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How to control my urge to speed? I hit over 120 today on an interstate and everything less just feels so boring now.
Getting a couple of tickets and having to deal with them kind of kills the urge.
Get a slower car. Sometimes I have a sudden urge to be a maniac on the road, and other days I have this weird urge to obey all posted speeds. I might be autistic.
This. A <100hp shitbox from the 70's is exhilirating at 90mph
Speeds over 140 kmh gives me a headache after 20 minutes because the engine sound is annoying. End up just cruising instead.
its funny to go the speed limit when there is someone in a huge rush behind and its a single lane road.
I drive almost always with windows down to noise is a non issue.
mad man.
take the croozepill anon
Start doing coke to substitute the rush from speeding
Personally I find it helps me stay alert and easier to hear what's going on around me. Especially on dull roads with windows up makes me tired.
I own smol econbox but I cant help myself speeding past 90%of traffic given a chance to overtake
driving close to the speed limit is either putting me to sleep or making me unreasonably mad depending on circumstances
>its funny to go the speed limit when there is someone in a huge rush behind and its a single lane road.
>its funny to go the speed limit when there is someone in a huge rush behind and its a single lane road.
if somebody does this and I have no space to overtake I will just sit right on their rear until they get annoyed and speed up or allow me to overtake
crooze and listen to some quality RAC
You probably have toxoplasmosis
>le edgy nazi music
Oh fuck off.
No worries kid, you either die or cops ticket the shit out of you. Just keep doing your immature behavior that is not really car culture but asshole culture.
Kek cry slowfaglet
>you either die
I am very aware of that and kinda indifferent
my life feels empty and I have nothing outside my job going on (job that I do actually enjoy but still)
thats also the reason I wont ever get a bike
I just KNOW I would kill myself
>Just keep doing your immature behavior
If you never sped in your 20s you aren't a real car enthusiast
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No idea what you two are on about.
>speeding my whole driving life
>sped in 20 different counties and 3 continents
>0 tickets
>0 incidents of any kind
>hours upon hours of time saved
>engine sound is annoying
Yeah when speeding in a shitbox, this is an issue. I had a Suzuki swift that could do 180km/h but sounded like angry hornets raping your ears.
Honestly the way I speed, it feels more like croozing fast.
Maybe you have issues with aggression and not speed, just need a different outlet for it, like beating your wife.
>speeding to keep up with the flow of traffic is illegal
Fucking dumbass whoever made this, it's often illegal to NOT speed to keep up with traffic
it is not le edgy, it is edgy
we are about that life
know your place scum
Get a very low and small car, so anything beyond 120km/h feels like imminent death and you'll be less inclined to speed. To be on the safe side , choose an underpowered car so even if you completely disregard safety you'll never be able to go immensely fast. Something like pic related should fit those criteria while still being fun to drive and cool to look at.
Ok kid.
Five over around town, ten over on the interstate in my home state and seven over out of state on the interstate.
>Speeds over 140 kmh
I did that for about 24 hours split up over two days coming back from a trip.
you speed because you're nervous in traffic, have drink before driving to calm doen
No headaches? maybe im just autistic because I hate noise
Move to a large and growing city. The traffic makes 3 digits nearly impossible.
Anon, not all cars are equally noisy.
My has stupid high gears, 140 is a 2000rpm crooze.
Toronto has easily the worst traffic in North America but after 11pm you can definitely drive pretty damn fast.
And there’s rarely any cops sitting on the shoulder of the highway unlike when you leave the city.
It's for Florida numbskull
Go on a discovery flight in a small plane or helicopter. Tell the CFI you want to keep it short cross country, like ~50nm. Once you fly between two points it puts it all in focus, driving is for the plebs and poors and driving fast just makes you suck even more.
Is it something brown people do? I'm not familiarized with that behavior.
>Captcha: HTTP
>it's often illegal to NOT speed to keep up with traffic
I think they were trying to say "if the speed of traffic is over the limit, you're breaking the law by going with the flow of traffic."
I'm sure traffic cops hear "I don't know how fast I was going, just the speed of traffic" multiple times a day and it does not in any way make one less legally responsible for speeding.
I'm sure the NHTSA knows more about road rules than you do.
Read the image like a white person, you dumb white nigger. It says FDOT on it.
No, my truck is on the nosier side but it's never bothered me on the interstate. It's a bit gutless though so I have to drop to 4th and floor it to maintain my speed over the steeper hills.
Listen to appropriate music
Funny I was going to say get a faster car. Once your car is fast enough to push everyone else around you don't care as much about going fast just set your cruise control and guard your lane.
>I hit 75 mph now I feel like a big shot
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you yanks are a funny sort.
>if somebody does this and I have no space to overtake I will just sit right on their rear until they get annoyed and speed up or allow me to overtake
I just engine brake to slow down even more when someone does this to me. Better be paying attention cuz I won't be showing you my brake lights, fag.
i used to be like that then i discovered off-road motorcycle, now even speeding in cars feels boring in comparison so i stopped doing it
Unironically took the CROOZE pill not too long ago. Going the speed limit with the windows down and just enjoying the music is comfy. People get pissed because, surprise, no one actually goes the speed limit from the 1950s.
Yea! I can't think of anything more dangerous than speeding!
Valentine G2
ALP hw8 with TX heads front and back
Night vision googles and a full dark killswitch on your fusebox

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