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I want off this ride
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just fucking why
Big grill
Big money
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The front panel is so fucking ugly. Even that massive grille can't hide the blob of body panel either side
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i dont understand why car makers make these atrocious front lips and side skirts instead of 1 piece or at least blends in - it's straight out of a cheap plastic toy
It's more expensive, slower and heavier than this thing.
It would be interesting to see both on track.
why is the part of the car most likely to scrape and get fucked up made of cheap plastic. not to smart are you anon. think about it a minute before typing
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Look how they massacred my boy.
It’s also more expensive, slower, and heavier than the last M5. No one knows what the fuck is going on at BMW.
they know people will still buy
Those beamers are named ugly, slow and gay.
ze german cars
Beamers are motorcycles.
>implying you can buy a new car
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i'm the guy who makes these funny plunk memes that everyone loves and i have to say i saw a new 5 series in black yesterday and actually kinda liked it. in black and only black it hides the disgusting grilles and stupid black plastic everywhere and then the only weird part is the headlights but those are fine i guess. i will still never buy the new M5 though because of the hybrid shit and how heavy and slow it makes it.
top fucking kek, Im now gonna post this pic every time nu-bmws are brought up
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what's wrong with tasteful designs using subtle design cues? why does everything have to be so angry and in your face in car design?
Shut up beamer, you rideable little BITCH
>yes instead of barely seeing scrapes or just repainting

>just be fine with cheap plastic for a 100k car and keep replacing it
>it's literally a 1 series
LMAO imagine paying 6 figures for this dogshit
Two. And a half. TONS.
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do not forget about 7 series
To pleasure the brown userbase
All 2000+ bmws are ugly
This image makes my blood boil
Bring back public executions, BMW designers go first
I love the color
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Reminds me of a beaver
BMW went from making the best looking cars to the worst in like 10 years.

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