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Car payments?
Why do so many people have them?
What happened to owning your car?
>What happened to owning your car?
This is the same mistake poorfies always make when trying to start this argument.
What do you think happens after you make the last payment? Do you actually not know the difference between a loan and a lease?
As the other poster said there can be advantages to payments. You get to keep a lot more of your money in other investments that will pay you interest whilst you pay of the car. Additionally depending on the interest on your payments you could end up paying less when accounting for inflation. In practice it usually is an idiot trap for people who want a nicer car than they can afford.
And as the other anon said you do OWN the car once you've payed for it.
It's not Monday, but I'll allow it
I dont have 20k laying around, but I can afford a $500 downpayment and a monthly up to 400
Is that sex ??
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Most people don't care about their car as anything more than a platform to get from A to B, so having payments lessens the amount of investment into something they might not keep long-term. Also poor people don't know how to save up to pay for something in full right away.
Miku's breasts are NOT that big
Nor are her thighs this FAT, but Brosnan got his way, the fattening is in effect
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>You get to keep a lot more of your money in other investments that will pay you interest whilst you pay of the car.
This is a stupid midwit meme.
If you can't afford to drop $30k on a car in cash, that's perfectly fine. So long as you can make a sizeable down payment so you won't be underwater on the loan and you'll still have 6+ months of savings (including your new car payment), financing a car is perfectly fine.

>my investments return more than the APR of the loan!
is retarded, because the 7% CAGR is an average of the past 50 years. The S&P does not actually return 7% a year. It could very well crash the day you buy the car and never reach that price again during the course of the loan. The S&P 500 took like 5 years to recover from the 2008 crash and 7 years to recover from the DOT COM bubble. Then if you lose your job or your income is reduced because of the recession, your stocks are worth less and you'll be taking a LOSS if you are forced to sell them to pay expenses. This is why debt maxxers always get rekted in recessions, because they do the financial equivalent of playing Russian roulette while the economy is good, then when the economy goes into recession there's now 5 bullets in the cylinder instead of 1 and they wind up biting the bullet.

This isn't to say you should do the biggest down payment possible. If some other large expense comes up, you can't pull equity out of your car to pay it off, but you can pull money out of a savings or money market account. You can also sell stocks, but you're taking risk in that you might be forced to sell at a lose or miss out on greater future growth.
miku nakadashi
>she visited americ
>advantage to debt
I hate mutts so much its unreal
No fucking clue why.
The managerial class and bankers ate it all anon
>yeah you can drive the car wherever you want and you park it in your driveway and you have full liability for it and you can mod it forever you want and do literally anything you want with it or to it any time you want but you don't OWN it
sorry lil bro but I care more about having the car than I do about which filing cabinet the title is sitting in
They're not mutually exclusive dumbass. I own 4 cars and currently financing one more.
That's not normal Miku, that's Racist Miku
>What do you think happens after you make the last payment?
Most people never get to that point. They just continually roll over the debt into a new car every couple years.
>Car payments?
>Why do so many people have them?
People want more than they can afford
>What happened to owning your car?
You don't need to own anything, you'll be happier that way. Stop asking questions and get in the fucking pod, the future awaits.
If you need transportation and a loan is your only option then you gotta do what you gotta do. America can be ruthless to the poor and unprepared and car buying is one of those cases where the poorer you are the more you spend. It sucks but everyone in this country has to do it at some point. You are not particularly burdened, and obviously most people in America are retards and every 4 or 5 years line up to make the same mistake over and over again.

