfecting hybrid cars
Are there any EV manufacturers who have issued press releases stating that they will switch to the new batteries in the next two years or something similar?
Doesn't address the root cause of the root cause. In order to have energy become 'greener', it must become more efficient, moving people larger distances with less/cleaner sources of fuel. All automotive and energy companies oppose this because making travel more efficient would also necessarily make it cheaper, because people are consuming less energy to travel. That's what the market is fighting, not the adoption of EVs in particular. Cheap/easily available energy of any kind, which would make line go down, because there are less sales, because people are consuming less. Simple as.

You have to attack the issue at its heart and establish strong protections for consumers and strong punishments for corporate interests that keep trying to fix prices high. Make it tantamount to treason, not a white collar misdemeanor, and people will stop fighting it because you can't spend your money if you're dead.
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>That's why their value is half of TSLA
I bet you don’t even know what a P/E ratio is.
If their PE is too high then short it. You won't though because you have no clue what you are talking about. TSLA market cap is more than double that of Toyotas. That means the market (actual smart people that deploy money) has determined the value of Tesla is double that of Toyotas. If you aren't putting money down, you must not have any valid opinion. If Tesla is overvalued or Toyota is undervalued, take a position on them with as much leverage as you can, it's free money according to you.
Tesla's value also comes from stuff like their house battery packs, grid scale battery packs, charging network (that has opened up to other companies and is now making money from most other EVs sold in the US) and solar panels and solar roofs. Toyota also has almost 200 billion dollars of debt that's lowering their share value.

>If their PE is too high then short it. You won't though
Because shorting is betting WHEN retards like you will figure out it’s not worth that much. Which is nigh impossible.
>stock price is the best way to gauge value
market crashes would never happen if that was the case.
>efficiency of electric motors (70-90ish % vs 40% for ICEs)
Gas cars would get 70 mpg if they had 40% efficiency, they're closer to 20%.

A Tesla model 3's battery pack has the same amount of energy as 2.2 gallons of gas yet can travel 300 miles.
Too bad the motors are god-tier when we have such garbage fucking battery tech.
>3,600 homes for an hour
Half a billion to power a hick town for an hour? How is this not a criminal act of stupidity and grift?
Works on my machine, skill issue
>reading comprehension
It says 3 MWh is enough to power 3600 homes for an hour, and the contract was for 800 MWh of total capacity, dipshit
Strange ford can't make any money selling them.
Post "your" machine
>That's why their value is half of TSLA
Stock value is totally irrelevant to real-world value. Tesla's market cap is what it is because they're a better stock shiller than Toyota, not a better automaker.
You'd feel the absence of linux way harder than you would the absence of Apple, but only one of those has a market cap in the trillions.
The issue is compounded by the very real threat of bankruptcy. Legacy automakers have a revenue model which is fundamentally dependent on continued sales of spare parts. Electric cars don’t need much in the way of spares. Therefore they are a bad long-term investment, since they result in lower long-term revenue. Legacy automakers have high fixed costs, thus they need a continuous revenue tail to sustain themselves, which can only be realistically achieved by selling spare parts.
By contrast, both the Chinese and Tesla have different revenue models. The Chinese are directly subsidised by the CCP, whereas Musk demands his employees submit to wage-slavery (thus keeping personnel costs low), and refuses to license any tech, creating everything in-house (even if/when the in-house solutions are inferior).
>A Tesla model 3's battery pack has the same amount of energy as 2.2 gallons of gas yet can travel 300 miles.

"same amount of energy" - what does that even mean?

Even if true...it weighs way more than 2.2 gallons of gasoline, which negatively impacts efficiency. A full tank of 20 gallons of gasoline weighs much less than a Tesla battery pack
>I can't combat him with facts so Ill just cope in stead.
Everyone who wanted an EV and the ability to charge/keep them has done so.
Hilarious how leftists suddenly started hating on EVs once Elon took over Twitter.
>Legacy automakers have a revenue model which is fundamentally dependent on continued sales of spare parts
uhhh what? What common parts exactly would you typically even buy from the car manufacturer?
There are people who spend 3-4 times the cost just buying discs and pads from the dealership
EVs in the US typically have around half the emissions over the life of the vehicle.

Increasingly they're used by the right as an argument against promoting cycling and public transport, as in, we can just continue as before, everyone driving everywhere, just with EVs. That is a form of climate denialism.

