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ex incel here. i finally got a gf and weve been going out for 1 month now but i still feel extremely uncomfortable when im with her. like im trying so hard to be a normie and have something to say so we dont ride in silence. This completely ruins driving for me, i no longer enjoy driving my car when im with her. Does this ever go away or do women ruin cars for men?
>ex incel
What is your height? Guarantee not an incel to begin with
5ft7 and im also a fat ass at 210lbs.
>trying so hard to be a normie
don't. you'll come off as a total weirdo
Are you white and your gf is asian?
Or you two are spics?
There's legitimately no other way it's possible for you to have a gf
Sometimes, things don't go exactly as the looksmax.org flowchart, and that's okay
>>she makes me feel uncomfotable
I know the feeling, whenever a woman takes interest in me I slowly get more and more uncomfortable until I drive her away
>how do I fix this an/o/ns
both white, my gf is also tall like 5ft6 and idk how much she weighs but she is thin, probably like 120lbs
I kneel
No, no, this can't be...
What flavor of white are you, and what is she? Has to be some sort of polack or eyetalian, some shit
god damn, sometimes i take my charisma, fat cock, height, game and handsomeness for granted. good luck bro
I'm 5'10" and weigh 117 lbs on a good day kek idk how im even alive
eat a burger nigga
I basically eat one meal a day which consists of burger coke and fries
you need to drive something with a loud exhaust, no sound deadening, and a fucked blower motor resistor requiring you to choose between OFF and MAX blower speed.
this way, even if you wanted to talk to each other, it would be too hard to hear anyways.
>just bee yourself

that doesnt work for autismos like myself. i literally listen to the red army choir unironically. if i dont pretend to be a normie ill scare her away instantly
Put the fork down nigga
nigga beeee yourself lmao, you'd be surprised
I know a guy that tried to be a normie and it came off really easily, it's like an alien in human skin, the guy just seemed painfully fake and off-putting
maybe you do a better job, but you can only fake it for so long
Integra type r comes to mind, but I'm sure plenty of rice retards removed insulation for weight removal from other 90s shit boxes, like a Sentra, so find one of those if you can't afford it find one.

A diesel truck with a turbo is great for this too, maybe a 7.3.

Good luck anon!
Пoтoм cyп c кoтoм

>t. oldfag with a 2001 Lexus ls430 that would not suit your application.
>i literally listen to the red army choir unironically.
I also do mate, just play it off as an interesting quirk.
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How do you connect with women. or anyone for that matter?
t. long neet
Can't you just make her suck your dick every time you ride together?
healthiest /o/tist
Just be glad that woman can shut up. When im hauling my mother around she never stops talking about her random relatives I have never seen in my life.
you lying sack of shit. tell me your secret.
t. fellow fat fuck
you'll either split or eventually start taking the mask off because you're so tired of wearing it.
If you're not a regular caffeine user, slam a coffee or an energy drink and then try not to talk too much.
Come prepared with an interesting subject and it should go smooth from there.
What's wrong with comfortable silence occasionally?
Turn on some music and hold hands while driving or even just be comfortable with each other's presence with no physical contact at all.
I don't understand people who feel the need for CONSTANT STIMULATION or MUST TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ALL THE TIME
got an '04 LS430 and agree, once you shut the doors its like a library on the inside
How big are her tits?
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i love sitting in silence with my grill
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>18 yo, one of first to get a drivers license in my class
>pick up 3 girl classmates to drive to school pretty much every day in my moms pegout
>spaghetti spilling out every day, but I used to take 2 buses to school at it was horrible so I ""saved"" my classmates
>barely looked at my right mirror cus there was a girl in the way and it was lewd, what if she looked at me
>8 years later still a kissless virgin, now looking at my passanger seat imagining there is a girl there
So, you got a better woman than you deserve, and you're complaining about her. Hit the fucking gym fag. What, is she just retarded? Don't fucking pretend to be someone you're not, show her the real you, SLOWLY, not all at once, and just be proud that a skinny woman even looked at you.
Have you tried talking to her about it and saying that she means a lot to you and you’re trying so hard not to fuck it up that you feel like you’re fucking it up? She will really appreciate your openness and vulnerability and willingness to show her that side.

Or you can suffer in silence, let her control the radio, and kiss each of her fingers in your grip.
Don't try so hard. If you force things it makes it uncomfortable for everyone. If she's not a talker, then don't talk, just turn on the radio. If she's a chatterbox, let HER initiate conversation.
If you just told her "sorry I'm not much of a talker" to begin with it'd be easier, but forcing conversation has ironically put your foot in your mouth. Genuineness is the cornerstone of any relationship.
virgin detected, doing that will literally scare any woman away. Women hate weak faggots who are vulnerable, they want a strong provider not a sissyboy
so you are an excel, here.
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fucking lmao, i did something similar for like 2 years in uni. Went to pickup this girl at her house EVERYDAY for 2 years and gave her a ride to uni at 7am. Never even kissed her or touched her hand.worst thing is everyone knew i was her bitch beta orbiter because they saw us arrive together everyday but when they asked her if we were together she problaly told them ew no
Bro if you think you were incel you still are and only way to change that is to not give a fuck how you act around her and if she leaves then find another one.

Overthinking basic shit is such an incel thing to do.

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