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>look up car meets in my area
>it's all boomers with their 1950's diner shitboxes
how the fuck do I find meets with people my age? the shit you see in the movies with fast cars, fat chicks, and loud exhausts??
I don't have an instagram, and if i did idk what to even search for
Car meets are for boomers, the young 'uns are going to street takeovers now.
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Unfortunately what you yearn for is a bygone era of the 2000s

Very few young people are seriously into cars. You could look at motorcycles though for increased pool of peoples. I'm in your same place trying to build social connections with like minded people but disenfranchised due to narcissists in my life.
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>the boomers, x-ers, etc are gold anon
"people your age" and paint-huffing hub-gooning blue-voting hair-dyeing reels-scrolling loan-taking anti-cognition ""college educated"" FUCKS who can't look before crossing a fucking parking lot but have the audacity to shit on YOU for not...
t. a fellow zoomer
>the whole world is slowly waking up to the fact that the 20th century ended
Not to mention the tattoos.
Damn everybody stamped like the back of a minivan these days.
Boomer meetups are unironically based. Everyone usually knows what the hell they're talking about, they're typically friendly and sincere, and there's little chance you'll run into some cocky third worlder with a small dick and an inferiority complex.

The younger the crowd, the more insufferable it is. Assuming it's not just some gay takeover, you have a bunch of clout chasing children who think their 25% APR Z or FRS is the fastest shit ever, and essentially just give each other back handed compliments for several hours.

>nice ride brah! But....

The worst you'll run until at a Boomer meetup is some MAGA boomer ripping on your Jap car if you drive one of those.
Cool car meets aren't advertised openly on facebook
You need to have friends who work in auto industry and join their network of cool car guys
Or meet people through track days etc
/o/ has meets from time to time, anon
Just wait for one in your area or make a thread to try to get one started in your area
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I gotta find one of these zoomer meets and bring a "landau brougham corinthian deluxe jubilee designer edition" style car and dress in a suit
Where does this talk of young people not being into cars come from? Aren’t zoomers all pining after JDM cars?
If you went to a zoomer meet in this I’d go home with you. Based car
All talk no wrench.
They love the aesthetic of street racing because zoomers lack community and they romanticize everything.

Zoomers want to play forza but real life they're not into cars or the engineering appreciation aspect of them.
Eat powdered donuts before you go but don't clean up.
post tits
Most of my younger coworkers at my wagie job absolutely hate every aspect of owning and maintaining a vehicle and would prefer if they didn't need to own one. There's still the one guy that drives a sports car, but that's the outlier. It's unironically the more 'hood types I've noticed are actually into cars, although their dream cars are Hellcats and Q50s rather than anything JDM.
I end up talking cars more with the 50-60+ year old people at my job instead.
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>do I find meets with people my age?
>the people your age
This except, they're all rusting
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Brother i go to car meets all the time with people in their 20s. Unfortunately it's mostly stancefags and broccoli heads. Best thing to do is go to an open lapping day at a local track if you want to talk to real car enthusiasts. Autox is another suggestion but they can be pretty insufferable on account of them actually take driving in a parking lot seriously.
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That's for me to know and you to not know
>car meets are all boomers
Sounds chill, rather have that than some blacks and Mexicans being human garbage in public
Old white dudes have tools and skills and know how to do shit, that’s how you get connections that will actually help you in life and meet people who are able to make things happen
>Old white dudes have tools and skills and know how to do shit, that’s how you get connections that will actually help you in life and meet people who are able to make things happen
ehh you get that with anyone over 25

