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>bought a new car and regret it
how do I cope?
By doing burnouts and donuts in an empty parking lot
Wait you DID buy a RWD car right? And it IS capable of doing burnouts right?
Drive your new car and pick up some tail
wait, what car was it?
2024 WRX
crash it into a concrete traffic barrier at high speed
2024 mazda 3 turbo (hatch)
What do you regret about it?
makes sense then, the mazda 3 hatch is the best exterior with the worst interior ever, you cant see anything from outside of it.
automatic or manual?
manuel or CBT?
hit the touge and power through the corner like the cool Initial D AWD brahs.
Bonus points for super euro beat
Ahahahahhaa i fucking told you to get a fucking LCI E90 335i xdrive. Now look what you've gotten yourself into: an ugly, slow, gay, weeblet ricelet stancelet slowfaglet boyracelet vapelet car.
I feel like I wasted a ton of money. It's fast, but it feels cheaply made, the interior is uncomfortable, gas costs a fortune, my insurance went up. It was a huge mistake.
It being ugly slow and gay i bet
You know in every WRX shill thread there's those guys telling you to buy much better alternatives? Yeah maybe next time fucking listen to them.
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>economy sedan
nigga wat
my insurance went *down* when I got a *vette* what the hell?
you did this to yourself anooon
same with nearly every new luxury vehicle too at least, new cars are awful for real-world drivability, visibility, reparability, comfort, etc
fucking lmao, WRX literally sells more in manual and is one of the few new cars were there is always more manual is stock. you should have saved your money as the GR corolla is coming with an automatic
I hate to break it to you, but it's not even fast.
It's an economy sedan meant for off roading, what did you expect a rolls royce? And did you not test drive it? And did you not get an insurance quote before? And the worst part is you got the CVT, of course its a mistake.
I normally would offer you advice, but there's literally nothing to do about a CVT WRX, zero potential. You can continue to drive it, but the speed will wear off and you'll have nothing else engaging or fun about it. Or you can sell it and take a loss and then buy a beater until you've recuperated the loss.
can more of you guys chime in on my mazda 3. who fucked up more me or op
okay taking a look that gas mileage as absolutely tragic for a new car
>how does a 5.7L 30 y/o vette that weighs less get similar gas mileage?
>>and I can roll down the windows without muh perfect aero laminar floews getting disrupted and blowing out my eardrums
feels bad anon, feels REALLY bad get rid of the shitbox asap
tragic or manual anoon
Hatch is ugly, I honestly wouldn't even be able to stand looking at it.
Had you bought the sedan, it's a nice little economy car I guess.
No one has real opinions on econoboxes like civics, corollas, and mazda 3s
Don't WRXs at least hold their value well due to weeb tax? Just drive it for a few years then trade it in for something you like more.
turbo only comes in auto
i think the hatch looks way better than sedan. sedan looks lame
both are tragic but wrxanon fucked up more because it's more expensive and gets worse mpg
Autos "enthusiast cars" don't hold really hold all that much value
Well if you like it sure, but I can't stand it. Last gen mazda3 the hatch was better than the sedan. This time around its the opposite.
Automatic* i meant.
Manual a few years down the line will easily be worth a couple grand more, generally speaking, for the same enthusiast car.
But thats only because most cars sold are autos. With the WRX its actually the opposite. Maybe the auto actually holds more value.
>nigga wat
premium gas in my state is over $4.50 right now. I am only getting about 22mpg in the car. It's fucking my wallet.
>same with nearly every new luxury vehicle too at least, new cars are awful for real-world drivability, visibility, reparability, comfort, etc
for a $36k 'premium' trim it's awful. A 22k Jetta has a nicer interior.
It's the fastest car I've had. I did test drive it and enjoyed it at the time, but after dailying it for a weeks I started to hate it and notice the little things
I think the mazda 3 is very luxurious at its price point.
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I am well aware of the concept of buyer's remorse. I am aware that what you're feeling right now may be normal for people who recently made large purchases.
But even with that in mind, I'm going to be 100% brutally honest with you, anon: I don't see this car "growing on" you, I don't see you appreciate this car more as time goes on.
If you can't appreciate this car even when you have warranty and peace of mind with mechanical issues, imagine what happens a few years down the line when you actually have to maintain and fix stuff yourself.
My advice, probably just live with it for a month or two and reevaluate. Make another thread on /o/ if you want to. If you still don't find yourself liking the car, I would just sell it. I wouldn't want to drive something I hate.
You also can't just drive it hating it though, you have to give it a chance. Make it do "WRX things," like going off road or something.
you have a slightly better than a CVT WRX but holy shit fuck the interior of a mazda 3 hatchback. both you and OP should have either saved for a gr corolla, used type r, or a 340i
Should have bought a comfy and economical Prius. No ragrets
They're ugly slow and gay.
My friend's wife drives a mazda3, for what it's worth.
Shoulda got an E39, E92, or LCI E90.
Best thing to do is pick a classic-ish car:
>test drive a few, realize "shit gone be broke"
>become grateful when you test drive one that ain't as broke
>win at life via moments of contentedness despite how terrible the world is now
also you save money on kar and get something unique with better visibility and less depreciation
Lol those are mostly gay cars. Mostly. Just get an E92 or LCI E90 335i already.
>they didn't get a GS350 F Sport
>Have full insurance coverage
>Drive to inner city at night
>Park on poorly light Street with transients
>Leave windows down with keys in car
>Leave car
>Car will be stripped and or stolen within an hour
>Report stolen
>Get insurance check
Problem solved.
I did at one point too anon so I started shilling it here for entertainment (instant week long thread every time). There’s even a thread about that car right now up on the board. Then I started modding it and paid it off, now I love it.
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I had a 2023 manual and hated it so much I sold it after a month.
Thankfully covid shortage saved me and I got all my money back.

