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Why does it seem like everyone suddenly became too cool to use their turn signals? Every day I see idiots just drifting across lanes like they're asleep, or suddenly jerking to the right at an intersection.
It used to be rare to see this and now it seems to be the default behavior.

Maybe they're right, maybe society really is eroding...
>nobody accelerates cohesively at stoplights anymore either
>nobody looks before they cross parking lots either
>nobody accelerates after pulling out in front of you either
Phones and not giving any fucks whatsoever for anybody else out there. Also "FTP"/"ACAB" now includes a complete disregard for and attention to traffic laws, best practices, situational awareness, and basic fucking courtesy.
don't even get me started on the left lane camping, bros
>signal my turn
>driver behind me in that lane floors it to cut me off
>swerve into my lane instantly after confirming there is a bubble
>that same driver that would have cut me off, now brakes and gives me a wide berth instead

hmmmm what a tough choice
Delete this from your mind. Laws are in place so that people drive properly. I do t need you to wave me through a 4 way stop when it's your turn, dumbass, nor do I need you to start playing leap frog when im merging onto the highway
>I do t need you to wave me through a 4 way stop when it's your turn, dumbass,
fuck I hate this too. follow the fucking order, 4 stops are super simple and yet every retard in my town will come to a stop first then stare at me like it's my turn.
Why the FUCK does everyone drive with high beams on now? I've started high beaming everyone with theirs on and in some cities I just have them on constantly.
I'm not talking about waving through 4way stops. I'm in the Midwest and it drives me nuts. I'm talking about blinkers, proper spacing for zipper merges, paying a-fucking-ttention, having the slightest concept of situational awareness, putting forth the effort to see what's going on and plan/react accordingly, not left-lane camping, etc.
Phones and distractions are the biggest factor imo
Go to the grocery store and watch the way people walk through the aisles and intersections. Same exact shit
>be me
>driving down road
>have green light
>car in opposing traffic just turns left in front of me
>we collide corners
>zoomer chick says "did you not see my blinker?"
>say "yeah, did you not see my car?"
>she goes on incoherent rant
>her insurance admits fault because retarded zoomer admitted she turned left into me without a green turn signal in her report

With that being said, get a dash cam.
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>Why the FUCK does everyone drive with high beams on now?
>I just have them on constantly.
>Retards stopping an entire car length or more before the intersection or another car at red lights
Some anon pointed this out in another thread and I can't stop seeing it everywhere. Like it's way more common now than I ever thought.
Your parents wanted tacos and chinese food, this is the result
>get a dash cam.
But then I cant say nigger out loud at my leisure
Doesnt seem like a worthwhile tradeoff
>Why does it seem like everyone suddenly became too cool to use their turn signals?
so i wasn't imagining that, huh.
>maybe society really is eroding...
You think? Everyone is the main character in their minds, and the main character doesn't need turn signals.
>mass importation of brown people who can't into the idea of a social contract and doing something because it benefits others, and is a common courtesy
>black people watching youtube while driving
>xboxhueg suv's with poor visibility, which tricks women into thinking they're the only vehicles on the road
nobody mentioned four way stops except you, and yet here you are pissing your pants about it. delete yourself from life, there's no reason for you to be here
^ call this anon a dip
i have them on constantly in retaliation. we are not the same.
>niggers in huge suvs thinking they're the only vehicle on the road
>Why the FUCK does everyone drive with high beams on now?
Anon… that just modern cars regular headlights.
Search the archives for threads about
I just have the microphone turned off
This anon knows.
I've been driving for 20 years (us), and I actually think traffic has gotten better about signalling and not weaving between lanes. Maybe it's gotten worse and I've become used to it idk.
Yea fuck these idiots. They will also try to wave you into oncoming traffic and get all mad when you don't want to crash.
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I just think signaling is pointless and gets more outdated the more autonomy they shove into cars. I just always anticipate that every car will eventually change lanes and direction and I leave space in between me and every car. Signal, no signal doesn't matter, I left enough space for you already. Especially if I'm radar cruising down the freeway.
I was trained out of using turn signals to merge when people kept trying to speed up to block my merge
>waaah if I signal people will cut me off!!11!
I 110% guaran-fucking-tee you're either misjudging the speed of the car in the lane you're trying to enter or you're misjudging the distance you'd leave once you merged. nobody fucking speeds up to cut you off, retards.
i'm none of those anons and i promise people do this shit.
if i have a suspicion that a driver is going to gun it if he sees my signal come on I will signal and move over simultaneously and not provide any advance signal. Normally I provide 3 blinks (5 in larger vehicles/trucks) in advance before moving over.
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this got noticeably worse during and after covid

what's worse is it's continually enabling other drivers to cut their turns extremely lazily, which sparks a false-positive feedback loop in these dumbfuck faggot's thick brain and their reaction is SEE I'M TOTALLY JUSTIFIED IN STOPPING 50 YARDS AWAY SEE HOW CLOSE THAT WAS DURRRUHUHUHURUR

95% of instances of this happening are w*men too
Its just how LED headlights are. I don't know how they're legal to be honest.
Do you really have to think about this? Using turn signals is automation just like shifting gears.
Seems like here it's mostly EV drivers (especially Tesla) in addition to the Audi and BMW drivers who do not use their indicators.
But anon, it's always your turn if you look around and no one else has started moving.
What's a "turn signal"?
you mean: "Blinka"?
Yea... we don't use them.
>t. Masshole
lmao did somebody really remove the word "master" because it was offensive when the whole meme is a nazi joke?
No one cares anymore. During Covid the DMV temporarily closed in my state so cops were told not to pull anyone over for expired tags/no plates. Once covid ended they just kept not doing that, so now half the cars I see are unregistered. You can drive on the road without a license in an unregistered and uninsured car with a set of license plates on it from a different state (that you bought for $5 at a yard sale) and have absolutely zero issues from the police.

