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> mostly EVs, leafs and other greta thunberg cars
> Nobody drives above already extremely low speed limits
> No overtaking
> Will call cops on you if you drive fast
> Don't understand left lane is for overtaking
> Cyclists bad (not norway specific tho)

I fucking hate my cucked country why cant they just man up
Gled deg til de senker fartsgrensen enda mer pga. Klima og nullvisjon om dødsfall i traffikken!!!! Også ikke glem at de akkurat nylig vannet ut 95 oktan med enda mer ethanol. Så er det heller ikke salg av nye biler med forbrenningsmotor heller lenger. For ikke å snakke om politiets lobbyisme med politikerene (safedrive er kneblet av UP i ren korrupsjonssak, mister botgaranti om en uke). Jaja, verdens beste land ogsånt da.
their classic car laws are gud at least, and ethanol free gas seems more common there than in the us
>we're lucky to find 90 octane ethanol free outside of racing gas, yall get 98 ethanol free
its mostly teslas, when at the norwegian border 90% of norwegian cars are telsas. also their roads aren not big or wide in general
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Ser ingen nyheter om botgaranti på safedrive sin nettside, hvor leste du det?
Selskapet har vært kritisert for deres botgaranti, hvor selskapet har betalt boten til de som har blitt tatt i fartskontroll som selskapet ikke har varslet om. Botgarantien blir nå historie, og er varslet fjernet fra og med 15. august.

Tok feil om dato men same shit. Bare google safedrive up botgaranti så finner du nrk artikkel fra jan-feb i år også, også var støre selv på banen i mars-april og uttalte seg om det
https://safedrive.no/reward/ er nevnt her
I was going to do a motorcycle trip across Norgay, are the police really that bad?
Yes, they also have extra attention and resources put in this year specifically to stop motorcyclists due to above average accidents. As a tourist its not too bad and my country is really beautiful so you will enjoy the ride. Its a rainy season here. Our currency is in the gutter so its not as expensive as it could have been. Just dont drive like a turbo retard and put others and yourself in danger.
“Don’t put yourself in danger” - brother that’s the whole purpose of driving a motorcycle.

Fucking cuckhole country, let people be free to die of stupidity if that’s what they want.
Not enough niggers and spics and jeets?
I'd take a high trust society with EVs than any other DEI shithole like america with ice cars
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I look like that.
I also look like that
Not when they use my tax money to scrape you off the roads you fucking inbred black gorilla nigger.
Lmao we import shitskins by the boatload
Our 98 is your 95, we use different grading systems.
The "regular" stuff you find here is 95 (US 93) though, which is nice.
I rarely find US 95 and its shit up with ethanol too
>again, 90 eth free is the best pump gas in my area
>most eth free is 87 here
My visage resembles the image you posted
My appearance is rather closely approximated by this portrait you have submitted, in particular, with his countenance and facial features.
Kristus allmektige, hold nå kjeft
Yes they just rub their greta ass over you with that. ICEs are so last season see you have to have pure gas in your archaic 1990 flexfuel car and not even local produced ethanol.
Vi lider her i Norge.
I was considering moving from Finland to Norway due to higher wages but I think Finland is better when it comes to having a car hobby.
Higher wages, higher taxes, less freedom. Also the future prospects of this country are abyssmal, you'd be a fool to want to move here now. We have literally one thing going for us; oil. And that is something the political majority is trying to shut down. We have quite literally nothing else.
you forgot the comedy chevron (>) so it is you who looks like that
lmao yeah thats such a fantastic thing for us living here
Norwegian tourism is basically only cheap Germans who do nothing but walk around and sleep in tents in the wildlife they brought with them just like everything else.
We have a bunch of chinks. And this year a lot of gooks as well. And a lot of british (quite literally 99% indians from london who cant even speak english despite british passports). I work at an airport for reference.
"oh hey lets visit norway! lets check the pricing:"
- kebab 15 €
- dinner in restaurant 40 €
"ok, maybe the supermarket food then, we can make sandwiches!"
-100 g of cheese 4 €
-0,5 kg bread 3 €
-100 g bacon 4 €
"ugh, fine, we could also bring our own food - bars, instant noodles etc" (no to low income from food for norwegians fron tourists)
"we can take some trains to visit the countryside!"
- 1 trainride from airport to oslo 30 € p.p.
- 1 trainride into the countryside 120 € p.p.
"hm looks like we need to go by car, no problem! that way we can pack more food and we can sleep in that car too because:"
- hotel p.p. 200 €
- hostel 100 € p.p. shared with habibis and other cultural enrichers
this is how tourism in norway will look like. people will go by car/ferry, fill up before departure, carry jerry cans and spend 0 (zero) money in norway. this is your fault entirely
So norway has switzerland prices except without swiss wages and double the tax?
so it seems
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Elsker å trafikk-mogge halve Oslo hver gang jeg kjører 7.5 liter V8ern til jobb.
Veldig fin, anon. Har lyst på et gammelt amerikabeist selv, men prisen på bensin (og tilgjengeligheten på 98) er for mye for meg. Amerikanske v8 biler er heldigvis ikke altfor dyre sammenlignet med japsedritt og diverse.
Takk <3
Så lenge man ikke kjøper en ihjelskrudd raggerbil er amerikanere billige i drift (Utenom bensin).
Har heldigvis en bensinstasjon nedi gaten som selger 98 uten etanol enn så lenge.
Coming from someone wo has lived in both as expat it's absolutely like that.
Norway is basically just a communist shithole, Switzerland at least has wages and depending on the Kanton good tax policies.
Healthcare is shit though, american tier pay or die if you aren't covered by your employer.
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Prøver å nyte picrel så mye som mulig nå før det blir "begrensninger".

Mulig jeg har sett bilen din på e6. Veldig fin
Drove Oslo - Tromsø - Oslo (3,200 km) this summer and I really hate these drivers:
>Germans in campervans
>Campervans that don't go faster than 65 km/h uphill, but do 90 on the straights instead of letting you pass
>Azns in rental Skodas braking down to 50 km/h around every bend

Roads through Nordland are becoming alright now, but by God they're fucking boring. Take the detour to hoon over Korgfjellet for some variation. Fauske to Narvik is the worst stretch, albeit beautiful.

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