Absolute soulless car.
why? theres nothing wrong with the car to absolutely "hate" it
The newer generation WRXs don't hold value at all. Nobody wants em, they just have no soul. You can get a previous MY for like under 10k MSRP with low mileage.
its not that ugly, but it is slow and gay.
the manual only comes in NA right? yeah i feel that.
it didn't even began.
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Why on earth would you buy a CVT WRX?
I test drove a new one, and it is piss easy to drive. Trust me, you could literally look up a Youtube tutorial on how to drive a manual and been good. Even if you're a noob you'd have to try to stall on the newer ones.
Ironically, the newer ones being easy to drive is why I didn't like them. they felt smooth, refined, numb..everything a WRX shouldn't be. I literally took off in 1st without even giving any throttle, it was lame.
I used to have a 2018 model for 2 years (pic rel) before I sold it during COVID because I needed the money at the time. Planned to buy a new generation STI, but Subaru killed it. Test drove a GRC a week after the VB, and it felt more like a WRX than the WRX did.
You should have got a legacy turbo

Almost as much HP as a WRX, more torque, and uses low octane cheapo gas.
I saw a guy who couldn't be older than 20 learning stick in a wrx with a drive out tag a few months ago. He was stalling out left and right, waving and apologizing. I respect him way more than you. He chose the non-cvt
I sold it to bought 2 cars with what I sold it for, that I love driving and saved 10 grand.
I bought an 02 AWD manual Honda crv, and an 04 VW r32.
The tech shit hardly worked, it handled like shit, every time I see one on the road I still get angry.

How anyone could spend 30 grand or whatever the fuck they are going for now and think they made a good decision is beyond me.
Dang Guess. This car still makes me so mad I forget how to type.
If I bought a new Charger RT would I be fucking up more or less than the people in this thread?
Why anyone buys a new car is beyond me, buy a used car at the bottom of it's depreciation curve, enjoy driving it, and even if you damage the interior or scratch the paint, chances are in 2 years when you are bored of it you will get in exactly what you paid and get to grab something else without ever having to go in debt.
aren't they like 350 hp stock? that seems genuinely slow for like a 5000+ lbs car. If you plan to leave it stock, you may be fucking up, yes.
A lot less fucked up lol. You can make a lot of power out of the 5.7 actually
370, yeah.
Because I'm too stupid to learn deprecation curves, and they're trying to get rid of them so they're heavily discounted right now.
>brand new chargers lowest price ever in the mid 30k's
>just buy jamal's repossessed charger bro
You are gigaretarded
The guilt will go away, happens with most big purchases
>geninely slow
Meh, 5.3 second 0-60 is still competitive for something completely stock.
And only bench riders care about speed beyond that DESU.
Any real car enthusiast just puts an exhaust on the r/t and enjoys v8 noises.
not using your website, doug
go away
>Fair point, but I've never been into the same cars nigger are, so that's never been an issue
I guarantee you, the japanese shitboxes you lust after and buy on the used market are from spics who are probably equally as bad.
Literally any sports car is going to be misused at some point, and you're buying it used.
Some people just like having peace of mind and a car that belongs completely to them, others like rolling around in the cum stains of other men because it's cheaper
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Damn this thread makes me so happy I bought a 2013 WRX instead of a new 22/23, thing is full of soul, subie rumble, hydraulic steering and cable throttle, everything it's supposed to be. I test drove a 21 and it was fake and gay, i can only imagine the 22+ is far worse. My only regret is that I got a sedan instead of waiting for a hatch (also not getting an STI but I'm a poorfag who already has an FRS on insurance so I had to be realistic)

