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Will we finally see an exploding Toyota?
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>Sydney to Melbourne and back
Not really that special, I'm driving my Tesla Model 3 from DC to San Francisco.
You can't pay for the good feeling you get from saving the planet
>pay 1/5 the price for 95% of your fuel for daily usage
>pay 10% extra for the last 5% for trips
>wow what a scam! I'm going back to rube goldberg machines!
You can't buy back the time spent at the charging station
It's a hybrid retard
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>2100km (1305mi) Toyota Corolla
I'd trust a Toyota that can pull that off. The hybrid system now has multiple sizing options that can be configured for long range thanks to the lineup hybridization.

It'll be very likely that they'll make the Corolla a lot more like the Prius in design. Aerodynamics plays a gigantic role in range at those distances. A big fuel tank would help as well, but Toyota isn't particularly keen on providing large fuel tanks.
>"Gone For Milk"-mobile with 1300mi range
based 'yota. Good riddance mechanical CVT, hello bulletproof hybrid.
The huge range is actually really good for durability. The less of a hybrid's capacity you use per-charge (depth of discharge) the longer the battery lasts. This is why 1st gen priuses are still driving around.
These are gonna be the next round of cockroach cars that every poorfag 2040s teenager will know and love.
Tell me, what makes electric cars so great?
>These are gonna be the next round of cockroach cars that every poorfag 2040s teenager will know and love.
They already are. I still see 2nd gen Priuses running around. They're tolerant to battery upgrades and also increases in battery capacity. It doesn't stress out the hybrid systems even 20 years later.
Ev's are rube goldberg machines too
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extra dynamic obsolescence
Makes sense considering who byd is. They are a make everything no name company. They "Identity" was a mistake.
>Toyota has fallen
No, the yellow man is on the rise
>I don't understand how internal combustion engines work so I call them Rube Goldberg machines
Thanks for admitting that
Electric cars failed once and will fail again
Koreans suck. With the chinese-japanese masterpiece you can charge at home, fuel at nearest station and make that roadtrip (and back) without stopping.
IIRC Tesla already did this with one type of car in Europe, they used BYD batteries in it to lower the price. I hate the idea because you can't trust Chinese reverse engineered battery technology and China itself is a ticking time bomb that's not going to be friendly with the west forever.
weird cope
>sells entire stake in tesla back in 2016 before the company it popped off
>company's future now enslaved to a chinese ev that boils your dog
holy kek
Tesla sux and BYD is the strongest. Sorry american tards, our city just bought 100 BYD ev busses. The air has not been this clean ever!
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>chink EV shit
/n/iggers getting roasted lmao
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Almost no engine sound
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Charge overnight at home or during the day in the office.
Unbeaten bang for buck in performance, minimal maintenance, recharging is cheaper than refueling unless you go to a gorillion mile long trip once a decade. The only thing I hate about electric cars is how digitized, proprietary, and monolithic everything is.
>left his /g/ trip on
bad form
i can't wait until you people are forced to address the massive stockpiles of spent lithium batteries and how to dispose of them
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Why would I need a different trip code for every board 7w7
>saving the planet

Here is a study by Volvo (who are switching to 100% EV and have every incentive to make them look good):

Manufacturing & driving a car for 200k km: Volvo XC40 ICE emits 59 tonnes of CO2, Volvo C40 EV emits 50 tonnes on global energy mix, 42 tons on European mix. The EV has ~70% of the ICE emissions when you drive it 200k km in Europe. You have to drive it for 77k km before you break even on CO2, and 49k km if you used wind power only. That is nowhere close the pipe dream of "zero emissions" vehicles.

Another example: Volvo Polestar 2

Cradle-to-gate emissions: 22.4 tons (22 400 000 grams) of CO2. Honda Civic diesel from 2002 emits 134g / km traveled (https://www.cars-data.com/en/honda-civic/co2-emissions). This means you can drive the civic for 167k km before you offset the production emissions of a new EV. How long before the EV breaks even on CO2 using European electricity mix? What happens when a battery has to be replaced (which was not accounted for in either of the examples)?
If you care about environment, buy and drive a used car.

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