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Will there eventually be "touchscreen delete" kits for 2010s-2020s cars, to be known as second malaise era in a few decades?
>2010s-2020s cars
all of those will just go to the scrapyard once the electronics start failing
there's no simple, straight-forward fix to the whole lot that won't break emission and safety compliance
>second malaise era
2010-2020 was literally the golden age for vehicle performance you fucking dolt.
nothing wrong with a small integrated screen with waze to show you cops
No there won't be.
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yeah I don't have problem with that
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now this is something I have a problem with.
who the fuck looks at this and thinks "wow I really like the design of this interior".
this screams "we don't give a fuck about what the customer thinks about the product that they'll buy as they are a bunch of retards anyways".
Probably. But they'll also be either really shit quality or really fucking expensive because they'll probably not even sell a 1000 units.
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Probably not
Mainly 2020-2030
>and no there will not be, the screens are directly integrated into the car and fucking encrypted in 19 different ways
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this guy is right >>27838836
the radio does so much more than just play music anymore, I am 99% sure that even the base radios on gmt 900 trucks play the turn signal noise. furthermore, I was looking at lexus LS430s and your only options for aftermarket radios if your car originally came with a screen is to get some chink android thing
They're not wrong though.
This may be true but it's not an insurmountable problem, just makes it a little more expensive. People are still turning modern street car engines into race engines for formula cars and similar things.
nah. there would be, if any of those pieces of shit were worth salvaging. but they're not. shitty, overcomplicated, overengineered pieces of shit, with direct injection engines guaranteed to buildup carbon deposits, surrounded by a myriad of sensors and emissions control shit, 0 reliability, very expensive to maintain, in fact impossible to maintain after a few critical parts go NLA.
nah. malaise era cars will still be with us in 50 years. 2010 era cars will all be scrapped the moment their engines start bricking.
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It can be done well, op.

GM has been doing this since the GMT800, that's early 2000s.

Not having a screen won't automatically eliminate the complexity of a modern car.
The trend is in, by the way, but the cars are still more complex and lines-of-code dependent than ever.
Bugatti is based as fuck
>timeless design
>real materials
>no screenshit
Too bad they're billionaire cars
That's fine, the look is what matters anyway. True analog gauges are ass
woah so many numbers, so many european lauguage, many gears, much metal, very analogue, wow, it's like having a giant rolex watch in front of your face while driving your computerized hybrid V16 hypercar that requires mandatory 20000 dollar maintenances every month or else your car gets confiscated and you get sued for disrespecting the manufacturer
Generic slot radios were actually peak, you can take that touchscreen out for a single slot radio or gages if they really bothered you or upgrade your touchscreen once it's outdated
points for modularity and upgradeability for sure
but also they look like shit, i much prefer the look of integrated radios on older cars. in order to preserve the looks, ill happily pay to install a hidden bluetooth module, wired inside the console somewhere.
I can easily forsee a future where quantum-computer based LLM's could fairly easily decrypt and analyze your ECU and even tune it for you. You'll still need electrical skills, but the future is coming where you can have your own code monkey in your pocket.
there's no need for LLMs
the problem isn't editing the code, the problem is the legal protections around the code (copyright/anti-tampering shit) and how to even interface with the system (proprietary connectors/DRM stuff)
if you can connect to the ECU and read and edit the code (without going to jail over it), the rest is ezpz
That dash is an abomination.
why did they give the car a nervous system? so it can suffer too?
Most likely this. Most companies have the screens now so integrated into the car that not having it effectively bricks the car.
>Too bad they're billionaire cars
That's not true, Mrs. Zelenskyyy bought one to showcase the indomitable spirit of the Ukrainian government in the face of Russian persecution
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LMAO, that looks like a $29 Chinkvicta.
>Most companies have the screens now so integrated into the car that not having it effectively bricks the car.
It depends. If the car is popular, there will be some car audio manufacturer that will offer a retrofit kit. Behind those systems are still double DIN installation mounts.
>so it can suffer too?
there are million dollar watches that look the same
Euro NCAP has already started to lower safety scores on cars with touchscreens so that might wake the manufacturers up a bit to stop the ipad shit
people who drive corollas usually don't care about what the inside looks like at all, they're too busy driving their kids to soccer/dance practice and getting groceries from target to think long enough to make an informed decision. It sucks but it's just how things are now.
>touchscreen delete 2020s car