ime boomers are not that resourceful because they had easier lives. Good times make weak men.
Nah most people don’t own lathes and mills or forklifts or bull dozers when they turn 25
Boomers are based you can just call em up and ask to borrow heavy equipment and shit and they will just be down to help you, I love it
>but disenfranchised due to narcissists in my life
Do most zoomers suffer from this "main character syndrome" I keep hearing about?
>t. a fellow zoomer
Tryhard little faggot. Literal "born in the wrong generation" mental illness.
This. Either boomers or cholos with the same lowriding barges. They're cool builds don't get me wrong but there's no variety. There were so many cool classic cars and yet all you see are shoeboxes, bel airs, ck's, corvairs, DeVille's, dorado's and of course... Corvettes.
And always domestic, I never see a single import.
All zoomers and women.
illegal street racing depicted in fast and furious and need for speed does not exist
This is true. I have a boomer neighbor, he's retired, I invite him over for a beer if I'm outside grilling, and he does likewise. He used to be some sort of agricultural consultant, has a bunch of machines, including a $150k Kubota M6 he uses once or twice a year to pull a hayride wagon at the church. It came in really handy when we had a freak wind storm that downed a bunch of trees. I was struggling hooking tow chains to these massive old maple trees and trying to drag them out of the road with my little silverado, I hear a diesel idling and look up, and my neighbor is sitting there in his air-conditioned Kubota. He waves for me to get out of the way, then uses a giant hydraulic claw to move the tree. He had also brought a huge logging chainsaw with a 42 inch bar, I ran the saw and he moved the logs, we had the whole neighborhood driveable by the time the power crews showed up the next morning to start hooking lines back to houses. I went to his barn to help him clean the tractor when we were done, he had ALL the Kubota accessories for the tractor, every type of hydraulic attachment for it, all neatly arranged so he could just drive the tractor up and hook them on. Probably close to $1mil just in Kubota stuff just chilling in his barn, not to mention the old caterpillar bulldozer parked behind the barn. Another guy I used to work with had a mustang that he raced professionally, I talked cars with him some since I had an old Nova at the time I was trying to hotrod on a college kid budget. He let me come over to his garage and use his lift, nice air tools, and every specialty tool you can think of to work on my car as long as I cleaned everything and put it away. He would hang out and give really solid advice about tuning carbs, showed my how to adjust timing, stuff like that. Boomers are very often sitting on hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of heavy or specialty equipment, and will either let you use it or use it for you if you're nice to them.
>Boomer Shitboxes
Haha yes, well in my country it’s boomer shitboxes from the 70s. You do see some cool rally builds there as well and the guys there are happy to talk with you about their car. Car meets like in fast and furious and ops post are kind of gay imo. Id feel these kinds of car meets would be too chaotic or unfit to talk about the cars presented there and that’s what I want to do when I go to a car meet, ask about your car. And with a bunch of plapjaks showing off their slammed civics id assume they don’t want to discuss their car, but I could be wrong
>why do young people buy affordable sporty cars???
Gee I don't know
In the 70s, you'd complain that the meet is full of Mustangs and Camaros
That’s what I’m saying, my grandpas neighbor is a really chill guy. He showed me all sorts of cool stuff like a real workshop manual you’d find at dealerships for some cars he had, etc and I talked with him till sundown about 80s Mercedes cars
Car meets have been lame and gay for a long, long time. The shit you see in movies can't exist anymore. Police technology has gotten too good and there's more of them than ever. Meets with legitimate race cars get shut down extremely fast and legitimate racers aren't going to risk impound fees to stand around in a parking lot. Without the promise of races, meets died. No one wants to awkwardly stand around a parking lot with a bunch of weebs in lightly (and tastelessly) modified shitboxes.

You wants a similar experience? Find a local drag strip with test and tune days and go there. There are tons of guys with everything from the aforementioned shitboxes to full built race cars mingling and exchanging info and contacts for parts, shops, and after hours races. No one worth meeting in "the car scene" goes to car meets. They go to race tracks.
This is true, all I did was meet a mutual friend of a boomer neighbor and helped him with a job he had, after I kept contact and he helped me with buying a car he had experience with telling me where to check for rust, panel gaps which are not supposed to be there etc. and after I bought it he let me use his garage to fix some rust holes. Boomers with cars and tools are great people
You are such a terminally online bitch
If you go to a youngtimer rally no stance fags or broccoli heads guaranteed
Travel to Europe and see of some car meets. In Belgium their huge and at the SPA racing circuit usually
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>wanna try a car meetup
>my car is just completely stock and the most customization i've done is put some stickers on it
i'm scared people will call me a poser or something
nice neighborhood you got right there
sounds comfy
I like older people too.
anon your best bet now is to go to a cars and coffee event. there is no young people car meet anymore since they are either going to cars and coffee or doing retarded takeovers
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>Aren’t zoomers all pining after JDM cars?

They make A E S T H E T I C Little Dark Age edits but they don't actually own any JDM cars or know shit about cars.


Why do americans care about non-GTI/GTD golfs anyway? a standard mk3/4 golf is a shitbox and you might as well tune a Dodge Neon.
Depending on how old your car is, bone stock can be quite charming. Seeing 20+ year old sportier cars, rust-free pickups, or oddball shitboxes without any significant modifications can be like looking at a time capsule. Even if your car is newer, I still take a stock car as showing restraint and respect for the designers and engineers.
>non GTI
no. golfs have a "sporty" image here. I never see them, I see maybe a 10:1 ratio between GTIs and base golfs. we have more golf Rs than base golfs. we didn't get the GTD btw

t. GTI enjoyer
If you respected the engineers, you'd want to lower the car to how it was designed before the beancounter fags threw on a suspension with hilariously HUGE wheel gap to appease the people actually buying the car. Ya damn ricelet stancelet tastelet
>golfs have a "sporty" image here
Hahahahahhahaa what the FUCK are you saying
Here in New Delhi, California, only little nazlet ricelet stancelet slowfaglet boyracelet momlet hatchbacklet nerdballs drive those shits
holy buzzwords batman
>everything is a buzzword!!!
>be me
>get invited to show my car
>car is 18 years old and bone stock, well maintained sitting at 221,xxx miles
>dont like people
>dont trust morons to not hoon thier way into the side of my (not) shitbox.
>drive my 23 year old truck to the show and look at other peoples cars instead.
bot post
Kek hatchbacklets are so fucking delusional
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>golfs have a "sporty" image here.