The fact that punchable faces like Musk are the ones saying it, doesn't make it a cultural issue.
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>b-b-but le cyclerino and bussinerino and environmentarino!!!!!!
Fuck off right back to your shithole >>>/n/igger
you post on /n/ cunt so ima post here.
plus i probably have a cooler car than you. Just did the timing belt on it myself so probably know more about cars too
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Only thing you own is a bus pass >>>/n/igger
You're never going to be very effective either if you refuse to understand what your enemies think
I swear to god, on reddit, Elon flipped from Eco Space Jesus to Nepo Apartheid Hitler in less than 12 hours
coincidentally at exactly the same time the big 3 had to start competing with Tesla instead of using their carbon credits
Do you even basic calculus?
An 82 kWh battery holds the equivalent of about 2.4 gallons of gas (average energy density of around 33.something kWh). Let’s take the M3 Performance, which has the worst economy. Also let’s assume the EPA numbers are bullshit, and the real value is 200 miles (instead of ~300). This results in a range of 200 miles for a 2.4 gallon equivalent, that is, ~83 mpg.
I don’t know any human-sized cars (not experimental quadricycles like the VW 1L) that can reliably hit those numbers.
Tesla is a meme stock
Do you also think Apple is the most important consumer electronics manufacturer in the world because of muh stocks?

Are you saying the sales will be near zero or will be flat? Wait till the end of the year.
OP hit bees nest with a stick
Because density is half of the problem dumbass? You can't run a nuclear plant to your car but you can to your house.
>"same amount of energy" - what does that even mean?
It means exactly what it means you retard, gasoline is a fuel source because it contains energy, the amount of which per a given volume assuming perfect combustion efficiency we are able to measure and quantify.
>"no one wants EVs!"
>posts about EVs dying every day for the last 3 years
This board seems weirdly obsessed with EVs
When are we going to stop having a controlled automotive economy?
>can't afford a car
>screech about EVs nonstop to try to fit in with people who have cars
>get assaulted by niggers on the bus
>fucking gamestop
You're not fooling anyone with this intellectually dishonest response.
Daily reminder EV shills are brown trannies and cannot post car.
Verification not required.
Youtube killed the Ford Lighting 2 and all non Tesla EV trucks years ago when they tested it's truck chores abilities. It's failed miserably and it was all downhill from there.
ganbatte busrider-kun, you'll save up enough for a 30 year old civic one day I know it.
>"hurr durr EV fag post car!"
>EV fag posts car
>schizo fucks off to another thread and starts all over again
You just know it's 1 autist with no job and no car shitting up this board. Probably the same guy making pro EV threads as well, he needs a boogey man so he invents one
>but gais, stonk margit!
Wanna know how I know you're retarded?
I'm saying sales will flatline when everyone who wants one and can charge one has already bought one.
The people without driveways, or a means to charge it will not buy an EV.
Poorfags taking Ls left and right
Congrats on excluding yourself from a huge section of the market, I guess?
Poors aren't in the market for a new car anyway
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I generally buy only OEM parts when they're still available. Sensors, body panels, and bearings especially. Parts store aftermarket is typically junk, or their highest 'quality' tier costs nearly as much has OEM.
Fact post and true statement
Post your car; you won't
So where's """your""" car then?
communists needs to be killed
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This is the part where you fuck off to another thread and pretend this never happened ;^)
I had a chat with one of MOMO's chairmen yesterday. He was just back from a large automotive meeting in Milan and said that several large automotive groups invested insane amount of money towards EV production output for nothing because right now the public is still very reluctant to purchase one. These groups are being hit very hard and will be for the next quarters at least.
>companies aren't worth whatever the consensus of the entire world's economic system says they are
>companies are worth whatever I think they are and Tesla is overvalued because Elon hurts my feelings
>but no I won't actually support my position by betting on it
Every time
>I'm 100% certain this coin flip will be tails
>ok, let's bet $100
>nah coin flipping is just a meme bro
>car posted
>schizo stops posting
Sasuga, busrider-kun
Forgot pic
you know the rules, bread on hood
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>Sasuga, busrider-kun
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>NNOOoooOOOO yYouU nEEEED TO REspONd WITHiinnnn 60 SECONDASSS!!!!!!!!111111
Take your meds you absolute jobless hobbyless lifeless schizoid nigger.
>V6 vert Hawaiian rental car
>respons within 60 seconds
>dads leased car
>if I wait the perfect amount of time nobody will notice I literally took a picture of a V6 Mustang in an airport rentacar lot to try to win an internet argument
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>post dads leased cuckpod
>lurking 24/7 to respond immediately
>get nervous if not immediately responded to
>you when "driving" a car irl instead your gaymen console
Is the problem in volume or weight?
>there's only one other anon on /o/
I have no idea who or what you are talking about, didn't read the thread. Came in here to laugh at an anon pretending a V6 rental mustang is his car. Did you think nobody would notice anything weird about a parking garage with 3 V6 Mustang convertibles parked next to each other in Hawaii? How do you you end up in a situation where you have to pretend to own one of the most laughed at cars in the world?
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>board without any form of identification whatsoever
>haha I am totally not that other guy
Is your dad gone with the leased explosive vehicle?
Yes, lovely place to be for work and pleasure.
Li-ion batteries have reached their current potential
We need a new battery, one that doesn't degrade or detonate
>that is, ~83 mpg.
Now turn on the AC or heater.
>Li-ion batteries have reached their current potential
Not really, there are still process improvements, like all-solid-state construction, lower reactivity materials, improved internal geometry etc. But, yes, there's a measure of diminishing returns in terms of the fundamental technology involved.
>We need a new battery, one that doesn't degrade or detonate
Anode-free all-solid-state sodium batteries are likely to be the next big thing, but are still about 3-4 years away from commercial production. They'll still degrade like a motherfucker, but at least they'll be much less likely to brew up, and will be cheap enough to replace regularly without bankrupting you.
Take a pic of your V6 Mustang convertible not parked in the airport rental lot and I'll post a pic of my face holding the title to my vehicle
lmao EVs
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>>companies aren't worth whatever the consensus of the entire world's economic system says they are
holy fuck you don't understand the basics.
the price of a stock is it's perceived value TODAY based on FUTURE EXPECTATIONS. Those future expectations will inevitably change as the economy and company change. NO ONE can tell you what the stock price will be tomorrow, next week, month or year. That's why all stocks are inherently risky.
>>companies are worth whatever I think they are and Tesla is overvalued because Elon hurts my feelings
a P/E of 55 is INSANE. For reference the S&P 500 had a P/E of 34 before the dot com bubble which it took 5 years to recover from.