lmao that will literally brick modern cars
Don’t want to turn this thread into political bullshittery, but it’s not true and in fact one of the most poorly made fakes of this whole war thing.
On the the topic of thread though screens are kinda necessary because too much shit have to be controlled in modern cars but they should be tastefully made and small like picrel >>27838910 or >>27838709
It is more than enough for the necessary functionality and doesn’t ruin interior design. Also fuck digital gauge clusters.
The overton window shifts slowly toward manmade horrors.
a big problem i see with the vast majority of touchscreen implementations is that they're in landscape orientation
i really liked the old model S/X screens, which were in portrait mode. that is WAY better for map navigation. ofc i didn't like the lack of physical controls, but the screen orientation was correct, imo.
riding boots for off road/off trail use? i need to be able to walk in them for miles.
mostly drunk driving a tw near my cabin way off the road system. i very often drop the bike and if my ankles are fucked so am i. i would also like to use them for street riding when i’m in town and i’m 5’8 so some heel would help for bigger bikes.
don’t know how to buy boots online in the proper size, or even to know what to look for. waterproof is a big plus
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Probably not.
I'm actually hoping for high quality OLED displays to take over as gauge clusters -- I do NOT mean just tack an ipad in front of the steering wheel, but well integrated.
And then i want some interface to make the display HIGHLY customizable. Like make the gauge cluster in any possible way.
The Giulia is unironically one of my favorite 2010s designs and one of the few where the touchscreen is well-integrated. Even bad eras have some good cars.
I didn't expect this poorly done bait thread to get so many replies though, big win for me kek
>but also they look like shit
They don't have to.
That one is pretty horrid though. W208 is how you do it well, just like the Giulia. Those lines in yours clash with each other, it looks like an afterthought. Not as bad as modern tacked-on tablets but not good either. The best is a screen you don't have to touch, with some interface you can operate from the center console.
Wow, that's mega based. Sauce?
A lot of used cars don't have these, they can be useful but they also broadcast your location which is interesting.
Lot of trucks where it is analog, radio or cd player, you have to put a bluetooth transmitter in the cig lighter or aux cord to play audio from a device.
NVM I found it just googling NCAP touchscreen, it's real. Glad that NCAP sees the same issues I did.
I want 80s Cold War jet fighter HUDs to return. I can't stand these digital displays that look like marvel avengers iphone shit, where you have to manually finger tap through 2834893 fucking menus to get to the thing you want to see. I just want to see it, now, immediately, with no pushing.

Look at this dash and tell me it doesn't make your peepee hard
That right there is the worst sin, where they just slam a Amazon Fire into your dash and put plastic molding around it so you can't remove the motherfucker, but your car definitely depends on it! They do that so that when it inevitably breaks or gets broken they can charge you $899 to replace it.
>they can charge you $899 to replace it.


The worst part about this shit is the huge glowing backlight right up against your view of the road because that sure is going to help a lot with seeing shit at night.
There will be kits for everything.
the absolute state
tuning companies have had to and continue to this day crack encrypted ECUs (both via hardware and software modification) to allow for tuning, and the only grief they've been getting (in general) is from the epgay for muh emissions
$4000 for something that cost the chinks $8 to make. Unreal.

I need to replace the dash in my Camry but these cocksuckers want $1000 just for the part, and another probably $2000 for the install. I have to go to a junkyard to try and pull one because Toyota might make nice cars but their parts department are turboniggers.
No, because in the mear future nobody will own their cars, and all new cars will not be moddable or user servicable per their lease agreements.
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>mfw I want to be mean to this poster but they're correct, and in the future every car will be a mobile iphone you merely rent from the company
>man made horrors beyond human comprension
It's not gonna happen, the infotainment system has too much proprietary bullshit
go buy something made in 2010 at the latest, and learn how to wrench.
eee peee gay
Eventually these fags will say no ice allowed
eventually, they might. that doesn't mean you ought to surrender voluntarily.

and while we're at it, im fairly optimistic about the far future. EV tech makes cars easier to build, not harder. and ofc it completely removes the whole emissions thing from consideration.
im fairly hopeful that 50 years from now, there's going to be DIY EV kits where you can choose your own chassis, suspension, number and hp of motors, etc and put it together yourself, with at most requiring someone certified to connect the orange wires for you.
If people hacked the powerplant and more of a model S into a vintage rolls and hid the touchscreen in the boot there can surely be a way to bypass all that shit in the future. It's a matter of incentives.
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realistically I don't think many will bother, some of the crappiest looking ones are the w140 speedo with the little Casio watch display, no one bothers to replace those. New ones are so integrated people will just get a newer device and plop it over the top. There may even come a time when those TFT displays become retro like with 8 segment displays.

I think malaise will be up and coming, you are already seeing v8's replaced with 6 cylinders. People in the 70's thought those 70's/80's 4 cylinder shitboxes were pretty cool at the time too.

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