I really wonder how much the average American spends on auto interest in their lifetimes. I’m sure it’s in the tens of the thousands of dollars. Literally all you have to do to avoid that is save money towards your next car before you buy it, though the dealers have long been smart to this model and will usually find some other way to squeeze that interest juice out of you once they learn you are paying cash.
>The poorer you are the more you spend
Incorrect. The stupider you are the more you spend. When I was poor, I bought 4 or so shit boxs over 7 years and I calculated my monthly payment to be ~$150 with interest. A cheap old reliable car like a civic or a Corolla that you can keep fixed up is loads cheaper than a brand new economy box.
This is seriously about as retarded if not more. Running a bunch of clapped out shitboxes to death then buying another one is perhaps even more expensive and certainly more of a nuisance than just bending over on a car payment.
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>Productivity is up goy
>Doesn't produce anything worth a shit
Lol, it's like assuming that progress is inherently a positive thing.
Did you not just read my fucking post? My car payment was actually around 120 and I pushed it to 150 to account for imaginary interest I never paid to make it more understandable. This was also over 7 years. I paid a lot less for transportation than you did. You're retarded, nigger
Some would say experiencing different classic cars is fun. Some would say that buying a big purchase vehicle is a lot more stressful. You park your new vehicle far from the store. You get mad when it gets dinged. When there was a windstorm, a lady smashed her door on my shitbox. I genuinely couldn't give less of a fuck and it was a freeing feeling. I worried about her feelings and I worried about her car.
I doubt it. 4chan is full of these retard types who have imagined that they’ve weaseled out of something when the reality is they got Jew’d even harder by getting cute. The acquisition cost of a car is a lot more than the price, 7x’ing the registration, plates, taxes, and just the overall headache of car buying seems like a momentous pain in the ass when you can just
>buy a $10k preowned
>put half down
>7% 24 month loan @ 220 per month
Then it’s paid off and you’re not dealing with it anymore. I don’t see any world where its preferable to churn through shitboxes (which I’m sure only give out on you at the most convenient of times) rather than do that, even if yeah you do get raped on interest a little.
Bean counters at automakers have successfully figured out if they make cars that break after a certain amount of miles or years, you'll be forced into expensive repairs. Eventually those repairs will cost more than the car is worth, so you'll be forced to buy a new car. Thus you are forever enslaved to the debt jew. The only way out of this is to learn to fix cars yourself. Fix everything, not just booboo scratches on your paint.
>not dealing with it anymore
You're fuckin delusional. Unless you suck ass at buying used cars, shit boxes are always cheaper. I've only got proper screwed on one vehicle(which is low mileage) where the tranny went out, but it'll go another 100,000 and has a better than new trans.
No one attributes it to stocks diverting further away from actual production numbers and net gains through business operations. What is considered production in this also accounts stock value growth. Removing that and we have stagnation as an economy.
>cost more than the car is worth
This is a bad premise that leads a lot of people down the path of ruin. The value of a car is its value in getting you & your stuff from point A to point B, not its monetary value.

So even if you are spending an outrageous $2000 on maintenance a year keeping your car going that’s a lot better than a $600/mo payment. Even though yes, you are putting money into something worth less than the culmulative cost of repairs but depreciation is a mothefucker too.
Debt is akin to the "just in time" philosophy of manufacturing that has swept the west. It can be more profitable if the system is working correctly. It can also screw you over if it isn't. The main issue I have with debt is that the interest goes to greedy kikes. Banks should be nationalized and the govt should return the interest to the people as infrastructure and subsidies.
pretty much, although as long as you make a decent downpayment you can wipe out a lot of interest you'd wind up paying. Just shoot for 20% and don't fall for the $500 down bullshit.
it's a little bit of a gamble, but as long as you don't buy a total heap or the 15 year old European luxury car with 200k miles on it (I did this once for the lols, don't really regret it) and aren't a wrenchlet, it's as close to free as you can get. In the 4 years I've owned my current shitbox, I've never spent more than $1,000 on it a year, and the exception was when I had to replace the A/C system which was $700 in total. Plus you can usually get all your money back when you sell the car since it's at the bottom of it's deprecation curve.
The nice thing automakers have done is make literally only 2 or 3 models that even somewhat tempt me in the North America market. When I was younger in the 00’s and even teens temptation always lurked, but now its all just goyslop which makes this whole argument moot.
I like that idea.
> 24 x $220 = $5,280
meaning if you'd bought a $4k shitbox (post covid prices) you'd have a budget of $6,280 for maintenance and repairs over two years before it was the same as financing a $10k car and that's assuming $0 in maintenance and repairs for the $10k car.

granted, a loan like that isn't a horrible deal, but the shitbox will always beat any loan.
based and social credit pilled
Plates are switched over and there's no fee. Registration fee is the same as annual registration fee. The cost of registration is based on weight. New cars are heavier. Titles are only $50. Considering I'm saving 70 bucks a month over you I can spend $790 bucks on weed and be at the same place financially as your embarrassing 10k cheapo poorboy car
790 bucks on weed a year*
No shit? I always assumed it was a real metric and not just NUMBER REAL BIG ECONOMY REAL BIG circle jerk.

Even more pathetic now.
according to you one of these cars is just quitting about every other year. The absolutely massive headache that must be not to mention to time it wastes having to deal with it makes your entire scheme totally unworth it even if I were to double the costs of the alternative.