when you plot it out compared to Applel and Microsoft, trading economics puts it on a different scale it's so insane. Microsoft and Applel both only briefly hit 40.

>>but no I won't actually support my position by betting on it
holding a stock and shorting/putting it are not exact opposites. when you hold a stock there is no expiration date for it. ANY short position has a due date and your prediction has to be true by that specific date. If the stock collapses the day after your short position expires, you get jackshit from it. whereas you can hold on to a stock as long as you damn well please. you sound like the kind of retard who trades options and doesn't understand theta decay or the tax implications of it.
>Nigger, solid stage batteries are literally an incremental improvement.
The primary selling point is rapid recharge, but it's clearly not ready for primetime. Infrastructure can't handle it and it's not ready to be scalable.
that's a long wall of text to again say you know better than every trader, every quant algorithm, and every shareholder, but aren't willing to put any money on your belief. *yawns*. Look everyone, it's one of 500 million people on the internet that have it all figured out but are somehow dead broke.
Post these threads isnt gonna improve your financial situation.
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>Do you even basic calculus?
so a bettery has what, 20 times lower energy density thank gasoline? 50 times? Being 2-3 times as efficient makes no difference if you hold 10-20 times less energy. You cannot "basic calculus" you way out of range anxiety, and the fact that EVs have no feature parity with gasoline cars, while being more expensive and barely more environmentally friendly over their lifecycle (https://www.volvocars.com/images/v/-/media/applications/pdpspecificationpage/c40-electric/specifications/volvo-carbon-footprint-report.pdf).

tldr; cope'n seethe
No he just claims it's not your car when you post it and keeps screeching like a retard but never posts his non-existent shitbox. He's very predictable.
Well see the thing about this is that you're assuming everyone who has bought an EV will not buy another one, when in reality wealthy people tend to trade cars and buy new ones like they're cellphones.
>253 words is too much to read for a "trust the experts" redditor who basically doesn't believe in bubbles

