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> I’m a truck driver of course I don’t use my turn signal
> I’m a truck driver of course I go 10 miles or more below the speed limit
> I’m a truck driver it takes me 13 seconds to get up to the speed limit
> I’m a truck driver of course I drive like I’m the only car on the road
> I’m a truck driver I take up entire parking spaces and have to park next to you
What kind do you suggest?
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>> I’m a truck driver of course I go 10 miles or more below the speed limit
>> I’m a truck driver it takes me 13 seconds to get up to the speed limit
I think OP is a europoor.
Nah, just someone who’s been driving for 19 years and is constantly experiencing trucks being in my fucking way
>> I’m a truck driver of course I go 10 miles or more below the speed limit
>> I’m a truck driver it takes me 13 seconds to get up to the speed limit
My top speed on the odometer is 80mph with a gear ratio of 3.08, I'm not dumping a gallon of gas just to get up to speed, I'm ride my 1500 rpms out.

Go back to TikTok carfag.

Maybe drive in the granny lane where you belong
In the Midwest USA it's very common for retired boomers to drive around like that in their giant boomerbarge trucks. Often during rush hour.
> I’m a truck driver it takes me 13 seconds to get up to the speed limit
tbf I run into way more people in 12 second sports cars running 12 second 60 foots in the city. Like find a different way to compensate for your shortcomings in life. Maybe a Rolex and a Prius so you don't fuck up the fuel economy averages for the rest of us.

Because you just HAVE to drive a truck when it’s not needed you’re fucking uo traffic dude
It's not YOUR freeway.
The sign says MAXIMUM speed, not "you HAVE to go this fast".
If you're in such a hurry, maybe you should have planned your day better.
I'm a 30 year old suv driver but I say this and do this
>retard doesn't know about minimum speed laws and obstructing traffic
sounds about right for a trucktard
Minimum speed laws are about 55% of max speed.
In a 75mph zone the lower limit is 40mph.
And "obstructing traffic" doesn't mean "get out of the way for assholes doing 105 in a 75".
Eat a dick and grow up, faggot.
It means exactly that. If everyone is doing 105, and your shitty truck is maxing out at 50, just do everyone a favor and kys. Or get a real vehicle like an actual adult.
>tik tock memes
you have to go back
You're fucking retarded.
Get the FUCK out of the fucking way when you see those angel eyes and roundel with your ugly slow gay literal work vehicle you slowfaglet truckfaglet
I’m sure you do have a real vehicle like an actual adult right?
Which one?
Any of them? Preferably one faster than some random pickup truck nowadays.
Hey buddy, if you’re gonna drive slow go for it, but only if there’s a slow lane for you to camp in. If it’s a one lane road at least go the fucking speed limit thats all im asking
I signal, my trucks faster than your car, I park nearly flawlessly between the lines at all times, and I routinely do 10 over everywhere cause I'm white and I can. It's okay we know you sit and stare at the truck drivers from the inside of public transport which is why you have time to shitpost.

>0-60 in ~4 seconds
>is a 4000lb brick that's over 40 years old
Ummmm I’m thinking based?
>0-60 in 4 seconds
>40 years old
What is is it?

Cause Yea fucking right dude they didn’t make performance trucks back then unless you modded it
Of course it isn't stock, I'm not a wrenchlet.
>I'm a X of course I do Y
u r gay
Maybe get smaller car if gasoline is so expensive
dude seen his crush getting smashed in a brodozer
3 beamers have eaten my tow hitch when I "had to hit the brakes because I swear I saw a deer".
I hope you'll be #4.
Keep that up, someone with a dash cam will get your illegal break checking on camera
You'll never prove there wasn't a deer in the treeline that started running toward the road and then stopped just out of view from 30 feet behind me.
And then I'll sue you for rear-ending me (and 100% guarantee I'll win).
Eat a hitch, faggot.
>zoom up behind truck
>deepthroat this dude's trailer hitch at 100+ mph
Midwesterners drive slow as fuck in general.
Was driving up I35 one time, and seriously thought I will die of old age in somewhere mid Iowa.
Right lane doing 58, left lane overtaking at 61.
My smaller, faster, more fuel efficient car is in the shop for warranty/recall work. It's disabled. My truck is only supposed to be a weekend vehicle and this doesn't change my statement that she's slow and not built for speed. My city has plenty of double entry lanes anyways and I ride the outboard.
holy shit this guy has a huge cawk

zoomer trash
They absolutely did make performance trucks in the 80s retard.
They were barely trucks, things like the syclone had like 500 lbs of bed capacity. Nowadays you got stock trucks doing 0-60 in like 6-7 seconds weighing 8-9k while still being great at truck things.
Sounds absolutely correct
>No, those don't count!!!
okay dude
I imagine it doesn't matter if there actually was a deer or not. as long as you thought there was a deer hitting the brakes is a reasonable manuever.
It was very specific and very cool just not a very good pickup.
Teenager Jeets always drive these massive trucks around, it's definitely because they're dicklets

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