I know this because I do it.
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Import the 3rd world become the 3rd world
I was going back home after the 4th of July weekend and I knew the traffic was going to be bad and planned accordingly, but wasn't expecting WHY it would be so bad
>traffic is varying between 20 under the limit down to stop and go
>the entire fucking left lane is full of people going even slower with upwards of 300ft between them
>we're talking like half a dozen cars taking up a half mile of road or more
the majority of that trip I was in the right lane going like 20 mph faster than the left, it was unbelievable
Americans truly live on easy mode
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>no signal
>>nobody accelerates after pulling out in front of you either
this one drives me mental. using the passing lane to pass someone at +5 km/h but making me decelerate -30 km/h to do so is just incredible
Lmao seriously chill the fuck out. It’s driving, women and 16 year olds do it every day. Do you hyper analyze the way people use other appliances?

If you want to enjoy transportation in a cool, ordered and logical system get into aviation. Otherwise shut the fuck up.
whats wrong with this? i do this because the moment the light turns green my foot is off the brake and im rolling a solid 1.5 seconds before the donkeys ahead of me stop checking phones/licking rocks/staring at the sun/jerking off.
we are already stopped, what difference does another 2 meters get you?
People driving around angry at their wasted lives seething at literally nothing.
>oh no the left lane was blocked, I’m going to arrive home 45 seconds later and cut in on my interracial cuck porn binge!
>somebody…..let somebody else in? Did you not know that’s resulting in .00001% less efficiency??? Guhhhh
>Officer! Officer! His tags expired only 22 seconds ago! You have to stop him!
No, this problem is only in third world countries like in Africa, US, India, China etc. Not a single white first world country has this problem.
It's inconsiderate to the cars behind you, especially in turn lanes, where a long queue of cars can end up blocking traffic up to the intersection.
They 100% do this in Virginia/Maryland. I asked a buddy raised there why they don't use blinkers and just generally drive recklessly
>it's a sign of weakness
>blocking turn lanes
sure that's different than the assumptions i was working off of, but driving large cars is probably even more of a contributer to this than leaving space (between cars, not the painted intersection line which i agree is irresponsible).
>>somebody…..let somebody else in?

"I better tailgate them and honk at them while flashing my lights to show how angry I am" - Americans
>video of some unfathomably antisocial road rage incident
>people in the comments justifying it because the victim was going the speed limit in the left lane
Honestly based
Left lane campers deserve to be brutalized
The correct term is leader sir
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>Car in front of me commits to a switching lanes
>Puts on signal as car is half over the lane lines

?? Why the fuck do people do this. The fact your car is fucking half way in my lane now lets me know you're switching lanes. Why even put it on at that point
In case you got a dash cam they still want to loosely follow the rules. Some states don't even require signals when changing lanes on the highway.
It was actually their companies name. They changed it to just glorious because they wanted to get into bestbuy/people complained.
>Some states don't even require signals when changing lanes on the highway.

what you need is the TAPE
i wish i could find that dash cam clip in a compilation of a guy who pulled in front of someone who did this at a set of lights. passenger goes "uhh what" and the driver just starts giggling kek
i saw it happen before my eyes too
>traffic waiting at lights
>lanes merge from three into two just after
>while everyone is waiting, a car in the lane merging notices the car beside him has left a humungous gap and he takes it
>SEETHE.exe run with administrator rights
>car behind immediately honks his horn and moves forward/closer to the first car in a futile attempt to reclaim the space
i've also done this to someone in an old previa once. couldn't make out his reaction though since it was at night
they absolutely do lol. it's also how i get those speed matching retards sitting in my blind spots (yes i have my mirrors adjusted properly but i just don't like people hovering around there) to fuck off with that shit
>turn blinker on, they either
>slow down to let me in
>immediately speed up and are no longer in my blind spot
>yes i have my mirrors adjusted properly
if your mirrors are adjusted properly you don't have blind spots. the car is either in your peripherals, your side mirror, or in your rear-view.
>Do you hyper analyze the way people use other appliances
Most appliances don't require you to share space with others on potentially cramped roads and they don't have ability to easily maim or kill.
Same thing with signaling after braking, like I already had to break idgag which way you turn
i just call it the blind spot because that's what everyone understands it as
They also stopped using seatbelts. This is a modern phenomenon. Idiots at work buckle them behind the seats on work trucks and ruin the seatbelts for the non-retarded.
>they haven't taken the full size truck pill
>they dont know what its like to just turn into people that wont let you merge
reclaim your lane, lads. it's yours for the taking.
I think they should become a option package so everyone would use them to show off than they brought it.

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