I know the user you're talking about. He's on here 18 hours a day, every day. He shits up /dbt/ all the time. He's really worthless.
>say it's a bubble every day
>wrong for thousands of days
>market goes red for a few weeks
>had no bearish positions of course because "the market is a meme"
>still shares his "expert" opinions on the internet
You don't seem to understand your type is a diamond dozen. If you think you understand the market, you would be making money on it. You aren't. You know nothing. If you did, your knowledge would print money. It's that simple.
1) people have been saying this shit for decades
2) there is every incentive to making this happen, and yet it is not happening. this points to the fact that it isn't possible
3) shut up and accept reality instead of living in a fantasy world where you get what you want because you want it. there are hard limits to the universe and this is one of them
>1) people have been saying this shit for decades
were the batteries available to purchase for decades?
Toyota got fucked by their solid state program. they tried to undercut LION and got dendrites to deal with, They can make good batteries but the batteries kills themselves with dendrites.
>EV adoption isn't going up
It isn't, germany removed the gibs for EVs and instantly lost almost all yearly sales.
EVs are not good cars, a car you can't trust yourself to have at your home and be able to be sure your house won't be leveled by an electric fire at any time isn't a good thing to say to people.
And no, teslas won't take over shit, they're most probably the worst cars to ever have existed, the whole car is centered on the middle display, they don't even have levers for fucking goddamn turn lights, regular lights or the fucking transmission, those cars are the most cheaply made garbage after chink death traps, zero QC and zero material quality.
And for shit like this is why bicycles are forbidden on highways on my country, and as always, mutts are decades behind civilized countries.
lmao, you're incapable of not posting like a schizo it's pretty funny
do you know that the same legacy automakers are also getting CCP subsides in china? those aren't sino-automakers exclusives. The problems arrises when GM is using Crap LG bateries and Ferd and Stelantis aren't even players in the international markets. VAG is with their heads in the sand when it come to EVS and tesla is truly the only american automaker that can make leverage in china.
Total EV ban
Bread. Hood. Your turn.

>18 hours a day
Holy mental illness
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>EVs dead
Amerilards wish
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this is why it's never worth responding to these faggots. they'll just insult your car while never posting their own.

this behavior started with Ukraine war tourists on /k/ who runied the
>post guns
thing by doing exactly this, whereas previously when both anons had posted guns they just accepted they were two gun owners with different opinions rather than a 12 year old who didn't have access to a gun.

there's seemingly no cure for this faggotary, it's basically terminal when it appears on a board.
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russia will be dismantled in your lifetime :)
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Two more weeks?
Demanding the other side dox themselves on here is just a weak way to end an argument you are losing. You would have to be functionally retarded to post your shit here.

Everyone knows ev's are expensive bullshit for fags.

Captcha ttrs, god gives me a sign.
Sounds like you don't have a car
>everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian shill
(You) people are more retarded than libtards in 2016
Should be picking up my i5 this weekend :~)
Answering the title question, no EVs aren’t dead. Outside of North America, and to a lesser extent Europe and Australia, there really isn’t a road trip culture. You use a car in your metro area, maybe into the nearby countryside on occasion. For long distance travel, you take a bus or fly.
Neat, post spec
>he will post his car, but will never post his hand
what possessed you to buy something that ugly?
Still not seeing a car
Nigga the research into anode-free solid-state sodium battery construction got published literally this month. How quickly do you think companies can build them? It's not instantaneous, this ain't Star Trek replicators. It takes years of prototyping, design tweaks, and process improvements, to reach a commercially-viable product.
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Incredible, isn't it? We live in a world where only an extremely small handful of the creatures we call homo sapiens aren't either ontologically evil (that we few non-NPCs may perceive as "demons") or lemmings extremely susceptible to being led by the former group to their doom and highly resistant to anything else. We only got here because a couple of those good men were lucky enough to have been born under circumstances in which they could rise up and wrangle the latter group into not destroying themselves and actually working for long enough to create things that would take a lot of time and energy to destroy. Even then a numerous and primitive/stupid/evil enough race can wipe it all out in mere moments, never to return. It's happened several times throughout history and there may be nothing left the next time it happens
They aren't allowed on highways dumb nigger. why are non-americans always retarded subhumans?
yep. and now, post the 45mil pledge, there's calls to boycott his companies. which, since spacex isn't exactly consumer facing, really means boycott tesla.
>1989 fox body mustang- 2,880
Mine weighs in at 3,280 but it's the heaviest fox known to man.
Sunroof, full stereo, supercharger/intercooler, underglow....
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Here you go, nigger
I think EVs will be on a 10-15 year hiatus for anything other than the luxury market or south american/chinese ultrashit boxes until newer batter tech is fully developed
>random image from a parking lot in Japan
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it’s korea, dumb nigger gorilla
Arr rook samu
Also no bread
>it korera
herro prease
Do you drink the poop wine?
Herro shitty wok
nah, they're fully workable right now, as long as you have the ability to charge at home.
if you need to do trips, tesla's (and everything else than can use superchargers) are good for that too.