I pay for this shit so I can get around. An eight year old Accord will do that if I simply change the oil and put gas in it. That convenience more than pays off when you compare it to being on the struggle bus with shitboxes one after another.

Running through shitboxes is a textbook definition of penny smart, dollar dumb.
>muh wrench on it yourself
An even more monstrous waste of fucking time.
>Wrenching yourself is a monstrous waste of time
Who are you trying to convince? You're not convincing anyone coming on here. Wrenching and working on our work horses is fun to us. You're paying more, for being a cuck
I lost 2 in not at fault accidents. Lost 1 rotted out, 1 wasn't worth the mechanical repairs and I Upgraded from one. I know that when I'm buying them they're not gonna last forever and I'm pretty much always the end user. You're paying for the extra comfort and security, youre willing to pay money to assume less risk. You're not handy with a wrench and you don't know how to purchase a vehicle. It's as simple as that. I never lost money to interest. I never lost money because my car was valued at less than what I owned. I never felt pressured or uncomfortable about a car payment that I needed to make.
This has become so convoluted. What started as a simple question of what is better for somebody to buy who can’t afford a car has turned into basically an angry and malinformed rant about all sorts of stuff. For a person who is poor none of this is a good idea, and wasting time and money wrenching on a car that you need to get you to work or school (ostensibly your path out of this poverty) or just going through the repeated cost of replacing it (I’m sure the insurance on all these vehicles was shoestring as fuck) is a path to further financial ruin.

This idea that your savvy is somehow paying off is farcical. And that you’ve tied to this this wrenchlet dynamic even more retarded. I would much rather be wrenching on one of my two helicopters (those actually earn me money) or building a kit plane/kit car than fucking around swapping parts on a shitbox old car.

You’re either LARPing or retarded or both. Whatever, you do you. But real people come into these threads and occasionally follow this advice, and I think it’s pretty unfair for them to read your bullshit and think it’s a good idea. It’s not. Honestly, it might actually be worse than buying a new car on $50k/year. I don’t know, its close these car loans can get pretty fucking predatory but then again having to call in to work because your shitbox won’t start (again) is pretty lethal to career prospects.
Yes, you, the person who has two helicopters should tell people what's the best way to purchase a used vehicle on a budget. If you were so good at wrenching you would know it's not difficult
Yeah check out what a dry lease on an R66 or MD500 costs and I’m getting paid well over $100/hr to turn safety wire. That’s an example of wrenching to earn money, not fucking around in your apartment building’s parking lot because you need to get to work tomorrow at McGoy Corp or else you won’t be able to afford rent.
>Buy low mileage, older honda or Toyota
>get in debt
>>muh wrench on it yourself
>An even more monstrous waste of fucking time.
Compare the cost of doing it yourself compared to having a shop do it. I guarantee you do not make any where close hourly what the shop charges per hour. Because with their hourly rate, it's not just the mechanic's wages they're paying, but rent/mortgage, insurance, tools, their account and IT guy's fee etc.
Well I'm white and have excellent credit, so I make more money investing my cash than I spend on interest financing my vehicle.
>so you won't be underwater on the loan
Just don't buy new like a retard, buy the previous model year with a single previous owner and don't lose 20% of the vehicle's value the second you take the keys.
>because the 7% CAGR is an average of the past 50 years. The S&P does not actually return 7% a year. It could very well crash the day you buy the car
this is short term nigger thinking. The only thing that matters to investing BY FAR is time in the market, because if you just leave your money in your portfolio and let it ride on safe shit you will make money at the average over time. Anything that allows you to put more money into your portfolio faster is good in the long term.
Most people have them because they can't into saving money and need to finance everything, even a $5000 shitbox. Other people have them because they have actual financial literacy and know what they're doing and how to plan for the future.
I’m not comparing to the cost of a mechanics shop, I’m comparing it to cost of not doing it at all.
Wow, you're so down to earth and you take your critical job seriously
Or you could save even more money and never pay interest
You lose money by saving money. I hate it too, but that's the world we live in because retarded govenments are addicted to inflation spending.
Bot post?
>this is short term nigger thinking
like pottery
1) Any money you're considering using to buy a car is almost by definition not money you can risk in the market.
2) We're talking specifically about the duration of the loan. If the market drops 10% from the date of purchase to the end of the loan, and you left the money in a savings account with 3.5% during that time, congrats, you beat the market by 13.5% and had to opportunity to dollar cost average, or otherwise buy in, during the dip.

redditors just can't comprehend the fact that's it's not 2008-2020 anymore and that fixed income isn't worthless and that stonks can in fact, go down.