I thought the US didn't get a GTI until the Mk4? If the US did get the MK2/3 GTI I can see how it would be the king of the hot hatches since Ford was retarded and decided not to release the Escort Cosworth to the NA market.

At least you got a downtuned version of the less exciting Sierra (XR4).
No balls, no porsche you think everyone is me but you'll never be me!
I don't talk like that.
no we got all gens, it was the rabbit here for mk1/mk2 though iirc. here the golf was the fun and nice model with the GTI as the halo car bringing up the brand image, and poorfags and college kids got the jetta which was way more cost cut.
man, vws are GAY as FUCK
>the shit you see in the movies with fast cars, fat chicks, and loud exhausts??
Woke Governments all over the USA are afraid of these kinds of rebellious OR redneck Meets with car exhausts. That's because they typically have the non-obedient "we do what we want" type crowd congregating and communicating to each other. As you might guess, censorship by means of suppressing such events reduces the amount of "car culture" in each area.

My area is much like that and even recently enhanced the local laws to the state consitutional limit to prevent gatherings of almost any kind. It redefined what a street racing event is. So if there is a meet of car enthusiasts greater than five cars, then they need a permit in advance or all participants can be cited by the police. Also updated was that anyone attending an illegal car meet street racing event also gets their car confiscated. What was updated was that once the police tells the gathering they are detained for ticketing, no one may leave. If any drive off, it is an additional charge of eluding the police which is a crime that appears on your criminal record. By updating the laws, this fills our personal record full of crimes, and eluding the police from the illegal car meet also means the car is confiscated. You lose the car, but you must still pay any remaining car payments on it.
People you rage are wiggers, blacks, and browns. You won't have a good time at car meets with younger people
>look up car meets in my area

Many small groups of enthusiasts have meets but they don't advertise it. They actually refuse to advertise as it brings in trouble-making assholes. These dorks WANT to show up to mess things up. They like to see people "annoyed" and may even video it.

When you do find an event, you have to actually talk to people, and if they trust you aren't an asshole, then they may tell you of the other car meets going on.

There are also public sponsored events where a store mall may encourage certain types of Park and Shop_Here_Please car events. The shops furnish the free parking and the crowd also visits the shops. One such is at suburb city Redmond in the Seattle area which claims to be the biggest car meet of its kind in the USA:
Peak fedora autism. The reality will look like review brah rocking up in the Trailer Park Boys jalopy.
Everyone under the age of 25 does
are you dense?that's a track day, not a meet.
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Why would I go to a meet?
Only if we're meeting at Alice's.
car meets are for fags

filter by autocross, hpde, open track
there won't be that many fat chicks though, and there will still be boomers
They'd key it and shit in the seats. Best of luck.
>car games
that still sounds cooler than some faggot in a trd camry with a wing on it
34 year old Jeep owner here.
I know a little about cars, but I can't afford shit.
That's the plight of generations at me and below.
We know enough, to know we will never own a prime piece of V10+ ass, so why bother?
That's my generation.

We know that by squelching the demand market, and killing ICE, we can brick 90% of all ICE vehicles that cost over 1mil.

So, we will be looking forward to our secondhand Lambos in a few years.

Before that? Nah, we gotta look like we don't give a shit.
>factory rice toyota with like 250hp
that's a low bar, goose
3 types of car meets
>boomer cars and coffee nightmare. sunday 6am, boring as shit
>nigger takeover nightmare. saturday 3am, someone gets shot every 3rd takeover
>weeb incel initial d larp meet. 11pm at your local mountain road. someone crashes and dies once a week during the summer months.
pick your poison op
it's expensive and the food sucks. meet at sempervirens point parking and race suicidal retards in gutted m3s instead.
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>how the fuck do I find meets with people my age?
Here's what you have to look forward to at a "non-boomer" car meet
Well. thats the thing. I dont want to see a bunch of dudebros and their riced out cars. I want to see cool and restored cars (not boomers)
>Seeing 20+ year old sportier cars, rust-free pickups, or oddball shitboxes without any significant modifications can be like looking at a time capsule
my pickup looks like a shitbox from the outside(I’m in the process of doing bodywork) but the interior is really nice. It’s like stepping into 1992 every time I get behind the wheel
If you didn't realize, calling everyone you don't like a "narcissist" is the most main character syndrome, womanly, zoomer, "narcissistic" behavior ever
They like teslas lmao
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>he doesnt know

I bet they dicklessly ban the 2 stroke original version since its way faster.
Go to drift meets, boomer. Literally no one "quarter miles" anymore. All the old people who used to do that aren't willing to risk their cars anymore, and young people who can't afford them would rather grab a shitbox and do circles with it
>No one wants to awkwardly stand around a parking lot with a bunch of weebs in lightly (and tastelessly) modified shitboxes.
You've clearly never been to Japan. This is the entire culture now.
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I'd go to carmeets but I drive what was called a "substitute teacher" car whose exterior I keep looking like shit intentionally to Tyrone-proof it.
I love it with all my heart and wrench on it regularly but it isn't the prettiest, the CVT means you can't have /too much/ fun with it, and FWD means that it isn't a "real" car.

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