the real blockers of further adoption right now are
a) EV prices, but those are dropping all the time, and used teslas are already quite cheap
but more importantly
b) all the people in apartments who can't charge at home, and hence won't be buying an EV

if (b) gets solved, adoption will continue to increase rapidly
if not, then adoption won't pick up again until charging times are in the low single digit minutes for a full charge, at which point EVs become practical again even if you can't charge at home.
>Are EVs dead again?
EVs are having their biggest year yet, so no.
This is their biggest year?!
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ICE chads we can’t stop winning
In my cunt this is legally a commerical vehicle and has licensing restrictions and requires use of a tachograph
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Big losses indeed
My 11 year old battery still works, and it's crude compared to new battery tech which is far more advanced.
Hybrids are just gas cars that get a little bit better MPG. EVs are in an entirely different league.
Nah newer hybrids are basically EVs with a "just in case" engine for people who have anxiety about charging for whatever reason. I much prefer not having to deal with the engine at all personally but modern hybrids are pretty nice.
doesn't change the fact that a theoretical battery breakthrough could make ICEs obsolete.
>EVs with a "just in case" engine
Do normalfag npcs need more tho.
>tesla is still going to take over the world with EVs
you mean BYD, right? they are at it already...
Charging can easily be solved with some changes in zoning rules, same rules were changed in the first place to add parking for cars when more and more people started driving themselves
Seems pretty trivial to add a 240v outlet in a garage parking spot that bills to the tenant's electricity, condo corps just don't have an incentive at the moment
For street parking, curbside charging is already a thing. Biggest issue is the nigger problem, but it looks like bring your own cable can help keep chargers online at the very least
Yeah, ones that cost 10x as much as regular ones, and are worse in every parameter imaginable.
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>Seems pretty trivial to add a 240v outlet in a garage parking spot that bills to the tenant's electricity
yup. and it'd solve the issue for most city slickers, who are ofc the ones most likely to want an EV in the first place, since that's where they're most useful.
and yet, not the US, not canada, not even anyone in europe has done it. weird, huh?
not to get all conspiratorial or anything, but i wouldn't hold my breath.
Nigga, the CEO of CATL, the biggest battery company out there (and a publicly traded one at that), just came on record saying solid state batteries are a pipe dream.

You can also charge plug-ins at home for all practical purposes
more advanced in planned obsolesce lmao
phev are the worst of both worlds
you have the price and weight premium of a big ass battery and big ass "move the entire car by yourself, quickly too" motors
and on top of that you ALSO have all the weight/complexity/maintenance/reliability from a modern ICE power train
and on top of that, you have the bonus of the added complexity of getting them fuckers to work together smoothly

either you buy a pure ICE (preferably pre-2010 because modern ones SUCK)
or you buy a pure EV (if you can charge at home)
or, if you MUST compromise, you buy a toyota(/lexus) traditional hybrid, which is cheap and reliable, which very decent fuel economy in the city, because hybrid.
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Cope and seethe. Total cost of ownership will favor BEVs without subsidies. It's inevitable.
Volt has been pretty bulletproof
>The CEO of a company that sells batteries just said that technology being developed by its competitors isn't good
then its the exception, but the fundamental math of the equation doesn't change.
The math doesn't have to change, because you're both wrong and a moron
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Cope and seethe. The EV experiment has completely failed.
Planned obsolesce isn't real.
> a theoretical battery breakthrough
Well when that happens AND they’ve solved mass production issues, get back to us.
It also still doesn’t solve the charging infrastructure and time delay problem.

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