Consider the scenario in >>27841659 you'd have to spend more than $3,140 a year in repairs for it to even break even with the loan and that's not even accounting for things like insurance.
>Any money you're considering using to buy a car is almost by definition not money you can risk in th
what kind of retarded statement is this? I could empty my bank account tomorrow on hookers and blow and still afford my car payment living pay-to-paycheck and still would need to buy more hookers and blow to keep my account from building back up. Not everyone is a retarded faggot who can't hold a job like you dude.
kek who's thinking like a nigger now?
yeah dude, you're the main character, nothing bad could ever happen to you!
>what happened to owning your car
What are titles, registrations, taxes, insurance mandates, plates, emissions testings (where applicable) and (insert a dozen other robbery fueled requirements for operating your own vehicle (((legally))) here)
You're just painfully retarded that you can't comprehend the idea of someone being financially secure enough that a car payment isn't going to put them at risk of homelessness.
You ever notice that the people being autistic retards screeching about other people financing things never seem to own property, have a plan for the future, have stable employment, have the financial stability to deal with an unexpected expense, and just generally smell bad?
no you're just fucking retarded
we're not talking about being homeless, we're talking about having to sell investments at a loss (or loss in opportunity cost from future gains) by having to sell to cover expenses and condition 2)
>We're talking specifically about the duration of the loan. If the market drops 10% from the date of purchase to the end of the loan, and you left the money in a savings account with 3.5% during that time, congrats, you beat the market by 13.5% and had to opportunity to dollar cost average, or otherwise buy in, during the dip.
always applies no matter what, even if you have $250,000 sitting in cash right now.
>we're talking about having to sell investments at a loss
yeah I don't do that you stupid nigger, I have
>enough liquidity to cover an emergency
Humans with functional brains don't panic sell all their shit like retards and lose money.
>he thinks he can outperform the market
You can't. You never can, and you never will. Leaving your money alone and not trying to beat the market always gives the best result, every single time. You are not special.
The tried and true retard bait that is
>borrow money for things you need so you can invest all your cash
OK I want to ask yourself that if this is such an ironclad proposition for you, the individual retard, then why is the bank with all its resources and insider trading not just investing the money they loan you?

Oh yeah because it’s really just gambling and eventually it gets rugged and you get double fucked by watching all your money go poof while also being saddled with retarded debt. The dollar will probably retrace 50% of the value it lost over the last five years when the economy finally enters this recession and you’ll be starting over from scratch in your thirties from bankruptcy.
Gotta look cool to the neighbors/wife/friends ect
How does it feel that a man who never worked a day in his life is trchnically richer then you?
>trchnically richer then you
how do you figure?
That's the thing Pablo, unlike you I can.
>so you can invest all your cash
This is why you retards fail to ever get ahead in life, you can't stop thinking like a retarded gorilla nigger for 10 seconds. You don't invest ALL your cash dipshit, you should always have a safety net for emergencies, but you want to maximize how much of your money you can safely have working for you to grow your worth at any given time, even if that just means contributing as much as possible to your 401K.
Even if you can afford to buy a car cash it takes many times that amount of money to want to do it. There are simply cooler and more interesting things to spend money on usually. The debt really is what drives demand for them, actually confronting yourself with the real cost all at once is sobering.
>then why is the bank with all its resources and insider trading not just investing the money they loan you?
They are you retard, that's what a loan is.
>enough liquidity to cover an emergency
that's the fucking savings I'm talking about you retard. if you currently have enough to buy a car in cash and still have plenty saving left over, then good for you, but that's the exception not the norm. however condition 2 still applies anyways.
>-10% beats +3%
if you're this retarded then bogleheading it is the optimal strategy for you.
he means the stock market you retard
why do they give out auto loans for 6% if the S&P 500 is guaranteed to return 7% over the long term?
Because banks are fucking huge and need to diversify their income streams differently from a person you dumb faggot
I'll give you a hint, why do corporate bonds pay higher interest than equivalent US government bonds?
>Most people
do you actually have any hard facts to support that or is it just more busrider cope you heard from some poorfag on here?
yes, grown adults who understand personal finance and are gainfully employed also understand that debt really isn't a big deal and aren't afraid of it

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