Sorry for your loss opie
It's not that hard to look up the previous owners of a vehicle, and you should.

>Some people just like having peace of mind and a car that belongs completely to them, others like rolling around in the cum stains of other men because it's cheaper

It's a car lmao. It's not a girl. If you are too brainrotted to do a few hours of research on a car you are buying, you belong in a dealership.

Unless you have cash, you shouldn't be buying a new car, period.

Hell, half the reason I was able to get out of my 23 mazda 3 so cleanly, was because I paid cash.
I've been driving around my roomie's new to him 2012 base forrester with a regular auto and I think it's just fine compared to my ancient Civic Si with increasing mechanical problems for being a thousand pounds heavier and similar power it feels like it moves plenty fast and confident.
Aren't you embarrased to drive 2 decade old shitboxes?
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>If you prefer a sportier driving experience, then the lack of fixed gears makes the ride less engaging.
>loud droning sound that occurs during acceleration
>CVT forces the engine to continuously run a constantly high rpm as it gets up to speed
>no feeling of connection between the accelerator and the engine during acceleration.
>don't last as long as a conventional transmission.
>harder to work on. Even basic maintenance often needs to be done by a trained mechanic.
If an automatic transmission is a slushbox, the CVT is a slopbox; I can only imagine how shitty your car sounds, OP.
>weighs 3,500 pounds
>2.4L flat-four engine??? (why?)
>275hp, probably 235 at the wheel
Man... it has 4 exhaust pipes and sounds shittier than a Minivan. (3.5L toyota 6 cyl)
WHY did you do it? It can't even shift gears so it never even makes cool noises.
Pic related, OP going from "low" to "high" "gear".
car can't shift gears, sounds worse than a minivan and is the same speed, and also eats the same amount of fuel... but has no comfort at all.
No? I enjoy driving them, and they do everything a car should. What else matters? I was more embarrassed driving my npcmobile mazda 3 because I felt like a chump.

R32 sounds amazing, is fun to drive, and unique.
The manual crv I bought purely for practically, but it's also way more fun to drive than the mazda 3, and the interior is awesome

If attention is what you are craving, I guarantee anyone who actually cares about cars is going to be more impressed with you taking the time and finding a rarer enthusiast/interesting car, than they would be by you taking out a loan.
>Those've been gone since the early 00's m8
I suspect it feels like a cable because it responds directly instead of going through some microwaved ECU map and then a 900ms delay for "muh emissions" or some bullshit
New car.
As part of the deal, get dealer to clear wrap the front bumper and hood.
It has to be ordered. Damn, OK.
Drive car carefully for one week, neurotically avoiding anything to do with rocks or dirt.
Finally take the car back to the dealer to have it wrapped. Looks great, or so it seems.
Get car home in garage lighting, notice a ding in the hood THEY PUT THE FUCKING WRAP OVER.
Open hood. OF COURSE there's shit in the way so it can't be rubbed out from the backside.

Otherwise the wrap job is flawless. I dunno how they missed it, but it's one of those don't notice until you notice it, and then you spot it every time things.If they caught it it could have been pulled and touched up, now the only option is to pull the wrap.
Every new car gets its cherry busted at some point I guess.
for the same price you could've gotten lightly used american muscle with a V8....I had similar buyer's remorse when I got my WRX but just deal with it lol

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